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Getting to Know People: A University Self-Study Guide, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Diritto Greco

A self-study guide for university students focusing on improving their social skills, particularly in getting to know new people. It includes various exercises and activities related to vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and speaking. Students will practice asking and answering questions, engaging in conversations, and expanding their interests.

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


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Scarica Getting to Know People: A University Self-Study Guide e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Diritto Greco solo su Docsity! VIDEO Discussion point Study the infographic and answer the questions. 1 Which ways of saying “hello” / “goodbye” are OK to say to your friends? … is OK to say to my friends. 2 Which ways of saying “hello” / “goodbye” are OK to say to your teacher? … is OK to say to my teacher. 3 Say “hello” to your friends. Then say “hello” to your teacher. Before you watch Match the words with the definitions. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 creativity (n) a feel hope, feel good about the future 2 happiness (n) b the feeling of being happy 3 hopeful (adj) c able to create, or make, something 4 imagination (n) d imagine, think of smart and original ideas 8 UNIT 1 SELF PINK BALLOONS 1 SELF How do you say Hello. Hi. What’s up? Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Goodbye. Bye. Bye-bye. See you later. See you around. Good night. How do you say “hello”? “goodbye”? 9781380005892_text.indb 8 27/09/2017 16:31 While you watch Read the questions. Watch the video and choose the correct answers. 1 Where is the balloon project? a in the countryside b in cities 2 How many pink balloons are there in the project? a 1,000 (a thousand) b 10,000 (ten thousand) 3 What message do the balloons give? a hope and happiness b health and creativity 4 When do people see the balloons? a in the morning, before work and school b in the evening, after work and school After you watch Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 Do you like art? What type of art do you like? Yes, I do. I like … photography / painting / digital art. 2 Is the art project a good idea? Why / why not? Yes, I like balloons, they make people happy. No, I think it is a bad idea because … 3 Do you think it is important for art to have a message? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. No, I don’t think it is important because … Baby penguins. SELF 9UNIT 1 UNIT AIMS LISTENING Listening for the main idea STUDY SKILL Getting to know people VOCABULARY Wh- question words GRAMMAR Simple present tense of be SPEAKING Interviewing a partner 9781380005892_text.indb 9 27/09/2017 16:31 LISTENING1 D Close listening 1.1 Listen to Student interview again. Choose the correct answers. 1 Where is Matthew from? a the U.S. b Canada 2 Matthew’s favorite sport is . a soccer b baseball 3 He likes to in his free time. a run b read 4 He does not much. a read b travel 5 He likes to watch . a TV b movies 6 His favorite show is . a Soccer 24 / 7 b Travel 24 / 7 E Over to you Discuss these questions in a group. 1 Do you like sports? I like / don’t like sports. 2 What’s your favorite TV show? My favorite TV show is … 3 Are you a fan of travel shows? I am / I am not a fan of travel shows. Listening for more information SELF12 UNIT 1 9781380005892_text.indb 12 27/09/2017 16:31 PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation for listening Contractions of be We often contract (make short) certain words in English, such as forms of be (am, is, are) after pronouns (I, you, he, she, etc.). I am ➙ I’m we are ➙ we’re you are ➙ you’re they are ➙ they’re he is ➙ he’s is not ➙ isn’t she is ➙ she’s are not ➙ aren’t it is ➙ it’s I’m Tom. Nice to meet you. We’re Sam and Wiktor. Nice to meet you, too! 1 1.2 Listen and write the correct contraction of be to complete the sentences. 1 I think from Canada. 2 my favorite sport. 3 35 years old. 4 free in the afternoon. 5 It time for class. 6 not a fan of pop music. 7 not students here. 8 They in class now. 2 1.3 Listen again to part of Student interview. Circle the words you hear. Jeff: My first question is: what’s your full name? Matthew: 1 It is / It’s Matthew James Searby. Jeff: How old are you? Matthew: 2 I am / I’m 21. Jeff: Ok, and where are you from? Matthew: 3 I am / I’m from Georgia, in the U.S. Jeff: Oh, 4 you are / you’re American? Matthew: Yes, 5 I am / I’m. And 6 I am / I’m a big fan of soccer. 7 It is / It’s my favorite sport. 3 Work with a partner. Practice the conversation from Exercise 2. SELF 13UNIT 1 9781380005892_text.indb 13 27/09/2017 16:31 A Vocabulary preview 1 Match the words with the definitions. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 brother (n) a last 2 by myself (phr) b alone; with no other 3 campus (n) c area around a university 4 final (adj) d son of your parents 5 home town (n) e town / city you live in as a child 6 job (n) f daughter of your parents 7 sister (n) g work you do to make money 8 still (adv) h used to say that something continues 2 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from Exercise 1. 1 I have a . I work as a teacher. 2 My is 30 years old. His name is Mason. 3 Our university is large and green. 4 I live in Dubai. I don’t go to my very often. 5 I live . I don’t live with my family. 6 Here’s a photo of my . Her name is Iris. 7 Our exam is next week. Then it’s the summer break! 8 Greg is not here now. He is in class. 3 Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 Do you live by yourself? Who do you live with? I live / don’t live by myself. I live with my family / a friend / a roommate. 2 Do you still live in your home town? If not, where do you live now? I still live in … My home town is …, but I live in … now. B Before you listen Work with a partner. What information do you normally give when you meet someone for the first time? What information don’t you give them? address age home town information about my family interests phone number I normally give them my … I normally don’t give them my … Preparing to listen Nice to meet you SELF14 UNIT 1 LISTENING2 9781380005892_text.indb 14 27/09/2017 16:31 STUDY SKILLSStudy skills Getting to know people Student life is great for meeting new people. But sometimes students feel homesick, lonely, or stressed. This is normal. Here are some ideas to help you: • leave your room—study at your university or college instead • join clubs and societies, and do sports with other people • get to know people one by one, not always in big groups • ask people to go for a coffee, a walk, a meal, or to see a movie • remember: maybe you’ll meet your new best friends in your first few months, or maybe you’ll meet them later. Don’t worry about when it will happen. © Stella Cottrell (2013) 1 Check (✓) the good ways of getting to know new people. 1 Go to your university library to study. 2 Always study at home in your room. 3 Join a student club. 4 Go running by yourself. 5 Spend a lot of time with big groups of people. 6 Talk to people one by one. 7 Ask somebody to go for a coffee. 8 Go to see a movie alone. 9 Spend all your time with the friends you made in the first month. 2 Work with a partner. Which things from Exercise 1 do you do? Which things do you want to do in the future? 3 Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 Is it easy or difficult for you to meet new friends at your university or college? It’s easy / difficult to make new friends. 2 Where are some good places at your university or college for meeting new people? 3 Why is it important to make new friends at university or college? SELF 17UNIT 1 9781380005892_text.indb 17 27/09/2017 16:32 Question words Question word Asking about Example who person Who is your best friend? what thing What is your name? when time When is your class? where place Where are you from? how health and feelings How are you today? why reason Why is she here? which choice Which movie do you prefer? how old age How old is he? what kind of description What kind of books do you like? 1 Match the questions with answers. 1 What is your favorite color? a 48 and 51. 2 Why are you here? b France. 3 Which bag is John’s? c Red. 4 When is your next class? d At 2:30. 5 Where is Martin from? e The black one. 6 How old are your parents? f To learn English. 2 Write the words in order to make questions. 1 you / are / today / How ? How are you today? 2 from / Where / teacher / the / is ? 3 food / your / is / favorite / What ? 4 Who / favorite / is / soccer player / your ? 5 like / movies / you / do / What kind of ? 6 name / What / your / full / is ? 3 Work in a group. Ask and answer questions from Exercise 2. A: Where is the teacher from? B: He’s / She’s from … Topic vocabulary SELF18 UNIT 1 VOCABULARY 9781380005892_text.indb 18 27/09/2017 16:32 1 Who says these things in the classroom? Mark them T (Teacher) or S (Student). Then compare your answers with a partner. 1 Listen to the audio again. 2 What page are we on? 3 Please form a discussion group. 4 Which chapters do we read? 5 Open your books to page 6. 6 How do I pronounce this word? 7 When is the homework due? 8 Work with the student next to you. A teacher / student says number … 2 Cover Exercise 1. Match to make sentences. Then check your answers. 1 Listen to a to page 6. 2 Please form b the audio again. 3 Open your books c a discussion group. 4 Work with d the student next to you. 3 Complete the conversations with questions from Exercise 1. 1 A: ? B: 11. 2 A: ? B: One and two. 3 A: ? B: Campus, /kæm pəs/. 4 A: ? B: Next Friday. 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 3. Vocabulary builder SELF 19UNIT 1 VOCABULARY 9781380005892_text.indb 19 27/09/2017 16:32 Repetition means saying something again. To ask someone to repeat something, you can say: Can you repeat that? Can you say that again? Can you say that one more time, please? Asking for repetition 1 Write the words in order to make questions. Add a capital letter to the first word. 1 that / repeat / can / you ? 2 you / again / that / say / can ? 3 time / can / more / say / you / one / that ? 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Ask for repetition after each answer. 1 What is your home town? 2 Where is the teacher from? 3 What’s your full name? 4 What are your parents’ names? 5 What’s your favorite TV show? 6 Do you live on campus? A: What is your home town? B: It’s … A: Can you …? B: Sure. It’s … Speaking skill GLOSSARY capital letter (n) the large form of a letter, for example A or B, that you use at the beginning of a sentence or name SELF22 UNIT 1 SPEAKING 9781380005892_text.indb 22 27/09/2017 16:32 Plural -s sounds There are three plural -s ending sounds: Sound Examples /s/ after the sounds /f/ /k/ /p/ /t/ students groups topics /z/ after the sounds /b/ /d/ /g/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /r/ /v/ friends towns answers /ɪz/ after the letters ge, s, sh, ss, x, z or ce, ch, se classes ages watches 1 1.5 Listen to the words in the box and complete the table. addresses campuses desks jobs names notes pages parents places questions tests words /s/ /z/ /ɪz/ 2 1.6 Underline the plural endings. Mark them /s/, /z/, or /ɪz/. Then listen and check your answers. A: What are your interests? B: I read a lot on weekends. A: I have three boxes of old books. Do you want them? B: Sure. Thank you! A: I only read magazines. B: Really? What kind? A: I like to read magazines about sports, movies, and video games. 3 Work with a partner. Practice the conversation from Exercise 2. Pronunciation for speaking SELF 23UNIT 1 PRONUNCIATION 9781380005892_text.indb 23 27/09/2017 16:32 Interview a classmate. Brainstorm You are going to interview a classmate to find out more about them. Circle the things you want to learn about. Then add two more ideas. name? … like sports? favorite sport? age? … like movies? favorite movie? brothers and sisters? … like books? favorite book? have a job? … like video games? favorite video game? home town? … like music? favorite singer / group? other information? Plan Look at your brainstorm and write four questions to ask. Pay attention to the form of be and the spelling of plurals. 1 What’s your name? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? Speak Interview each other. Ask for repetition as needed. Share Work in a group. Share three things you learned from the interview. His / Her name is … He / She likes … His / Her favorite … Reflect Think about the interview. How do you feel about your questions and answers? Check (✓) one box for each. My questions My answers Great Great OK OK Need work Need work Speaking task 24 UNIT 1 SELF SPEAKING 9781380005892_text.indb 24 27/09/2017 16:32
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