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sintesi del programma di V superiore di letteratura inglese, Collegamenti Interdisciplinari di Inglese

Il testo contiene un riassunto ( e relativi collegamenti interdisciplinari ) riguardo i seguenti autori e periodi storici : -Victorian Age -Charles Dickens -Oscar Wilde -D.H Lawrence -T.S Eliot -J. Joyce -V. Woolf -A. Huxley -G. Orwell

Tipologia: Collegamenti Interdisciplinari


In vendita dal 16/10/2022

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Scarica sintesi del programma di V superiore di letteratura inglese e più Collegamenti Interdisciplinari in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! ELISA TRIPODI MATURITÀ 2022 RIPASSO INGLESE HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL BACKGROUND : VICTORIAN AGE -Victorian compromise : The Victorian age was an age that believed in progress and morality but it was also characterised by a wide gap between high class and low-middle class. There were different moral values that divided the different social classes : ( Victorian moral code ) -Respectability : implied the possession of good manners, the ownership of a comfortable house with servants -Philatropy : it addressed itself to every kind of poverty -Sexuality :generally repressed in every forms -Family : patriarchal unit where husband was dominant, indeed the man was considered the breadwinner and a source of discipline -Religion : it was important to observe religious traditions and attend church often ( Evangelicalism) -Role of the Woman : She was considered inferior to man; the worst condition was suffered by those women without husbands and with a child, considered 'fallen women'. -Victorian frame of mind : -great influence by Evangelicasm -great influence by Utilitarianism -> ( J. Betham’s principle ) : conviction that any problem could be overcome through reason -Darwinism -> Social Darwinism : social Darwinism is the idea that social life is an economic struggle, like natural selection in nature -Karl Marx and the idea of communism : as a consequence of the industrial society -Victorian novel : -affirmation of consumer literature: novels appear in periodicals to stimulate readers' interest -Victorian people showed a marked interest in prose -> both realistic and analytic -Victorian novelist conceived literature as a Vehicle to correct the vices and weakness of the age -setting :is the city was the main symbol of industrial civilisation and expression of anonymous lives and lost identities CHARLES DICKENS -unhappy childhood -> father in prison and had to work in factory since 12 -start to write as a Journalist ( pen name “Boz”) -masterpieces : Oliver Twist, David Copperfiled, Christmas Carol -Dickens’s novel : -publication in monthly or weekly instalments -> no unified plotting -setting ( in the most of case ) in London -critical of society -Dickens’s characters : He creates caricatures: exaggeration of peculiar social characteristics of all social classes Children : most important characters of the novel: they are the moral teachers -always on the poor side OLIVER TWIST : - -first publication on instalments ( 1837 ) - -than publicised on a book - Dickens’s experience : economic insecurity and humiliation -> In an indirect manner Dickens talks about his experience - name “Twist” : outrageous reveals of fortune that he will experience - Protagonist : -poor boy with unknown parents, after many sad adventures, he discovered that he has noble origins. - main themes : - Life into the workhouses -> idea that poverty is a consequence of laziness and the bad conditions of workout would inspire the poor to get better their own condition COLLEGAMENTI : 1 -Marx -> ( filosofia ) -Rossomalpelo, Verga -> Italiano -Petronio -> latino ( rappresentazione della società ) OSCAR WILDE -Born in Dublin -attended Trinity College ( Dublin ) -disciple of Walter Pater -> aestheticism “art for art’s sake” -dressed like a Dandy -married with Costance Lloyd but he has an homosexual affair with Lord Alfred Douglas ( nicknamed Bosie ) -De Profundis -> long letter wrote to Bosie, when he was in prison ( with the accuse of homosexual practices -dead in Paris in 1900 -double role : BOTH REBEL AND DANDY -Dandy -> bourgeois artist, his elegance is a symbol of the superiority of his spirit. Life is dedicated to pleasure, clothes or lovers -Rebel -> he rejected didacticism that had characterised the Victorian Novel in first half of the century THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GREY : -profoundly allegorical -19th century version of the myth of Faust -moral : every access must be punished and reality can not be escape -picture : symbol of bad conscience of Victorian middle class -Dorian innocent appearance : symbol of burgeois hypocrisy -Art is eternal Preface : -manifest of English Aestheticism -Art is useless -books are well written or not -art for art’s sake COLLEGAMENTI -D’Annunzio, estetismo (italiano) -Petronio : descrizione negli Annales di Tacito LATINO -tema dell’omosessualità : persecuzione dell’omosessualità duranti gli anni dei totalitarismi ( storia ) -Pirandello : scissione dell’Io-> doppia natura di pirandello ( Uno; nessuno; centomila ) -opposizione con Seneca, lo Stoicismo David Hebert LAWRENCE -Biography : -born in 1885, in Nottinghamshire from miner’s family -parents : father was a miner and the mother was the mother was an upper-class woman disowned by her family because she had married a miner -his mother taught him to read and write -Became a teacher : -Nottingham University College -Works : SONS AND LOVERS : Lawrence’s personal experience, oedipus novel David and his other were each other salvation LADY CHATTERLAY’S LOVER : -it is written in 1928 but published in 1960 ( in USA and UK ) because is considerate obscene -important of sex -> a new relationship between man and woman based on sex can save humanity from self-destruction 2 narrative technique -theme of the novel : human life means suffering but also struggling to rise and seek the good -Innovative narrative technique : -2 levels of narration : internal ( free-flowing thought) and external (character’s mind ) -stream of consciousness -there is no punctuation COLLEGAMNETI : - Italiano : Joyce amico di Svevo - Filo : Freud : tempo della narrazione, importanza della mente -Fisica : teoria della relatività -> la differenza della percezione del tempo -Greco : Ulysses è un eroe moderno, come cambia la concezione dell’eroe in Apollonio Rodio ( figura di -Giasone nella argonautiche ) rispetto all’eroe omerico. -arte : -latino : -greco : -matematica - VIRGINIA WOOLF -biography : -grew up into a a intellectual atmosphere -she had private greek lessons -after the death of her mother in 1859, Virginia began to have mental breakdowns and to be in revolt with her father -she become member of Bloomsbury group -> a group of avant-garde intellectuals who rejected bourgeois values -She is considered a Modernist -narrative technique : she is important for the moment of being : moments of intensity, the reality behind the apparence Mrs. Dalloway : plot : 1 day in London lived by Clarissa Dallaway ( wife of a M.P ) and Septimus ( a poor World War I veteran suffering from shell shock ): Time of narration : 2 times -> mind’s level, real time of narration -> Big Ben -Characters : -Clarissa needs freedom and indipendence, but her ‘class consciousness’ restrict her feeling -Septimus : WWI’s shock Are the same person? -both of them depends on their partners -COLLEGAMENTI : -modernismo : periodo storico -Italiano : Svevo -> la coscienza di Zeno -storia : prima guerra mondiale e le conseguenze sulla popolazione -latino : -greco: -cittadinanza e costituzione : Art. 11 : L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali; consente, in condizioni di parità con gli altri Stati, alle limitazioni di sovranità necessarie ad un ordinamento che assicuri la pace e la giustizia fra le Nazioni; promuove e favorisce le organizzazioni internazionali rivolte a tale scopo. ALDOUS HUXLEY -biography : -Born in 1894 -family renewed for science and literature -education : Eton and Oxford -started medical school but obliged to leave because of eyesight’s problems 5 -he travelled widely both in Europe ( Italy, France ), the East and America -supporter of peace movement -> pamphlet against Spanish civil war -from 1937 lived in California -died there in 1963 -Main works : literary development falls under 3 phases : 1. “Novels of ideas” : representation of the english roaring twenties. He expressed a refusal of this “modern civilisation” • Crome Yellow: 1921 -> a gallery of characters, who are primarily vehicles for the writer’s ideas • Antic Hay : 1923 -> post-war London, 2. “Novels of exploration” -> started withe the publication of “Brave New World”, he saw a danger of a well-regulated society in which the psicologic contrast between equality and happiness could replace the synthesis between freedom and equality 3. ExplOration of methaphysics and mysticism -> “THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION”-> The Doors of Perception is an autobiographical book written by Aldous Huxley. Published in 1954, it elaborates on his psychedelic experience under the influence of mescaline in May 1953. BRAVE NEW WORLD : -the title derives from The Tempest of Shakespeare ( Miranda ) -Society : time is marked by the arrival of Ford ( year 632 a.F ) private proprierty abolished the State control everything : people are divided in 10 sections ( alfa, beta, gamma…) all the reference to the past are removed people are apparently happy : brainwashing + drugs Birth are artificially produced -> natural childhood is illegal Motto : - Community : everyone belongs to everyone else - Identity : outer world, the reservation. Everyone belong to a precise CASTA - Stability : 1 and 2, permit the stability of the society : Nobody ever complains -People are not happy for real, because they don’t have the freedom to be happy -Huxley raises doubts about the desirability of any utopian solutions COLLEGAMNETI : Brave New World - Greco : Aristofane, Gli uccelli : relazione tra Utopia/Distopia : -Filosofia : Marxismo e Hegel -Storia : età dei totalitarismi ; Lenin e Stalin -Latino : repressione della cultura in età imperiale ( Fedro ) -Italiano : -Fisica -Matematica : Aldous huxley -filosofia : schopenhauer e lo svelamento del velo di maya, ( conoscere attraverso i sensi ) : il romanzo THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION GEORGE ORWELL -biography : -social experiment : living like a poor -real name : Eric Blair -> a) “Orwell : it was the name of a river he was found of” ( affezionato ) -1936 : went to Barcelona, ( joined the militia of POUM ) : homage to Catalonia - second war world : joined the BBC - 1943 : started to write “Animal Farm” - 1949 : 1084 - died in 1950 6 - identification with the working class :Orwell’s life and work are marked by the conflict ( unsolved ) between his middle-class background and education and his emotional identification with the working class - Social theme : - critique of totalitarianism - warning against the violation of liberty - recognise tyranny in all its form - Animal farm - “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” - paralelylsm with the URSS’s history : from 1917 to 1943 - Pig Napoleon : Stalin - Show how an initial idealism can turn into exploration - How ordinary people can lose their freedom in small incremental steps - man represents the Capitalists -> “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing” -Nineteen Eighty-Four : 1984 -Plot : description of a future world divide into 3 block : Oceania Airstrip On Eurasia -Main Character : Winston ( reference to Winston Churchill ) Smith ( most common surname, he is nobody ) -No privacy : Big Brother is watching you -the protagonist chooses to write a diary because he believes that memory is important - NEWSPEAK -> double speak : It’s the power of holden to contractidory believes in once’s mind simultaneously and accepting both of them. more through the double think the party has been able to arrest the course of history. 1) Ministry of truth -> Newspeak changes their name -> minitrue : it’s mean lies, and change the course of history. So it’s total opposite, it’s the minister of truth but talk about lies 2) ministry of love —> minilove —> they occupied of torture 3) ministry of peace —> minipeace —> War 4) ministry of plenty —> miniplenty —> the reduce of abundance, reducing people close to starvation COLLEGAMENTI : -storia : Età dei totalitarismi -Italiano : -Arte : -Latino -greco -Mate : -Fisica -spagnolo : guerra civile 7
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