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Sintesi in inglese del Modernismo. Joyce, Woolf, Eliot., Schemi e mappe concettuali di Inglese

Sintesi in inglese degli autori modernisti che si svolgono in 5 superiore. Sono spiegate le loro vite, stile, opere con alcuni approfondimenti.

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


In vendita dal 05/07/2023

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Scarica Sintesi in inglese del Modernismo. Joyce, Woolf, Eliot. e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! JAMES JOYCE KEYWORDS: -Dublin: is Joyce’s hometown, he considers it the center of the world, but at the same time too industrialized, so he left it. -Paralysis: is a physical and psychological block, typical of dubliners. -Religion and family are the main reasons of social oppression, they have to be rejected to feel free -Time and memory : it's a flexible dimension and it changes according to the character perception. -Epiphany: the moment of deep revelation of the meaning of life for the character, is often triggered by music and it is a very short moments that usually is not -Myth and antihero are often correlated: Joyce uses myth to show the contrast between the old society and the new one. -He uses the stream of consciousness to show how the mind works → he writes it with direct or indirect interior monologue. MAIN WORKS: DUBLINERS, 1914: - a collection of 15 short stories divided into 4 stories set in Dublin in the 20th century, that is the “CENTRE OF PARALYSIS”, a physical and psychological block. - Characters are the perfect ANTI-HEROES, they are stuck in a situation, and try to escape, but they always fail. But sometimes they make a decision thanks to an EPIPHANY(the moment of revelation) and their life makes sense, but soon after they fail again. They are all stuck in Dublin and cannot go away. - The main argument is the STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS that they have in their mind, and through memory and thoughts we go from past to present in an interior monologue → NARRATIVE TECHNIQUE: direct and indirect speech in the same mind. - There isn’t a chronological order in the story - People and elements are realistic but symbolic at the same time, they symbolize the psychological state of the character. SECOND SECTION, EVELINE(adolescence) - SUMMARY: Eveline is a girl from Dublin, over 19, she had lots of trouble in her family. His mother was abused by his father and she died when Eveline was young, his two brothers decided to go away and she left with no friends. In these years she worked a lot and gave all his money to his father. She’s not happy and she wants to go away and marry a better man (the sailor Frank) but she is not ready to do it.(she is nostalgic of the past, dissatisfied of the present and scared of the future). - We don’t have a physical and psychological description, but through his thoughts we can deduce that she is a fragile woman, who hasn’t clear ideas of her future and doesn't have the strength to act in her life. - The setting is realistically described but at the same time it hides symbols of her. For example she underlines the dust in her room, that represents - EPIPHANY ASSOCIATIONS: street organ, mother, promise, memory of her mother's sacrifice, terror, escape with friend. This epiphany made her make a decision finally. her first one. BUT then, when she wants to leave, she is paralyzed and can’t act, she is irrational. She doesn’t go because of the sense of duty and mainly the fear of the unknown. - 1 Eveline is the only one that is always there - she goes to happiness to melancholy because of what she thinks - setting: in a room with a lot of dust, a picture of a priest or a saint and familiar objects, it is realistic and symbolic dust represents traditions, paralysis, dust in her mind. The station is the second setting. The setting is in line with the character(bc it is described what she wants to see). It creates a contrast between eveline and the rest of the world ULYSSES (1922) - A long novel set in Dublin in one single day, 16 June 1904. The novel is divided into 18 episodes and it talks about three characters. In the first part we met Stephen Dedalus, in the second part, the main section, focuses on the urban wanderings of Leopold Bloom; and the last part shows us the returning home of Leopold to his wife Molly. The section ends with a Molly’s monologue that is nearly 1600 lines. - The title is chosen to contrast with the real Ulysses. The traditional one talks about a hero that travels all around the world for 10 years, facing lots of troubles and knowing lots of different characters. The Ulysses by Joyce is the opposite: nothing happens, there is no adventure. It is set in a single day, in a single place and there are only three characters. Leopold is the perfect antihero because it has no qualities and he cannot take action in life.. Molly is in contrast with Penelope because is unfaithful. VIRGINIA WOOLF LIFE: - She born in London in 1882 - her mother died when she was really young, and this affected her mental health - After his father died she decided to move to Bloomsbury, a district of London, with her sister and her two brothers. → they created the “Bloomsbury group”, a group of intellectuals that became quite famous(also because of its sexual life). - She committed suicide in 1941. WRITES: - with a personal and informal tone - she suggest criticism but never mention it in a direct way(she doesn’t mention the war, the consequences of shell shock) - We find a lot of symbolism, typical of modernism(the androgynous is the most modern symbol). - there is a lot of experimentation, influenced by Freud and Bergson’s theory - she uses free indirect speech and “moments of being” are her epiphanies” THEMES: - She focuses on the single individual, she rebels against materialism/society - she focuses on time and memory - she talks about the positions of women in society(all the main characters are women) ELIOT (1888-1965) STYLE: -He was influenced by his friend Ezra Pound, and he started preferring the economy of words to explain a thought -He was also influenced by Dante because with his Divina Commedia he could express all his emotions. -He combines ancient and modern together as a collage, typical of modernism. WORKS: -He wrote some essays -His most famous poetries are The Waste Land(1922) and Prufrock and other observations (1920) -After ww2 he wrote some dramas THE WASTE LAND - It is dedicated to Ezra Pound who helped him. - The poem focuses on the desolation and alienation after ww1. - He use free verse - The images are juxtaposed, making contrast between good and bad ones. - For him it is impossible to find a general meaning, but the purpose is to find a personal interpretation. → he wanted the reader to be active - It is divided in 5 parts: 1 The Burial of the Dead 2 A Game of Chess 3 The Fire Sermon 4 Death by Water 5 What the Thunder Said - The central metaphor is the dryness and sterility of modern life in the land, but also in a spiritual pov. There isn’t any universal truth and it is impossible to find it. - He uses a MYTHICAL METHOD He brings together images of modern decadence with images from ancient myths and legends. In particular, he refers to myths referring to the theme of fertility and sterility ( the Fisher King who has the symbol of sterility). Fertility is in the past, nowadays we only find sterility. The order of myth is in contrast with the chaos of modern life. BURIAL OF THE DEAD -We find a description of spring, that starts in April → the season of desire, a second chance to be reborn. But winter forces us to keep our body warm while April is cruel because you have to do something. It’s more comfortable to live in winter, where you don’t have to do anything. But it’s not real life, you survive. In April you live a real life → if you are depressed, like antiheroes, in winter you are protected. -Reference to the Bible (son of men). reference to Dante (hell’s ring). Tarots were used to predict rain→water →fertility -Next we have a series of images of people who died drowning → it is a message of life and death at the same time. -He compares modern society to death. A GAME OF CHESS Here we find a contrast between tragic heroines that always have a tragic end but because they lived life with passion → they had a real life. (Cleopatra and Ophelia)) And modern women that are alienated. (This woman is described as a typical wife who cannot communicate with his husband. His friend is accusing her and tells her that if she isn’t beautiful as he wants he will go away. She has to take pills to not have other children but they make her older and older. AT THE VIOLET HOUR Set: her small and messy house in London. The two character are from the middle class “Violet hour” is sunset, objects remind her of a particular emotion: the room is not tidy like her mind, she doesn’t have time to take care of herself. Arrives his boyfriend arrives and they make caresses each other, but she isn’t happy about it, but at the same time she doesn’t say anything, she accepts the situation because she is weak. It's realistic poetry but it wants to show the cruelty of an ordinary life that is not even a real one. This poetry is cruel because it isn’t cruel at all in describing a terrible scene. A LOVE SONG OF ALFRED PUFROCK Firstly a part from the Hell of Dante is written, to tell that no more heroes exists) Next the setting is described: contemporary city, juxtaposition of images, firstly is like a love song, next squalid images of the city. NO rhyme scheme lots of repetitions (there will be time → he doesn’t want to act, to realize his desires, he procrastinates. For him simple actions are difficult) contrasting with his getting old (he is getting bald) Next the stream of consciousness ends and he describes a normal activity → he never arrives at the end of his reflection. He compares himself to hamlet: he is not a hero.
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