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Storia dell'Inghilterra e della letteratura inglese, Dispense di Inglese

Una panoramica sulla storia dell'Inghilterra, dall'epoca di Giorgio III fino alla rivoluzione industriale, alla società industriale, alla letteratura romantica e gotica, fino alla figura di Mary Shelley e al suo capolavoro Frankenstein. Vengono inoltre trattati temi come la libertà, la giustizia, l'innovazione tecnologica e la critica sociale.

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Scarica Storia dell'Inghilterra e della letteratura inglese e più Dispense in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! INTRODUCTION With George 3 there was a very long and peacefull period reign. His reign lasted 60 years. The navigation act in 1770 established the relation between england and colonies. It has a very strict policy about export and import. All colonial producious had to come to britain. England had the complete control of colony. The lands were very attractive and there was a 7 years wae vs France. They wanted to control the colonies. The colonies refused to pay taxes and britain wanted taxes beacause the army was britain. There was the Boston tea party and people trowes tea on the sea. People were divided into loyalist and patriots. Patriots defend the right of native american and knew very well the territories. Loyalist supported the policy of mother country and they had weapons. Thant there was the declaration of indipendence and colonies had freedom. Started the War of indipendence in 1775. George Washinghton became the leader of the army and in 1776 signed the declaration of indipendence that it’s based on liberty, lie and happiness. Britain recognised the indipendence of its colonies with the treat of Versailles in 1783. In this period born the freedom to use weapons for selfdefence. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Born in UK beacuse of more resources, rich of natural resources like coal. There was the gradual trasformation of agricalture that produce the increasment of poplation. They need clothes and many others objects. First they produced their clothes at home then in the industries. There was the invention of instrument for agricalture; walter scott invented steam engine and then everything was mecanised and they produced faster. There was the revolution of transport, rich of rivers and they were lucky. Strarted because people had new ideas and they were innovative. It happened in 18 century because of the explosion tecnological inentions. The new formm of fuel was coal that replaced wood. Steam engine helped in the advancement of industry. Mercantilism was very important because nations tried to increase their wealth by exporting more goods than they were importing. Slaves were traded from Africa. The elite class supported the new ideas of innovations. Roads and canals were very important. There were many experiment and many inventions. Birmigham was the third largest town in the kingdom. INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY There was the real trasformation of cityes. People lasted the possibility to coltivate and they moved to city. The cities were not ready to have so much people. Problems with safety; waste around the city. Pollution started in this period in the air and water. They needed houses but there werent’t. ‘work house’ are institution which offered job, food, house. It was a place to hepl people to let as soon as they became indipendent. Children and women were less paid than man. Very bad conditions at work. EMOTIONS VS REASON Is a period caracterized by scientific discovered and the reaction of this tendation was against the romantic movement that promoved emotions, feelings that were soffocated in this period. The enlightnment had brought tolerance and the recognition of the value of a cultured society. The supremacy of reason as the only way to knowledge and progress, had led to the repression of emotion and feeling. The individual response became more valid thab the communal. The concept of natura changed. The classical view of nature as a set of divine laws and principles established by god, which man could order and control thanks to reason, was slowly repleced by the view of nature as a real and living to be described as it really was. SUBLIME Concept of sublime= emound burks wrote an assey in which he gave supremacy to the sublime over the beautyfull. Sublime is nearly perfect. Emotions that you feel when you are in front of a natural events. Not only beautifull but also tremendiusly, incredible. The term expresses noble or eleveted feelings and behaviour. Beautiful is differente from sublime because sublime does neither arise form the pleasure produced by beautiful forms, nor from the contemplation of object but has its roots in the feelings of fear and horror created by what is infinite and terrible. The sublime derive from the free conflict between sensibility and reason. LIBERY AND SOCIAL CRITICISM People protested against the monarchy beacuse they wanted obtain liberty and justice. There were cultural influences and a new focus on the ideal of freedom. Adam Smith was an economist against mercantilism, in his writings he encouraged the free trades. In this way there were more profits. Burke wrote about justice favorable considering the revolution. William Godwin was a filosofer that wrote about the inequalities of society. Thomas Pain galvanised the american patriotsa with his ‘common sense’ andi his ‘rights of man’. Mary wrote texts in favor of women’s rights and education. In this period society abolished the slavery. A sense of disclocation from the past produced optimistic expectations of the perfectibility of mankind for some people. NEW TRENDS IN POETRY ??????? Is focused on individual, feel, emotions. Nature is a source of inspiration. There was a middle fase. Were kept precious verses and were trasformed in a romantic poem with romantic themes. There was the development of novels. Poets tended to use subjective, autobiographical material expressing their personal experiences of life. The poetry at this time was essentially reflective. THE GOTIC NOVEL Gotic novels is caracterized by terror, horror, bled, supernatural element like ghosts and monsters. Takes place in catolic country, isolatic places like church and castels. Caracters dominated by exaggerated reactions. Gotic novels reflected a specific historical moment characterized by an increasing disillusionment with the enlightenment and rationality. The interest in such novels was common to all strata of society. Gothic literature can be considered the product of a word which was conscius of social inequity. This kind of litterature can be regarded as a reaction against industrialisation and gothic symbols and caracters a denuciation of social problems. THOMAS GRAY Was born in London in 1716 and was educated at Eton where he met Horace Walpole, son of the great prime minister Robert Walpole. In 1751 his firend helped him to publish ‘elegy written in a country churchyard’ which became very popular. Gray published other poems in Odes like ‘the bard’ and ‘the progress of poesy’ that reflect the interest of gray in celtic and icelandic mythology and english literary history. A TRANSITIONAL POET feelings. The formi is classic but the contenenti s new. There is the alternation of descrption and reflections usually rappresent the neoclassicism. NEOCLASSICISM Use a rymes and alternative stanzas with iambic pentameters. Use of abstract personifications. Universality of themes. Eldest influence of ancient writers like lucretius, petrarc, dante. Idillic view of country life early romantic elements. Setting: country churchyard. Time of the day= twilight. Theme of death. Use of country scene as a background. Interest in and simpaty for poor and humble people. Nature seems as a reality like earth trees animals. Relationship between nature and man. both natural scene and reflection. Historical influences. MARY SHELLEY Wrote Frankestain but it’s published anonymous. It conteins caratteristics from gotic novel, scientific novels. For the first time there are new tecnics like flashback. There are gotic themes like darkness, obscurity, horror. Link to science there was new discovery in chemistry and of electricity. She started in switerland and it was rain and was afternoon of janury. She played games with her firends and invented a story to enjoy. She try to overcame the natural limite of death with a cure, a medicine. Started with experiments in lab. They studied a lot and decided to select the best parts of human bodies and use them toghether. This human body has a terrible reaction. The creature was hungry and had not the articolation of the leanguage. The doctor needs to touch him to articolate words in order to be able to speak. He was courious and wanted to go out and realised that he was a different from other people. Everyone was afraid by him beacuse he was awfull. He became a murder because was afraid, jelous and wanted kill his doctor because created him so terrible and horrible. The doctor try to discovery a new law, destroying the low of nature. THEMES: the quest for forbidden knowledge which is present throughout. The penetration of nature’s screts The double, frankestain and the monster are two aspects of the same being The usurpation of the famale role, since the creation of human beings becomes possible without the participation of women. Social prejudices throught the figure of the monster as an outcast Education and experience, represented by the monster’s intellectual and emotional development. FROM THE NAPOLEONIC WARS TO THE REGENCY The ruling classes were seized by the terror fo jacobism, that is sympathy with the cause of french revolution. Intellectuals supported the american revolution because it would bring justice and equality to the people. Edmund burke had supported the American Revolution and became the leading voice of conservatism against revolution. Tom Paine personified the dangerous english jacobin. The war between Britain and France dominated politics. Napoleon’s victories in europe were balanced by Britain’s supremacy at sea. The hero of the british navy was Admiral Horatio Nelson, who was killed at his grat victory over the french and spain. Napoleon in 1815 ended in final defeat at the hands of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo. Soldiers returned home to discover that bad harvest, high taxation and industrial changes were causing misery. The policy of the government in this period was laissez faire in which government activity was minimal. A more energetic religiuos movement emerged called evangelicals. They were members of the church of england. They succeeded in the abolition of the slave trade, and worked to bring basic education to working children and to reform prisons. Women still had few opportunities, there was no role for them outside the house either in town or country. Marriage and the organisation of their own household was their only career. THE EGOSTICAL SUBLIME Romanticism can be seen as a creative period in which was used immagination as a means of giving expression to emotional experience. In the romantic picture of the word, the 18th century would have found unhealthy. There was serious concern about the experience insights of childhood because a child was purer than an adult because he was unspoilt by civilisation. Romanticism stressed the special qualities of each individual’s mind. There was the cult of hero and the view of society as an evil force. The noble savage concept is specifically a romantico ne: the savage may appear primitive, but actually he has an instinctive knowledge of himself and of the world often superior to that wich has been acquired by civilised man. There was also the cult of the exotic. Romanticism in europe delevoped in different ways and times according to the cultural, social and political situations of each country. In Germany anticipated by the sturm und drang and in england by the lyrical ballads by wordsworth. The second edition of 1800 conteined a preface by wordsworth which is usually regarded as the manifesto of english romantic poetry. De l’allemagne spread the romantic principales in France and the lettera semiseria by giovanni berchet marked the official beginning of the romantic movement in Italy. The term romanticism derives from the french word romance which referred to the vernacular leanguages derived from latin and to the works written in those leanguages. The word refered to the fabulous, extravagant, the unreal. Gradually, the term came to be applied to the feeling the landscape created in the observer. Poetry was always new and spontaneous, no longer the imitation of the classics. REALITY AND VISION English romanticism saw the prevalence of poetry which need to give expression to emotional experience and individual feelings. Immagination gained a primary role in process of poetic composition. The eye of the immagination allowed the romantic poets to see beyond surface reality and apprehend a truth beyond the powers of reason. Immagination allowed the poet to recreate and modify the external world of experience. The poet was seen as a visionary poet or as a teacher whose task was to mediate between man and nature, to give voice the ideals of beauty, truth, and freedom. The romantic poets also regarded nature as a living force and, in a pantheistic vein, as the expression of God in the universe. Nature became a main source of inspiration. The romantic poets searched for a new, individual style throgh the choice of a language and subject suitable to poetry. As for verse forms, there was a return to past forms such as the ballad modified into literary ballad, the italian terza rima and ottava rima, blank verse, the lyric poems, achieved a freedom flexibility and intensity rarely equalled. There are two different generations: the first included Wordswoth and coleridge and the second,, shelly and Keats. The poets of the first generation were characterised by the attempt to theorise about poetry. The poets of the second generation all died very young and away from home, they also experienced political disillusionment which is reflected, in their poetry. In other words, poetry was no longer regarded as an imitation of life, a mirror of reality, but coincided with the desire to challenge the cosmos, nature, political and social order. WILLIAM WOEDSWORTH Was born in Cumberland and was educated at Cambridge. His contac with revolutionary france povoked enthusiasm, but the dilillusionment of these years were healed by the contact with nature. In the same year he moved to Somerset to be near Samuel Taylor colerige. Their friendship proved crucial to the development of english romantic poetry: they produced a collection of poems called lyrical ballads in which was contained a famouse preface which was to become the manifesto of english romanticism. He wrote the prelude, a long autobiographical poem in 14 book subtitled growth of a poet’s mind. THE MANIFESTO OF ENGLISH ROMANTICISM He proposed a poetry as a radically solitary act, originating in the ordinary. He belonged to the first generation because he try to attempt to theorise aobut poetry. The language should be simple because in humble rural life man is nearer to his own purer passions. MAN AND NATURE He is interesetd in the realationship between the natural world and the human world. Belives that man and nature are inseparable; man exist not outside the natural world but as an active participant in it. In his pantheistic view sees nature as something that includes both inanimate and human nature. Nature conforts man. THE SENSES AND MEMORY He belived that our moral character develops during childhood as a result of the pleasure and pain caused by our physical experiences. Sensation lead to simple thoughts, which later combine into complex and organised ideas. Memory is a major force in the process of growth of the poet’s mind and moral character. RECOLLECTION IN TRANQUILLITY Wordsworth claimed immagination as his supreme gift. Immagination refers to his accurate, faithful an loving observation of nature. He used immagination as a synonym of intuition, of seeing into. All genuine poetry takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity so vital relationship of present to past experience. Thought the recreative power of memory, the emotion is reproduced andpurified in poetic form so that a second emotion, kinddred to the first ne, is generated. THE POET’S TASK AND HIS STYLE The poet had greater sensibility and the ability to penetrate the heart of things. He becomes a techer who shows meno how to understand their feelings and improve their moral being. His task consist in drawing attention to the ordinary things of life, to the humblest people. Wordsworth abandoned the 18th century heroic couplet; he almost always used blank verse. He wrote sonets, odes, ballads, and lyrics with short lines and simple rhymes. The poet for Shelly is at the same time a prophet and a Titan challenging the cosmos; his task is to help mankind to reach an ideal world where freedom, love and beauty are delivered from their enemies, such as tyranny, destruction, alienation. NATURE The nature shelly describes is a beautiful veil that hides the eternal truth of the divine spirit. His apporach to nature i salso instrumental sush as the wind, the clouds, and symbols for the creation of his cosmic shcemes. Finally nature rappresents the favourite refuge from the disappointment and injustice of the ordinary world and the interlocutor of his melancholy dreams and of his hopes for a better future. HIS STYLE Shelley’s verse covers a wide range of metric and stanzaic forms. He was a master of traditional verse forms such as the spenserian stanza, the couplet, blank verse and dante’s terza rima. He moved from the political ballad to the classic elegy but his remembered for his short lyric poetry. JOHN KEATS Was albe to fuse the romantic passion and the cold neoclassicism just as Ugo Foscolo. Is born in london in 1795 from humble but confortable family. He became an apothecary-surgeon in 1816 and announced his decision to devote his life to writing verse in a beautiful sonet ‘on the first looking into chapman’s homer’. In 1818 wrote ‘endymion’ long mytological poem. In the following year wrote a series of masterful poems. When he died was hardly known outside his own literacy circle. THE SUBSTANCE OF HIS POETRY He devoted only a small part of his energies to chief poetic form of subjective writing. His lyrical poems are not fragments of a continual spiritual autobiography. There are some personal experiences but these are behinf the scenes not their substance. He thought that scenery is fine but human nature is finer. The common romantic tendency to identify scenes and landscapes with subjectiv moods and emotions in rarely present in his poetry. There is no sense of mystery. THE ROLE OF IMMAGINATION He belived in the supreme value of immagination which made him a romantic poet. The immagination takes two main forms. In the first place the word of his poetry is predominantly artificial, one that he imagines rather than reflects from direct experiences. In the second place immagination in the sense that a great deal of his work, even the odes, is a vision of what he would like human life to be like, stimulated by his own experience of pain and misery. BEAUTY: THE CENTRAL THEME OF THE POETRY Contemplation of the beauty is the central theme of Keats’s poetry. The expression of beauty is the ideal of art. thus word of greek beliefs lives again in his verse, recreated and re-interpreted with eyes of romantic. PHYSICAL BEAUTY AND SPIRITUAL BEAUTY His first apprehension of beauty proceeds from senses, from the concrete physical sensations. This physical beauty is caught in all the forms nature acquires. Beauty can also produce a much deeper experience of joy. Introduces also a spiritual beauty that is one of love, friendship and poetry. Thus physical beauty is mutable and il linked to life but spiritual beauty is immortal. NEGATIVE CAPABILITY Negative capability is the ability to experience uncertaities, mysteries, doubts , without any irritable reaching after fact and reason. Negative refers to the capability the poet has to deny his certainties and personality in order to identify himself with the object which is the source of his inspiration and the place where truth resides. When the poet can rely on this negative capability, he is able to seek sensation. NATURE WORDWORTH man and natura are inseparable and had a panteistic view because he sees the presence of god in all elements of nature. Nature conforted him nad is a sort of plausure. Nature teaches man to act in a moral way. COLERIDGE had a neoplatonic view of nature because for him the idea is in the real. SHELLEY throught that nature is a veil tha hides the truth of the divine. Nature is like a refuges. KEATS Dividid fisical beauty from intellecutal beauty. He trhought that fisical beauty is in all forms that nature acquires like colours, but fisical beauty is mutable. IMMAGINATION WORDWHORTH thought that the power of immagination is unable to better communicate what he feels. COLERIDGE divided immagination in two different kind becuase he thought that primary immagination is something that everyone had beccause is naturale but secondary immagination is voluntary and used consciusly. SHELLY considered immagination able to help him to escape from reality. Revolutionary creativity. KEATS divided it in two forms: in the first one he immagined a new word that is artificial. For him there is not direct contact with nature buti s essential the process of immagination. In the second he throught that his poetry comes from a visual of what the word it should be like because the real situation is not good. STYLE WORTHWORD wrote ballad without moral from the ancient ballad. SHALLEY wrote with Dante’s terza rima and classical elegy and trought tha poeti s like a prophet because awaken people to their situation. JANE AUSTEN Second women writer. Born in 1665 at Steventon campshire in south of england. They were 7 children, educated at home and never married. She started very young to write: first work in 1696 ‘ sense and sensibility’ than wrote ‘northanger abbey’ ‘pride and prejudes’ than a series of other novel wich was publhished after her death. She published is works anonymous. From Fealding she derived was the omniscent narrator and also dialogues to make caracters interaprt. Her style was also caracterized by the use of irony. In her novel we know about the national marridge market. Marrieges were agreed by parents and there was a real markets and contracts becuase wimen did not use to work and they couldn’t make their own living, the economical situation permit them to marriadge. Valius of society described: property, money, decorum. In that period people lived separeted each other. Theme of love is very important. She speaks about marriege, passions, social classes and we always have happy ending. Development of caractheres and people change becoming own mature. Their novels take place in england and people get married as a result of growing social mobility. She had no place for great passions, her concern was with people and the analysis of carachter and conduct. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Is set at LongbournThe protagonist are a family and they have five doughters and we have in particular the protagonist elizabeth. Mr Bingley falls in love with Jane, and his best friend, the aristocratic Darcy, begins to feel attracted to Elizabeth. But she dislike him because of his snobbish and because she considered him as responsible for the separation of Bingley and Jane. When Mr Darcy declares his love he cannot help showing contempt for her inferior social position. Darcy writes her a letter where he reveals that wickham is an unscrupulous adventurer, meanwhile Wickam elopes with Lydia. Bingley comes back and becomes engaged to Jane. The narration of events is balanced by passages of reflection and by letters. The heroine, Elizabeth bennet and the hero, mr Darcy, have great qualities, but also great weaknesses. She has a strong spirit of indipendence. Both elizabeth and Darcy set out with an imperfect understanding of themeselves and each other. She accuses him of pride and he accuses her of prejudice. The themes are self-awareness and selfknowledge and love and marriage. Marriege is presented from several point of view: in terms of security and indipendence, cotaining elements of love and prudence. STYLE Style is carcaterized by irony and uses third person narration and presents the action from her points of view. Contrasted elements becuase there was the idea of england like succesfull and rich country, queen became empire of england and others country, this very smart immage of this country but there are consequence of industrialisation, the exploitation of children and igenic problems. Compromise is a midway between contrasting elements. People thought that they need to work hard because they belived in progress and insisted on the senso of duty. These values were of equal application to all strata of society. The idea of respectability distinguished the middle from the lower class. Respectability was a mixture of boh morality and hypocrisy, severity and conformity to social standarts. It implied the possession of good manners, confortable house with servants, regular attendance at church and charitable activity. The family was a patriarcal unit where the position of the houseband was dominant. The man was the breadwinner because this role was imposed by divine provvidence nad women had to obey the autorithy. But women were also important in education of children and in managing of servants and budgeting. The concept of fallen women was a fate imposed upon women by a society with an intense concern for female chastity. Sexuality was repressed in public and private forms becuase in art they velied sculped genitals, and did not use words with sexual connotation in everyday vocaabulary. Patriotism was deeply influenced by ideas of racial superiority. People thought that the races of the world were divided by physical and intellectual differences and some were destined to be led by others. This attitude came to be known as Jingoism. It is an age with doubts and contradditions in the relationship between science and religion. Richness was a value and appreciate the idea of the selfmade man. The code of values found is basis in evangelicalism. The evangelicals, inspired by john wsley, the founder of methodism, belived in dedication to humanitarian causes and social reform, obedience to a strich code of morality, the importance of bible reading and praying at home. Other important movement was utilitarianism based on Jeremy Bentham’s principles. They thought that any problem could be overcome throught reason. The utilitarian indifference to human and cultural values was firmly attacked by many intellectuals of the time. Utilitarianism derived from Epicurus. The utilitarianism thought that an action is morally right if it has consequence that lead to happyness, and wrong if it brings about the reverse. Empricisism created by john stuart mill thought that legislation should have a more positive function in trying to help man develop their natural talents and personalities. He belived progress came from mental energy and believed in the importance of education and art. he promoted a series of laws and reforms in order to develped the popular education. On the origin of the species, Darwin said that man were not created by god et introdueced a new theory: humans have their origin by results of evolution started to moonkey. There are species disappeared because they were not able to adapt or lose againts otheres species. Darwin was in contrast with the religion and basis of religion. The philosopehr Herbert spencer said that economic competition is the same as natural selection and thath the poor and oppresed did not deserve compassion. This theory became the social darwinism. A gruop of professors in oxford created a theory against Darwin. John Herny Newman was a teacher of filosophy and anglican and create theory between reason and faith. Reason and faith are not necessary in contrast. He started to explain how religion and science are not in contrast. Pope benedette 16 wrote a lot about this theory. Than the professor became catolic and became saint. It is also the period of Karl Marx that was german that spread a new model of society with comunist ideas. Progress in all different feels. There is faith in progress. Controversial aspect: england is the country leader because of the empire, economic situation but there are problems in sociality. There are poor classes and injustice, exploitation of children. Series of laws in order to improve social conditions. Compromise: when we have two exterme contrasting elements, opposities elements. Society was smart and in progress and organised but we have the orphans, children who work, poor society, exploited women. The victorian society is a society of philantropist: Who spend is money to help others. Relationship between mother country and population in colony for example becuase, in victorian mentally, they have to educate people because they were like animals and they belived in a different life. The most educated had to teach to others because poor and coloners had to improve. There are a series of initiatives for class poor. Workhouses. Sunday Monday schools where people took part in the religion cerimony and then were educated. Utilitarianism is a kind of doctrine spread in this period and there is the importance of objectivity. Explosion of scientific desire for knowledge: biology, geology, chemistry and scientifc sujbects that is connected with the idea of utilitarianism. Are base on objectivity During the victorian age there was a communion of interests and opinions between writers and their readers because of the growth of the middle classes and because victorian writers often belonged to the middle class. Victorian literature was published with essays, verse, and even novels made their first appearance in instalments in the page of periodicals. The victorians showed interst in prose and the novel became the main form of entertainment. The spread of scientific knowledge made the novel realistic and analitical, the spread of democracy made it social and humanitarian. In the 1840s novelist felt they had a moral and social responsability to fulfil: they aimed at reflecting the social changes that had been in progress for a long time, sush as the industrial revolution, the struggle for democracy and the growth of towns. The novelist depicted society as they saw it. They were aware of the evils of their sociey such as the terrible conditions of manual workers and the exploitation of children. Literature was also a vehicle to correct the vices and weaknesses of the age, didacticism is one of the main features of their work. The voice of the omniscent narrator provided a comment on the plot and erected a rigid barrier between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Retribution and punishment were administreted in the final chapter, where the whole texture of events, adventures, incidents had to be explained and justified. The setting is the city which was the main symbol of the industrial civilisation. Different novels in this period: victorians period novel is the favorite genre. People read books and bought them. Library were succesfull. We have ‘novel of manners’ that dealt with economic and social problems and described a particular class or situation. Master of this genre was William thackeray. We have ‘social problem novel’ or ‘humanitarian novel’ and the most important author was Charles Dickens. His novels were mostly admired for their tone, combining humor with a sentimental plea for reform in favour of the less fortunate. These novel can also called ‘ novel of purpose’ and can be divided in ‘realistic’ ‘fantastic’ and ‘moral’ nature according to the predonimant tone or issue dealt with. We also have ‘ the bildungsroman’ or ‘novel of formation or education’ that became vey popular after the pubblication of Dickens’s ‘david copperfield’. These novels dealt with one characcter’s development from early youth to some sort of maturity. The ‘realistic novel’ find its best examples in thomas hardy and George Eliot. While Eliot is focused on the psycological and moral complezity of human beings, Hardy excelled in a particular kind of novel listic portrayal, that defines the protagonist by his or her ‘native’ locale and at the same time painfully alienates them from it. We can find ‘nonsense novel’ created by Carrol with ‘Alice’s adventures in Wonderland’ because created a nonsensical universe where social rules and conventions disintegrate, the cause effect relationship does not exist, and time and space have lost their function. The majority of novel buyers and readers were women since they had more time than men to sepend at home and dedicate themeselves to reading. It is more easier for a woman to write buti t is not easier to publish and some women used a male pseudonimyum in order to see their work in print. CHARLES DICKENS His style is really good and full off details and adjectives. He really give a spicologist view in the carachter. He had a very big family and attempted the school. He was born in Portsmouth on the south England in 1821. He had an unhappy childoon since is fathar went to prison for debt and he was force to start working very young in a factory. This aspects can been seen in many of his novels with many biographical part of this protagonist. He like studing and was able to write and started is career as a journalist becaming a parlamentar report. Reported the discoussions. He adopted the pen name ‘Boz’ and his ‘sketches by Boz’, a collection of articles describing london people and scene, was published in the ‘monthly magazine’. His success continued with his novels, ‘oliver twist’ , ‘david copperfield’, ‘little dorrit’. He exposed the exploited lives of children in the slums and factories. Wrote other novels like ‘hard times’ which is about the education sistem and against a kind of school that influenced the theory of bethan, ‘great expectations’. These novels are set against the background of social issues, higlighting the conditions of the poor and the working class. He was also the busy editor of magazines in which published not only his works but also the writings of other authors. He spent his last years travelling round giving theatrical readings of his own work. He wrote some dramas that were performed in front of queen victoria. He had 10 children. He is in westminster abbeyThan hard times. THE PLOTS OF DICKENS’S NOVELS His novels were influenced by the bible, fairy tales, fables and nursery rhymes, gothic novels. The conditions of pubblication in monthly or weekly instalments discouraged unified plotting and created pressure on Dickens to conform to the public taste. London was the setting of most of his novels becuase he knew and described it in realistic details. At first he created a middle class character thought often satirized. He gradually developed a more radical social view althought he was not a revolutionary thinker. He was aware of the spiritual and material corrpuption under the impact of industrialism and he became critical of society. In his mature works succeded in drawing attentionIn his novel he was able to describe orphans that were able to make a living and challeng the difficult situation with the triomph becasue of the good comportaments and attitudes of the charachters. He criticized with critic satire. With the descpritipion of the city he was really realistic. He was very good because was able to entrapt. Comic elements and social injustices to public abuses, evils and wrongs with terrible descriptions of London misery and crime. CHARACTERS Dickens created caricatures, he exaggerated and ridiculed social characteristics of the middle, lower and lowest classes. His famele characters were weak, and black and white. He was always on the side of the poor. A DIDACTIC AIM strongly belived in strongly objective. He founded a school without creativiy subjects. No artistic subjects. This man ia also married and has a family with son and daughter and educated them following the bese of this principles. They have an unhappy life: strected education. His wife worked in a bank and helped her brother a disonest man and he was unsuccesfull. There was no space for feelings. 3 differente passages that talks about school. STRUCTURE ‘hard times’ is divided into three books, and each book is divided into three separate chapters. Book the first shows us the seeds planted by Gradgirnd education. Book the second reveals the harvesting of these seeds. Book the third gives details. A CRITIQUE OF MATERIALISM ‘hard times’ focuses on difference existing at Dickens’s time, between the rich and poor. As they lacked education and job skills, these workers had few options for improving their terrible living and working conditions. This novel uses its characters and stories to denounce the gap between the rich and the poor and to criticize the materialism and narrow-mindedness of Utilitarianism, which was the basic Victorian attitude to economics. Mr Gradgrind belives that human nature can be measured, quantified and governed entirely by rational rules. EMILY BRONTE She was born in north of england and she was born in a large family with 6 children. Is father is a priest. Nature is very well impoprtant in the novel. Like many female writers of the period, she decided to use pseudonymous that were never officially broken in their lifetime. It was under the pen name of Ellis Bell that emily published her novel Wuthering Heights. THE PLOT The novel revolves around two houses, wuthering heights and thrushcross grange, respectively inhabited by the earnshaws and the Lintons. At the beginning of the story Mr Lockwood, the tenant of thrushcross grange, calls on his landlord, mr heathcliff, at Wuthering Hights. Forced to stay the night because of snowstorm, he has a strange dream about girl, catherine, who is tapping on the window, asking to be let in after 20 years of wandering on the moors. The next day mr lockwood returns to thrushcross grange and the housekeeper, nelly dean, tells him the whole story. Mr earnshaw, the father of hindley and catherine, one day came back from liverpool with a foundling, whom he called heathcliff. Hindley ill-treated heathcliff whereas Catherine got on very weel with him. They roamed the moors togheter and promised they would stay together forever. One day Catherine was bitten by one of the Lintons’dogs and was forced to spend five weeks at Thrushcross Grange, which gave her the opportunity to get to know edgar and Isabella, as well as their quiet and refined way of life. So when few years later Edgar proposed to her, she accepted. She told Nelly Dean she would not marry Heathcliff because he was alredy her soul mate and anyway he was social inferior. Heathcliff overheard the second part of the conversation and disappeared to return only three years later, handsome, rich and determined to take his revenge. He won the possession of Wuthering Heights gambiling with Hindley, now a drunkard; then he eloped with Edgar’s sister, married her and trated her like a servant. Catherine fell ill and died giving birth to a daughter, Cathy. Years later Heathclif kidnapped Cathy and obliged her to marry his weakly, spoilt son, Linton. His revenge was thus complete since he became the owner of Thrushcross Grange, too. Nelly’s narrative ends here. Lockwood leaves Yorkshire and comes back after a year to find out that both Linton and Heathcliff are dead and Cathy and Hearton, Hindley’s son, are goingg to get married, to live in peace and happiness. Nelly tells Lockwood that there are rumours in the neighbourhood that hte figures of a young man and woman have been seen wandering togheter in the moors. ROMANTIC ELEMENTS Contemporary readers were disappointed by the lach of moral purpose and shocked by the inhuman and cruel details. Creative or destructive in their consequence, making for life or death, basic human emotions, such as love and hatred, are presented in a state of purity and concentration. The spirit of romanticismi s presented because of the human soul are still present in the correspondence between the violent passions of the charachters and the wild natural landscape. The desolate scenery of the Yorkshire moors, the wind, the storms are all reflected in the psycological conflicts of the characters. The hero, Heathcliff, is described as a sort of brronic hero, moved by passions. The are gotic elements in the novel, such as the sinister atmosphere of Wuthering Heights. Catherine’s ghost, the dreams and the superstition. These elements are used to convey the struggle between the two opposing principles of love and hate, of order and chaos. OPPOSING PRINCIPLES The novel is built around the contrast between the two houses where the action takes place: wuthering heights and thrushcross grange. Wuthering heights reflects the natur of Heathcliff: severe, brutal in aspect and atmosphere, primitive passions. Thrushcross Grange, the home of the bourgeois Grange, reflect their conception of life based on stability, kidness and respectability. Thus two mansions stand for two opposing forces: the principle of storm and energy on the one hand, and the principle of calm and settled assurance on the other. Thought opposed they are complementary, and ideally tend to unity. With the marriage between Hareton and young Catherine, they will compose a harmony. THE THEME OF DEATH Death is an important theme of the novel. Death is not an end but a liberation of the spirit. THE STYLE OF THE NOVEL Bronte makes use of drammatic irony. The narrative mode is a system of Chinese boxes, a concentric system of narratives. But the structure is never concentric. Mr Lockwood is the outsider apart form a few occasions when he narrates what he sees, he simply writes down, in the form of a journal what Nelly tells him. Nelly Dean is the second narrator. The narration does not proceed according to chronological time; it starts almost at the end of the story and develops a narrative within the narrative, includinfg the use of flashback. This structure creates a sense of verisimilitude and a feeling of suspense and a mytical atmposphere. The novel marked a departure from the obeservation of society towards the description of the individual personality, and anticipated the novelists of the early 20th century in narrative technique. Two mainors and in this two mainors family raprresented two different worlds. Eamshaw adopted a boy named Heathcliff but his borther in law considered him a gypsy. His sister considered him lik a firnd. She is in love with him, a very strong feeling. Linton have two children and they were an aristocratic family. Edgar is an aristocratic boy and married with catherine. Ralationship with edgar o to listen her true feelings becuase she loves her borther in law. She rationally decided to marriege with Edgar. Heathcliff listening a conversation between catherine and a cameriara. She thought his siter loves Edgar and he abbondoned the house and make his fortune in other place and startd to study. We he came back was educateted and attractive and this created a conflict in Catherine, heathcliff married isabella and have a boy. Then there was the development of the realtinoship between sons of their. VICTORIAN POETRY AND DRAMMATIC MONOLOGUE During victoria’s reign poetry became more concerned with social reality and was expected to express the intellectual and moral debate of the age; this meant the creation of a monumental poetry linked to the myth and belif in the greatness of England, and a poetry of antimyth and disbelif which had to solve the ethical problems reaised by the contrast between science and progress. The new figure of the poet was that of a prophet and a philosopher that have to reconcile faith and progress. Optimists belived that benefits of progress ould be reached without altering traditional social organisation or destroying the beauty of the countryside. The major poets of the age were alfred tennyson and robert browning who is remembered as an original creator of charachters in his best dramatic monologues. In the middle years of the century a grup of young poets and painters who called themselves ‘pre-raphaelites’ tried to react against a society which destroyed the beauty of nature. They thought that poetry and material progress are opposites and they did not try to reach a compromise between the two. They achived more satisfactory results in the visual arts than in poetry. This group of poets paved the way to the ae THE VICTORIAN FRAME OF MIND The code of values found its basis in some of the movements of thought of the age. The religious movement known as evangelicalism influenced the victorian emphasis upon moral. Ispired by John wesley, the founder of methodism, the evangelicalism belived in: need to bring enthusiasm and commitment, dedication to humanitarian causes and social reform, obedience to a strict code of morality, the importance of bible reading and praying at home. Utilitarianism is based on Jeremy Bentham’s principles and belived that problem could be overcome through reason. The utilitarian was firmly attacked by many intellectuals of the time. James Mill restated his creed as follows: legislation shoud have a more positive function in trying to help men develop theeir natural talents and personalities, he belived progress came from mental energy and in the importance of education and art, he promoted a long series of reforms. In his work ‘ on the origin of species’ and ‘the descent of man’ charles darwin presented his theory of natural selection and evolution according to which: all living creature in existence have taken forms through a slow process of change and adaptation in a struggle for survival. Darwin’s theory discarded the version of creation given by the bible and seemed to show that the strongest survived and the weakest deserved to be defeated. Herbert spencer thought that economic competition was the same as natural selection and this became known as social darwinism.sthetic movement’ with its creed of ‘art for art’s sake’. CONTENENT This poem, which is made up of 109 stanzas grouped into six sections, is Wilde’s most famous poetical composition and it is the only work he wrote after his release from prison. The poem tells the story of hanging which took place in reading gaol in July 1896 and which wilde witnessed as an inmate. ROBERT BROWNING He read constantly in his father’s library and he started to appreciate the italian reinassence paintings in an art gallery. His first poem Puline, in the form of a confession, was personal. His development is reflected in a series of remarkable lyrics, dramatic lyrics and dramatic romances. In 1845 met Elizabeth Barret. They married and they went to Italy in florence. In these years wrote Men and Women. In 1861 his wife died and he returned to england with his son. He soon began the composition of Dramatis personae. THE MASTER OF DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE He was an experimental poet and his verse seemed to open new possibilities to those who felt that Tennyson had done all that could be done with traditional subjects and forms. He came to be considered the voice of wise and reassuring optimism. In his monologues every detail of the setting is revealed. Browining’s drammatic onologues are pf three kinds: the first group includes those in the earlier collections, drammatic lyrics and drammatic romances where browning explained the meaning of dramatic saying that the story is told by sommeone actor in it, not by the poet himself. Irony is used to point out the situation, as the character does not belive that what he is saying reveals his guilt. The reader interprets the crime inadvertently confessed bu the character and from these details makes his judgment of the character. The second group of monologues is found in the volume Men and women which reflects Browining’s intense interest in the Italian renaissance. In this case the monologue is simply a speech uttered by the character showing all the traits of the renaissance, in its sensuality and enthusiasm for the arts. The last group of monologues includes love poems, like dramatic personae. Here a speaker adresses his tender invitations or joyful reflections to a woman. THEMES The most important theme is in human psycology. His themes are music, painting, love and religion generally set against the historical background of the italian reinassence. Like most victorians, he belived in progress, but he differed from his contemporaries because of his optimistic faith in the usefulness of everything, be it good or evil, offered to men. STYLE He uses rough colloquial diction abd word order, unusual rymes and hard rithms. Preposition are sometimes omitted and there are frequent digressions. He used blank verse and heroic couplet. He uses imperatives, onomatopeia and alliterations. ERCIZIO 8 He critized he usurpation and the exploitation of children in his works. In David Copperfiel he wanted to show how in this period children are brutalized and obliged to work even if they were young. We can see this caracterisatic of this period in the passage of ‘ Murdston and Greenby’s Warehouse’. In this period the society was cruel snd these children were not helped by this osciety. We can see this theme in other works; for example in Oliver Twist because Dickens attacked the social evils of his times and we can see how society abused the rights of individuals and caused further misery. Also in Hard times dickens, focusing on the difference between the rich and poor showed how children are exploiteted. COMPITO: Oscar Wild’s works are simple to read and their plot are very intersting and make you passionate. For this reason I enjoyed reading this passage but at the same time I find the valuos proposed by Doryan Gray very far from these days. Reading the final part of the book I thought a lot about how in a short time we can change who we are without realizing it. COMPITO The great depression was a serious economic and financial crisis at the end of the 1920 that had strong consequences also during the first years of the following decade. The effects were devastating both in industrialized countries and in those exporting raw materials with a decrease in demand and production. Major cities around the world were affected, especially those that based their economy on heavy industry. The construction sector was stopped in many countries; agricultural and rural areas suffered as a result of a drop in prices. The mining and forestry areas were among the most affected due to the decrease in demand. THE EDARDIAN AGE Edward 7 had a short raign. He modernizied the monarchy and brought new life and a sense of fun to a royal court. He decoreted Buckingham Palace. He signed an agreement with France in 1904, the entente cordiale. It established a mutual agreement that britain could pursue its interest in Egypt, and France in Marocco. He helped britain to established itself in a new alignment of European countries. Socially, there were many similarities between Edwardian and Victorian england. Class distinctions were well defined, there were inequalities of wealth, povert. Following the victory of the liberals in the general election in 1906 the liberals were divided into two groups: who supported the traditional liberal values of laissez faire and self help, who supported New Liberalism. David Lloyd George belived that the governemnt had the responsability to look after the poor. Wiston Churchill was an important new liberal in government. The children’s charter was a series of laws helping children, free meals, regular medical inspection, children were banned form public houses. One of the main causes of poverty was old age. There was the introduction of the old age pension. Unemployment was another cause of poverty. Workers were given beneficts such as free medical traetment and sickness benefits. These reforms were the beginning of welfare state. The principle that the government had responsability towards the poor. The parliament act made it possbile for the lords to reject a bill about money. In 1900 women were still second-class citizens and were not allowed to vote in elections of parliament. Was fouded women’s social and political union. The suffragette wanted women to have the vote. There was the appearance of popula newspapers. There was not sufficent knowledge of or interest in politics to appreciate the long reports of parliamentary debtes and was found ‘daily mail’ that differed form all other dailies because it cost only halfpenny, the articles were short, the vocabulary simple and the layout attractive. As for transport for long distances people moved on the railway. BRITAIN AND WORLD WAR 1 Edward 7’s younger son succeded his father at his death in 1910. His raign saw the years of the world war1, which broke out in 1914. Europe was divided in the triple alliance of germany, austria and italy and the triple entente between britain, france and russia. The outbreak of the war was when the austrian archduke franz ferdinand was assassinated in sarajevo in 1914. Russia was forced to defend servbia. When germany marched through belgium, a neutral territory, in orderv to attack france, britain declared war on germany in august 1914. In britain there was great patriotic enthusiasm for the war because many people thought it was right and also had romantic ideas that it would be a heroic adventure. The governemnt, using propaganda, persuased people and encouraged men form the same area or factory to form Pals’ battalions. The government introduced conscirption for all men agec 18-41. Women replaced men in their civilian jobs with competence and reliability. The Germans expected a brief conflict and were held up by french resistence at the battle of the marne. By december 1914, the war ceased to ba a war of movement. Sides built a huge line of trenches on the western front from belgiuan coast to the swiss border with france. Trench warfare became the main method of fighting for the next four years. ‘shell shock’ was the term used by doctors to refer to the shell explosions the blamed for tthe frequent cases of psycological disorders among surviving soldiers. They suffered from various forms of obsession in which the terror. The most important of the other fronts was the war at sea. Britain received important supplies from the USA. The germans decided to use their submarines to sink the merchant ships these supplies. The peace treay was signed at Versailles in 1919 by the british prime minister lloyd george, georges clemenceu of france, the americand presidente woodrow wilson and vittorio emanuele orlando of italy. President wilson proposed fourteen points to work out the peace treaty and prevent future wars. He devised a plan to set up the league of nations, an organisation in which the representatives of the world’s nations would try to discuss. The american senate voted against permenent involvement in european problems and united states never joined the league of nations. THE TWENTIES AND THE THIRTIES Irish volunteers had organised a rebellion on easter Monday in 1916 and proclaimed an irish republice. In 1919 irish volonteers became the ira and prepareted for a civil war in 1920. In 1921 the irish free state was established and the official proclamation of the republic of irland took place in 1949. After the first world war the labour party rose and the trade union became more active in trying to get better pay and conditions. There were disputer between the coal miners and the mine owners that led to the general strike of 1926. The families of coal miners shipbuilders and cotton workers experienced prolonged periods of hardship and areas in the north of england, south wales and central scotland became depressed. All over europe and america a serious crisis known as the depressiions was taking place. There was a crisi in england when neville chamberlain leader of the conservative party became prime minister. There was the abdication of edward 8 who had succeded his fathar, and the outbreak of the spanish civil war. When the king edward 8 announced his intention ot marry a divorced american woman, he met the opposition of all parties. He abdicated and was succeded by his brother george 6. The spanish war was won by the rebel general francisco franco with the assistence of mussolini and hitler. The left wing movements in britain supported the spanish republican governemnt and many committed intellectualis. British with limitations and with the distinctions between licterary generes. The development of association of words. It is very important the sound of words, musicallity and images. Logical links are not necessary but there is collage. They studied simbols, meets. They did not belived in the values of progress and religion and they look sameone else and explorated the past. Nice refused religion: god is death. In same way it was like an end of the age. There is a strong sense of originality and vitallity because groups of art used different leanguages. New tecnhics in licterature. Stream of consciusness. This psycologist was william james. This idea is so important because they were studied how human’s minds work. Our mind is like a stream and this discovery is introduced in the novel. In modern novels the masterpiece of the stram of consciussnes is considered iusilness written by ? and was about thoughts about a men in one day. This can be seen in novels but also in poetry, we have free associations. MODERN POETRY The poetry in these years preceding the first world war was caracterised by a sharp distinctions between the avant garde groups and those poets that were still influenced by the victorian romantic tradition. The latter are usually described as the georgian poets. They felt sympathy for specifically english elements, such as the countryside as a place for escapist idylls, and remained indifferent to the revolution in sensibility of modernism. A whole generation of promising young poets called war poets wrote remarkable poetry whose value lies in the unconventional anti rethorical way they dealt with the horrors of modern warfare. Modern poetry officially began with imagism that use constantly hard, clear and precise images, rhytm freed, choice of any subject matter, poems short and no moral comment becuase the aim of poetry was to achieve precision discipline the exact curve of things. French symbolism started in France with Charles Baudelaire’s les fleurs du mal. They stressed the importance of the unconsciuos and the use of images to evoke rather thant to state. They used free verses. The poet became the explorer of experience who used leanguage to create rich patterns of meaning that were not made easy for the superficial reader but required close analysis before they oxuld be understood. The 1930s were characterised by a group of poets that joined togheter as undergraduates at oxfordand planned to devote themselves to left wing propaganda. They concerned themselves with the social and political aspects of human life. They belonged to a generation which had been encouraged by its teachers to develop a social conscience. They also used slang and jazz rhythms and drew their images form the world of technology. MODERN NOVEL The novelist used to make digressions, adress the reader. The autor was expected to mediate between his caracters and the reader. This change was characterised by a gradual but substantial transformation of british society, which in a few years passed form the comfortable, prosperus world of the victorians and edwardians to the inter war years marked by unrest and fermant. There is a mediation between values of the past and the confused present. This new realism influenced by french and russian writers. Two other factors contributed to producing the modern novel: the new concept of time and the new theory of the unconscious deriving from the freudian influence. The stream of consciousness technique or the interior monologue was introduced to reproduce the uninterrupted flow of thoughts, sensations. There are trhee different groups: psychologiacl novelist who concentrated their attention on the development of the charcter’s mind and on human relationships. The second group includes the modernist novelist who chose subjective narrative techniques exploring the mind of one or moro characters. The social and political problems of the thirties forced the writers attention back to the sociey around them. THE WAR POETS They were soldiers and died very young but have different approach to work. Different position: in favour of the first war and who was against. People thought that was is an adventure undetaken for noble ends but this concept was replaced by doubt and disillusionment becuse for the soldiers, life in the trenches was hell. RUPERT BROOKE Was educated at rugby school and was a good atlethe and student. He came to know many important political, literary and social figures before the war. He advanced the idea that war is clean and cleasing. He tried to testify the safeness of war in which the only thing that can suffer is the body, and even death is see as a reward. His poems show a sentimental attitude which was completely lost in the brutal turn that war poetry took in the works of the other War Poets. He is a new simbol of the young romantic hero who inspired patriotism in the early months of the great war when England needed a focal point for its sacrifice, ideals and aspirations. WILFRED OWEN He was working as a teacher of english in France when he visited a hospital for the wounded and decided in 1915 to return to england and enlist. He was killed in a german machine gun attack. His poems are painful in the accurate accounts of gas casualities, men who have gone mad, men who are clinically alive altough their bodies have been destroyed. There are assonances and allitterations. THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT Thomas Sterns Eliot was born in Missouri and was educated at harvard. He learned Italian by studying Dante. He started to read the works od the french symbolist. He edited the criterion, an intellectual innovative magazine of european literature. He finisched the waste land; poetry was his only refuge where he expressed all his horror at his unhappy home life. Eliot finally decided to separated from his wife. His growing social concerns led him also towards the theatre and he became one of the chief exponents of poetic drama. In 1948 he recived the Nobel Prize for literature. He died in London. THE CONVERSION His work can be divided into two periods: before and after the conversion to anglicanism. The works of the first period are characterised by a pessimistic vision of the world, without any hope lije other observations or the waste land. Purification, hop, and joy are the key words of the works of the second period: Ash Wednesday, murder in the cathedral and family reunion. THE IMPERSONALITY OF THE ARTIST Eliot was also an influential literary critic: most of them are collected in such well known books as selected essays and the thrre voices of poetry. In these essays he concentrated on specific problems of style and technique; he shared with joyce that it was important for the artist to be impersonal and to separate the man who suffers from the ‘the mind which creates’. THE WASTE LAND It is an amazing anthology of ideterminte states of mind, of impressions, hallucinations, situations and personalities. All the fragmentary passages seem to belong to one voice relationg to a multiple personality beyond the limits of space and time. He is Tiresias, the thebam prophet from Sofocle’s plays who experienced blindness and the life of both sexes suffers with the women he observes. He moves thought london and a post war middle europe, which has been deprived of its spiritual roots. The poem consists of five sections: The burial of the death: which centres on the basic opposition between sterility and fertility, death adn life. A game of chess: which juxtaposes the present squalor to a past ambiguous splendour. The fire sermon where the theme of present alienation is rendered through the description of a loveless mechanical, squalid and sexual encounter. Death by water: which reinforces the idea of a spiritual shipwreck. What the tunder said: which evokes religions form east and west: a possible solution is found in a sort of sympathy with other human beings. THE MAIN THEME The main theme is the contrast between the fertility of a mythical past and the spiritual sterility and chaos of the present world. Reflects the decay of western civilization caused by world war 1. THE NEW CONCEPT OF HISTORY Tradition and history is the repetion of the same events and of classicism is the ability to see the pasa s a concreate premise for the present. THE MYTICAL METHOD In his evaqluetion of westenr culture, Eliot went back to its origins, when legends and myths were symptoms of spiritual attitudes which he regarded as extremely important. In modern society, old myths are present, but tehi have lost their deep meaning and habìve been betrayed, it is especially through mytical allusions that the contrast between present and past appears. The mytical method is simply a way of controlling, of ordering, of giving a shape and a significance to the immense panorama of futility and anarchy which is contemporary history. INNOVATIVE STYLISTIC DEVICES The style is fragmentary becasue of the mixture of different poetic styles such as blank verse, the ode, the quatrain, the free verse, thus reproducing the chaos of present civilisation. Eliot requires the active participation of the reader who experiences the same world as that of the speaker by employing the technique of implication. Methapor and symbol replace direct statement, eliot edopted the technique of the objective correlative, which he explained: the only way of expressing emotion in the form of art is by finding an objective correlative; in other words, a set of objects, a Each story is told from the perspective of a character. They are monologues, free speach and free thoughts are used too. The character are introduced by themselves and there is very Little mediation of the narrator. The linguistic register is varied since the Language used in all the stories suits the age, the social class, and the role of the characters. ULYSSES PLOT The whole novel takes place on a single day, Thursday, June 16, 1904. This day wss special to Joyce because it was the day that Nora Barnacle, His future wife, made her clear to him that she loved him. In this day three main characters wake up, have various encounters in Dublin and go to sleep 18 Hours later. The protagonist, Bloom, is the typical Joyce’s man. He wakes up at 8 am and has a lot of adventures. He has breakfast and in his Life he goes to a funeral and stuffs like that. During his day, Bloom meets Stephen Dedalus who becomes his adopted son. He takes him home. And finally there’s Bloom wife, Molly, a Singer who’s planning a Thursday od adultery with her music director. The Relation to the Odyssey. As its title suggests, Ullysses is related to Omero’s Odissey. Joyce’s used Omero’s mastepiece as a framework for his book arranging its characters and events aroun Omero’s heroic models with: Bloom=Ulysses, Dedalus=Telemachus, Molly=Penelope. The Setting: Ulysses is the climax of Joyce’s creativity and sums up the themes ans techniques he had devoloped in his previous works. It’s an ordinary day in Dublin. This city is a chartacter itself in this novel. The Representation of Human Nature The 3 protagonists represents two aspects of human nature. Stephen is pure intellect, Mr. Bloom is everybody. The main theme is moral: human Life means suffering, falling but also struggling to rise and seek the good. A revolutionary prose. The innovation was its revolutionary prose. IN fact, the Artist combined several methods to present a variety of matters. The stream of consciousness technique: questions and answers, dramatic dialogue and expositioin of events. The scenes EVELINE There is a description of the settings: reminds her some memory. She describes a seen for her childooh and used to play in the fields. Was she was young she lost her mother and promised to look after family. She reports some memories. Then there is a change because leave the past and reports about her future, she thought would habe never lead his home but now appartently yes. He is the first that uses this specific tecnhique: there is an example of indirect thought. SHE WAS FAST ASLEEP A man and a women married for a long time but they really not know each others. They have invited to a chirstmas party like every year with same food, same people, same celebration. When she was an adolescent she married Maicoll that love her but died. She felt she was love. When they return in hotel he approches her but she cries and it was not a really change their life. This is epifany: the manifestation of life of carachters. They knew what is relevantt in their lifes. They are more deeper in relationship.
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