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Summary of 1984 by George Orwell and Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson with final thoughts, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Inglese

Riassunto dei libri 1984 di George Orwell e Snowcrash di Neal Stephenson. Descrizione del contesto storico, setting, ideologia del partito al potere INGSCOC e BIG BROTHER, propaganda THOUGHT POLICE, DOUBLE THINK, THOUGHT CRIME, NEWSPEAK. Descrizione del personaggio principale e finale con pensiero conclusivo e riflessione sul ROMANZO DISTOPICO. Snowcrash genere science fiction, descrizione time e setting, creazione del METAVERSO, cos’è SNOWCRASH i suoi effetti nel mondo reale, personaggio principale e riassunto della storia. CONSIDERAZIONI FINALI e riflessioni prendendo spunto dal documentario “Social Dilemma” sull’ intelligenza artificiale e gli effetti delle nuove tecnologie.

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


Caricato il 24/10/2023

gloria-macceri 🇮🇹

6 documenti

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Scarica Summary of 1984 by George Orwell and Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson with final thoughts e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! 1984 by George Orwell: summary All of the events of the novel take place in a fictionalized version of London at some unspecified time in the future. Within the novel, London is the capital of a province called Airstrip One, which is itself part of the nation of Oceania. Oceania is one of three world powers, The other two are Eastasia and Eurasia. We might assume from the title that the novel is set in the year 1984, but we never actually know for sure. Because of the way that the Ingsoc Party controls and rewrites history, Ingsoc is the Newspeak word for the political ideology of the governing party of Oceania. It is short for English Socialism. Ingsoc represents complete and total control of the citizens of Oceania by the regime. This control impacts both their external lives and their personal thoughts. The city of London is divided between three distinct social groups. The Inner Party lives in relative comfort with servants and access to luxury goods. The Outer Party, of which Winston is a member, lives in stark, dilapidated conditions with very little control over their personal space or property. The lowest social group, the proles, live in poorly maintained slums. The city is dominated by four large mega-structures that represent the four ministries of the Party. The names of these departments are intentionally misleading and, in fact, the exact opposite of the function of each office. For example: The Ministry of Love is in charge of law and punishment, the Ministry of Peace controls war and the Ministry of Truth, where Winston works, produces propaganda and change historical information. The novel also includes fictional technologies that work to serve Ingsoc’s manipulative goals such as: the Telescreen, which functions as a two-way television, showing Party Members a constant stream of propaganda while simultaneously providing the Thought Police a way to watch every individual in the city. Telescreens represent, both symbolically and literally, the all-seeing eye of Big Brother and are synonymous with the quote, “Big Brother is watching you.” People are lead to doublethink wich is the act of holding, simultaneously, two opposite, ideas or opinions and believing in both simultaneously and absolutely. Doublethink requires using logic against logic Doublethink is crucial to the Party's control of Oceania, because it enables the Party to alter historical records and pass off these distorted ideas as authentic. Another invention of the Party is the Newspeak that reduces the role of language in thinking by restricting vocabulary. Any words that could be used to question or criticize the party are forbidden, and the semantic meaning behind certain words has slowly been removed. there are a group of people referred to as the Thought Police. They are members of the government whose main role is to maintain law and order, but they have one particular difference from most law enforcers This group is in charge of policing thoughts: identifying who has impure or anti-government thoughts The Thought Police use surveillance and psychology to determine who is guilty of committing the thoughtcrime wich is the act of committing a crime against the government in your thoughts Another forbidden thing is sex that like everything else is under the party’s control in order to prevent rebellions The book's hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary living in a London that is still shattered by a nuclear war that took place not long after World War II. He belongs to the Outer Party, and his job is to rewrite history in the Ministry of Truth, bringing it in line with current political thinking. However, Winston’s searching for truth and starts to secretly rebel against the government. He embarks on a forbidden affair with Julia and commits sexcrime and thoughtcrime with her. Winston and Julia are eventually caught by a spy and sent to the Ministry of Love for a violent reeducation. In Room 101, where prisoners are forced into submission by exposure to their worst nightmares, Winston panics and start to actually believe in the party. George Orwell’s 1984 is a defining example of dystopian fiction in that it envisions a future where society is in decline, totalitarianism has created vast inequities and desolation. Orwell wrote the book in the aftermath of World War II and the rise of fascism in Germany and the Soviet Union, and paints a pessimistic picture of society’s ability to avoid further global disasters. the book we can say that examines the importance of memory in preventing humanity to repeat the same mistakes. The metaverse, Snow crash by Neal Stephenson Neal Stephenson created the meta verse three decades ago. The author's 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash popularized the use of the term “avatar” and inspired the makers of Google Earth, and, the dystopian metaverse that Silicon Valley is trying to make a reality. The novel is set in post-collapse Los Angeles in the 21st century that became an independent state detached from America. The federal government has lost all his power and everything including armies are in the hand of private corporations and franchising. He is a former hacker and swordfighter who now works as a pizza delivery driver for the Mafia. Throughout the novel, Hiro is portrayed as a skilled and resourceful hero, constantly using his intelligence and physical abilities to overcome obstacles. He used to make softwares but due to his inability to cooperate he had to change job. Hiro also works as a hacker for the CIC selling informations and uploading the in the library. During a delivery he meets YT a 14yo girl who he starts a partnership with. Within the Metaverse, Hiro is offered a datafile named Snow Crash by a man named Raven, Hiro's friend and fellow hacker Da5id opens the file, which causes his computer to crash and to suffer brain damage in the real world. Thanks to mafia in the end Hiro will be able to defeat this dangerous drug.
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