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the League of Nations and the UN 1919-2000, Slide di Storia

T HE BIRTH OF THE LEAGUE OF NATION  International organisation of states all over the world, based in Geneva, Switzerland  I ts main aims were to keep peace and improve people’s lives  42 members in 1920 and grew to 58 members by 1934, dissolved in 1946

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Scarica the League of Nations and the UN 1919-2000 e più Slide in PDF di Storia solo su Docsity! THE CHANGING ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS : THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS AND THE UN , 1919-2000 EN (@) SZ United Nations THE BIRTH OF THE LEAGUE OF NATION o International organisation of states all over the world, based in Geneva, Switzerland o Its main aims were to keep peace and improve people's lives o 42 members in 1920 and grew to 58 members by 1934, dissolved in 1946 MN SULILI Las NAT TUNDI i QI ERE. Dt11 CLES RESSE Mii ge THE COVENANT OF THE LEAGUE o Composed of 26 articles and written as Part 1 of the Peace Treaty = Art.1:membership , all 44 countries who signed the Covenant in June 1919 were members, others could join if 2/3 of the existing members voted for it = Art. 2-7 : set up the main bodies (Council and Assembly) = Art.8 and 9 :reduce military armaments and limit arms production = Art. 10 -17 : dealt with disputes which could lead to war: = Noaggressive actions against other members = Take the disputes to the L.O.N. to solve them = Arbitration if discussion failed = Economic sanctions if any state refused to accept the decision = Ifallthis was not sufficient > military action = Art. 18-21 : banned secret treaties = Art. 22 : set out rules for governing colonies = Art. 28-25 : promised to work on labour conditions, drug trafficking and links with other international bodies (e.g. Red Cross) = Art. 26: the Covenant could be changed if the Council and the Assembly agreed © Read Table WEAKNESSES and Souree C pg. 207 > O THE ORGANISATION OF THE LEAGUE o All nations invited except : e countries who fought against the Allies (Germany, Austria, Hungary, -Bulgaria, Turkey) e Russia because it was in a civil war and under a communist government (many EU did not approve this gov.) e USA didnt join > Isolationism o 1920 L.O.N. had 42 members Vhitp:lworldatvar.nettimelinerotherMleague 18- 46.html ] Secretariat The permanent ‘civil service’ of the League. lt carried out decisions taken by the Council. Council of the League A committee that took major decisions. Most major nations were members. Assembly Met once a year. All member nations of the League had one vote here. International Labour Organisation Each member nation sent two government ministers, one employer and one worker. They discussed working conditions and got countries to make improvements. SPECIAL COMMISSIONS PAIA i So a "|A Permanent Court of Justice Fifteen judges met at the Hague in the Netherlands. They settled international disputes, e.g. over frontiers or fishing rights. Minorities Mandates | Women e Help for | Drug undeveloped niddiction Health Slavery nations Refugees The structure of the League of Nations. POST _ IT o Write the main points about the topic that you were assigned a) b) e) d) e) Origins- background Setting up (When? Where? Who ?) Covenant Weaknesses Organisation Assembly, Council, Secretariat 4 Commissions 4 Commissions » Use colours, key words, key concepts... be creative ! SUCCESSES OF THE LON o Aaland Islands 1920: in the Baltic Sea, Finland and Sweden claimed the islands and the LON was asked to arbitrate , June 1921 the Council ruled that the islands should remain Finnish o Upper Silesia 1921: industrial region on the border between Germany and Poland and both countries wanted control of it because rich of steel and iron; 1920 plebiscite was organised to vote on which country they wished to join (rural areas Poland and industrial areas Germany) so... the LON divided Silesia along these lines always safeguarding the area to prevent riots o Greek-Bulgarian War 1925 : Greeks and Bulgarians long time rivals and in October 1925 Greek troops invaded Bulgaria after an incident on the border in which Greek soldiers were shot, Bulgaria appealed to the LON and the Greek were condemned and had to pay reparations TS agit to] SUCCESSES OF THE LON o Drugs e Opium and cocaine were an international problem> Opium Advisory Committee 1920 and produced 3 treaties o 1924: agreement on opium trading o 1925 : agreement to use import and export certificates to control the trade 3 Permanent Central Board o 1981: each state would estimate in advance its medical and scientific need for drugs and limit the import / Drug Supervisory Board would monitor trade o Displaced People e After WWI1 millions of people were displaced from their home and the League helped them , especially Fridtjof Nansen who set up an organisation for this problem o Refugees e Nansen was appointed High Commissioner of a new Commission for Refugees and helped in different ways: o Shelter, food and medical help o Return home or settle elsewhere , “Nansen Passport” (identity papers issued by the League for the homeless) e With the death of Nansen the League felt that this problem diminished but in the late 1930s new refugees fled from Germany, Italy , Spain and Russia -> 1939 New Commission for Refugees in London but was soon engulfed by WW2 o Abyssinia 1934 Clash on the border with Somaliland, an Italian colony for the oasis of Walwal. Italy claimed that it belonged to them and during the fight , 30 Italians were killed and demanded financial compensation and the ownership. Abyssinia’s emperor , Haile Selassie , also member of the LON asked help , but in the meantime Mussolini sent troops and invaded Abyssinia the 30 October 1935. The Assembly imposed a sanction that stated that no arms, iron or rubber could be sold to Italy, but... o Many members refused to apply the sanction and important material, for war, like coal, steel and oil were not part of the sanction and sold by non-members o Britain and France had just established a treaty with Italy to contain the German expansion (Stresa Front) and they secretly proposed the Hoare Laval Pact , offering 2/3 of Abyssinia to Mussolini. Ignoring all this, Italy completed the conquest by May 1986 and in July 1986 , the League called off the sanctions and accepted the situation DOMENICA ve (GRRIERE WEAKNESSES o Organisation: slow to act, contradiction in voting system o Missing members: lacked in authority, didn't respect the sanctions , depended to much on Britain and France o Military weakness :no clear way to use troops o National self-interest : nations failed, they didn't keep their promises and ignored the covenant REMEMBER... o GENEVA PROTOCOL 1924 (promoted by Britain and France): if 2 members were in a dispute, they would have to ask the League to sort out the disagreement and they would have to accept the Council’s decision> weakened the LON , after the elections in Britain, in which the new conservative government refused to sign o LOCARNO TREATY/PACT 1926 (France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Poland and Czechoslovakia) : meat in Switzerland where Germany accepted the new border with Belgium , Rhineland demilitarised, Germany and France to settle disputes through the League ... Germany member of the LON o KELLOG-BRIAND PACT 1928 : international treaty signed by 65 members, that stated that war should not be used as an instrument of national policy except for self defence (signed also by Japan and USA) O o The Big Four (USA, UK, Soviet Union and China) made more detailed plans : e 1943, Moscow Declaration > “general international organisation” would be set up to maintain peace e 1944, Dumbarton Oaks, in Washington USA, to set out the basic framework for the UN organisation e 1945, Yalta Conference, USA, UK and the Soviet Union (Big Three) specified who could be members and the voting rights. SETTING UP THE UN o Between April and June 1945, e the United Nations Conference on International Organisation was held in San Francisco , USA (attended by 50 nations)? debates that inserted provisions also on human rights and racism e Signed by all 50 > the draft of the United Nations Charter that set out aims and rules o 24 October 1945, the Charter was ratified in Washington and it officially brought the UN into existence. This day is still celebrated annually by the United Nations Day SAN FRANCISCO 1945 DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE FOUNDING OF THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION AND THE SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE IN 1945. http:/ 1288630/ PREAMBLE WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, AND FOR THESE ENDS to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples, HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMS Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the cityof San Francisco, who-have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have.agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations. PREAMBLE: e Maintaining peace e Upholding human rights e Supporting international law e Promoting social progress Chapter 1 : preserve international peace and security Chapter 2 : rules for membership Chapter 3-15 : organisation, institutions and roles , major powers had a veto over decisions in its Council and majorities are sufficient for decisions in the Assembly (limited the influence of small powers) Chapter 16-17. put the UN. into international law Chapters 18-19 : how the Charter can be amended
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