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L'età Vittoriana: Da la Regina alla Fine di un Era, Appunti di Inglese

Una panoramica dell'età Vittoriana, un periodo caratterizzato da importanti riforme sociali, politiche e tecnologiche. Vediamo come la religione, i lavoratori e l'Irlanda subirono le conseguenze di queste cambiamenti, e come la tecnologia e la politica estera contribuirono a definire questo complesso periodo. Inoltre, esploriamo temi come il rispetto sociale, il liberalismo e il conservatorismo, l'influenza di Benjamin Disraeli e William Gladstone, le guerre anglo-boere e l'impero indiano, l'urbanizzazione e il ruolo delle donne, il social-darwinismo, la decadenza e l'estetismo.

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 06/10/2022

Elisabetta.15 🇮🇹



53 documenti

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Scarica L'età Vittoriana: Da la Regina alla Fine di un Era e più Appunti in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! The Dawn of the Victorian Age Queen Victoria An age of reform • • • Workhouses and religion Chartism • • The Irish Potato Famine DUring 19th century, Ehgiand experienced a Second Wave OP iNdustrigiisation Which brought economic, Cultural, and architectural change. while revolutions in Europe in 2848 Were breaking, ENigiand avoided the revolutionary Wave. IN 1851 A Great EXhibition, organised by Prince Albert, showed the World Brigdin's industridi and economic power, it Was housed at the Crystal Palace, di huge structure of giass and steel designed and erected in HYde Park. More 15,000+ eXhibitOrs from ali over the world dispiayed their gO0as LO MIlions OP Visitors. PEOpie became Fond OP exhibitions, MONEY Was invested in Setting up museums, including he NAturdi History Museum and the science MUSEUM (MOwW the Vvicgoria and Albert MUSEUM). The building OF &he London Underground began in 1860 and FailWays started Lo Lranseorm the landscape and people's lives. They &ransported large quantisies Of raw materiais aid products Quickly and cheaply. People were able &0 &ravel POP WOrk and leisure, and &he Middie CIAssSes COUld live in the SUuburbs insteda OP the crowded centres. d steel steamships expanded the victorians World even Purther. IN the mid-19%h Century, Engiand WOS INVOIVEd iN the &WO Opium Wars against China, Which Was trying 0 Suppress the opium &rade. The First Opium War (39-42) WAS FOUght vs China, while the second Opium War (56-60), (the Angio- French war in China), Was FOUGhE by Britain and France agdinst China. Engiand gdined access to FIVE Chinese ports and contro! OP Hong Kong. Thé MOST IUcrative Colony WAS Indid. IN 1857 WideSpregd repbellion, the Indian MUtiny, against British rule began. Britain diso Supported some liberal causes like Italian idependence prom the AUStrians. when RUSSIA became 400 powerfui AIgainse the TUPKiSh Empire, the crimean War (53- 56) WAS POUGE, it DEGAN AS A dispute between RUSSIG and the 0tLOMaN TUFKS, bUt SOON FFance and Britain go+ involved: they Wanted £0 limit RUSSia's PpoWEer The Crimean War Was the First CONPIICE PEported i Newspapers by journalists on «he ground. Florence Nightingale volunteered £0 ledd a £egm Of nurses at a base hospital during &he war and she became KNown as the ‘Lady With he Lamp' Por her night rounds. once DACK in England, She ROrMEd AN institution Por the development OP the Nursing proFession, It WAS a strongly Felt ODIiGation LO provide leadership Where states were Falling Or Non. existent, (APrica, INdig). INdia Was economicaily Important as a Market For British goods and strategicaliy necessary For ghe Control OP ASIG. BY 1850 the East INdia company directly PFuled MOST OP INdia. IN the late Victorian period, vhe hew imperiai government became more ambitious and *hrough pree Market ECONOMICS it destroyed traditional Parming and caused ghe deindustridisation OF INdia. At one time che Main manupacturer of Coton cloth For the World became the iargese importer Op Engiand's COLON. Jhe end ak anena The Victorian Age came +0 an end With the death OP Queen VICtOrIa ih 1901. Her Golden and Diamond TUDIIEES POP 50 And 60 Yrs On ché hroné had been celebrazed With huge public parddes, and Por her funerai London stvreess Were packed With MOurners. she Was buried beside her husband. The late Victorians Victorian urban society and women Social Darwinism Late Victorian thinkers The spread of socialist ideas IN helage 19h Century, expressions OP Civic pride and nazionali zeal were prequent among the Brit- Sh. PAbrIOLISM WAS MPIVENCEd bY ideas OP FaCIaI SUperiority. TOWArds the end Of ghe reign, hey con- Sidered themselves the leaders OP European civilisation. There was a berer that the races were di- Vided by physical and ntellec4ugi diPPerences, that SOME WEre destimed 0 be ied by Others. 1% Was an Obligation imposed by GOd On Engiand #0 Spread their superior way Of life, iNStiItUtiONS, IdW, And po- litical SYStEM ON Native peopies. This ALtitude is KNOWN ds TiNgoism. COIONidi power and ECONOMIC pro- gress were made Por the Optimistic OUtIOOk OP Many VICLOrIans. BASEd On the sheories OP the Social DArwmnism, she British COIONISErs Pélt hat they Were the giecLed race and had +0 Carry civilisation dil OVer he World and establish their government on native peo- pies, that Were considered she WEGkKEr Face and needed £0 De SAVed, BUL this SOCIAI Delier Was based ON political and Economic reasons.
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