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Trascrizione video life, Appunti di Lingua Inglese

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Caricato il 03/10/2023

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Scarica Trascrizione video life e più Appunti in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! 1F LADY LIBERTY AND ELLIS ISLAND. David Luchsinger “I don’t know if that is something to be proud of, but I have the dubious distinction of being the last resident of liberty island. Walking around the island at night and looking up at the statue of liberty, it’s quiet an experience seeing all the different ways she changes. Some nights she’s actually a little bit blue, as opposed to green. I had to sets of grandparents that came through Ellis Island, I wonder what they would think if they found that their great-grandson was going to be steward of the statue of liberty on Ellis Island. Think about of going to a different country, you may not speak the language , and they show up everything that means the world to them is in this one or two bags that they’re carrying. And they are told to drop those bags and go upstairs to be processed and they never even know if they are ever going to see that picture of their parents or their children that they left behind. They are relying on their faith that everything is going to be okay, because this is a country that they want to come to. It’s been reported that we’ve never lost a bag on Ellis Island, I guess the folks today could learn a thing or two about keeping tabs on bags. “ Judith leavel – visitor : “ everybody came from some place in America, exept the native American. It’s important to keep that alive, I think. I don’t know that our generation would be as gusty as they were to come. My grandmother was twenty, and she never went back to Italy.” Pablo Chacon: “ I don’t know why but I got emotional when I saw it for the first time I was crossing. I think it was just part of history, it being there and it was an emotional moment. He put is self in the emotion of all the people that came buy boat and the first thing they saw was this statue in a sense of welcoming to a new world, to freedom.” Peter Wong: His parents immigrated in USA from Hong Kong in China, to be able to tell their story buy using the sites as a focus. Raea Hillebrant: Their ancestors came over in 1914 from Lithuania. When they walked up the steps it gave you the chills down your spine, kind of what they went through when they came on the boat. During our peak immigration period at Ellis Island, we would average between eight and ten thousand people a day. Today our visitation during the summer is between eighteen thousand and twenty-two thousand people a day. October 29 2011, Ellis Island had closed down to do some life safety renovations. Fortunately when Sandy ( uracane) hit, none of those upgrades were damaged. But our entire infrastructure were all destroyed. They realized that it was also an opportunity to make this a more sustainable park. It was also kind of moving, in this devastation, to see the statue standing there, the flag still flying, no storme was going to bother Statue of Liberty. RICORDO DI DARE UN OCCHIATA SUL LIBRO PER VOCABOLI. 2 f HOW NOT TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN. ( scalatori = climbers) The climbers ( Cedar Wright and his friend) were trying to climb Middle Palisade, which is one of the most higher peaks in California. They were very ill – prepared. They read the description of how to climb the mountain on their phones. So they get to the base of this peak, they start heading up the peak and it was kind of vertical and it was getting kind hard. They realise that was harder than they expected. Moreover they don’t remember the description of the route. At the summit of these peaks there was a summit register, Alex opened it up and relise they climbed the wrong mountain. And then look at another mountain and climbed it. They started out across a ridge and was terrible, one false move and you are death. The pick their way up, get to the top of Middle Palisade, twelve hours later, they were exhausted. RICORDO DI DARE UN OCCHIATA SUL LIBRO PER VOCABOLI. 3f 3D-PRINTED PROSTHETIC LIMBS. For a girl with no hands, her dexterity is remarkable, her drawing skills on a par with other kids her age. Charlotte lost both hands and both legs to meningococcal septicaemia. But hers is not the sad story you might expect. Some people are surprised when they see her, how mobile she is and how she can write and draw and the fine motor skills she’s still got, even without her hands. How she is independent. She has got false limbs, prosthetic legs, basic yet do the job, but for hands is not so simple. Anything more sophisticated costs the earth. And as it grows she needs a bigger one every year. But, at a target price of £1,200, it is within range of normal families. If the person fles muscles, the hand response will open and close all the fingers. First a 3D scan is made using aa tablet computer, then a 3D printer constructs it bit by bit. For the first time these techniques are being combined to custom – build a robotic hand. At the moment, children are a bit underserved by the prosthetics industry, in the realms of robotic hands, so this project can really help them, because as a child grows, they need to have a new prosthetic every year or so, and that’s were the cost component really helps out. RICORDO DI DARE UN OCCHIATA SUL LIBRO PER VOCABOLI. 4f ART FOR THE PEOPLE. This video start with an art-lover in Cheltenham that is willing to go to extreme lengths to expose a hidden art work. That’s because beneath these wooden boards and scaffolding is a mural by one of the world’s most famous and exclusive artists, Banksy. Banksy’s spy booth appeared in April making fun of the issue of Government surveillance in the home of GCHQ the intelligence and communication headquarters in Cheltenham. Now the owner of the property want to sell the artwork and the wall it’s on. It’s caused protest from the local community. People says that GCCHQ is the best place for it, it’s something for the town, it’s public art, it’s not meant to be in private hands. When the scaffold went up it was hoped it was just for building maintenance. But it’s since been reported that a collector has bought the work and plans to take it out of the town. Campaigners argue that because the spy booth relates directly to Cheltenham, it belongs here and to the community. This art work it’s become such an important thing there. It’s brought the people in from all over the world to see it. the citizens says that public property, and it should be free to everybody. Insect eating, or entomophagy, is part of healthy diets in Asia, Africa, Australia and Latin America. This trend is anything but new. Archaeologists have found evidence of it dating to the earliest humans. Advocates of insect-eating like to note that it’s environmentally sound. Producing of caterpillar takes a tenth of the resources needed to produce a pound of beef. And insects brim with vitamins and minerals. But despite all the benefits, most Americans can’t stomach bugs. Unlike Harry Peterman, who celebrates them at his dinner parties. The evening begins with Larry’s version of the classic shrimp cocktail. (use crickets). The main course is a stir – fry, with special garnish. And dessert with insect. Ogni località negli Stati Uniti ha un negozio di caramelle, ma un negozio a Pismo Beach ( California), va oltre le solite mele caramello e caramello. Se Hotlix ha la sua strada, gli americani saranno spuntini su tutto, dai bruchi e scarafaggi a vermi della farina - mele coperte. Larry Peterman è un Candyman in missione. Per più di un decennio ha promosso una preziosa fonte di cibo che la maggior parte degli americani trova rivoltante. In una terra di abbondanza, le persone resistono. Larry sa perché. Fin dalla tenera età, i genitori insegnano ai bambini a evitare gli insetti. Ha detto che nella nostra cultura, dal momento in cui siamo davvero piccoli, ci viene insegnato di evitare gli insetti. Ma i bambini non sono gli unici a masticare gli insetti. In tutto il mondo, più di 1400 specie di insetti, compaiono nei menu. Il consumo di insetti, o entomofagia, fa parte di diete sane in Asia, Africa, Australia e America Latina. Questa tendenza è tutt'altro che nuova. Gli archeologi hanno trovato prove di esso risalenti ai primi esseri umani. Sostenitori di insetticida piace notare che è ecologicamente sano. La produzione di bruco richiede un decimo delle risorse necessarie per produrre una libbra di manzo. E gli insetti traboccano di vitamine e minerali. Ma nonostante tutti i benefici, la maggior parte degli americani non riesce a digerire gli insetti. A differenza di Harry Peterman, che li celebra alle sue cene. La serata inizia con la versione di Larry del classico cocktail di gamberetti. (usa i grilli). Il piatto principale è uno stir - fry, con una decorazione speciale. E dessert con insetto. RICORDO DI DARE UN OCCHIATA SUL LIBRO PER VOCABOLI. 8f WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF MONEY DIDN’T METTER. The narrator often gives career advice to his college students. They say that if money wasn’t important they would be painters or writers. But they say that these jobs don’t bring money. The narrator keeps questioning them until he has found something they really want to do and then says do that. He says that just going after money is a waste of time. You’ll be doing things you don’t like doing in order to go on living, that id to go om doing things you don’t like doing which is stupid. He says that is better to have a short life that is fully of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way. And after all, if you do really like what you’re doing , it doesn’t matter what it is you can eventually turn it, you can eventually become a master of it. So don’t worry too much, anything you can be interested in, you can found others who are. He says that is stupid to spend your time doing things you don’t like in order to go on spending your time doing things you don’t like and to tech your children to follow in the same track. What we are doing is bringing up children and educating them to live the same sort of lives we’re living in other that they may justify themselves and find satisfaction in life buy bringing up their children. And so therefore, it’s important to consider this question : what do I desire? Il narratore spesso dà consigli di carriera ai suoi studenti universitari. Dicono che se i soldi non erano importanti sarebbero pittori o scrittori. Ma dicono che questi lavori non portano soldi. Il narratore continua a interrogarli fino a quando ha trovato qualcosa che vogliono davvero fare e poi dice di farlo. Dice che solo dare la caccia ai soldi è una perdita di tempo. Farai cose che non ti piace fare per continuare a vivere, cioè andare a fare cose che non ti piacciono, il che è stupido. Egli dice che è meglio avere una vita breve che è pienamente di quello che ti piace fare di una lunga vita trascorsa in modo miserabile. E dopo tutto, se ti piace davvero quello che stai facendo , non importa di cosa si tratta si può finalmente trasformarlo, si può finalmente diventare un maestro di esso. Quindi non preoccupatevi troppo, qualsiasi cosa vi possa interessare, potete trovare altri che lo sono. Dice che è stupido passare il tempo a fare cose che non ti piacciono per continuare a passare il tuo tempo a fare cose che non ti piacciono e a tecnologia i tuoi figli a seguire nella stessa pista. Quello che stiamo facendo è crescere i bambini e educarli a vivere lo stesso tipo di vita che stiamo vivendo in altri che possono giustificarsi e trovare soddisfazione nella vita comprare crescere i loro figli. E quindi, è importante considerare questa domanda : cosa desidero? RICORDO DI DARE UN OCCHIATA SUL LIBRO PER VOCABOLI. 9f NEWS: THE WEIRD AND THE WONDERFUL. An amazing fact about one of the nature’s larger and gentler animals, the humpback whale, has recently come to light. Humpbacks are already known to use their superior size and weight to fight off killer whales or orcas when their young are under attack. But now researchers have found that they also protect other species from attacks by orcas. A study for the Journal of Marine Science, found that in over 80% of cases where humpback whales fight off Orca attacks, the humpbacks are defending other animals such as seals, sealions, sunfish and grey whales. Orcas are much smaller whales, weighing on average around four or five tons. But they are ruthless hunters, hunting in large packs and coordinating their attacks to overwhelm their prey. Once they have made sure there is no escape, the orcas’ sharp teeth make quick work of any victim, like sealion ecc… But the researches have observed that several instances of single humpbacks trying to prevent the Orcas getting to their prey, using their huge bodies to get in the way and swiping at the orcas with their long flippers. The fights can last up to six or seven hours, with, it seems, no particular advantage to the humpbacks. At least none that the researchers have found. Khan has a fried chicken stall ( is the owner) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It looks like a normal fried chicken seller, but khan is quiet an unusual man. Seven years ago, he was cooking at his stall and a squirrel dropped a mango into his wok from a tree above. The oil splashed all over his head and his body. He took a taxi to home. The next day he was going to see the doctor, but when he looked in the mirror he saw he had no burns. So he went back to work as usual. Some people might be put off by khan’s strange ability, but it’s proved to be great business for his stall, because many tourists come to see for themselves. Un fatto sorprendente su uno degli animali più grandi e più delicati della natura, la megattera, è recentemente venuto alla luce. Le megattere sono già note per usare le loro dimensioni e peso superiori per combattere le orche o le orche quando i loro piccoli sono sotto attacco. Ma ora i ricercatori hanno scoperto che proteggono anche altre specie dagli attacchi delle orche. Uno studio per il Journal of Marine Science, ha scoperto che in oltre l'80% dei casi in cui le megattere combattono gli attacchi Orca, le megattere difendono altri animali come foche, leoni marini, pesci luna e balene grigie. Le orche sono balene molto più piccole, con un peso medio di circa quattro o cinque tonnellate. Ma sono cacciatori spietati, cacciano in grandi branchi e coordinano i loro attacchi per sopraffare le loro prede. Una volta che hanno fatto in modo che non ci sia fuga, i denti affilati delle orche fanno il lavoro rapido di qualsiasi vittima, come Sealion ecc... Ma le ricerche hanno osservato che diversi casi di singole megattere cercano di impedire alle orche di raggiungere le loro prede, usando i loro enormi corpi per mettersi in mezzo e strisciando verso le orche con le loro lunghe pinne. I combattimenti possono durare fino a sei o sette ore, con, sembra, nessun particolare vantaggio per le megattere. Almeno nessuno che i ricercatori hanno trovato. Khan ha una bancarella di pollo fritto ( è il proprietario) a Chiang Mai, Thailandia. Sembra un normale venditore di pollo fritto, ma Khan è tranquillo un uomo insolito. Sette anni fa, stava cucinando nella sua stalla e uno scoiattolo lasciò cadere un mango nel suo wok da un albero sopra. L'olio gli schizzò sulla testa e sul corpo. Prese un taxi per tornare a casa. Il giorno dopo stava andando dal medico, ma quando si guardò allo specchio vide che non aveva ustioni. Così tornò al lavoro come al solito. Alcune persone potrebbero essere scoraggiate dalla strana abilità di Khan, ma si è rivelato un ottimo affare per il suo stand, perché molti turisti vengono a vedere di persona. 10f QUEEN OF EGYPT. She has a reputation for beauty, power, controversy and, ultimately, tragedy. In 69 BC Cleopatra was born into Egypt’s Ptolemaic dynasty; a dynasty in decline and under the protection of Rome. At the age of eighteen, she became queen and ruled Egypt with her younger brother, Ptolemy the 13th. But the royal couple did not have a good relationship and cleopatra was soon forced from power. But losing did not suit Cleopatra and she waited for a chance to prove her capabilities. That opportunity came when Julius Caesar, the winner in Rom’s recent civil war, arrived in Alexandria, Egypt, in pursuit of a rival Roman general. According to legend Cleopatra managed to get herself into Caesar’s court rolled up inside a rug. Caesar was completely charmed he defeated Cleopatra’s rivals and helped her seize the throne. Shortly after, she gave birth, to a boy, Caesarion, whom she claimed was Caesar’s son. Egypt was a very rich country and Cleopatra was fiercely determined to keep it independent of Rome. Her relationship with Caesar kept the Romans from taking direct control of Egypt. But after Caesar’s murder, her position, and the future of her country, became uncertain. Searching for people who could help her among Rome’s new leaders, she was overjoyed when Merk Anthony, one of Caesar’s potential successor, sent for her. Like Caesar before him, Mark Antony was charmed by the elegant Egyptian queen and her riches. Together they ruled Alexandria, an arrangement that made Cleopatra a fully independent ruler. Cleopatra and Antony shared a hunger for power. They eventually married and became the power couple of the eastern Mediterranean . Antony try to help her acquire some Roman lands. And he declared Cleopatra’s son, Caesarion, to be the son and true successor to Julius Caesar. That insulted and infuriated Mark Antony’s Roman rival, Octavian, who went to war against them. Anthony and Cleopatra were quickly beaten at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Legend tells us that Cleopatra tells us that Cleopatra spread numerous false rumours of her death. His mind distorted by grief Antony killed himself. But word came she was still alive an Anthony followers carried him to Cleopatra, where he died in her arms. The farmer is an urban farming market, where they use the entire structure to grow food and the bottom level is used as a retail area, where we can sell the food. The farmer is created from shipping containers and modular greenhouse components. They have living wall panels that they have developed that hang off the outside of shipping containers. They grow aquaponic crops on those and inside the shipping containers they grow gourmet mushrooms. His farming methods differ in almost every way from conventional agriculture. For one things the plants are grown in expanding clay pebbles instead of using soil. He use basically a fifty per cent aquaponic, fifty per cent hydroponic nutrient mix. Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture , the growing of fish, with hydroponics, which is growing plants in water – based systems. The crops that they primarily focus on at The Farmery are gourmet mushrooms, strawberries, herbs, greens, baby greens, salad mixes, lettuces. But then once you’ve grown it on a small space, the question is what do you do with it? If you grow it in such small space to the point that you can locate a retail element to it, then you’ve created a completely new experience. Customers can walk in there and cut the crops, harvest it, put it in a little baggy and they’ll have a story right there. They would like to put a farmer in every city across America, starting with regional growth and than expanding into nations. They think they have different option to offer: like putting it in urban neighbourhoods, where customers can come in and they can see their food growing on the wall. So they can have an experience that is note provided in a urban area for them. Having them buying food from the area they live in, maybe would make them more proud of themselves. His mission is to create something spectacular, something that he think people could be part of. He hope that farmer makes us realize that food is about quality over quantity. Questo è un video su un contadino. Dice che quando va in giro per la Carolina del Nord rurale, vede come quella terra viene utilizzata per l'agricoltura, e gli fa pensare al complesso viaggio che il cibo deve compiere da quei campi agli scaffali dei negozi. Deve essere raccolto; deve essere imballato, trasportato, raffreddato. E ad ogni passo c'è una massiccia perdita di inventario. Che cosa di questo intero sistema potrebbe essere consolidato in un unico sito? L'agricoltore è un mercato agricolo urbano, dove usano l'intera struttura per coltivare cibo e il livello inferiore viene utilizzato come area di vendita al dettaglio, dove possiamo vendere il cibo. L'agricoltore è creato da container e componenti modulari in serra. Hanno pannelli di parete viventi che hanno sviluppato che pendono fuori dell'esterno dei contenitori di trasporto. Coltivano colture acquaponiche su quelle e all'interno dei container crescono funghi gourmet. I suoi metodi di coltivazione differiscono in quasi tutti i modi dall'agricoltura convenzionale. Per prima cosa le piante vengono coltivate in ciottoli di argilla espansione invece di utilizzare il suolo. Usa basicamente un cinquanta per cento aquaponic, miscela di nutriente idroponica di cinquanta per cento. Aquaponics è la combinazione di acquacoltura , la crescita del pesce, con idroponica, che sta crescendo piante in acqua - sistemi basati. Le colture che si concentrano principalmente su a The Farmery sono funghi gourmet, fragole, erbe, verdure, verdure, miscele di insalata, lattuga. Ma una volta cresciuto in un piccolo spazio, la domanda è: cosa ne fai? Se lo coltivi in uno spazio così piccolo al punto da poter individuare un elemento di vendita, hai creato un'esperienza completamente nuova. I clienti possono entrare e tagliare i raccolti, raccoglierli, metterli in un po' larghi e avranno una storia proprio lì. Vorrebbero mettere un agricoltore in ogni città d'America, a partire dalla crescita regionale e di espansione in nazioni. Pensano di avere diverse opzioni da offrire: come metterle nei quartieri urbani, dove i clienti possono entrare e vedere il loro cibo crescere sul muro. Così possono avere un'esperienza che è nota fornita in una zona urbana per loro. Averli a comprare cibo dalla zona in cui vivono, forse li renderebbe più orgogliosi di se stessi. La sua missione è creare qualcosa di spettacolare, qualcosa di cui pensa possano far parte le persone. Spera che l'agricoltore ci faccia capire che il cibo è più qualità che quantità. TULIPANI in Italy. RIASSUNTO TESTO “ A CONFUSED GENERATION”(p.12) Bella is a girl of eleven years old, she lives in shanghai with her parents. Her parents are part of a confused generation, in fact we can say that in modern Chinese society there are different ideologies that are fighting against each other. In particulary in this society old values compete with new values; old values so the respect of family and older generations and new values so to make money and success. We can see this situation, for example in Bella’s family. They put Bella’s grandfather into a nursing home. This was a painful decision, because in China, caring for aged parents has always been a children’s duty, but Bella’s ambition is to put her parents in the best nursing home she will have enough money. Also in that society once parents thought children, but now they learn from them. Bella’s parents says also that when they go shopping Bella makes sure they select the right western brands. She also teaches to her parents the latest slang. At first, Bella's parents helped her with her homework, but now, after studying English for 5 years, she has overcome them. She learned more about the outside world than they have. Bella is also a rebellious girl but in China there is no concept of the rebellious teenager.
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