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The Influence of Literature on Society: Romanticism, Modernism, and Women's Education, Appunti di Inglese

Various literary works and movements, including the Romantics, the Aesthetic Movement, and Modernism. It discusses the lives and works of authors such as Virginia Woolf, Charlotte Bronte, and James Joyce, and the impact of their writing on societal values and norms. Topics include women's education, the role of art, and the rejection of Victorian values.

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Caricato il 14/06/2022

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Scarica The Influence of Literature on Society: Romanticism, Modernism, and Women's Education e più Appunti in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! Inglese Dickens, 1812-1970, troubled childhood, he worked in a factory, than he works as a reporter, he wrote under the name “boz”, he started to gain success as a writer. He wrote Oliver Twist, where he express the situation of children, a very important argument to him. In the Victorian age the children had really bad conditions, if they survived they were used as servants, they worked in factories or they were criminals. Some organizations tried to help these conditions by limiting the hours of work. The setting in the novel are: ⁃ the world and the power belonged to the church and the middle- class ⁃ The criminal world, born because of the poverty ⁃ The values that distinguish the poor classes from the middle one Oliver Twist summery: Oliver is an orphan poor boy who was brought to an hospice for poor, he was mistreated from the dirigent than he was assumed to work, but also there they didn’t treat him well so he escaped and went to London, even if he was free he now knows that life is still complicated, in London he meet a group of pickpockets that tried to make a thief out of him, but day by day he tried to make his life better, he was lucky he found a man who gave him sincerity and love, he helped him, and the moral of the story is that no metter what you should always be yourself and never let someone condition you. In “Oliver wants some more” there’s a description of the children conditions and than a description of the place, a cold and empty room, dickens makes a detailed description of their conditions, form the hunger to the chubby boy who threatened to eat Oliver, also in this passage we see that Oliver had to go to the master and ask for more soup and that put him in trouble infact the day after Oliver was sold for 5 pounds. With this dickens wanted to show us the horrible conditions of the children . Charlotte Brontë 1816-1855 She was the daughter of an Anglican clergyman who influenced her work, she self educated, she read a lot of books, she used a pen name to write because women couldn’t write, she published her most important novel “Jane eyre” and it was immediately successful. Jane eyre is an example of education novel. We can see Jane passing from the innocence of childhood to the maturity of adulthood, and during this journey she’s educated following the values of the Victorian standard, she always struggle for self control, and she changes a lot of residence. “Life at lowood” in this passage we see Jane whose an orphan living with her horrible aunt, who sees her as a burden and also her cousins didn’t treat her well, so she was sent to lowood an institution for orphan girls, where she received a rigid education. But even in this conditions she found lovec she met a girl Helen that became her friend and also a kind teacher mrs temple. During her permanence she had to follow the rules of the house, she had to eat horrible food to become a respectable woman. Also her only friend died because of this conditions and tuberculosis, and Jane was moved to another house. The role of the woman In this period it esa written by patmore a narrative poems where he describes the ideal of the woman. The ideal woman at the time was an angel, and that title is applied to that woman who can create heaven for the husband in a well ordered house. In the Victorian age every family had their responsibilities, the wife duties were educating the children, doing the chores, and providing emotional support for her husband, even if the women weren’t undervalued the man had to keep his head up and go to work to maintain his family, the ability of ghe husband to keep the woman out of the work life signified respectability. Even if the woman had their responsabilities there was a new trand infact a lot of women could enjoy a day out at the seaside, playing sport like Archery and croquet. Thomas hardy 1840 He was born in a poor family, he took his passions for music and literature from his parents. He worked as an apprentice for an architect but at the same time he wrote and he decides to vote himself ti literature. We remember the text “tess of the d’ubervilles” where we have Tess the protagonist whose victim of violence and was raped by Alec a libertine aggressive man, and she had a kid that made her look as a fallen woman so she couldn’t work because of the Victorian values, she decided to move to another valley, where she found a job and she can finally heal from her bad experience , she also found love, but that don’t last too long ba cause she reveals her past and he abandoned her. She’s victim from her past another time, and she’s now alone, with this text hardy wants to tell us that we are forced to live in our current situation from birth, and we can’t change it, we have to accept it even if we trie, our life is already written. The aesthetic movement was born in England, in the end of 19th century, the principe of this movement is “art for art” that has the research of beauty as an objective, and this goes against the science and the refuse of realism. The aesthetic artist has to live his life as a art project and from here it’s created the figure of dandy and aesthetic. Dandy is a young Handsome man who lives for the “beauty”, a corrupted figure who just spends money, is a rebels ecc.. we remember D’Annunzio and Oscar Wilde with the portrait of Dorian gray —> storia born in India, from a Britain family, he studied in England but then he came back to India, he also participate at the Spanish war, where he could make a portrait of the contemporary situation. We remember his most famous work “nineteen eighty-four” 1984, it’s a distopic novel where the author imagines the future world divided in 3 powers after the third war, Oceania, Eurasia, and estasia are all 3 ruled by totalitarian regimes, and they controlled the life of every citizens. In the story we have a radical pessimism that reflects the effects of the second world, it’s a story between horror and fantasy, an empty and poor world where the regime is the only thing someone could believe in, a blind obedience that the regime passes as happiness. In this text the protagonist is smith that works at the true minister where he has to censor books and periodical that goes against the political, no one could express their thoughts but smith starts to go against the regime. The passage “a cold April day” just give us a description of smith, he works for the politic al party, he is nineteen year old boy, he’s coming back to his home and he always sees when he climbs the stairs a poster where there’s an handsome man, with dark eye and a heavy mustache. “News peak” This passage concerns one of the most relevant examples of the Party manipulation over population, particularly as regards language control of citizens. It introduces the ambition of the Party to introduce Newspeak, a new English language which aims at reducing the number of words to make people avoid to express rebelled and free thoughts which may be against the Party ideology. And this ideology of eliminating words disturbs smith, but he can’t say anything, this new ideology wanted to eliminate some words just so people couldn’t think of something that goes against the totalitarian. Finire programma e fare onu e fau alla velox Theater of absurd It’s a new trend during the 1950, this new trend recognize Samuel Beckett as his father, the play are in line with filosophy and the existentialism in France, life is meanless, nothing really heppens, there is no past or no future just repetitions, no moral values, and this theater wants to represent the reality Samuele Beckett 1906-1989 He was born in Dublin from a Protestant family, since he was a kid he shows his studies capacity, he studied at the trinity collage and than he transferred to Paris where he also meets James Joyce . We remember “waiting for Godot”, his most important work, the principal theme is the “wait” a human condition that touches everyone, the story is divided in 2 acts, in the first one we have 2 man Vladimir and estragon, both are waiting for a misterious man called Godot, that sends a boy that informs them that he will not come, but he will be there the next day, so the two man start an empty conversation talking about the climate conditions ecc, but we know that they’re desperate and both of them also thought about the suicide but they never did anything, oppose to them in the second act we have two other man, lucky and pozzo, lucky is like a servant, and posso is his master, we can see that lucky has a rope around his neck that it’s an unbreakable link between them. There is no dialogue and no sense, because no one of the presents could provide information about them and their situation. In this story there is no time, it’s like there is no past or future, just a repetitive present, there are no setting, just but a country road, no plot, and the vents don’t have any meaning. The post modernism It’s a new trend that it’s created after the second war, it uses a lot parts of the modernism, but the post one is characterized by fragmentation, unreliable narrator, irony, and they also put in discussion the reality qnd Rationality. The post m is a replay of the effects of the war, it also mixes a lot of genres and arts. Second war finire It started in 1939 Ernest Hemingway 1899 He was born in Chicago, his mother was a rigid woman but she ad a big passion for art and poetry, his father was a doctor and he shared with him gbe passion of fishing and hunting, this experiences formed the base for his stories, he didn’t go to university but he started working as a chronicler and this was a big chance for him, ti become a writer, he learned how to write properly, the rules to an objective article, and clean phrases. He enrolled as a volunteer driver for the war but he was seriously injured after an explosion, he was sent to an hospital where he fell in love with an American nurse, but she refused him, so this story inspired him to write. Also the horror of the war signed him profoundly. He came back home and started to work as a journalist but it wasn’t right so he enrolled a second time with the Americans. He continued to write but he continues yo have problems, his pessimism was growing and his writes didn’t like ti public. We remember “a farewell to arms” that’s based on personal experiences and he talks about a love story before, during, and after the war at Caporetto, and he will talk about a Swiss nurse who he will fall in love with, at some point he has to escape and he tries to search for Catherine and they abandon Italy, when they arrives to Swiss she gives birth to their son but he dies and her too, and the boy found himself to face up solitude Sylvia Plath 1932 She was born in USA, she was talented since she was a kid, she was depressed and tried to take her life, she was sent to a psychiatrist clinic, she merrier a poet, and they had a daughter Rebecca, and then they had a boy Nicholas, after that her wedding end. She transferred to London and she started to write a lot of stories, but after the publication she took her life by putting her head in gas oven. Some critics thought that her gesture was a help request, and that she was victim of abuses and domestic violence. “The mirror” seems like a riddle, in fact the poet gives us a lot of informations about the mirror, she leaves short messages, tang gives people an idea of the mirror, the mirror turns into a lake, where a woman goes to look at herself trying to find her essence, the protagonist is in contrast with the secret that was kept by the lake, where a young lady committed a suicide. It’s like in this poem Sylvia is tying to tell us what she was going through and that she was trying to fight her intern demons Onu L’Onu é un’organizzazione nata nel 45 dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, é un’organizzazione che cerca di mantenere la pace tra gli Stati, ed evitare scontri armati. L’assemblea si tenne a Londra nel 46, ma la sede ufficiale si trova a New York, gli Stati totali sono 193, e l’Italia entra a far parte nel 1955, obbiettivi: ⁃ prevenire conflitti ⁃ Promuovere sviluppo nazioni ⁃ Difendere diritti dell’uomo L’Onu ha 3 organi principali : ⁃ il segretario generale mette in atto le risoluzioni del consiglio, carica di 5 anni ⁃ L’assemblea generale, una sorta di parlamento che elegge il segretario generale e discute degli obbiettivi ⁃ Consiglio di sicurezza, costituito da 15 membri, 5 permanenti e 10 in rotazione eletti dall’assemblea generale, il consiglio può connotare sanzioni economiche a un paese che crea scontri, è dotato di forze armate i “caschi blu” Fao L'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'alimentazione e l'agricoltura è un'agenzia specializzata delle Nazioni Unite con il mandato di aiutare ad accrescere i livelli di nutrizione, aumentare la produttività agricola, migliorare la vita delle popolazioni rurali e contribuire alla crescita economica mondiale. Contesto storico del romanticismo
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