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Focus 2 unit 1 gr A i B rok 2023, Testy z Język angielski

Focus 2 Unit 1 gr A z roku 2023 z podręcznika focus 2 unit 1

Typologia: Testy


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Pobierz Focus 2 unit 1 gr A i B rok 2023 i więcej Testy w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! 12 Personality adjectives • Adjective + preposition I can describe people and talk about personal qualities. 1.1 Vocabulary SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Match adjectives 1–5 with their opposites a–e. 1 clever a boring d 2 funny b negative 3 interesting c serious 4 kind d stupid 5 positive e unkind 2 In pairs, look at the photos and choose an adjective from Exercise 1 to describe each person. 3 CD•1.12 MP3•12 Listen to Rani and check your answers to Exercise 2. 4 CD•1.13 MP3•13 What do Sara, David and Rani want to be? Listen and complete the interview with the jobs they want to do. TEENAGE DREAMS AND AMBITIONS THEY’RE YOUNG, AMBITIOUS AND OPTIMISTIC. WE MEET THREE TEENAGERS AND ASK THEM ABOUT THEIR DREAMS AND AMBITIONS. U N I T L A N G U A G E A N D S K I L L S Vocabulary: • Show what you know – personality adjectives • adjective antonyms • negative prefi xes: un-, in-, ir-, dis- • adjective + preposition • word families Grammar: • present tenses – question forms • subject and object questions • wh- questions ending with prepositions • verb + -ing or verb + to- infi nitive Listening: • an interview and a conversation about voluntary work Reading: • a text on teenage stereotypes Speaking: • showing interest Writing: • a personal email /letter F O C U S E X T R A • Grammar Focus page 112 • WORD STORE booklet pages 2–3 • Workbook pages 8–19 or MyEnglishLab • MP3s – Interviewer: So Sara, what do you want to be? Sara: I want to be a 1 . Interviewer: Are your parents involved in journalism? Sara: No, not at all. In fact, journalists are pretty unpopular in my house. My father’s interested in the news, but he isn’t very keen on journalists . He thinks most of them are arrogant, dishonest and irresponsible. Interviewer: David, why do you want to be a 2 ? David: I’m really disappointed with our government. Young people have a lot to say, but politicians don’t listen to them. They just think teenagers are lazy and miserable. Interviewer: Why do you think you could be a politician ? David: I’m passionate about my country. I also have the right character: I’m not at all shy! In fact, I’m very outgoing and I’m good at public speaking. I’m only sixteen now, so I’m very inexperienced, but I’m serious about politics. Interviewer: Rani, why do you want to be a 3 ? Rani: Well, most surgeons in the UK are men and I think that’s unfair and wrong in the twenty-fi rst century. I think my generation is responsible for getting more women into important jobs. Interviewer: What special qualities do you think you need to be a surgeon? Rani: I think I need to be caring, sensible and very hard-working. 1 PERSONALITY Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. KURT COBAIN (1967–1994), AN AMERICAN MUSICIAN M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 12 30/06/2015 18:19 13 WORD STORE 1A 7 CD•1.14 MP3•14 Complete WORD STORE 1A with adjectives from Exercise 5. Then listen, check and repeat. WORD STORE 1B 8 CD•1.15 MP3•15 Complete WORD STORE 1B. Write the opposites of the adjectives. You can fi nd them in the interview. Then listen, check and repeat. 9 Complete the sentences with adjectives from WORD STORE 1B. 1 Phil is an skier. He goes to the mountains every year. 2 Ted’s an guy. He never tells lies. 3 I never ask Sarah to look after my pet. She is so . 4 Mr Morgan is very . He treats all his students equally. 5 Everybody likes Emma. She’s really . 6 I’m worried about going in a car with Cara because she’s an driver. She only passed her test recently. 7 Paul’s only sixteen, but he seems to be much older. He’s so sensible and . 10 Can you change the names in Exercise 9 to describe people you know? Tell your partner. WORD STORE 1C 11 CD•1.16 MP3•16 Look at the underlined words in the interview. Complete WORD STORE 1C with the correct preposition after the adjectives. Then listen, check and repeat. 12 Complete the questions with the correct prepositions. 1 What sort of things are you interested ? 2 What after-school activities are you involved ? 3 What bands and singers are you keen ? 4 What sports or games are you good ? 5 What sort of things are you serious ? 6 What jobs at home are you responsible ? 7 Which marks in your last exams were you disappointed ? 8 What are you most passionate ? 13 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise 12. 5 Replace the adjectives in brackets with the adjectives in red in the interview. 1 Surgeons are (not selfi sh). They are kind and helpful. Surgeons are caring. They are kind and helpful. 2 Teenagers are (not cheerful). They are always in a bad mood. 3 Business people are (not lazy). They put a lot of effort into their work. 4 Journalists are (not modest). They think they are better than other people. 5 Politicians are (not shy). They are confi dent and sociable. 6 Farmers are (not crazy). They don’t make silly decisions. 6 In pairs, discuss the questions. 1 Do you know anybody like Rani, Sara or David? 2 Which teenager is the most like/unlike you? 3 What are your dreams and ambitions? Go to WORD STORE 1 page 3 . David Rani Real world • 7 April Sara M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 13 30/06/2015 18:19 Sara: funny, positive David: serious, interesting, clever Rani: serious, happy journalist politician surgeon c a e b 26 REFERENCES AUDIO SCRIPT ››› p. 141 EXTRA ACTIVITIES • Photocopiable resource 1 (personality adjectives – 10 mins) p. 165, 176 • Photocopiable resource 2 (question words and prepositions – 10 mins) p. 165, 177 • Photocopiable resource 41 (Test yourself pairwork activities), p. 175, 222 • Students write more gap fill sentences like the ones in Ex. 10 for the Word store vocabulary. They exchange and complete sentences. M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 26 08/02/2016 17:33 12 Personality adjectives • Adjective + preposition I can describe people and talk about personal qualities. 1.1 Vocabulary SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 Match adjectives 1–5 with their opposites a–e. 1 clever a boring d 2 funny b negative 3 interesting c serious 4 kind d stupid 5 positive e unkind 2 In pairs, look at the photos and choose an adjective from Exercise 1 to describe each person. 3 CD•1.12 MP3•12 Listen to Rani and check your answers to Exercise 2. 4 CD•1.13 MP3•13 What do Sara, David and Rani want to be? Listen and complete the interview with the jobs they want to do. TEENAGE DREAMS AND AMBITIONS THEY’RE YOUNG, AMBITIOUS AND OPTIMISTIC. WE MEET THREE TEENAGERS AND ASK THEM ABOUT THEIR DREAMS AND AMBITIONS. U N I T L A N G U A G E A N D S K I L L S Vocabulary: • Show what you know – personality adjectives • adjective antonyms • negative prefi xes: un-, in-, ir-, dis- • adjective + preposition • word families Grammar: • present tenses – question forms • subject and object questions • wh- questions ending with prepositions • verb + -ing or verb + to- infi nitive Listening: • an interview and a conversation about voluntary work Reading: • a text on teenage stereotypes Speaking: • showing interest Writing: • a personal email /letter F O C U S E X T R A • Grammar Focus page 112 • WORD STORE booklet pages 2–3 • Workbook pages 8–19 or MyEnglishLab • MP3s – Interviewer: So Sara, what do you want to be? Sara: I want to be a 1 . Interviewer: Are your parents involved in journalism? Sara: No, not at all. In fact, journalists are pretty unpopular in my house. My father’s interested in the news, but he isn’t very keen on journalists . He thinks most of them are arrogant, dishonest and irresponsible. Interviewer: David, why do you want to be a 2 ? David: I’m really disappointed with our government. Young people have a lot to say, but politicians don’t listen to them. They just think teenagers are lazy and miserable. Interviewer: Why do you think you could be a politician ? David: I’m passionate about my country. I also have the right character: I’m not at all shy! In fact, I’m very outgoing and I’m good at public speaking. I’m only sixteen now, so I’m very inexperienced, but I’m serious about politics. Interviewer: Rani, why do you want to be a 3 ? Rani: Well, most surgeons in the UK are men and I think that’s unfair and wrong in the twenty-fi rst century. I think my generation is responsible for getting more women into important jobs. Interviewer: What special qualities do you think you need to be a surgeon? Rani: I think I need to be caring, sensible and very hard-working. 1 PERSONALITY Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are. KURT COBAIN (1967–1994), AN AMERICAN MUSICIAN M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 12 30/06/2015 18:19 13 WORD STORE 1A 7 CD•1.14 MP3•14 Complete WORD STORE 1A with adjectives from Exercise 5. Then listen, check and repeat. WORD STORE 1B 8 CD•1.15 MP3•15 Complete WORD STORE 1B. Write the opposites of the adjectives. You can fi nd them in the interview. Then listen, check and repeat. 9 Complete the sentences with adjectives from WORD STORE 1B. 1 Phil is an skier. He goes to the mountains every year. 2 Ted’s an guy. He never tells lies. 3 I never ask Sarah to look after my pet. She is so . 4 Mr Morgan is very . He treats all his students equally. 5 Everybody likes Emma. She’s really . 6 I’m worried about going in a car with Cara because she’s an driver. She only passed her test recently. 7 Paul’s only sixteen, but he seems to be much older. He’s so sensible and . 10 Can you change the names in Exercise 9 to describe people you know? Tell your partner. WORD STORE 1C 11 CD•1.16 MP3•16 Look at the underlined words in the interview. Complete WORD STORE 1C with the correct preposition after the adjectives. Then listen, check and repeat. 12 Complete the questions with the correct prepositions. 1 What sort of things are you interested ? 2 What after-school activities are you involved ? 3 What bands and singers are you keen ? 4 What sports or games are you good ? 5 What sort of things are you serious ? 6 What jobs at home are you responsible ? 7 Which marks in your last exams were you disappointed ? 8 What are you most passionate ? 13 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise 12. 5 Replace the adjectives in brackets with the adjectives in red in the interview. 1 Surgeons are (not selfi sh). They are kind and helpful. Surgeons are caring. They are kind and helpful. 2 Teenagers are (not cheerful). They are always in a bad mood. 3 Business people are (not lazy). They put a lot of effort into their work. 4 Journalists are (not modest). They think they are better than other people. 5 Politicians are (not shy). They are confi dent and sociable. 6 Farmers are (not crazy). They don’t make silly decisions. 6 In pairs, discuss the questions. 1 Do you know anybody like Rani, Sara or David? 2 Which teenager is the most like/unlike you? 3 What are your dreams and ambitions? Go to WORD STORE 1 page 3 . David Rani Real world • 7 April Sara M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 13 30/06/2015 18:19 miserable hard-working arrogant outgoing sensible experienced honest irresponsible fair popular inexperienced responsible in in on about at for with about 27 WORKBOOK p. 8–9 NEXT CLASS Ask students to do Show what you know 1.2 in the WB, p. 10. M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 27 08/02/2016 17:34 16 Gapped text I can understand the structure of a text. 1 In pairs, look at the phrases in the box and decide whether they are things parents say about teenagers or things teenagers say about themselves. able to get up early bad-tempered generous hard-working interested in the world lazy loyal to their friends obsessed with their phones passionate about music selfi sh uncommunicative unhelpful Parents say teenagers are … Teenagers say they are … 2 Read the survey report and comments. Compare your ideas in Exercise 1 with the information you read. 3 Read the comments again. Choose from sentences A–F the one which fi ts each gap (1–5). There is one extra sentence. A Teenagers are defi nitely not lazy. B We don’t have time to tidy our rooms. C Why are people so negative about teenagers? D I don’t think I’m selfi sh. E I hate stereotypes. F The most important thing in my life is not my phone. 4 Read the comments again and write the names. Who thinks that: 1 teenagers work really hard? , 2 teenagers have lots of positive personal qualities? 3 teenagers are interested in other people and cultures? 4 teenagers are all different people? 5 friends are very important for teenagers? 1.4 Reading Sarah 1 Most of us are adorable, cheerful, very hard-working, interesting, brave, generous, loyal, helpful and very good cooks. Oh, and very modest! 5.54 p.m. 3 May A recent survey shows that there are reasons why teenagers behave badly. The study suggests that teenagers need to sleep more and that is why sixty-fi ve percent of parents say their teenagers are bad-tempered, uncommunicative and lazy. The report also shows that most teenagers are obsessed with their phones. They spend more time chatting online or playing computer games than doing homework. Most parents also say that their teenage children are selfi sh and unhelpful. Only a few of them help with housework at home. Ryan, 16Mel, 18Andrew, 17 What are teenagers really like? Your comments CD•1.24 MP3•24 Janet 2 It’s my friends. We love each other. We don’t argue or fi ght. We go to the park after school and we sit under a tree, eat ice cream and talk about guys. We like cooking and camping, not just texting and computer games. I don’t have time to read much, but I play the guitar and sing. I’m not a bad-tempered monster – I (usually) apologise when I’m wrong and I like spending time with my grandparents. 7.18 p.m. 3 May ALL VIDEO FRIENDS APPLICATIONS PHOTOS WHITEBOARD BLOG 5 10 15 20 25 M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 16 30/06/2015 18:20 17 5 Match 1–5 with a–e to make questions. Then answer the questions. 1 Who likes spending 2 Who wants to get 3 Who doesn’t have 4 Who does 5 Who thinks some teenagers play a his homework in the evening? b football? c time with her grandparents? d a job in a developing country? e time to read much? 6 Find the opposites of these adjectives in Sarah’s comment. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 arrogant ≠ modest 2 cowardly ≠ 3 disloyal ≠ 4 dull ≠ 5 grumpy ≠ 6 mean ≠ 7 Complete the sentences with adjectives from Exercise 6. 1 Teenagers are . They think they know everything. 2 Teenagers are . They never get enough sleep and are always in a bad mood. 3 Teenagers are to their friends. They are always there for their friends. 4 Teenagers are . They never give money to charity and always buy cheap presents. 5 Teenagers are . They have lots of things to talk about. 6 Teenagers are . They avoid dangerous situations and don’t take risks. 8 In pairs, discuss the sentences in Exercise 7. Which ones do you agree/disagree with? Why? WORD STORE 1E 9 CD•1.25 MP3•25 Complete WORD STORE 1E. Add adjectives to the table. Mark the stress. Then listen, check and repeat. Sarah, 16 Janet, 17 t r t r r ll li Andrew 3 I get up at 6.30 a.m. every school day and I work hard all day. I never make plans to meet friends in the evening – that’s when I do my homework. I think I need about nine and a half hours sleep a night, but I usually get only seven hours. So I’m sometimes a bit grumpy like my parents! 10.13 a.m. 4 May Ryan 4 Not all teenagers are the same. Some of us are lazy, some of us aren’t. Some of us like chatting online or playing computer games, but some of us prefer to play football or go for a run. OK, some of the things people say about teenagers are true. For example, music is really, really important to us, but we like di€ erent kinds of music. We are INDIVIDUALS! 3.22 p.m. 5 May Mel 5 I care about other people. I’m interested in the world. I want to travel and learn about other cultures. Then I want to get a job in a developing country. Most of my friends are like me! Where did you fi nd your information? It’s wrong! 6.20 p.m. 5 May AL VIDEO FRIENDS AP LICATIONS PHOTOS WHITEBOARD BLOG 30 35 40 45 M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 17 30/06/2015 18:20 Sarah Sarah Mel Ryan Janet Andrew C F Exercise 1 Parents say teenagers are: bad-tempered, lazy, obsessed with their phones, selfish, uncommunicative, unhelpful Teenagers say they are: able to get up early, generous, hard- working, loyal to their friends, passionate about music, interested in the world 30 EXTRA ACTIVITIES • Students share the sentences that they prepared for this class about teenagers in their country and compare their ideas to the ideas in the text. • Students work in pairs. Each student chooses five adjectives from the lesson they find most difficult to remember and writes anagrams for their partner, e.g. SREONGUE (generous), ETOSDM (modest), RPMUYG (grumpy). They can tell their partner if the adjective is positive or negative. • Students work in pairs. They take turns to say a word from the text for their partner to translate into their own language. Then they take turns saying words in their own language for their partner to translate into English. M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 30 08/02/2016 17:34 16 Gapped text I can understand the structure of a text. 1 In pairs, look at the phrases in the box and decide whether they are things parents say about teenagers or things teenagers say about themselves. able to get up early bad-tempered generous hard-working interested in the world lazy loyal to their friends obsessed with their phones passionate about music selfi sh uncommunicative unhelpful Parents say teenagers are … Teenagers say they are … 2 Read the survey report and comments. Compare your ideas in Exercise 1 with the information you read. 3 Read the comments again. Choose from sentences A–F the one which fi ts each gap (1–5). There is one extra sentence. A Teenagers are defi nitely not lazy. B We don’t have time to tidy our rooms. C Why are people so negative about teenagers? D I don’t think I’m selfi sh. E I hate stereotypes. F The most important thing in my life is not my phone. 4 Read the comments again and write the names. Who thinks that: 1 teenagers work really hard? , 2 teenagers have lots of positive personal qualities? 3 teenagers are interested in other people and cultures? 4 teenagers are all different people? 5 friends are very important for teenagers? 1.4 Reading Sarah 1 Most of us are adorable, cheerful, very hard-working, interesting, brave, generous, loyal, helpful and very good cooks. Oh, and very modest! 5.54 p.m. 3 May A recent survey shows that there are reasons why teenagers behave badly. The study suggests that teenagers need to sleep more and that is why sixty-fi ve percent of parents say their teenagers are bad-tempered, uncommunicative and lazy. The report also shows that most teenagers are obsessed with their phones. They spend more time chatting online or playing computer games than doing homework. Most parents also say that their teenage children are selfi sh and unhelpful. Only a few of them help with housework at home. Ryan, 16Mel, 18Andrew, 17 What are teenagers really like? Your comments CD•1.24 MP3•24 Janet 2 It’s my friends. We love each other. We don’t argue or fi ght. We go to the park after school and we sit under a tree, eat ice cream and talk about guys. We like cooking and camping, not just texting and computer games. I don’t have time to read much, but I play the guitar and sing. I’m not a bad-tempered monster – I (usually) apologise when I’m wrong and I like spending time with my grandparents. 7.18 p.m. 3 May ALL VIDEO FRIENDS APPLICATIONS PHOTOS WHITEBOARD BLOG 5 10 15 20 25 M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 16 30/06/2015 18:20 17 5 Match 1–5 with a–e to make questions. Then answer the questions. 1 Who likes spending 2 Who wants to get 3 Who doesn’t have 4 Who does 5 Who thinks some teenagers play a his homework in the evening? b football? c time with her grandparents? d a job in a developing country? e time to read much? 6 Find the opposites of these adjectives in Sarah’s comment. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 arrogant ≠ modest 2 cowardly ≠ 3 disloyal ≠ 4 dull ≠ 5 grumpy ≠ 6 mean ≠ 7 Complete the sentences with adjectives from Exercise 6. 1 Teenagers are . They think they know everything. 2 Teenagers are . They never get enough sleep and are always in a bad mood. 3 Teenagers are to their friends. They are always there for their friends. 4 Teenagers are . They never give money to charity and always buy cheap presents. 5 Teenagers are . They have lots of things to talk about. 6 Teenagers are . They avoid dangerous situations and don’t take risks. 8 In pairs, discuss the sentences in Exercise 7. Which ones do you agree/disagree with? Why? WORD STORE 1E 9 CD•1.25 MP3•25 Complete WORD STORE 1E. Add adjectives to the table. Mark the stress. Then listen, check and repeat. Sarah, 16 Janet, 17 t r t r r ll li Andrew 3 I get up at 6.30 a.m. every school day and I work hard all day. I never make plans to meet friends in the evening – that’s when I do my homework. I think I need about nine and a half hours sleep a night, but I usually get only seven hours. So I’m sometimes a bit grumpy like my parents! 10.13 a.m. 4 May Ryan 4 Not all teenagers are the same. Some of us are lazy, some of us aren’t. Some of us like chatting online or playing computer games, but some of us prefer to play football or go for a run. OK, some of the things people say about teenagers are true. For example, music is really, really important to us, but we like di€ erent kinds of music. We are INDIVIDUALS! 3.22 p.m. 5 May Mel 5 I care about other people. I’m interested in the world. I want to travel and learn about other cultures. Then I want to get a job in a developing country. Most of my friends are like me! Where did you fi nd your information? It’s wrong! 6.20 p.m. 5 May AL VIDEO FRIENDS AP LICATIONS PHOTOS WHITEBOARD BLOG 30 35 40 45 M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 17 30/06/2015 18:20 brave loyal interesting cheerful generous arrogant grumpy loyal mean interesting cowardly Janet Andrew Ryan Mel Janet A E D c d e a b 31 WORKBOOK p. 12–13 NEXT CLASS Ask students to do Show what you know 1.5 in the WB, p. 14. M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 31 08/02/2016 17:34 18 Verb + - ing form or verb + to- infi nitive I can use different verb patterns. 1 In pairs, match the words in the box with the clothes (a–f) in the pictures. Which of the clothes do you own? hoodie jacket suit sweatpants tie uniform 2 Tick the sentence that best describes your opinion about clothes. 1 I want to look good at all times. 2 I enjoy wearing comfortable things. 3 I’m not interested in clothes. 3 Read the GRAMMAR FOCUS. Then complete the examples using the verb patterns in blue in Exercise 2. GRAMMAR FOCUS Verb + - ing form or verb + to- infi nitive • After some verbs and verb phrases you usually use the - ing form of a verb. Examples: avoid, can’t stand, consider, don’t mind, enjoy, hate, like, love, miss, prefer, spend time I enjoy 1 comfortable things. • After some verbs and verb phrases you usually use the to- infi nitive. Examples: agree, can’t afford, choose, decide, hope, manage, need, pretend, refuse, want, would like, would prefer I want 2 good at all times. 1.5 Grammar 4 Complete the questionnaire with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 5 Do the questionnaire. Then compare your answers with a partner. 6 Complete the sentences with to wear or wearing . Then tick the sentences that are true for you. 1 I can’t stand formal clothes like suits. 2 I don’t mind sweatpants at home. 3 I refuse skinny jeans. They’re too uncomfortable. 4 I hate heavy winter coats. 5 I can’t afford designer clothes. They’re too expensive. 6 I avoid anything yellow or pink. 7 Complete the sentences with information about you. Write fi ve true sentences and one false one. 1 I love … 4 I spend a lot of time … 2 I need … 5 I sometimes pretend … 3 I’ve decided … 6 I hope … 8 In pairs, take turns to read your sentences from Exercise 7. Guess which of your partner’s sentences is false. Grammar Focus page 112 WHAT IS YOUR ATTITUDE TO CLOTHES? Mainly Cs You hate 18 (think) about clothes! You choose 19 (spend) your time and money on other things. But don’t forget: clothes can be fun. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? I HATE THEM d 1 (SPEND) A I spend a lot of money on clothes. B I can’t afford 1to spend much money on clothes. C I prefer 2 my money on going out. 2 (GO) A I enjoy 3 shopping for clothes. B I don’t mind 4 shopping for clothes. C I refuse 5 shopping for clothes. 3 (BUY) A I love 6 new clothes every season. B I only buy clothes when I need them. C I avoid 7 new clothes for as long as possible. 4 (WEAR) A I refuse 8 sweatpants. B I love 9 sweatpants at home for comfort. C I wear sweatpants all the time. 5 (GET) A I hope 10 a job where I can wear all my favourite clothes. B I want 11 a job where I can wear practical, comfortable clothes. C I’d like 12 a job where I can wear a uniform or a suit. 6 (THINK) A In the morning, I spend a lot of time 13 about my clothes. B In the morning, I don’t spend much time 14 about my clothes. C I wear the same clothes every da y. Mainly Bs You don’t mind 16 (think) about clothes, but they are not your priority. You prefer casual clothes because you need 17 (be) comfortable. You enjoy 15 (think) about clothes (perhaps a bit too much). The way you look is important for your personal identity. Mainly As I LOVE THEM I NEED THEM c b a e f M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 18 30/06/2015 18:20 19 1.6 Speaking Showing interest I can show interest in what somebody is saying and say whether we are similar . 1 In pairs, look at the activities in the box and discuss the questions. 1 How much free time do you spend on each activity? 2 What other things do you do in your free time? 3 How similar or different are you to your partner? being online doing sport eating and drinking listening to music shopping socialising travelling watching TV 2 CD•1.26 MP3•26 Listen to two conversations and answer the questions. 4 CD•1.27 MP3•27 Cross out the incorrect options. Then listen, check and repeat. 1 A: I’ve got thousands of songs on my iPod. B: Have you? / Cool! / Is it? 2 A: I love Spanish and Italian food. B: Really? / Are you? / Do you? 3 A: My parents have got an apartment in Paris. B: Wow, that’s interesting! / Have they? / Are they? 4 A: There are forty students in my class. B: Is it? / Are there? / Really? 5 A: I can play the guitar. B: Cool! / Are you? / Can you? 6 A: I’m passionate about politics. B: Really? / Do you? / Are you? 5 CD•1.28 MP3•28 Listen to six conversations and decide if the two speakers are similar or different. Write S or D. 1 3 5 2 4 6 6 Complete the table. Statement Say you are similar Say you are different a I’m worried about the world. Me too. Are you? 1 I’m not. b I’m not worried about the world. 2 Aren’t you? I am. c I love reading poetry. 3 4 ? I don’t. d I don’t like reading poetry. Me neither. Don’t you? 5 . e I’ve got lots of cousins. 6 7 ? I haven’t. f I haven’t got any cousins. Me neither. Haven’t you? 8 . 7 Complete the sentences to make them true for you. 1 I’m really into … 2 I haven’t got … 3 I really like … 4 I’m very interested in … 5 I’m not very keen on … 6 I’m not very good at … 8 In pairs, follow the instructions. Student A: Choose one of your sentences from Exercise 7. Say it to Student B. Student B: Say if you are similar or different. Use the SPEAKING FOCUS to help you. KateNick 1 What do Ed and Nick have in common? 2 What do Rachel and Kate have in common? 3 CD•1.26 MP3•26 Listen again and complete the SPEAKING FOCUS with responses a–e. a Do you? Right ... d Really? I love it. b Really? That’s cool! e Me too. c Is she? SPEAKING FOCUS Statement Saying you are similar A: I love travelling and meeting new people. A: I don’t really like rock or heavy metal. B: 1 B: Me neither . Statement Showing interest A: I’ve got loads of friends and they want to meet you. A: I’ve just got one sister. She’s a model. A: She’s training to be a pilot. B: 2Really? That’s cool! B: 3 B: Wow, that’s interesting! Statement Saying you are different A: I’m not very keen on tea. A: I don’t like travelling. A: I play the violin. B: 4 B: Don’t you? Oh, I do. B: 5 M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 19 30/06/2015 18:20 a c b d e f wearing to look spending going going to go buying buying to wear wearing to get to get to get thinking thinking thinking thinking to spend to be thinking wearing wearing to wear wearing to wear wearing + -ing form + -ing form + infi nitive + infi nitive + infi nitive + infi nitive 32 EXTRA ACTIVITIES • Photocopiable resource 41 (Test yourself pairwork activities), p. 175, 223 • Students complete sentences about themselves using the same sentence beginnings as in Ex. 6 (I can’t stand …, I don’t mind …, I refuse …, etc). Do feedback with the class, checking the verb forms. WORKBOOK p. 14 M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 32 08/02/2016 17:34 20 A personal email/letter I can write to someone and tell them about myself. 1 In pairs, choose fi ve qualities to describe the ideal exchange student. • confi dent and independent • friendly and outgoing • generous • good-looking • good at sport • honest • interested in computers • into the same music as me • keen on the same hobbies as me • sensible 2 Read the email from an exchange student and tick the topics in the box that he writes about. family food hobbies music school sport 3 Write a sentence about each topic in Exercise 2 that is NOT mentioned to add to the email. 1.7 Writing To: Jo Subject: C U soon! Hi Jo , I hope you’re well . I’m really excited about coming to stay with you. I’m writing to tell you a bit more about myself. As you know, I’m sixteen and I live in Venice. My brother and I go to the same school. I’m not crazy about studying, but it’s OK – my favourite subject is Art. What about you? What’s your favourite subject? In my free time, I’m keen on sports and I’m pretty good at volleyball. I’m also passionate about music, especially American bands. At the moment I’m listening to Black Eyed Peas all the time. At weekends, my friends and I love going to the cinema. What do you enjoy doing at weekends? Are you involved in any groups or clubs? I can’t wait to see you next month! I’m sure we’ll have fun. OK, time to fi nish . Write soon! Bye 4 now, Carlo M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 20 30/06/2015 18:20 21 4 Put the sentences summarising the email in the correct order (1–5). a basic information about yourself b a greeting and information about why you are writing c say you are looking forward to seeing him/her d fi nish with a friendly goodbye e information about your likes/dislikes/hobbies, etc 5 Which of these phrases are used in the opening of the email and which are used in the closing part? Write O or C. 1 Time to fi nish. 2 I hope you’re well. 3 Write soon. 4 I can’t wait to see you. 5 Bye for now. 6 Complete the WRITING FOCUS with the words in purple in email. 7 Does the person in the email sound like your ideal exchange student? What details would you change? Discuss in pairs. 8 Which of these people do you think would be a good (G) or not so good (NG) exchange student for you? Compare your answers with a partner. Writing task You recently received an email from Jenny, an English teenager you are going to stay with in England. Read part of her email and write your reply to Jenny. A Write your email in about 100 words. Include these points. • Thank Jenny for her email. • Say how you feel about staying in England. • Tell her about the sort of music and fi lms you like. • Write about some of the things you do in your free time. • Ask about Jenny’s interests. • Say goodbye. B Use the ideas in the WRITING FOCUS and the model to help you. C Check. ✓ Have you answered all the questions in the task? ✓ Have you organised your email into paragraphs? ✓ Have you used information and phrases from the model, WRITING FOCUS and Useful language box? ✓ Have you checked your spelling and punctuation? Useful language • Thanks for … • It was good to hear from you. • I’m writing to tell you about/apologise for/thank you for … • How are you?/How are you doing? • I must be going now. • Looking forward to hearing from/meeting you. • See you soon. 6 Give my love/Say hello to … 7 I’m writing to … 8 It was good to hear from you. A personal email/letter • Start the email/letter with a friendly greeting. Dear Nick/ 1 Hi Jo . • Don’t use full forms. Use contractions. you’re (not you are )/ 2 (not I am ). • Use useful phrases to give information about yourself. I’m interested in …/I’m good at …/I’m 3 . • Ask questions to show you want a reply. What do you enjoy doing at weekends?/What 4 ? • Finish the email/letter with a friendly goodbye. All the best/ 5 WRITING FOCUS It’s great to hear that you’re going to come and stay with me and my family for two weeks. Please tell me something about yourself. What music and films do you like? What do you do in your free time? I love animals and I’m a volunteer at an animal centre. I’m crazy about shopping! I spend lots of money on clothes. I watch a lot of DVDs, especially horror  lms. I’m obsessed with pop music. I love school and studying and my favourite subjects are science and maths. 3 4 5 6 7 I don’t like sports very much and I’m quite unfi t. 2 I’m quite cheerful, but sometimes I get in a bad mood. 1 M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 21 30/06/2015 18:20 2 1 4 5 3 I’m keen on about you Bye 4 now 35 C O C C C O O C d _ s _ _ p _ _ _ t _ d w _ _ h (disappointed with), clothes: h _ _ d _ _ (hoodie). Their partner tries to complete the words. • Divide students into teams. Call out a word for the first team. They have to say the category and explain the meaning. Continue with the other teams. M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 35 08/02/2016 17:34 22 FOCUS REVIEW 1 LANGUAGE IN USE 5 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 Johann art at all. He has never been to an art gallery or an exhibition. A isn’t involved in C isn’t responsible for B isn’t keen on 2 with the project at the moment? A Who helps Mary C Who is helping Mary B Who has helped Mary 3 A: I don’t like shopping for clothes. B: A Me too. B Me neither. C Not me. 4 Sally is a vegetarian and she to wear clothes made of leather. A avoids B refuses C doesn’t mind 5 A: My older sister is a fashion designer. B: A Is she? B Have you? C Are there? 6 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 A look B see C watch 2 A buy B to buy C buying 3 A preferred B wanted C considered 4 A search B to search C searching 5 A putting B wearing C clothing 6 A about B with C to 1 Complete the sentences with adjectives. The fi rst letter of each adjective is given. 1 Shona never smiles and is always depressed. She’s a really m person. 2 Tim always thinks he’s right. He’s so a . 3 I’m d with my exam results. I didn’t do well. 4 My parents always give me and my brother the same things. They’re very f . 5 Has Marion always been so l ? She always stays in bed until midday! 6 Everyone knows Katie’s name and everyone likes her. She’s so p . 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 Tom has some health problems. He’s quite . HEALTHY 2 He saved a boy from the river and won a prize for . BRAVE 3 Neil eats chips and hamburgers every day and never exercises. He’s really . FIT 4 She sends money to her family. I admire her . GENEROUS 5 Jo told everyone my secrets. She’s so . LOYAL 6 is not one of Zafi ra’s qualities – she tells everybody that she’s the best student in the class. MODEST 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 (you/ever/swim) in a river before? 2 Who (enjoy) eating Italian food? I know a good restaurant. 3 (Eve/usually/go) to bed very late? 4 What music (your friends/like) listening to? 5 What (you/read) at the moment? Is it a novel? 6 Who (take) my book? It’s not on the desk! 4 Use the prompts to write sentences. 1 I / not mind / wear / my sister’s old clothes / if they suit me 2 they / miss / live / in the city 3 you / ever / refuse / help / your friends? 4 police offi cers / not always / need / wear a uniform 5 I / always / like / dance 6 you / spend / a long time / studying / when you get home from school? Have you ever 3________ buying clothes from a charity shop? You can  nd unique, stylish items at a much lower price than in high-street shops. Tasmin Childs, sixteen, is a big fan of charity shops. ‘I enjoy 4________ through all the rails of clothes. I always  nd something interesting and I prefer 5________ unusual items that no one else has.’ Tasmin doesn’t mind that someone else has worn the clothes before her. ‘I wash the clothes, of course. I’m passionate 6________ recycling. If you’re worried about the planet and climate change, reuse old clothes and visit your local charity shop.’ Would you like to look more stylish? Most teenagers want to 1________ good, but most of us can’t afford 2________ the latest fashions or designer clothes. But there is another way. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 22 30/06/2015 18:20 23 READING SPEAKING WRITING 7 Read the article. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 You have to pay to join some of the websites. 2 There will be information about other websites in the future. 3 On the What’s your hobby? website you can learn about new and interesting sports and hobbies. 4 People who have lots of personal problems can get help on the Serious teenage talk website. 5 The Exchange! website is only for teenagers who want to visit other countries. 6 Teenagers who want to learn a language can fi nd information about schools near them where they can do this. 7 The Learn a language website is looking for good teachers. 8 Work in pairs. You want to spend Saturday afternoon together. Look at the photos and talk about the different things you could do. Would you like to talk to people of your age in another country? Here are just a few of the free websites we can recommend. There’s something for everyone here! Go online and make some friends. We’ll give you more websites in the next month. What’s your hobby? This is a website where you can meet people who have the same hobbies and interests as you. You type in the name of something you enjoy, for example, a sport, and then you can fi nd other people in different countries who like the same thing. You can share information about things you do and give advice to each other. Who knows – one day perhaps you’ll meet and do your hobby together! Serious teenage talk Perhaps you like talking about more important things like politics or education. On this site you can join in group discussions about things that are important to everyone. It’s good to hear the opinions of people from different countries. We can learn a lot. So if you care about things like homeless people and human rights, come online and talk about them. Exchange! You probably think this site is about exchange visits where students go to other countries for a short time. It is, but that’s not all you can do on this site. You can also exchange things with teenagers all round the world. You can exchange music or recipes, books and so on. In this way you can learn a lot about different cultures. And you can meet people and arrange visits too. Learn a language Do you want to learn another language? This website can fi nd online language classes for nearly every major language in the world! And you can study in an international group with excellent teachers. So if you’d like to learn Mandarin Chinese or Russian or even Norwegian, go on the website and they will help you. International Students’ Magazine I’m sure you’re having a fantastic time in the US. Tell me about your host family and your American friend. Do you have the same interests and hobbies? What’s he like? 9 Write one sentence referring to each of the fi ve points in the email from George, your English friend. 10 Write your email to George in about 100 words. Use your sentences from Exercise 9, but add some more details. M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 23 30/06/2015 18:20 iserable rrogant isappointed air azy opular unhealthy bravery unfit generosity disloyal Modesty I don’t mind wearing my sister’s old clothes if they suit me. They miss living in the city. Have you ever refused to help your friends? Police offi cers don’t always need to wear a uniform. I have always liked dancing. Do you spend a long time studying when you get home from school? Have you ever swum enjoys Does Eve usually go do your friends likeare you reading has taken 36 EXTRA ACTIVITIES • Photocopiable resource 4 (Speaking – 5 mins) p. 165, 179 • Photocopiable resource 5 (Writing – 13 mins) p. 166, 180 WORKBOOK Word practice 1.8, p. 17; Self-assessment 1.9, p. 18 NEXT CLASS • Ask students to do Self-check 1.10, in the WB, p. 19. • Ask students to prepare for Unit test 1 (Focus Assessment Package). M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 36 08/02/2016 17:34 22 FOCUS REVIEW 1 LANGUAGE IN USE 5 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 Johann art at all. He has never been to an art gallery or an exhibition. A isn’t involved in C isn’t responsible for B isn’t keen on 2 with the project at the moment? A Who helps Mary C Who is helping Mary B Who has helped Mary 3 A: I don’t like shopping for clothes. B: A Me too. B Me neither. C Not me. 4 Sally is a vegetarian and she to wear clothes made of leather. A avoids B refuses C doesn’t mind 5 A: My older sister is a fashion designer. B: A Is she? B Have you? C Are there? 6 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 A look B see C watch 2 A buy B to buy C buying 3 A preferred B wanted C considered 4 A search B to search C searching 5 A putting B wearing C clothing 6 A about B with C to 1 Complete the sentences with adjectives. The fi rst letter of each adjective is given. 1 Shona never smiles and is always depressed. She’s a really m person. 2 Tim always thinks he’s right. He’s so a . 3 I’m d with my exam results. I didn’t do well. 4 My parents always give me and my brother the same things. They’re very f . 5 Has Marion always been so l ? She always stays in bed until midday! 6 Everyone knows Katie’s name and everyone likes her. She’s so p . 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 Tom has some health problems. He’s quite . HEALTHY 2 He saved a boy from the river and won a prize for . BRAVE 3 Neil eats chips and hamburgers every day and never exercises. He’s really . FIT 4 She sends money to her family. I admire her . GENEROUS 5 Jo told everyone my secrets. She’s so . LOYAL 6 is not one of Zafi ra’s qualities – she tells everybody that she’s the best student in the class. MODEST 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 (you/ever/swim) in a river before? 2 Who (enjoy) eating Italian food? I know a good restaurant. 3 (Eve/usually/go) to bed very late? 4 What music (your friends/like) listening to? 5 What (you/read) at the moment? Is it a novel? 6 Who (take) my book? It’s not on the desk! 4 Use the prompts to write sentences. 1 I / not mind / wear / my sister’s old clothes / if they suit me 2 they / miss / live / in the city 3 you / ever / refuse / help / your friends? 4 police offi cers / not always / need / wear a uniform 5 I / always / like / dance 6 you / spend / a long time / studying / when you get home from school? Have you ever 3________ buying clothes from a charity shop? You can  nd unique, stylish items at a much lower price than in high-street shops. Tasmin Childs, sixteen, is a big fan of charity shops. ‘I enjoy 4________ through all the rails of clothes. I always  nd something interesting and I prefer 5________ unusual items that no one else has.’ Tasmin doesn’t mind that someone else has worn the clothes before her. ‘I wash the clothes, of course. I’m passionate 6________ recycling. If you’re worried about the planet and climate change, reuse old clothes and visit your local charity shop.’ Would you like to look more stylish? Most teenagers want to 1________ good, but most of us can’t afford 2________ the latest fashions or designer clothes. But there is another way. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 22 30/06/2015 18:20 23 READING SPEAKING WRITING 7 Read the article. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 You have to pay to join some of the websites. 2 There will be information about other websites in the future. 3 On the What’s your hobby? website you can learn about new and interesting sports and hobbies. 4 People who have lots of personal problems can get help on the Serious teenage talk website. 5 The Exchange! website is only for teenagers who want to visit other countries. 6 Teenagers who want to learn a language can fi nd information about schools near them where they can do this. 7 The Learn a language website is looking for good teachers. 8 Work in pairs. You want to spend Saturday afternoon together. Look at the photos and talk about the different things you could do. Would you like to talk to people of your age in another country? Here are just a few of the free websites we can recommend. There’s something for everyone here! Go online and make some friends. We’ll give you more websites in the next month. What’s your hobby? This is a website where you can meet people who have the same hobbies and interests as you. You type in the name of something you enjoy, for example, a sport, and then you can fi nd other people in different countries who like the same thing. You can share information about things you do and give advice to each other. Who knows – one day perhaps you’ll meet and do your hobby together! Serious teenage talk Perhaps you like talking about more important things like politics or education. On this site you can join in group discussions about things that are important to everyone. It’s good to hear the opinions of people from different countries. We can learn a lot. So if you care about things like homeless people and human rights, come online and talk about them. Exchange! You probably think this site is about exchange visits where students go to other countries for a short time. It is, but that’s not all you can do on this site. You can also exchange things with teenagers all round the world. You can exchange music or recipes, books and so on. In this way you can learn a lot about different cultures. And you can meet people and arrange visits too. Learn a language Do you want to learn another language? This website can fi nd online language classes for nearly every major language in the world! And you can study in an international group with excellent teachers. So if you’d like to learn Mandarin Chinese or Russian or even Norwegian, go on the website and they will help you. International Students’ Magazine I’m sure you’re having a fantastic time in the US. Tell me about your host family and your American friend. Do you have the same interests and hobbies? What’s he like? 9 Write one sentence referring to each of the fi ve points in the email from George, your English friend. 10 Write your email to George in about 100 words. Use your sentences from Exercise 9, but add some more details. M01_FOCUS_SB_02GLB_7887_U01.indd 23 30/06/2015 18:20 F T F F F F F 37 M01_FOCUS_TB_02GLB_BR_7948_U01.indd 37 08/02/2016 17:34
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