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Password reset odpowiedzi, Ćwiczenia z Język angielski

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Typologia: Ćwiczenia


Załadowany 01.01.2023

KrystianKowalski 🇵🇱



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Pobierz Password reset odpowiedzi i więcej Ćwiczenia w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key UNIT TEST 1A 1 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 2 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A 3 1 do you think of / about 2 what are you into 3 am looking for friends / look for friends 4 listening to 4 1 rude / impolite 2 ambitious / hard-working 3 generous 4 embarrassed / stupid 5 sociable 6 reliable 5 1 get 2 find 3 take 4 get 5 speak 6 1 of 2 about 3 on 4 into 7 1 keep 2 down 3 broad-minded / tolerant 4 centre 5 jealous / angry / furious / upset / annoyed 8 1 enthusiast 2 chill out 3 get into trouble 4 pastime 5 adore 9 1 are enjoying 2 doesn’t go 3 Do you write 4 isn’t working / ’s not working 5 does he visit 6 Are they arriving 7 don’t watch 10 1 to get 2 to lend 3 studying 4 to travel 5 playing 11 1 don’t you try putting 2 stops to buy 3 stop crying 12 1 would you like to do 2 prefers sport(s) to 3 spend time watching 4 suggest seeing / suggest going to see 5 rarely / hardly ever / seldom talks 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 1B 1 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 2 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 B 3 1 do you do in 2 Are you keen on Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 3 my cup of tea 4 meet people like / similar to me 4 1 dishonest 2 clever 3 mean 4 modest 5 talkative 6 patient 5 1 prefer 2 go 3 do 4 get 5 find 6 1 of 2 up 3 in 4 about 7 1 rebellious 2 trouble 3 rely / count / depend 4 moody 5 activity / thing 8 1 fan 2 unwind 3 centre of attention 4 sympathetic / sad / sensitive 5 trust 9 1 am watching 2 Does she go 3 do you play 4 aren’t sleeping / aren’t asleep 5 Is he driving 6 doesn’t work 7 are you reading 10 1 going 2 to tell 3 doing 4 to invite 5 playing 11 1 stop making 2 try to help 3 don’t we stop to have 12 1 hardly ever / rarely / seldom wears 2 would like to play 3 What does he look like? 4 doesn’t mind studying 5 spending (my) time reading 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 2A 1 a C b A c M d A e K 2 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 3 (suggested answers) 1 How was your weekend? 2 The competition was a total disaster. 3 The atmosphere at the game was fantastic. 4 You must be joking! 5 The tournament/competition took place last week. 4 1 cycling 2 helmet 3 weightlifting 4 parachuting 5 coach 5 1 does 2 got 3 scored 4 broke 5 go 6 Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 1 has gone (out) to (have) lunch / is out for lunch / is out having lunch 2 buying new furniture 3 I have never seen 4 Have you finished yet? 5 for two weeks 14 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 3B 1 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 b 2 1 e 2 d 3 c 4 a 3 1 wearing 2 fact 3 for 4 so 5 to 4 1 lawn 2 path 3 dishwasher 4 semi-detached 5 in 6 crowded 7 stone 5 1 oven 2 farmhouse 3 curtain(s) 4 study 6 1 paint 2 redecorate 3 share 4 design 7 1 suburbs 2 right 3 door 4 estate 5 main 8 1 cooker 2 washbasin 3 house 4 homework 5 pillows 9 1 haven’t known 2 Has she written 3 has done 4 have they had 10 1 has she lived, For 2 have you learnt / learned, Since 3 has he been, For 11 1 He has just called me. 2 I’ve already done (all) my homework. 3 Has he come back (from school) yet? 4 You haven’t met my cousin, Sarah, yet. 12 1 have been 2 has gone 3 have been 13 1 since last Christmas 2 have to / must do up / renovate / redecorate 3 Have you ever been to 4 living outside the town / city 5 Have you finished yet? 14 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 4A 1 1 F 2 NI 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 2 1 d 2 f 3 a 4 b 3 1 opinion / view 2 give 3 ask / know / find out 4 do 5 right 4 1 primary 2 subject 3 chemistry / physics 4 handwriting 5 foreign 6 questions 7 table 5 1 of 2 to 3 on 4 by 6 1 make 2 take 3 revise / study 4 copy 7 1 pupil / learner 2 staff meeting 3 school certificate 4 textbook / coursebook / student’s book 8 1 presentation 2 revision 3 knowledge 4 education 5 concentration 6 information 9 1 took, hasn’t checked 2 have you ever failed, didn’t pass 3 got, hasn’t been, went 10 1 can’t be 2 may / could / might … be 3 must be / is definitely 4 may / could / might be 11 1 Don’t know 2 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know 12 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 4B 1 1 F 2 NI 3 F 4 NI 5 F 6 T 2 1 f 2 d 3 e 4 a 3 1 agree 2 wonder 3 so 4 still 5 would / ’d 4 1 state 2 art 3 spelling 4 times 5 language 6 methods 7 physical 5 1 to Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 2 on 3 to 4 of 6 1 get 2 miss 3 give 4 pass 7 1 classmate 2 school report 3 sports field 4 parents’ evening 8 1 knowledge 2 education 3 information 4 examination(s) / exam(s) 5 revision 6 concentration 9 1 found, haven’t finished 2 Has she ever entered, won 3 haven’t seen / ’ve not seen, fell, hasn’t been 10 1 may / might / could be 2 can’t … be 3 must be 4 may / could / might be 11 1 Yes 2 Don’t know 3 No 4 No 12 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 c 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 5A 1 1 C 2 J 3 J 4 C 5 C 6 J 2 1 d 2 a 3 d 4 c 3 1 Are you free 2 a bit / little too early 3 at entertaining people 4 What is more / Furthermore / Moreover 5 I’d love to 4 1 exhibition 2 award-winning 3 open-air 4 director 5 performance 5 1 painting 2 episode 3 novels 4 live 5 soundtrack 6 1 depressed 2 surprising 3 interested 4 boring 5 excited 7 1 exhibits 2 audience 3 channel 4 front cover 5 romcom 8 1 at 2 after 3 into Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key UNIT TEST 6B 1 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 e 2 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T 3 1 disadvantage / problem / drawback 2 for 3 try 4 enough 5 particular / other / special / specific 4 1 butcher’s 2 clothes shop 3 baker’s 4 DIY shop 5 toy shop 5 1 jeweller’s 2 appeals 3 bargain 4 credit card 5 sales 6 catchy 6 1 about 2 for 3 on 4 for 7 1 plumber 2 account 3 post / send 4 book 5 get / have 6 optician’s 8 1 clips 2 company 3 market 4 gift 9 1 the largest 2 smaller 3 the funniest 4 the hottest 5 better 6 more interesting 7 the worst 10 1 too big 2 interesting / good enough 3 as intelligent as 4 as nice / pretty / good as 11 1 less exciting 2 the least economical 3 less suitable 4 the least difficult 12 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 b 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 7A 1 1 information 2 magazines 3 lazier 4 takeaway / ready-made 5 fashionable 6 diets 2 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 3 1 I’m writing to invite you 2 you will make / bake Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 3 I’d rather have / drink / I’d prefer to have / drink 4 Would you prefer 5 two coffees to go / two coffees to take out / away 4 1 fizzy 2 rolls 3 dairy 4 cereal 5 prawns 6 pork 7 grapes 5 1 vegetarian (meal) / vegan (meal) 2 snack 3 cuisine 4 spices 6 1 slices 2 bar 3 ingredients 4 add 7 1 weight 2 fattening 3 sour / bitter 4 barbecue 5 filling 8 1 tasteful 2 chef 3 receipt 4 on 5 tin 9 1 a, – 2 The, the 3 –, an 10 1 a few, some 2 a lot of, any, much 3 many 11 1 the 2 – 3 – 12 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 a 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 7B 1 1 easy 2 (food) blog 3 hardly ever 4 money 5 TV / television 6 (quick) results 2 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a 3 1 We’re having / throwing a party 2 How about something to drink? 3 Anything else? 4 I’d rather have / eat / try / I’d prefer to have / eat / try 5 get in touch with / contact 4 1 beef 2 seafood 3 junk 4 olive 5 carrot 6 jar 7 salmon 5 1 dairy (products) 2 recipe 3 cereal 4 takeaway (food) 6 1 peel 2 spices Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 3 supper / snack 4 roast 7 1 lose 2 cooker 3 crunchy / crusty 4 fattening 5 juicy 8 1 keep 2 cut 3 dessert 4 tasty 5 put 9 1 a, the 2 a, – 3 a, the 10 1 any, much 2 a lot of, a few 3 some 11 1 The 2 – 3 The 12 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 b 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 8A 1 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 2 1 c 2 f 3 a 4 g 5 e 3 1 to 2 heard 3 Go 4 all 5 In 4 1 steal, witnesses 2 vandals, judge 3 trial, evidence, verdict, guilty 5 1 victim 2 kidnapper 3 online piracy 4 court 6 1 into 2 drug dealing 3 innocent 7 1 pay 2 sentence / send 3 do 8 1 impolite 2 impatient 3 insecure 4 illegal 5 apology 6 robbery 7 punishment 9 1 left 2 felt 3 had spent 4 took 5 got 6 had destroyed 10 1 (that) he worked as a private detective 2 (that) they were looking for a suspect 3 (that) she hadn’t broken the law 4 (that) they would inform us soon 5 someone had broken into her computer Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 3 clouds, storm 4 wave, islands 5 1 affected 2 survived 3 went 4 strike 6 1 avalanche 2 flood 3 mountain range 7 1 frozen 2 stony 3 deep 4 hilly 5 heat 6 thunder 7 rough 8 1 touched 2 miss 3 save 9 1 will get, starts 2 doesn’t see, won’t get 3 spends, is 10 1 would you find, didn’t have 2 wasn’t / weren’t, would go 3 wouldn’t get, spent 11 1 We won’t go sailing unless it gets warmer. / Unless it gets warmer, we won’t go sailing. 2 Unless you help me, I won’t finish this. / I won’t finish this unless you help me. 3 I won’t go to the cinema unless my dad gives me the money. / Unless my dad gives me the money, I won’t go to the cinema. 12 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 13 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 10A 1 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 b 2 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 A 3 1 That’s why / As a result / So 2 a refund / to get / receive a (full) refund / to get / receive my money back 3 In addition / What’s more / Moreover / Furthermore / Besides / Also 4 What’s worse / Even worse 5 What exactly is the problem 4 1 icon 2 (on and off) button 3 charger 4 keyboard 5 USB port 6 desktop 5 1 post / leave 2 make 3 check 4 visit / go on / use 5 leave 6 1 application 2 virtual 3 connect 4 digital 7 1 upload 2 remote control 3 database 4 broadband Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 5 hardware 8 1 Perhaps 2 will 3 likely 4 chance 5 certain 9 1 hasn’t been repaired 2 was shown 3 won’t be used 4 is visited 5 was the email invented 6 aren’t connected 7 have electric cars been produced 8 wasn’t used 9 are these machines serviced 10 haven’t been contacted 10 1 Our car was stolen yesterday. 2 This computer program has been written by my friend. 3 This piece of music wasn’t composed by Chopin. 4 The building will be renovated soon./The building will soon be renovated. 5 These devices aren’t used any more. 11 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 c 12 Students’ own answers. UNIT TEST 10B 1 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 2 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 B 3 1 there is something missing 2 As a result (of this) / So / Due to this / Through this / Because of this / Thanks to this 3 I’m not surprised / it doesn’t surprise me 4 Would you like to exchange / swap 5 a refund / to get / receive a (full) refund / to get / receive my money back 4 1 webcam 2 touchscreen 3 desktop 4 headphones 5 USB port 6 charger 5 1 use / visit / go on 2 take 3 send 4 make 5 post 6 1 innovative 2 apps 3 smart 4 reality 7 1 download 2 click 3 text editor 4 software 5 electric 8 1 definitely 2 certain / clear 3 chance 4 perhaps / probably 5 likely 9 1 Is your blog read 2 wasn’t delivered 3 will be repaired / is repaired Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: Password 1 UNIT TESTS Answer Key 4 hasn’t been organised 5 aren’t allowed 6 was Australia discovered 7 won’t be invited 8 have been made 9 were arrested 10 Has this machine been serviced 10 1 Some programs have been removed from this computer. 2 The festival wasn’t organised last year. 3 This house was built by my grandfather. 4 The science class will be taught by Mr Roberts next year. 5 Cars aren’t made in the factory any more. 11 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 12 Students’ own answers. 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