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Unit 6 New password - test grupa A i B, Testy z Język angielski

Unit 6 New password - listen to five people talking about issues connected with waste

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Załadowany 11.03.2024

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Pobierz Unit 6 New password - test grupa A i B i więcej Testy w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! Unit 6 Test | Group A 2 B: TESTS PASSWORD Name: Class: LISTENING 1 © [17706 Listen to five people talking about issues connected with waste. Match speakers 1-5 with statements A-F. There is one extra statement. This speaker mentions ... false elaims made by the waste industry. the negative impact of some companies on legislation. health problems caused by toxie waste. different types of pollution caused by waste a badly organised waste disposal process. the mindless consumerism of ordinary people. nmonwp READING 2 Read the text and complete gaps 1-5 with sentences A-F. There is one extra sentence. Humans have exploited the natural world for centuries, and human activity has affected the environment in unprecedented ways. Take a look at some of the worst environmental disasters in modern history. On 16* March 1978, the Amoco Cadiz, a huge ship carrying over 200,000 tonnes of oil, hit some rocks and sank meżr the coast of Brittany, France, causing the largest oil spill disaster ever at the time. 1 __ Also, the unfavourable weather conditions at sea prevented rescue teams from getting there quickly. As a result, the oil combined with sea water caused the formation of a hard asphalt crust on the surface of the water, which continued to float for several years in some areas protected from strong waves and wind. Not surprisingly, the massive oil spill resulted in the highest death toll of sea birds and marine creatures ever recorded. 2 ___ The Amoco Cadiz disaster has so far been the most studied oil spill ever, and a lot of studies have continued up to the present day. Another event of catastrophie consequences happened on land. On 3% December 1984, the Indian city af Bhopal saw a tragedy which, although less publicised throughout the world than the Chernobyl nuclear explosion, is in fact the worst industrial disaster in human history. In the early hours of the morning, a huge container with an extremely toxic gas got damaged and caused the release of 43 tonnes of the gas into the atmosphere. Thorough research into the causes took over a year and showed that a large volume of water had been put into the tank, which led to a chemical reaction and resulted in damage to the tank. 3 ___ Consequently, the toxic gas quickly spread throughout the town, killing thousands of people immediately and causing the deaths of many thousands later. The exact number of deaths is difficult to establish as official reports differ from those of environmental organisations. A similar catastrophe occurred near Baia Mare in Romania. Believed to be one of the worst environmental disasters in Europe in recent years, the disaster took place on 30% January 2000. 4 ___ When a dam holding over 100,000 cubie metres of eontaminated water suddenly broke, the poisonous liquid spread all over the nearby area and got into the Tisza and Danube rivers, causing heavy water pollution in a number of nations beyond Romania. 5 ___ In further areas, the toxin affected up to 80% of aquatic life, including 20 protected species of fish. Not surprisingly, when, in 2012, the Romanian government allowed another company to mine for gold in this area by using the same cyanide method, environmental activists organised a number of demonstrations to try to prevent a similar disaster from recurring. Events like these do not seem inevitable and could perhaps have been avoided. They happened because af a combination of several factors — human oversight, irresponsibility or greed. It's really up to us to start taking better care of the environment and not to let human activity destroy our planet. Jluid and the contents started seeping into the ground. their factory in the city centre despite protests A. [t was not designed to hold such an amount of B_ Moreover, the Union Carbide Corporation had bui from local authorities. The area was being mined for gold with the use of highly toxic cyanide. Most of the animals died in the two-month period following the disaster. In the immediate area affected by the disaster, all the river wildlife died. Clean-up efforts were delayed by almost two weeks due to the remote location of the area. nmgoń 15 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 3 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters have been given. 1. You say people should help each other, nat only compete, but h. realistie is that? I doubt people will change their attitudes overnight. 2 Once again, I'd like to 5. the importance of having an effective recycling system 3 The problem of many people dropping litter in the streets may be c with the fact that teenagers often copy the behaviour of adults. 4 If adults set a good example, a lot of teenagers w. follow in their footsteps. 5 There ise chance that big environmental disasters will continue to occur. 15 VOCABULARY 4 Read the definitions and write the words or phrases. 1. substances used in chemistry that are harmful to living organisms: 2. a power station that generates energy by using sunlight: 3 alarge area of countryside that is protected by the government to preserve its natural beauty: 4 the amount of pollution that each person produces: —_IA 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Weshould try to reduce pollution and tourism to prevent the (destroy) of coral reefs. 2 People are becoming more and more interested in using (renew) energy sources, like wind power or hydropower. 3 (forest) is mainly caused by people cutting down large areas of woodland for farming. 4. Black rhinos are a critically endangered species, so they need to be saved from (extinct). —_IA 6 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1. Alot of peoplestill do not have a proper approach environmental problems. 2 The buildings have been equipped special seismie sensors to detect earthquakes. 3 Let'sgo a protest march oh Sunday. They are protesting against using fossil fuels. 4 _ Alot of countries are now investing a lot of money clean energy sources. —IA 7. Complete the sentences with the missing words. Some letters have been given. 1. Carbon dioxide is one of the most commong___n__ _S_gases. 2. Without protection, some animal species will _ _ e out within a decade or two. 3. Alot of countries have introduced a total _a _ on the ivory trade, resulting in high penalties for selling ar buying it. 4 I___n___e animal farming has increased in recent decades. IA GRAMMAR 8 Rewrite the sentences in the third conditional. 1 Hefailed the test because he didn't revise for it. 2 Weknew the area well, so we didn't get lost in the mountains. 3. They managed to rescue him because they sent a helicopter. 13 Unit 6 Test | Group B 2 PASSWORD Name: Class: LISTENING 1 8 [77/06 Listen to five people talking about issues connected with waste. Match speakers 1-5 with statements A-F. There is one extra statement. This speaker mentions ... waste being handled with little thought about people's health. new laws having a negative impact on the environment. the negative impact of ordinary people's approach to things. a badly organised waste disposal process. a type of pollution caused by generating power from rubbish. the growing number of places where waste is stored nmoow» ro w m n I5 READING 2 % Read the text and complete gaps 1-5 with sentences A-F. There is one extra sentence. Humans have exploited the natural world for centuries, and human activity has affected the environment in unprecedented ways. Take a look at some of the worst environmental disasters in modern history. On 16* March 1978, the Amoco Cadiz, a huge ship carrying over 200,000 tonnes af oil, hit some rocks and sank near the coast of Brittany, France, causing the largest oil spill disaster ever at the time. 1 ___ Also, the unfavourable weather conditions at sea preveńted rescue teams from getting there quickly. As a result, The oil combined with sea water caused the formation of a hard asphalt crust on the surface of the water, which continued to float for several years in some areas protected from strong waves and wind Not surprisingly, the massive oil spill resulted in the highest death toll of sea birds and marine creatures ever recorded. 2 ___ The Amoco Cadiz disaster has so far been the most studied oil spill ever, and a lot of studies have continued up to the present day. Another event of catastrophie consequences happened ón land. On 3% December 1984, the Indian city of Bhopal saw a tragedy which, although less publicised throughout the world than the Chernobyl nuclear explosion, is in fact the worst industrial disaster in human history. In the early hours of the morning, a huge container with an extremely toxic gas got damaged and caused the release of 43 tonnes of the gas into the atmosphere. Thorough research intó the causes took óver a year and showed that a large volume Of water had been put into the tank, which led to a chemical reaction and resulted in damage to the tank. 3 __ Consequently, the toxic gas quickly spread throughout the town, killing thousands of people immediately and causing the deaths of many thousands later. The exact number of deaths is difficult to establish as official reports differ fróm those of environmental organisations A similar catastrophe occurred near Baia Mare in Romania. Believed to be one of the worst environmental disasters in Europe in recent years, the disaster took place on 30% January 2000. 4 ___ When a dam holding over 100,000 cubic metres of contaminated water suddenly broke, the poisonous liquid spread all over the nearby area and got into the Tisza and Danube rivers, causing heavy water pollution in a number of nations beyond Romania. 5 ___ In further areas, the toxin affected up to 80% of aquatic life, including 20 protected species of fish. Not surprisingly, when, in 2012, the Romanian government allowed another company to mine for gold in this area by using the same cyanide method, environmental activists organised a number of demonstrations to try to prevent a similar disaster from recurring. Events like these do not seem inevitable and could perhaps have been avoided. They happened because of a combination of several factors — human oversight, irresponsibility or greed. It's really up to us to start taking better care of the environment and not to let human activity destroy our planet. A The area was being mined for gold with the use of highly toxic cyanide. B- It was not designed to hold such an amount of liquid and the contents started seeping into the ground. €_ Clean-up efforts were delayed by almost two weeks due to the remote location of the area. D. In the immediate area affected by the disaster, all the river wildlife died. E_ Mostof the animals died in the two-month period following the disaster. F. Moreover, the Union Carbide Corporation had built their factory in the city centre despite protests fram local authorities. /5 LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS 3 Complete the sentences with the mi: ing words. The first letters have been given. 1. The problem with the dirty streets in our town may r. from the fact that people tend not to use the waste bins. 2 There is every C that increased pollution levels will eventually require governments to take firm action to solve this problem. 3. Mthey introduced a total ban on the use of tropical hardwood, it w. help protect the rainforests. 4 whati more politicians were involved in environmental action, would it help? 5 [think that the situation with fossil fuels is u. to change in the near future. People will just keep using them as they are doing nów. —I5 VOCABULARY 4. Read the definitions and write the words or phrases. 1. the process of damaging the atmosphere with dangerous chemicals: 2 the layers of frozen water in the South and North Poles: 3 the action of cutting down trees in an area: 4. a power station that generates energy by using sunli —_IA 5 _ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 Poor waste (manage) in this area has caused the local rivers to become extremely dirty 2 [verecently seen a documentary about (intense) animal farming which really shocked me. 3 I believe the government needs to spend more money on developi (renew) energy sources, like hydropower or solar energy. 4. Qur environmental group is calling for better (conserve) of the local countryside. —_IA 6 _ Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1 Asaresuk a number of demonstrations in the city, the construction of the new landfill site has been cancelled. 2 Environmental groups and organisations are nów looking _. the government to introduce strieter laws to protect the environment 3 Would you go a protest march if one was organised in your area? 4 People in Poland should prepare more natural disasters like tornados and hurricanes. -_IA 7. Complete the sentences with the missing words. Some letters have been given. 1 Tigers are classedasan_n__n_ _r_dspecies. They are at risk of extinction. 2 This fascinating doceumentary shows how people can help some rare ocean species__r__v_. 3 There are many effective waysto__s_l__ eyour home, which can not only reduce heat loss but also lower your heating bills. 4 Agroup of environmental investigators had followed trophy __ n__ rsfor three months before they caught them breaking the local law. /4 GRAMMAR 8 Rewrite the sentences in the third conditional. 1. He ate too much late at night so he slept badly. 2 They arrived late because they missed the train. 3. We couldn't cross the river because the bridge was damaged. I3 9 _ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Mygrandma always (get) angry if (be) late for dinner. 2 what (you / do) far the environment if you (have) a high position in the government? 3 Ifyou (call) you parents last night, they (not be) so angry now. 4 liwe (not throw) away things so readily, like we da now, we (not produce) so much waste. 5 you / come) with me to the last week's exhibition if I (buy) the tickets? 6 Il (be) you, I (go) to the meeting with that famous environmentalist last Friday! 16 ENGLISH IN USE 10 8 Choose the correct answers to complete the mini-dialogues. 1 X: Would you like some more cake? Y: No, thanks, no more sweets. ___ X: Hmm, maybe I ought to do the same? I've put on weight recently. a fm putting up on things. b Fm giving out on things. c fmcutting down on things. 2 X: |think she was really embarrassed. Y: ___Her face went red and she couldn't say a word. a No way. h Na doubt. c Nogood. 3 X: Imagine becoming the Prime Minister. What would you do? a [dreduce taxes. b Fll reduce taxes. c I would have reduced taxes. 4 X: Why___yougotothe party? Y: Well, if I'd been invited, I might have gone. a don't h didn't c won't 5 X: Doyouthink that a total ban on plastic bags is a good idea? a Certainly, there will be more pollution. b The chances are that there will be more plastic bags. c Ta my mind, it's not a perfect solution. 15
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