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Intermediate 1- Student book- English File, Notas de estudo de Inglês

Intermediate 1- Student book- English File

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Baixe Intermediate 1- Student book- English File e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Inglês, somente na Docsity! ENGLISH FILE Intermediate Student's Book DA (RO VD ST rr e d em With S[U= 90 with, 41 — Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden OXFORD G present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs V food and cooking P short and long vowel sounds LA Mood food g aa 1 VOCABULARY food and cooking a Dothe quiz in pairs FOOD QUIZ Can you think of...? ONE red fruit, ONE yellow fruit, ONE green fruit TWO kinds of food that some people are allergic to THREE kinds of food that come from milk FOUR vegetables that you can put in a salad FIVE containers that you can buy food in SIX things that people sometimes have for breakfast b > p.152 Vocabulary Bank Food and cooking c 44)) Listen to these common adjecrives to describe food, Do you know what they mean? Then say one kind food which we often use with cach adjecrive 2 PRONUNCIATION short and long vowel sounds a Lookatthe cight sound pictures. What are the words and sounds? ta sound is lo What part of the symbol tells you tk Look at the words in each list. Cross out the have the sound in the sound picture 15) Listen and check Look at the typical spellings ofthe sounds in a Do you drink ? alotof coffee? Yes. but tm trying to at the moi 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING [mio [0 [5 CANIS! 1 Isthere any food or drink that you couldn't live without? How often do you eat /drinkit? 2 Doyou ever have a ready-made food? b takeaway food? What kind? 3 What's your favourite a fruit? b vegetable? Are there any that you really don't like? +“ When you eat out do you normally order meat, fish, or vegetarian? SS What food do you usually eat a when you're feeling a bit down? b before doing sport or exercise? € before you have an exam or some important work to do? 16) Listen to five people talking. Each person is answering one of the questions in d & Eating above. Match « ch speaker vith a questior b Listen again and make notes abour their answers. Compare with a partner Ask and Whar do you have in common? ver the questions with a partner GRAMMAR present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs 49)) Listen again to some of the things Steve said (Cirdothe form of the verb he uses | This week for example ! cook / 'm cooking nearly every day. We usually cl ly closing on Sundays and Mondays, but this Monday is a publi Fhe British al s tharevervthing is lovel 3 Actually, Ethink | prefer | Lam preferring that honesty, beca know what people like 4 Unfortunately, [think th hey'r ting worse. Peopl more unhealt Witha partner, say why vou think he has chosen each form > p.132 Grammar Bank 14. |.carm more about the present simple and the present continuous, and practise them Make questions to ask your partner with the present simple or continuous Ask for more information Ona rvpicale Ar the moment / nowadas eed to buy any food today? want anything to cat right now? What? usually have lunch? take vitamins or food usually have for lunch supplements at the moment? during the weck? try to cut down on anything at the ever cook? What | make? moment? prefer eating at home or cating jet in your country | ger out? or worse? 7 SPEAKING ese ow —— mma om WHAT DO YOU THINK? Men are better cooks than women. Both boys and giris should learn to cook at school Cheap restaurants usually serve bad food 4 Onanig th friends, where and what you eat isn't important 5 Notallfastf is unhealthy try thinks that their cuisine is the best in the world a (413) Listen to two people discussing sentence 1, Who do you agree with more, the man or the woman? Why? b 414) Listen to the phrases in the Useful language box. Copy the intonation. Useful language: Giving your opinion (1) lagree r ur For example e Insmall groups, say what vou think about sentences 2-6. Try to use the Useful language phrases Citutor 14 | G future forms: present continuous, going to, will V family, adjectives of personality P sentence stress, word stress, adjective endings Toa TiA DIS VOCABULARY & SPEAKING family Look at some photos showing family members What's happening in cach one? What do vou think the relationship is berween the people? With a partner, explain the difference between cach pair | a father and a parent 2 amother anda stepmother 3 a brother and a brother-in-law a grandfather and a great-grandfather a nephew anda niece a child and an only child vour immediate family and vour extended family The BBC recently did a survey of 21st-century families inthe UK. Read Changing — for the better? and try to guess whar the missing percentages are. Choose from the list 17% 26% 60% 75% 85% 4/15) Listen and check. Do any of the statistics surprise vou? Which ones do vou think would be very differentifrhe survey was carried outin your country? Wotk in small groups. Say what you think and give reasons. Do you think that...? families should have a meal together every day children should leave home as soon as they can afford to parents should charge their children rent 1f they live at home and have a job parents should be friends" with their children on social networking sites, e.g. Facebook elderiy parents should live with their children when they are too old to live alone Useful language: Giving your opinion (2) We often use should + verb to say what we think is the right thing or a good thing (to do), e.g | think families should have dinner together every day because hink p should be friends with their children on Facebook because. id Are you seeing your grandparents No, I'm going to this weekend? stay at home, fl probably see them next weekend. Changing — for the better? amily life is changing in the UK - but not in the way we might think. When the BBC did a survey of families in Britain, they expected to find that family relationships wero suffering because of the decline in traditional family structures. However, some of the results were quite surprising d aged 20-24 still live at o home with their parents think that it is right for parents to charge rent to children over 25 who have a job and are living st home use the internet at least once a week to contact their families GRAMMAR future forms 1/16) Listen to three dialogues berwcen different family members. Who is talking to who (e.g. brother to sister)? What are they talking about? Listen again and match two sentences with cach dialogue (1-3) A] Shall make you a cup of tea? D' Ymstayingthe nighr there B You'll drive t k PH drive really slowly ( Um not going to go to university vet. + It's going to be cold tonight With a partner, decide which sentence (A-F) is 4 plan or intention a prediction F an arrangement 4 promise > p.133 Grammar Bank 18. Learn more about future forms and practise them 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress JD Sentenco stress N An important a speaking Englist E ords in a sentence and no! ' ones. This will help you 221) Listen to the rhythm in these three dialogues. 1 A Areyou Coming home tor dinner tonight 8 No.rm going out wth my friends say that they h 2 A What are you going to do in the summer? close family B were going to rent s house with my Sister and ner husband 3 A Doyou think theyilhave children soon? 8 idon't think so. Not sora few years anyway have a mes! with their immediate family Practise them with a partner. Copy the rhythm every day. Ask and answer the questions below. Give as much information as possible say that their families ARE YOU...? never argue. have family members who they don't speak of people are happiest with their familias are happiost with friends SONG Our House à Meeting the parents B<« REACTING TO WHAT PEOPLE — SAY a (429) Watchor listen to Jenny int her parents. What bad 4 INTRODUCTION Look at the photos. Describe Jenny and Rob. a ducing Rob to rews do: > have for Jenny? for her parents? What good news does Jenny have (O British and American English T = American E gush m = British English nand mark the sentences T (true) b Watchor listen aga w F (false), Correct the F sentences. | Rob left the chocolates at the office 2 Rob's desk is usually very rd a Ta pared a big dinner ew job is Managing Director ybe Rob's manager nd Rob talking b 728) Watch or listen to Jenny Complete the gaps Jenny Zielinski and Rob Walker work for a called New YorkMseven. She's America 1 Rob came to New York a few o, He had met Jenny when she went to ork trip. They got on very well, and he was offered for a month in Later he was of job. Jenny helped Rot partment, and they arc ltho: c 130 conversation. Can vou remember any of the Look at some extracts from the missing words? Watch or listen and check Jenny Don't forget the chocolates, Rob OK. Jenny Idont it Donttelimey forgot them? Rob | Ithink they're still on my desk Mom, im really sorry - we bought you some chocolates, but we left them at the office But falso have some good news What's that? ore a promotion? Let's go and have dinner doa phrases in the chart below. Copy the rhythm Watch or listen and repeat the and intonation REACTING TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY What you say when you hear... something surprising something interesting some good news That's grea What a great some bad news How + adjective, What + noun We often use How + adjective or What + noun to respond to what people say. How interesting! How awfui! How amazing! What a pity! What a good idea! What ternible news! e Practise the dialogues in e with a partner f &f X Communication How fantastic! À p.104 B p.109. 3 E< HARRY FINDS OUT MORE ABOUT ROB a “132 evening end well or badly? Watch or listen to the after dinner conversation, Does the Watch or listen again and answer the questions. 1 Wharuniversity did Jenny go to? Is Harry impressed by Rob's job? Why (not)? 3 What does Harry like doing in his free time? 4 Whoare most of the photos in the dining room of? 5 Who are Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Wynton Marsalis? 6 What surprises Harry about Rob? Look ar the Social English phrases. Can vou remember any of the missing words? Harry Howdoyou yourcareer Rob Not immoreofa writer Rob Oh, youknow, interviews, reviews, E otike that. Rob [00, Ike photography Harry That's mostofthem are of Jenny, Harry How Rob well hesarealiynie Harry 60 son 433) Watch or listen and complete the phrases. Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in vour langu: G present perfect and past simple V money P thelettero Have you paid the phone bill yet? Yes, | paid it yesterday VOCABULARY money Educated, He's well-dressed Not funny And not much to say in Most conversations Listen again and read the lyrics Buthe'll in Which phrase (A-G) me AR situations Cause he pays for everything pay for it À PS Girls don't like boys, giris-like cars and money that vt have to pay for Boys will laugh at giris when they're not funny buving a lot of things at onetime a consumer society Don't matter She'll have it Vacations And * These are a few What do vou think the song is sas Do vou think it is metimes true » p154 Minis rs es fenenicurio tninga She'll get what she wants If she's willing to please His type of girt Always ( Hey, now, there's nothing * a Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money ks. Boys will laugh at giris when they're not funny — had And these giris like these boys like these boys like these giris The girls with the bodies like boys with Ferraris Girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money All of these boys, yeah get all of these girls E” Losing their souls in READING & SPEAKING In pairs, answer the questions. Give as much information as you can Think oftwo people you know personally or have heard of who are very rich. Did they a carn their money (how?) b inherit their money (who from?) e winit(how?) 2 Ifthey carned their money, was it because ...? they were very lucky they worked very hard they had a special talent Now read an article about a millionaire. How did he become so rich? Why is his success surprising? How did he make his daughter proud of him? Now read the article again and number the events in the order in which they happened He became a millionaire again Helecarntto read and write He lost all his money He sold old clothes in the market He opened a department store He won an important prize He opened a small clothes shop. He became a millionaire He sold clothes in the market again He wrote his autobiography His shop was on the front page of a newspaper What do vou think vou can learn from fJeff's story? Look at the highlighted words and phrases related to money and business. With a partner tey to work out the meaning from the context Complete the questions with one of the highlighted words and phrases. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner | When was the last recession in your country? How long did it last (has it lasted)? Do vou know anybody who works as a What does he (she) sell? Does he (she) enjoy his (her) job? 3 If you were completely who would vou ask to lend you some money? Have vou ever bought something the first day ir ? What? 5 Do vou know anybody who has on their own? Is it successful? THE MILLIONAIRE WITH A SECRET DRT To O RSA ETA TA His name is not really Jeff. His mother changed it because he could never spell his real name, James, and she thought Jeff was easier. Pearce was born in Liverpool in the 1950s, in a very poor family. At school, all the teachers thought he was stupid because he couldn't learn to read or write — at that time, not many people knew about dyslexia, But there was something that he was good at: selling things. Pearce's first experience as a salesman was when he was a boy, and he and his mother used to go door-to- door asking for old clothes that they could sell in the market. He instinctively knew what people wanted, and it soon seemed that he could make money from anything. His mother always believed in him and told him that one day he would be successful and famous. In 1983, when he already owned a small boutique, he decided to Invest £750 in leather trousers, and to sell them very cheaply in his shop. “It was a bit of a gamble, to tell you the truth, he says. But Liverpool loved it, and there were photos of shoppers sieeping in the street outside his boutique on the front page of the local newspaper. The first day the trousers went on sale, the shop took £25,000. Jeff became a miliionaire, but later he lost most of his money in the recession of the Nineties. He was almost 40, and he was broke again. He even had to go back to selling clothes in the market. But he never gave up, and soon he a department store, called Jeff's, which again made him a millionaire. However, success didn't mean anything to Jeff because he still couldn't read or write. Even his two daughters did not realize that their father couldn't read. When one of them asked him to read her a bedtime story he went downstairs and cried because he felt so ashamed. At work he calculated figures in his head, while his wife Gina wrote all the cheques and read contracts. In 1992 Pearce was awarded a Businessman of the Year prize for the best clothes store in Liverpool. It was at this moment that he told his friends and colleagues the truth, and decided to write a book about his experience. But first he had to learn to read and write. He went to evening classes, and employed a private teacher, but he found it very difficult because of his € dyslexia. Finally, with the help of a ghost-writer*, his autobiography, A Pocketful of Holes and Dreams, was published, and became a best-seller, Recently, he was woken in the middle of the night by someone knocking on his front door. It was his daughter to whom he hadn't been able to read a bedtime story all those years earlier. She had come to tell him that she had just read his book. 'Dad, I'm so proud of you, she said — and burst into tears in his arms. *A ghost-writer writes a book for resent fect + for / sim yresent perfect continuous G present perfec x ! since, present pe nuou How long V strong adjectives: exhausted, amazed, etc P sentence stress, str trong adiect have you been sentence stres ess on strong adjectives Working hero? ps long time! Since 2001 LISTENING d 46) Now listento Part 2. Correcrthe w these sent rong information in Look at the photos, Where do you think they were taken? What can vou see in cach 1 Jane's son chose the r a, which means “Go photo? forward, Africa 2 The new scho: 1 45)) You are going to listen to an rod nterview with Jane, talking about a trip she made in 2008. Listen to Part 1. Where did Enelich she go? What did she decide to do after the ç trip? hey ar Listen again. What does Jane say about | hernormal job ven them an education, 2 the holiday to Ugand Jane thinks thar she gives more than she gets 3 what happened when the lorry broke down Jane's daughter took of! 4 the conditi the s 5 the chil 6 what the headmaster asked her for Do you know anybody like Jane who does a lorof work for charity? What do they do? 2 GRAMMAR present perfect + for/ since, present perfect continuous Match the questions and answers | How long has Jane been a writer? 2 Howlong has Adelante Africa had a website? 3 How long has she been working for Adelante Africa? Adelante África Is 1 Arethe three questions and answers in a about...? À Since 2008. B For about 22 vears. C For four years Answer with a partner. a a period oftime in the past b a period oftime from the past until now e a period oftime in the present 2 What's the difference in form between the firsttwo questions and question 37 > p.135 Grammar Bank 28. Learn more about the present perfect with for | since and the present perfect continuous, and practise them PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 1449) Listen once and try to write down the stressed words in the large pink rectangles 1 How long learning French Look ar the stressed words and try to remember what the unstressed words are, Then listen again to check and write them in Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm 6450) Listen and make questions ) it's snowing. ( How long has 4 SPEAKING Look at the circles, and write something in as manv as vou can Compare circles with a partner Ask your partner at least three questions about the things they've written. One question must be How long have you...? How long have you » [nao nbs o been using Twitter? PES a O you write things on it or do you just read other people's t Because it's small ( andit's quite green Why did you buy 3 Nissan Juke? How tong have yc so E *importas* GRAMMAR pm, cleja, b, or c. fish or seafood b don'tlike Ihave a quick breakfast because My sister a doesn'tlike c doesn't likes inahurry a lusually b lusuallyam cm usually I TV when Fm having a meal a neverwatch b don'tnever watch c am never watching Lusually drink a lor of diet Coke, but at the moment to cut down alery b Emerying cmering any brothers or sisters? a Areyouhaving b Areyouhave c Doyouhave What a vouaregoingtodo b are you going do € are you going to do when you leave school? Ican'tsee you this evening because some friends. a Pmmecting b Imect c Pimeet A Would you like something to drink? B Yes, a lhave b Imbaving c Mhave an orange juice, please. A Ican't open this jar. B help you? a Shalll b Will c Dol That's a lovely dress. Where it? a have you bought b did you buy € did you bought good at saving money a Iveneverbeen b lhaven't never been € Ivenever I got $50 for my birthday, but | a didn't spend it yet e yet TI haven't spent it b haven't spent it ver I've had this computer a forabout three years b since about three years € for about three years ago A How long in Paris? B Since last March a isheliving b hasheliving c hashe been living the same gym for five years. a Imgoingto b Ivebeengoingro c Igoto VOCABULARY Circle) the word that is different duck squid lamb crab beef pork beetroot cabbage prawns mussels cherry pear raspberry fried peach pepper chicken cucumber baked roast Write the opposite adjective. 4 hard-working 5 quiet 1 honest 2 mean 3 selfish Write verbs for the definitions. | to spend money on sth that is not necessary 2 to receive money from sb who has died 3 to germoney by working 4 to get money from sb that you will pay back 5 tokeep money so that you can use it later Write the strong adjectives. 3 cold 4 dirty 1 tired 2 hungry 5 angry Complete the phrasal verbs. 1 Shallwe cat tonight? | don't feel like cooking. 2 Ymallergicto milk, so | have to cut dairy products from my dier. Welive my salary, My wife is unemployed. [ll lend you the money if you promise to pay me Look €200 ofmy bank account PRONUNCIATION the word with a different sound stcak best stcamed Circle) a rele, 143 peach 2% money bossy positive cost roust sociable owe account » A) chicken +4 fikthy bill tiny 5 im, Underline the stressed syllable. 1 salimon 2 inivest afford worth organized pork 3 ilmmaiture 5 senisilble 4 delicious CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the newspaper article once. How much did winning the lottery change Tony Bryan's li Life-cianging or is it...? You win the lottery. Do you buy a 10-bedroomed mansion, a gold-plated yacht and a Picasso? Or do you just Live a bit more comfortably? n January 2006, Tony Bryan was working in a factory that Fes the flavourings they put on fried chicken. He got a message telling him to call his wife, Rachel, urgentty. He called his wife, but the Line was engaged. Expecting the worst, he jumped into his car and raced home. His seven- year-old daughter opened the door with a smile and said, “We've won the lottery, Daddy He found Rachel in the living room holding a lottery ticket worth £2.6m. Their lives had changed for ever. Today, he and his family Live in a nice house with a lot of land. They have two goats, and ducks and chickens. It seems that they have adapted brilliantiy. They are enjoying their money, but they have not stopped working. They run a caravan park in the field next to the house, and they sell their own vegetables. They haven't exactly been relaxing. “All your Life you get up and go to work to ear money to buy a car, or a holiday, or a better house, says Tony. If you take that away, what is the point of getting up? So you quit your job, you start to get up late, you watch morning TV, then you go shopping. then wait for school pick-up time, After a couple of weeks, you begin to wonder what the point of it is, We had stx months going on nice holidays, but then we had to sit down and decide what to do in the long-term. So they didn't buy an Aston Martin or even a Mercedes. Tcouldn't justify spending £30,000 on a car, he says. 's a ridiculous amount, no matter how much money you have” They are very careful with their money. 'You don't stop worrying when you win the lottery. You just worry about different things. 1 felt guilty that we had lots of money. we were just lucky. As! leave, the telephone rings. Tt's EB per night for a caravan... says their daughter. 1 set off home, past their vegetable stall at the end of the drive, Tomatoes are 50p a kilo. À cucumber is 50p. b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn't say). Tony was very worried when he got his wife's message Tony continued working in a factory for a few months after the lottery win He and his family now live in the city. They lived very differently for the first six months after the lottery win Tony thinks that if you don't work, it's hard to know what to do with your life 6 Their daughter now goes to a private school. Choose five new words or phrases from the article. Check their meaning and pronunciation, and try to learn them EB< CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? 154)) In the street Watch or listen to five people and answer the questions, Emma Andrew Zenobia Simone 1 Emma says she a has liked ice cream since she was a little girl b often feels ill after cating chocolate ice cream e prefers ice cream to chocolate 2 Andrew likes Asian restaurants because a he doesn't like cooking b it's cheaper than eating at home € hecan'tcook that type of food at home together. c on holiday 3 Ben and his brother went a running b to university Zenobia buys a bag a ifit'scheaper thanusual b every three months e ifshe needs a new one Simone took part in a charity bike ride a whenshewasnine b fora television programme c arounda track CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? Do the tasks with a partner. Tick (/') the box if you can do them. Can you...? 1 describe your diet and the typical diet in your country, and say how it is changing agree or disagree with the following statement, and say why: Our favourite food is usually something we liked when we were children. describe members of your family, saying what they look like and what they are like describe some of your plans and predictions for the future (e.g. your studies, your family life) ask and answer the following questions: Have you ever won any money? How much did you win? What did you do with it? ê How long have you been learning English? Where did you first start learning? Short films Oxfam a VIDEO Watch and enjoy à film oniTutor. = godam gia laço 1 A DESCRIPTION OF A PERSON a Readthe two Facebook messages once and answer the questions. 1 Why has Angela written to Sofia? 2 Does Sofia recommend her friend to Angela? & Messages Hi Sofia, Hhope you're well Em looking for an au pair to look after Mike and Sally, and | remembered your Polish friend Kasia, who | met last summer, She said she might be interested in working in England as an au pair, so | thought | would write and ask her. The thing is, | don't really know her, so before | write and suggest it, could you tell me a bit about her (age. personality, etc. and what she likes doing) so that | can see if she would fit in with the family? Please be honest! Angela Hi Angela, Kasia |s one of my best friends, so of course | know her very well. She's 22 and she's just finished economics at university, but she doesn't have a job yet and I'm sure she would be interested in going to the UK. Her parents are both doctors, and she has two younger brothers. She gets on very well with them and they are a very close family. Kasia's an intelligent girl and very hard-working. She can be quite shy at first, but when she gets to know you she's Incredibly friendiy. She loves children - she often looks after her brothers - so she has a lot of experience, and she's also very responsabie In her free time she likes going to the cinema, listening to music, and she's also very good at fotography - she always has her camera with her. She's really independant and happy to do things on her own, so you won't have to worry about taking her to places. The only problem with Kasia is that she's abit forgetfull. she sometimes loses things. like her keys, or her phone. Also, to be honest her English isn't fantastic, but Im sure she'll | improve very quickly. | think Mike and Sally will love her, | e Hhope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else. Love, Sofia b The computer has found five spelling mistakes in Sofia's email. Can vou correct them? Read both emails again. Then cover them and answer the questions from memory What five + adjectíves describe Kasia's personality? What does she like doing in her free time? 3 What negative things does Sofia say about Kasia? Does Sofia think Kasia will get on with Angela's family? Lookar the highlighted expressions we use to modify adjectives. Pur them in the correct place in the chart. Kasiais (JO Useful language: describing a person He's quite / very, etc. + positive adjective (e.g. friendiy, outgoing, etc.) She's a bit + negative adjective (e.g. untidy, shy, etc) He likes / loves / doesn't mind + verb + -ing She's happy to + infinitive He's good | with children lat making new friends Imagine you received Angela's message asking aboura friend of vours. Write an email to answerit. Plan what you're going to write using the paragraph headings below. Use the Useful language box and Vocabulary Bank Personality p.153 to help you Paragraph Paragraph2 — Paragraçh3 Paragraph 4 age, family, work / study personality (good side) hobbies and interests any negative things? Check your email for mistakes (grammar, vocabulary, punctuarion, and spelling). Writing 1B future forms be going to + infinitive future plans and intentions 17) My sister's going to adopt a child Are you going to buy a new car ora second-hand one? Um not going to go to New York tomorrow, The mecting is cancelled predictions 18) Barcelona are going to win. They're plaving really well Look at those black clouds. [think it's going to rain * Weuse going to (NOT will | won't) when we have already decided to do something. NOT Mo sister writ! adopt a cheitl * Wealso use going to to make a predicrion about the future, especially when vou can sec or have some evidence (e.g. black clouds). present continuous: be + verb + -ing future arrangements agi) Lorna and Jamie are getting married in October. We're meeting at 10.00 tomorrow in Jack's office Jane's leaving on Friday and coming back next Tuesday * Weoften use the present continuous for future arrangements. * There is very little difference berween the present continuous and going to for future plans | arrangements, and often vou can use either. going to shows that you have made a decision. We're goimy to get married next year. a (Circle) the correct form. Tick / the sentence if both are possible. My grandparents are going to retire | will retire next year. / Will we | Shall we invite your parents for Sunday lunch? Um going to make | PU make a cake for your mumis birthday, if vou want Em not having | Fm not going ro have dinner with my family tonight The exam will be | is being on the last Friday of term You can trust me, rm not telling | E wom't tell anvone what you told me My cousin is arriving | will arrive at 5.30 pom. Ethink the birth rate will go down | shall go down in my country in the next few years 8 Tmnot going to go | Iwor't go to my brother- in-law's party next weekend. Shall [Will help vou with the washing-up? <p9 GRAMMAR BANK — the present continuous emphasizes that you have made the arrangements. We're getting married on October 1h. (= we've booked the church, etc.) * Weoften use the present continuous with verbs relating to travel arrangements, €.g. go, come, arrive, leave, et Um going to Paris tomorrow and coming back on Tuesday will / shall + infinitive instant decisions, promises, offers, predictions, “P 20) future facts, suggestions 1 Plhave the steak. (instant decision) Iwon't tell anybody where vou are. (promise) UH carry that bag for you. (offer) You'll love New York! (prediction) EH be at home all afternoon. (future fact) 2 Shall t help vou with vour homework? (offer) Shall we cat out tonight? (suggestion) Ml have the steak We use will | won't (NOT the present simple) for instant decisions, promises, offers, and suggestions. NOT tearey-that bag foryou. * Wecanalso use will | won't for predicrions, e.g. | think Barcelona will win, and to talk about future facts, e.g. The election will he on Ist March We use shall (NOT will) with [ and we for offers and suggestions when they are questions. b Complete B's replies with a correct future form, A What's your stepmother going to do about her car? B Shes going to buy a second-hand one. (buy) A Um going to miss you B Don't worry! promise [ every day. (write) A Wharare Alan's plans for the future? B He A Can see you tonight? B No. A What would you like for starters? Bi A There's nothing in the fridge. B OK A I don't have any money, so | can't go out B Na problem, | A Shall we have a barbecue tomorrow? a degree in engineering. (do) late, How about Saturday? (work) the prawns, please. (have) we atakeawav? (get) vou some, (Jend) B | dom'tthink so. On the radio they said that it (rain) A We land at about eight o'clock. B I from the airport? (pick up) “ao vou 2A present perfect and past simple present perfect simple: have / has + past participle (worked, seen, etc.) pastexperiences 142 l've been to London, bur | haven't been ro Oxtord Have vou ever lost your credit card? Sally has never met Bills ex-wife recent pastactions Vve curmy finger! Too late! Our train has just lefr! with vet and already (for emphasis) I've already seen rhis film twice. Can't we watch another one? My brother hasn't found a new job vet. He's still looking Have vou finished your homework vet? No, not yet We use the present perfect for past experiences, when we don't say exactly when they happened. * Weoften use ever and never when we ask or talk about past experiences. They go before the main verb. We use the present perfect for recent past actions, often with just * just goes before the main verb, We also use the present perfect with vet and already * already is used in [E] sentences and goes before the main verb. * yetisused with[=] sentences and [7) It goes arthe end of the phrase. * Forirregular past participles sec Irregular verbs p.165 a Complete the mini dialogues with the present perfect form of the verb in brackers and an adverb from the list You can use the adverbs more than once, ust never yet A Why are vou smiling? B Ive just found a €50 note! (find) A vou a Flight online? (book) B Yes, of course. I've done it loads of times A When are you going to buy a motorbike? B Soon.1 nearly €1,000. (save) A vou the electricity bill ? (pas) B No, sorry. | forgot A your parents vou money? (lend) B Yes, bur | paid it back as soon as | could A How does eBay work? B I don't know. 1 it. (use) A What are vou celebrating? B We a prize in the locterv! (win) A Why haven't you got any money? Bi my salary. | bought a new tablet lastweck. (spend) A Would vou like a coffee? B No, thanks. | one. (have) past simple (worked, stopped, went, had, etc.) They got married last year v43)) Whattime did vou wake up this morning? Ididn't have time to do my homework * Usethe past simple for finished past actions (when we say, ask, or know when they happened) present perfect or past simple? I've been to Madrid twice (= im my life up to now) Iwent there in 1998 and 2002 (= on two specific occasions) L've bought a new computer (= | don'tsay exactly when, where, etc.) Eboughe it last Saturday (= [say when) Use the present perfect (NOT the past simple) ro talk about past experiences and recent past acrions when we don't specify a time Use the past simple (NOT the present perfect) to ask or talk about finished actions in the past, when the time is mentioned or understood We often use a past time expression, e.g. yesterday last week, etc b Righror wrong? Tick / or cross X the sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. I've never been in debe. / How much has vour new camera cost? X How much did your new camera cost? Dean has just inherited 65,000 from a relative Did your sister pay you back yet? We bovked our holiday online a month ago. When have vou bought that leather jacket? They've finished paying back the loan last month We haven't paid the gas bill ver Have vou ever wasted a lor of money on Um sure | haven't borrowed any money from you last week Uspentmy salary really quickly last month Have vou seen the Batman film on TV vesterday? < pls present perfect + for / since, present perfect continuous present perfect + for/ since They've known cacly other for ten vears. Julia has had that bag since she was at university A How long have vou worked here? B Since 1996 A How long has vour brother had his motorbike? B Forabouta vear We use the present perfect + for or sínce with non-action verbs (e.g. like, have, know, etc.) to talk about something which started in the past and is still true now They've known cach other for ten years. (= they met ten years ago and they still know cach other today) Weuse How long...? + present perfect to ask about an unfinished period of time (from the past until now) We use for + a period of time, e.g. for two weeks, or since + a point oftime, eg. since 1996 Don't use the present simple with for | since, NOT Fheyenoe eacirother for a lomg time present perfect continuous: have / has been + verb + -ing 1 How long have vou been learning English? 'V 48) Nick has been working here since April They've been going out together for about three vears. 2 Youreves are red, Have vou been crying? No, ve been cutting on: GRAMMAR BANK We use the present perfect continuous with for and since with action verbs (c.g. learn, work, go, etc.) to talk about actions which started in the past and are still true now * Don'tuse the present continuous with for since, NOT Fam working here for two years We can also use the present perfect continuous for continuous or repeated actions which have been happening very recently. The actions have usually just finished t've (| have) You've (You have) He/She/it's(Hehas) be working here fortwo years. been working here fortwo years. ves, have. No, haven't. Hasshebeenworking Yes, No, here for two years? shehas. shehasn't. work and live Work and live are often used in either present perfect simple or present perfect continuous with the same meaning. I've lived here since 1980. I've been living here since 1980 a Correctthe mistakes. b Make sentences with the present perfect simple or Harry is unemploved since last year present perfect continuous (and for | since if necessary) Use the present perfect continuous if possible Harry has heen unemploved since last year We've had our new flat since six months Hi Jackie! How are you? | don't see you for ages! How long are you knowing your husband? ! Emily has been a volunteer for ten years ago Paul doesn't eat anything since yesterday because he's ill Ithasn'trained since two months How long has your parents been marricd? Thev're having their dog since they got married Hhaven't had any emails from my brother for last Christmas. My grandmother lives in the same house all her life L work fora charity | eight years I've been working for a charity for eight years we [know each other / we were children the children / play computer games | two hours 3 vour sister / have that hairstyle / a long time? E ove her | the first day we met my internet connection / not work / vesterday how long | you / wait? El bea reacher | three years dt [snow / five clock this morning Sam / nor study enough / recently vou [live in London /a long time? p.19
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