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New English File Elementary Student's book, Notas de estudo de Língua Inglesa

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Baixe New English File Elementary Student's book e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Língua Inglesa, somente na Docsity! Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig Paul Seligson Arg Student's Book OXFORD Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig Paul Seligson New ENGLISH FILE Elementary Student's Book Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of ! é English File 1 (pub. 1996) and English File 2 (pub. 1997), UNIVERSITY PRESS 1 SAYING HELLO a “1 Listen and read. Number the pictures 1-4, BD ly name's Janet Leigh. ot re in room 5, llo, John. How are you? B e thanks, And you? 4 | Very well, thank you. G verb be |+, pronouns: |, you, etc. V numbers 1-20, days of the week P vowel sounds, word stress DIC CT AT b Write the words in the chart. Fine Hã Em... thanks Hello My name's... | Very well c Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. d “12> Roleplay the dialogues with the sound effects. e Introduce yourself to five other students. Hello. fm Antonio. Wei toa ramo O Carla. Nice to meet you. thank you Hi, I'm Tom. What's your name? [|] Good morning = 12.00 Good afternoon 12.00-6.00 pm, Good evening 6.00 pm. — 2 GRAMMAR verb be |+|, pronouns a Complete the sentences with are, is, or am. Cm Tom. =] Tom. My names Janet Leigh. = My name Janet Leigh. You're in room 5. = You - in room 5, b O p.122 Grammar Bank 1A. Read the rules and do the exercises. c Try to remember the names in your class. Say Hes/Shes 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word stress 13º Listen and repeat the words and sounds. fã q é va a fish | tree | cat bout train bike it he am you they I dis [she | Hi b 14º Write these words in the columns above. Listen and check. Repeat the words. name Is thanks my we E O CA coffee, please> tress is Ê c bias the stressed syllable in these words. d “15º Listen and check. Which two words are not stressed on the first syllable? e Write the words from c in the chart. food travel “coffee communication f In pairs, write two more words in each column. 4 VOCABULARY numbers 1-20 L6 > Listen and repeat the numbers. Bag Ser Sd las Ms Bom b O p.140 Vocabulary Bank Numbers. Do part | c “17 Listen. Where are they? Write |-L in the boxes. [airport Gate number [| sandwich bar euros — cents [hotel Room [1] taxi — —— Manchester Road d Listen again. Write a number in cach space. 5 SAYING GOODBYE “18 Listen and number the words. Goodbye. [id Bye. [1] Goodnight. Ei See you, E See you on Saturday. [|] See you tomorrow, E b “19º Complete the days of the week with a CAPITAL letter. Listen and repeat. W F 5 E M M onday — uesday ednesday “hursday riday — aturday unday G verb be =! and |? V countries and nationalíties, numbers 20-1,000 P vowel sounds Mo AS ET US Where are you from? Em lrish. I'm from Dublin. 1 VOCABULARY countries and nationalities 2 LISTENING & SPEAKING a How do you say | your country in English? a “13º Listen and number the pictures 1-4. your language | two countries near you b O pai Vocabulary Bank Countries and nationalities. c “0 Where's the stress! Listen and underline the stressed syllable. Listen and repeat. Japan Japanese Germany German China Chinese Italy Italian the United States American Russia Russian IRA SELOS Bom di ad | b Listen again and complete the dialogues. aa 1 Areyou (2) GR What languages are these? No, Em “. Em from Edinburgh. Where are vou from? We're from Are you on holiday? No, we aren't, We're on business, Wheresshefromilsshe. & No, she isn't, She's “She's from Buenos Aires. s>LnrRoOR tp 4 4 Mmm,delicious.Isit o EB No, itisnt It's É c Repeat the dialogues. Copy the rhythm. d In pairs, look at the pictures. Roleplay the dialogues. 3 SPEAKING a “14 Listen and repeat the questions from lc. Copy the rhythm. o 1 * 9 VME pouriisi rama What s your first name: b OQ Communication Interview p.I1. Copy the rhythm of English. 4 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives a Look at the highlighted words. Which is an adjective? Which is a pronoun? | Where are you from? 2 Whals yoúr name? b 1125” Complete the chart with your, my, his, her, their, our. Listen and check. Pm Italian. family are from Rome. You're in level 1. This is classroom. He's the Director of Studies. — nameis Michael. She's your teacher, — name is Lucy. We're an international school. — students are from different countries. They're new students. — namesare Tina and Daniel. c O p.122 Grammar Bank 1C. Read the rules and do the exercises. 5 PRONUNCIATION /3:/ and /au/ 6 SPEAKING a “12 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. Look at the photos. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Sá bird | Famous actors = but do you remember their names? IT | | What's his! name? What's her name? Eid owl >» How do you = Ea | = , ae Copel emo Where's he from? Where's she from? b “1427” Write these words in the chart. Listen and repeat | the words Ri Rd AT How old is he? How old is she? her how first our now surname (1 think) She's American. She's about s 2 don't remember. 2 | donthnow. G a/an, plurals, this / that / these / those V the classroom, common objects, classroom language P vowel sounds What's this? Its an identity card. ER A Ra TS 1 VOCABULARY the classroom, common objects 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Can you see these things in your classroom? Tick (+) a “1350 Listen and repeat the six picture words or cross (X). and sounds. a table | ] a heht | = = = - = ===... = a board [ ] a ai [ | SIN horse wall door a TV [E] avideo [|] — |— - — | a CD player |! walls L] & bull book photo look a window E] chairs [] | a door E] up purse sunglasses umbrella b “128º Listen and repeat the words. c “129º What's in the bag? Match the words and coims board toilet pictures. Listen and check. | [ | am address book [keys Ão) car here we'ré there [| tissues [lan identity card | a [] coins [la lipstick E E = 7 NE tourist euro Europe e-mail [Ja mobile (phone) La purse b “13 Listen to the groups of words. Circle the word with a different vowel sound. c Practise saying the words. d O p.142 Vocabulary Bank Common objects. e In pairs. A Close your eyes. B Give A a thing from your bag or pocket. Ask Whaf's this?or What are these? A Say lisa... or Theyre.., 3 GRAMMAR a/an, plurals, this / that | these / those a Write aor an. |. watch 2 — umbrella 3. diary 4 — identity card &. file b Write the plural. 1 stamp 2 match 3 key c Complete the questions with this, that, these, or those. What's ? What's ? What are ? Whatare 2 d O p.122 Grammar Bank 1D. Read the rules and do the exercises. e In pairs, ask and answer. Use pictures 1-8 in lc for this / these and point to things in the class for that / those. 4 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE a Match the phrases and the pictures. e É e o Re RT pasa à RR. é GIVING INSTRUCTIONS [+] Open your books (please). [= (Please) Don't write. E! Can vou open the door (please)? b “132 Listen. Tick (4) the ten phrases in a you hear. c 4133) Complete the sentences. Listen and check. d Play What's the word? 5 134º SONG & Eternal Flame 1 E DATE IT GRAMMAR Circle the correct sentence, a or b. (a) Hi. Pm Susanna. b Hi. 1] Susanna. Hello. What's your name? Hello. What your name? She is Polish? Is she Polish? Where he's from? Where's he from? They isn't English. They aren't English. “Are you from Paris?” “Yes, "'m. “Are you from Paris?” “Yes, 1 am. She's Spanish. Her name's Ana. She's Spanish. His name's Ana. od Rs »roDoo b mo ms Rs] D mc E E We're Italian. Your surname is Tozai. We're Italian. Our surname is Tozzi. c word groups Circle the word that is different. one three L eight Euro 2 Ireland Chinese 3 Polish Halian 4 sixteen forty 5 we vou 6 they his 7 where how 8 lighter pencil 9 mewspaper book LO listen read PRONUNCIATION seven Thailand Japanese ninety her our what purse magazine pen five file Spain France eighty he my watch address lipstick look [e E What are these? What-are this? lts an umbrella. Iês a umbrella. They're watchs. They're watches. ua DE Er lo Est] o = E VOCABULARY a prepositions Complete with at, from, in, off, to. Go to page 74. | Em. Japan. 2 Nice — meetyou. 3 Whats bonjour English? 4 Look — the board. 5 Please turn your mobile phone. b verb phrases Match the verbs and phrases. Close your books. Answer Listento Open Read Work Lidos “the text. Dre in pairs. 3º. thech. do the door 5 the questions. a O p.156 Sound Bank. In pairs, test cach other on the vowel sounds; 1-20. b Underline the word with a different sound. Go sho her ED a da ] RA stamps what 2 Go key meet ã ama 3 «Sn glasses France dg a mobile go 5 | f his China c Underline the stressed syllable. information address surname Argentina Portuguese umbrella see bag they table DIE sit LE TRT CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? Where are English words from? | From Old English Many basic English words come from Old E English, eg. E From Latin ma a, ira, water. They sometimes — Other English words come from Latin, | have irregular pronunciation. e.g. family wine, num From French Some English words come from French, b Read the text again. Now cover the text. Can you remember where these words come from? Write them in the chart. Internet wine menu house hotel family sesta woman judo e-mail Old | | Other English Latin | French languages New words Ê CEE Ss e a dentre | Internet | | c Where are words in pour language from? CAN YOU HEAR THE DIFFERENCE? 138 Listen. Circle a or b. (a) Carlos. What's your name? b 21. | a Where's he from? b Where's she from? 2 a He's from Italy. b She's from Italy. 3 a She's French. b She isn't French. d a Whavs his name? b Whats her name? 5 a thecredit card b the credit cards 6 a page lã b page 30 7 a Gate number 14 b Gate number 40 8 a MikeBinfode b Mikeinfoda 9 a Mr G. Smith b Mr. |. Smith 10 a Tuesday b Thursday AH Td From other languages Today English is an international language. Thousands of English words come from other languages, e.g. SEA (Spanish), jUdO (Japanese). New words Every year hundreds of words come into English from new technology, e.g. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a Canyou..? Yes (4) [count from 1-20 [count from 20-100:(20, 30, etc.) [count from 100-=1,000 (100, 200, etc.) [| say the days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) | | spell your address [| say-five things in your bag or pocket (some keys, etc.) b Complete with How, What, or Where. In pairs, ask and answer. — “Ss your surname? — dovyou spell it? — areyou from? — 'syour phone number? 's your address? G present simple +| and |= V verb phrases, irregular plurals P consonant sounds, third person -s Cappuccino and chips They live in a flat. He doesn't smoke, 1 VOCABULARY verb phrases a “21% What do you think? Complete with a number, b In pairs, make true + or [=] sentences about you. e.g. 60% (sixty Per cent). Listen and check. [+] [read a newspaper every day. LOBO 25% 45% 60% 70% 90% [=] | don't smoke. WHAT % OF BRITISH PEOPLE...? | c O p.143 Vocabulary Bank Verb phrases. read anewspaperevery day zo to the cinema every weckend smoke have a pet watch TV every night live in a house with a garden 2 READING a Look at the photos. Which things are “typically British'? MoB CHILE b Read the text. Check your answer to a. ; E É umaaa iz E | PERMANTER Four foreigners in Britain talk about the people and the country... 1 Nicolae from Romania works in a pub in Manchester | 3 Carlos is a tourist from Spain é British people like children but not in restaurants or pubs. é People read the newspaper everywhere — on the train, on the bus, Inmy pub we have a rule: 'No children under 12º. People at the bus stop. And the newspapers are really big! Cars stop in in Britain deink a lot of coffee = cappuccino and espresso Britain when you stand on the zebra crossing — It's incredible! are really popular. They daink a lot of beer too = men and p for you in Madrid? women * | 4 Marília from Brazil works as an 'au pair in Cambridge 2 Alexandra from Russia is a student at Bristol University é Lthink my British family is typical, The woman dos Ç é This 15 not a good country for smokers! Many coffee bars | she just puts a pizza in the micromave. But she watches ol and restaurants are 'no smoking'. | live with three British | programmes on TV every day! The man cooks at the weekend — he students and they d When | Want a cigarette o rrakes fantastic Indian cures. Their child has a terible diet. She eats | go into the garden? o E “fh f ingers and chips and she: goes to Burger King every week? c Complete the questions and short answers with do, dves, and don't. you like sushi? your mother work? Yes, she - you like? Where No,l What food she work? dO p.124 Grammar Bank 2B. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 Rs o * Listen to the rest of the conversation, Is the lunch a success (=) or a disaster (=)? b Listen again. Complete the chart with 4“ (yes) or X (no). Natasha | Darren likes computers x | watches TV | goes to the cinema smolkes c In pairs, ask and answer questions about Darren and Natasha. Does Darren like computers? 4 SPEAKING a Imagine you want to meet a new partner, and you go to an agency. Look at the Meeting People form. What questions does the interviewer ask? Meeting People ERR ae A ERA LA e VOU c In pairs, roleplay an interview at Meeting People. b 26) Listen and check. Listen again. Copy the rhythm. A You want to meet a partner. t ! name? NAME : : : À What / name? B You are the interviewer. Ask A the questions and write the answers in the form. How old /? AGE “work / study? OCCUPANON d Change roles. Wh live? TOWN RAE ; 5 PRONUNCIATION consonant sounds ! have a car? ves E] nol] Wihat languages / speak? | LANGUAGES | E TO) €) mn E keys shower television right (smoke? ge Ll noel] 7 What music / like? a “27º Listen and repeat the words and consonant sounds. MER mm ALT pio aminas b Practise saying the sentences. He tk! Karen likes coffee. ] ea tg! Greta goes to golf classes. What food / like? Mn ft Tim eats out on Tuesdays. ff! Natasha likes sushi, What newspaper / read? NEWSPAPER [3 Mick usually watches television. What sports / playê tr! Ricky reads Russian writers. 6 28º SONG & Something Stupid E G o/an+|0bs V jobs P consonant sounds An artist and a musician What do you do? l'm a student, 1 READING a Look at the photos of Annabel. Do you think she's a professional artist or a professional musician? b Read the intervicw and match the questions with her answers. booiê, CD covers — all kinds of things. Do you like your job? Why? E e — : How many hours do you worl? “ Imork at home. | have a room just for working in. Do you ear a lot of money? Where do you work? | usually work about eight hours à day, from 9,30 to a 5.30. Sometimes | work again in the evenings or at What don't you like about your job? estenda, ten à insane How do you relax after work? Es What-do-you do? k depends. | eam from about 250 to ES000 fora piclure. Sometimes | have a lotof work but sometimes | el t Thats a problem: And | don't have | e In pairs, guess the meaning of the | | words. Check with your teacher or a dictionar Y. d Read the article again. Underline two good and two bad things about Annabel's job. 2 VOCABULARY jobs a Look at Annabel's pictures. How many of these jobs can you say in English? | play the bass in a Band! called International Airport. We play at weekends in pubs and clubs. b Ask and answer with the pictures. d Look at the question and answers. How do you say them in your language? What does he do? > + Whatdo you do? = Cm a musician. Y ema S tes a pilot ['m an engineer. 1 work for a French company. Um at school. == — [Em unemployed. Ework in a shop [mat university. c (O p.144 Vocabulary Bank Jobs. e What do you do? Ask five other students in the class. 3 GRAMMAR a /an + jobs 5 LISTENING & SPEAKING Complete with a, an, or =. LHes: actor. 2 She's politician, 3 They're nurses. 4 We're lawyers. 5 Hes teacher. a Gis When people speak fast 7 Areyou — journalist? they don't separate words. 8 Fm pilot. 9 He's builder. a “2H Listen to a radio programme called Guess my job. À Remember [sea /0n-b job, e.g. He'sa | Three people guess a person's job. Underline the ten musician. nor He's-musician. Don't use a / an with | questions they ask. plurals, e.g. They're doctors. nor They'rea-doctors. Where? Do you work...? inside [49 0 4 PRONUNCIATION consonant sounds EE Elm) outside a “29 Listen and repeat sentences 1-9. Copy the in an office thythm. How do you pronounce the -er / -or ending? at home b 210º Listen and repeat the words and in a factory consonant sounds, ' ; in a hospital E 2 BA | EG parrot lower chess jazz vacht singer | in the afternoon c Practise saying the sentences. in the evening tp! Pauls a politician E Ses How? HE! Philsa fantastic foothaller. - AU! Charles teaches Chinese, prttcyoniaiands Gr dz! Jim and George are journalists. with a computer tj! Areyoua student? with other people to! A singer sings songs. Do you...! have special qualifications É | an] speak any languages earn a lot of money 449 5 drive write letters or e-mails ca wear a uniform W b Listen again. What does the person answer? Write Y (yes), N (no), or D (It depends) after each question. c Look at Phil's answers. What do you think his job is? d 212º Listen to the end of the programme. What does Phil do? e In groups of four, play the game. Choose jobs from Vocabulary Bank Jobs p.144. NEL VOCABULARY hotel words a Match the words and symbols. reception the lift | a single room the (ground) floor lo:/ a double room the bar b In pairs, cover the words and test your partner. CHECKING IN a “216” Cover the dialogue and listen. Answer the questions. | How many nights is Mark's reservation for? 2 What's his room number? b Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. : Ef d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. Use your name. YOU HEAR Good evening, str. 1 Canyou — — that, please? For five nights. — your passport, please? 3Canyousignhere,- f 2 Canl Do you want a smoking or non-smoking room? — .Jfs room 425, on the fourth floor. 5 It's over there. Do you need help with your : Enjoy your stay, Mr Ryder. 4 Here's your SOCIAL ENGLISH a “218º Listen and complete the chart. | Mark Allie Where | Are they married? reare they from? tá | | Do they have children? | | How old are they? Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. Copy the rhythm. ET Tod Let STR “m YOU SAY 2 SAY Hello. 1 a reservation. My name's Mark Ryder. R-4-D-E-R. Yes, that's right. Justa moment. Here you are. Non-smoking, please. Thank you. Where's the lift*? No, it's OK, thanks. Thank you. * hift= British English elevator = American English b Why does Alhe think the phone call is from Mark's wife? c Who says the USEFUL PHRASES, Mark or Allie? Listen again and check. How do you say them in your language? USEFUL PHRASES Sorry. That's OK. What do you think? Would you like another drink? Thave to go now. SUE MultiROM Rc dE LR RIA A letter PU EiiTe To practise your English you can write to a 'penfriend' in another country. You can find penfriend websites on the Internet. DO a From: Rosa [] To: Stefan [] Subject: Hi from Mexico Hi Stefan * My name's Rosa. * I'm from Mexico, and | live in Monterrey. * I'm a receptionist at a hotel. | study English in my free time. * | speak Spanish and a little English. * | want to learn English for my job and to travel. 5 | have a big family. | have three brothers and a sister. ” My father is a builder and my mother doesn't work. My brothers and my sister are at school, * My brothers are 14, 13, and 10, and my sister is six. º 'm 19. 0 | like music, cinema and sport. | watch football on TV with my family every Saturday. Please write soon, Best wishes Rosa a Read the e-mail. Match Rosa's information with these questions. Do you have a big family? a) What are your interests? 0] How old are you? El Why do you want to learn English? E What languages do you speak? ||] What do the people in your family do? 0] What's your name? [E Where are you from? [E What do you do? C] How old are your brothers and sisters? [| b Lookat the letter. How is a letter different from an e-mail? Los Noaales [430 Santa Maria Honterreu 2 October Dear Stetau, + t E 1 Hu name's Rosa. T'm trom Mexico, qua T live a Honterreu WRITE a similar e-mail or letter to your teacher. Answer questions 1-10 in a. EB. EL DR GRAMMAR Circle the correct sentence, a or b. Hi. Fm Susanna. b Hi l Susanna. E a Inotsmoke. b Idon't smoke. 2 a Hedrinksa lot of coffee. b He drink a lot of coffee. 3 a My cousin has a fat in Paris. b My cousin haves a Mat in Paris. 4 a Areyoulive with your parents! b Do you live with your parents? 5 a Does your sister have children? b Do your sister have children? 6 a Where does your wife work? b Where your wife works? 7 a 'Doyou play the guitar?” “Yes, I do” b 'Do you play the guitar? “Yes, 1 play 8 a Pman engineer. b Im engineer. 9 a Billis Carla's husband. b. Billis husband's Carla. 10 a This is my parents's house. uns b Thisis my parents house: HH VOCABULARY a prepositions Complete with at, for, in, or to. Look qt the board. 1 Uma student. 'm 2 Iwmork- IBM. 3 On Saturday nights 1 go 4 My brother lives — a flat. 5 Doyou listen — — the radio? university. the cinema. verb phrases Match the verbs and phrases. “read a newspaper. do have speak play watch 1 housework 2 Russian do == EV 4 the piano 5 a sandwich for lunch Ria A c word groups Circle the word thats different. Ireland Thailand Spain | live job work read 2 men children people woman 3 engineer doctor football pilot 4 student factory office school 5 brother uncle niece grandfather d question words Complete with How many, Who, Why, What, or Where. What's your name? do you live? does your father do? is your favourite relative? hours do you work? — — doyou want to learn English? 1 2 des 4 3 EB PRONUNCIATION a OQ p.158 Sound Bank. In pairs, test each other on the consonant eo E sounds, 21-44, b Underline the word with a different sound. | o key meet they | É E LE 1 9 car work nice 2 e garden job German 3 tá where who what q : likes makes watches 5 has does stops c Underline the stressed syllable. information policeman grandmother receptionist nephew “artist mo 3 GRAMMAR adijectives a Look at the answers to the USA quiz. Circle the correct rule. * Adjectives go before / after a noun. * Adjectives change / don't change before a plural noun. b O p.126 Grammar Bank 3A. Read the rules and do the exercises. € Adjective race. In pairs, in three minutes make eight phrases (adjective + noun) for things in the picture, eg. a full moon. 4 LISTENING À Remember! When people speak fast they don't | separate words. | “32 Listen and write six sentences. 5 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING a Read the descriptions and look at the pictures. Can you guess the two people? He's a famous singer. He's very tall and good-looking. He has short, dark hair. He's Spanish but he lives in America. He sings in Spanish and in English. She's a beautiful actress. She's very tall and thin. She has red hair. She lives in Australia. She has two adopted children. b O p146 Vocabulary Bank Common adjectives. Do part 2. c Think of a famous person. Write five clues. Tell your partner. Can he / she guess? d Match the words and pictures. angry [| hungry [ cold [| sad [] happy [] thirsty MOaisti/ [1] hot [] tired Mard/ [) e “33 Listen and check. Repeat the phrases. f Cover the words and look at the pictures. Tell your partner how you feel. Em very tired, Em not thirsty. Em quite hungry. 6 34º SONG & Oh Pretty Woman G telling the time, present simple V daily routine P the letter o Wake up, get out of bed... What time do you get up? At seven o'dock. 1 GRAMMAR telling the time 3 READING & LISTENING a gh) What time does your class start? What a Read the article. How stressed is Louisa? Why? ti s dt finish? : : porieves una b In pairs, guess the meaning of the highlighted words. b O p.126 Grammar Bank 3B. Read the rules Check with your teacher or a dictionary. and do the exercises. c O Communication What's the time? A plOs B pill. d “35> Listen to Vicky's morning. Write the seven times you hear. What's her job? 1 7.00 ao expert from the University of 2 VOCABULARY daily routine London, looks at two people's typical day and tries to help... Louisa works as a guide at the National Gallery in London and lives with her son George, aged 9. Egetup and [make George's sandwiches. Tdosome housework. Then 1 wake up George and make his breakfast. 'm always in a horryandT don't have time for breakfast at home. We cyele to school because the bus is expensive. Then Leyele six miles? 10 work, ER] | have a sandwich for breakfast in the canteen, and then E start work. My first tour is usually at 9.30. | like my job but [ don't cam much money and 1 stand all day. EXD finish work and 1 go to pickup George at 5.30, We go Louisa, a single mother a Look at Vicky's typical morning. : shopping. Match the pictures and phrases. pr ae q — — [ cook dinner and help George with his homework. After getdressed have a shower L | dinner | do more housework or answer e-mails until 9,00. T don't get up E] have breakfast [| go out in the evening because a babysitter is very expensive. goto (work) Li wake up 1) END] George goes to bed and [read him a story. Then 1 go à ; : “= [Em really tired! b In pairs, describe her morning. e a Have breakfast with your son. Do all the housework in the evening. Don't cycle, get the bus. It's important to see other people. Invite a friend for a drink once a week. She wakes up at 7.00. c In pairs, take turns to describe your typical | morning using pictures 1-6. Do you do things in the same order? “six miles = 9.6 kilometres Iwake up at (about) 7.30, d O p.147 Vocabulary Bank Daily routine. c Read the article again. Try to remember the information. d Q Communication Louisa's day A p.108 B p.l1. Test your partner's memory. What time does Louisa get up? s She gets up at... Simon works à for a computer company. He lives in Brighton but he works in London. are these people? e “36 You are going to listen to Simon talking to Professor Parker. Listen to five things Simon says. Number the pictures 1-5. É Listen again. What are the five sentences? & 37 Now listen to Simon. Answer the questions. How many children does Simon have? What time does he get up? Why doesn't he have breakfast? What time does he start work? How many cups of coffee does he drink? What does he have for lunch? What time does he finish work? Why doesn't he have dinner with his family? What time does he get home? What does he do after dinner? O Gov Und to Rods = h 438% Listen. What is Professor Parker's advice? 1 Who do you think is more stressed, Louisa or Simon? 4 PRONUNCIATION the letter o | dA The letter o has different pronunciations. | a Put these words in the correct column. colee do don't go home job one school shopping son two worried b “39> Listen and check, Practise saying the words. 5 SPEAKING In pairs, interview your partner about a typical day. Who is more stressed? a e a " h 4 / Whattime..? os o. 1 DP J ez 49 ake Up EO to é What time do you wake up? (lt depends.) At about eight o'clock. Q G prepositions of time V the date P word stress, /0/ and /0/ 1 READING a b Read the magazine extracts. Match the photos with the festivals. | | The Tomatina festival takes place on the last Wednesday in August in Buhiol, Spain. The 'tomato battle" starts at [| o'clock in the morning, and continues for two hours. During the Tomatina 35,000 people throw [25,000 kilos of tomatoes! [ | InJanuary (the exact date changes every year) you can go to lvrea in Italy and take part in the Carnevale d'lvrea, where people throw oranges at each other. If you don't want people to throw an orange at you, you have to wear a red hat. [| Thailand has a Water Festival (Songkran) every April to celebrate the New Year. It starts on [3th April and lasts for two days. People throw water at each other all day and also at night. Read the extracts again. Then cover them and look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer about the festivals. | Where is it? 2 When is it? 3 What do people throw? Which festival would you like to go to? VOCABULARY the date O p.148 Vocabulary Bank Times and dates. Do part 2. Think of three famous festivals in your country. Where / When are they? On the last Wednesday in August Fascinating festivals When's the Thai New Year? It's in April, PRONUNCIATION word stress, /0/ and /0/ U312> Listen and repeat the months. Which five have the stress on the second syllable? JANUARY APRIL Jur OCTOBER FEBRUARY May ALGSUST INovEMBER MARCH JUNE SEPTEMBER DECEMBER 313» th can be pronounced in two different ways. Listen and repeat the words. this the other their they with Thu Rd thirteenth third birthday Re a think 43145 Listen and repeat the dates. Copy the rhythm. Thur. 13 Thursday the thirteenth 12/5 the twelfth oÉ May 23/9 the twenty-third of September 15/4/1999 the fifteenth of April, nineteen ninety-nine 30/1/2008 the thirtieth of January, two thousand and eight Ask other students When's your birthday? Does anybody have the same (or nearly the same) birthday as you? 4 GRAMMAR prepositions of time a Can you remember? In pairs, complete the sentences with in, on, or at. Check with the festival texts. | The'tomato battle starts [1 clock E the morning. E January you can go to the Carnevale d'Ivrea. 3 The Thai Water Festival starts April the 13th. 4 People throw water at each other all day and also night. b O p.126 Grammar Bank 3D. Read the rules and do the exercises. e O Communication When...? À p.I08 B pill. In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Answer with a preposition + a time word. When do you usually read? | read at night, in bed. 3 READING & LISTENING a Read the article. Complete Carla's answers with sentences A-E. the middle of the year — ini ing or the end. ly Christmas! - he week i in front of me. E gu A Carla Guelfenbein is a novelist. She lives in Chile. | * Whal's your favourite time of day? Why? My favourite time of the day is breakfast. * Whals your Favourite day of the week? Why? Monday. — * What's your favourite month? Why? June, * What's your favourite season? Why? Autumn. * What's your favourite public holiday? Why? [hate all public holidays. ne 4 b “315% You're going to listen to two other people talk aus mer favourite times. » First listen to these | TI can start to relax and er the evening. 2 7 any live very | Ma € “316% Listen to the interviews. Complete the chart. Whal's your favourite...? | time of day IO pm. Cristina, a sports | Udom, a manager coach from Spain | from Thailand 2 day of the week 3 month d season 5 public holiday d Listen again. Why are these their favourite times? 6 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Times you love. What's your favourite time of day? Why? TE j Cn In a coffee uy PRACTICAL ENGLISH VOCABULARY coffee and snacks a Look at the coffee shop menu. Match Eh the words and pictures. b In pairs, cover the words and test rei Pê your partner. regular large [ E Eilter coltee 1.50 [70 [| Espresso 1.65 2.85 | Cappuccino 95 295 “E Chocolate-chip cookies 1:50 [E Brownios 1.85 BUYING A COFFEE a “37 Cover the dialogue. Listen and answer the questions. | What do Mark and Allie get? 2 How much is it? YOU HEAR YOU SAY 2 Can [help you? M What would you like? A Acappuccino, please. orlarge? A Large, please. M And can | have an espresso, please? 2Tohavehereor o — * M Tohave here. à ; lo; thanks. E Rs e no b Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. M A brownie for me, please. OK. M How much is thaté c 318) Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. 4 Togetheror>— É M Together. Copy the rhythm. 5" E: d E F p ab d 5 Thats— — please. M Sorry, how much? de thzees qse the mena to rolepias - Thank you. the dialogue. SOCIAL ENGLISH a “319º Listen to Mark and Allie. Circle the correct answer. There às / isn't a free table. Mark / Alle spills the coffee. Their next meeting is at 11,15 / 12.30. [Rs 4 Allie agrees / doesn't agree to go shopping for a new shirt. b Is Allie angry with Mark? USEFUL PHRASES Thanks: — You're welcome. c Who says the USEFUL PHRASES, Mark or Alhe? Listen again and check. How do you say them in your language? There's a free table over there. Here you are. Pim really sorry: Don't worry, Es MultiROM What can you do? CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article, Tick (v) the things that Carl Harris says it's good to do in the winter. 1 Eat a lot of chocolate. 2 Have a yoghurt and fruit juice for breakfast. 3 Go to thegym. 4 Make small changes to your diet. 5 Go for a walk. 6 Go running. EO Em Don't go to the gym in the o We all know that exercise is good for health, So on January st we often start the New Year with a good resolution — to go to the gym three times a week, But what happens? The first week we go three times, the second week we go twice, and the third week we stop going. The same thing happens with diets. After Christmas we start a new healthy eating plan. We are very enthusiastic at first — but after two or three weeks, WE Stop. Carl Harris, a personal trainer, says this is because winter is the wrong time of the year to start new exercise routines and diets. 'In the winter the days are short and dark, and it's cold outside. Our bodies want food and sleep, not diets and exercise” His advice for people who want to starta healthy lifestyle in January is to make small changes. Try to cutout chocolate and cakes for three days a week — but don't eliminate them completely. Go for short walks during the day, when it's light. But when March comes and spring begins, that's the time to get up at 7.00, have a yoghurt and fruit juice for breakfast, and go jogging ! b In pairs, guess the meaning of the hig words and phrases. Check with your teacher or a dictionary. & Read the article again. Why is it nota good idea “to start going to the gym in the winter? REVISE & CHECK CAN YOU HEAR THE DIFFERENCE? a 3H) Listen. Circlea or b. La Pmveryangry. b Um very hungry. 2a Wsquarter to ten. b lts quarter past ten. 3a She gets home at five. b She goes home at five. 4a Tfson the first of May. b Its on the third oÉ May. 5a Today's September I2th. b Today's September 20th. b 327 Listen. Circlea or b. La Itsred, b Itsa BMW. 2a Coffeecand toast. b' At half past eight. 3a Ina restaurant, b Atone o'clock, 4a Twicea weck, b Bycar. 5a Wednesday. b March the 13th. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a In English, can you..? Yes(4) [| say what the date is [ | say what time it is [| say what you do on a typical Monday morning [| describe a person in your family (age and appearance) b Ask your partner five questions. get up go to the cinema have lunch How often listen to the radio what time go to bed | drink champagne en a use the Internet eat meat go on holiday How often do you use the Internet? É G con / cant V verb phrases: buy a newspaper, etc. P sentence stress W | can't dance Can you play the piano? No, but | can play the guitar. 1 GRAMMAR can / can't (ability) a Read the advertisement and look at the photos. Who do you think has star quality"? Do you vestes | Want to be am pop star A new Channel 6 TV programme needs young people with artistic and musical ability aged 18-25. Call 0209 556 2453 or e-mail us at popstarsê channelB television b “41 Listen to the three people sing, play the guitar, and dance. Complete the sentences with Jude, Gareth, and Kelly. Er a E Sm 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress Es can play the guitar very well. 5 - can't play the guitar. a “43º Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 4 and = can dance well. Gi-=& can't dance. 6 can sing quite well, can sing very well. e a] can't sing. c “42 Who do you think is the winner? Why? Listen and check. d Complete the sentences with can or can't. FILO Aamké b When do you stress can / can't? Tick (4) or (X). [E] She “dance, im positive |+| sentences | |? he dance? | Yes, he Ea in negative [=| sentences | X No, he Em in Wh- questions [?] ! E a in short answers e In pairs, ask and answer with sing, dance, and play the guitar. c 044 Listen. Are the sentences positive + Can'you sing? D or negative [=| ? Write [+ or =). E Yes, | can. Can you? I ã No, | cant. Can you dance? Ê pio : d um E 3 VOCABULARY verb phrases a O p.149 Vocabulary Bank More verb Are you physical, creative, or practical; phrases. b Are you physical, creative, or practical? yes=/ E il Interview your partner and complete Physical no=X | 7=notwell the survey. play a sport Can you play a sport? swim drive Yes, basketball. dance How well? a : Creative - Qu eaval, take photos draw or paint cook play a musical instrument € Look at your partner's answers. Is he / she physical, creative, or practical? Practical follow instructions read a map programme a video use a computer 4 GRAMMAR can / can't (other uses) a 545" Look at the pictures. What's the problem in each one? Listen and check. b Listen again. Write three can / can't sentences from each conversation. Loyp | Lent, I E a q 3 a 3 € O p.128 Grammar Bank 4A. Read the rules and do the exercises. d Write sentences with can / can't for each picture. G object pronouns: me, you, him, etc. V love story phrases: she falls in love, etc. EE == P i/ and /i:/ [687/ Fatal attraction? a She loves him but he leaves her. 1 GRAMMAR object pronouns a Look at the photos and read the story of a classic film. What film is it Molly loves Sam. Sam loves her! but he never says “| love you?. Sam dies, and now he is a ghost. He watches Molly every day, but she can't see him? Sam finds a psychic, Ota Mae. He uses her“ to speak to Molly. In the end Sam says '| love you”, b Lookat the highlighted words 1-5. Who do they refer to? Write Sam, Molly, or Ota. 2 SPEAKING | her= Molly a Write four names in each circle. 2 you=. 3 him = ámous actors d her = 5 you = c Complete the chart with these words. it me them us subject [object pronouns | pronouns l you you EE [him b In groups, ask and answer. she q What do you think of like him: | (Russell Crowe)? dontliko | her. re EE it. EE TE : pa o | | a C Hes Ok /great / terible. they | hate them. - E aa E ——— — SE , do p.128 Grammar Bank 4C. Edon't know him / her / them / it Read the rules and do the exercises. E delopreel fecspry a Betis remar paper 53 READING E 5) o Ae de TERA RER, EERAEE. b Read the newspaper article once. Write the names of the films. Q Five classic love stories — which one is yours? There are many romantig films, but there are only five basic types oflove story: First love, Obsession, Teacher and pupil, Rich and poor, andl Sacnice, Here are some examples from Holhavood... 1 My Fair Lady film type: — She isa poor girl who sells Aowers and he isa university professor, He teaches her to speak English “ke a princess”. She falls in love with him but he thinks she is only an interesting pupil. She gets angry and she leaves him. In the end he says he loves her. , ) A tado film type: He's an American Marine. He wants to be an officer, She works in a factory. Her family are very poor They go out together, and they fall in love. She wanisto get marned, but he's very ambitious, and he leaves her Bat in the end he can't live without her, and he comes back to the factory for her. 3 film type: He's a happy family man. He meets à woman at work, They have a passtonate love affair. He wants to finish it, but she doesn't want to stop. She follows him everywhere, and makes his life impossible. In the end his wife kills her. 4 film type: They are very young, He meets her ata party and they fall in love, bu his family hate her Family They spend one night together She says Tlove you bat our love is impossible". They want to go away and get marned, but in the end hey die, film type: She sa housewile, macrmed with two children. Her family go away for the weckend. A man stops at her house. They fall in love. He says “Let's get macried”, but she loves her children and she can't leave them. In the end he goes away and she stays with her husband. But she never forgeis him, and he never forgets her. E d 4 a b C ema Read the stories again. Guess the meaning of the highlighted phrases. Check with your teacher or a dictionary. What type of love story is cach film? Complete the article with these film types. First love Obsession Teacher and pupil Richand poor Sacrifice PRONUNCIATION /1/ and /i:/ 49 Listen and repeat the words. a [reli Go he she me meet leave i 410 Listen to this love story. Practise telling it. him dt his film dll live They live in a big city. She meets him in the gym, He works in films, she's a teacher, She kisses him and he thinks she loves him. But in the end she leaves him. O p.157 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for /1/ and fi:/. G possessive pronouns: mine, pours, ei V music No P rhyming words Is this yours? e 1 SPEAKING a Look at the pictures. What can you see? b “am Listen and tick (4) the music you hear. jazz pop | dance rock classical | opera | blues reggas c Interview a partner with the music questionnaire. Are you similar or different? Musl LTS DIET What kind of music do Can you...? Where do you like you like? playa musicalinstrument [|] listening to music...? dO me read or write music E] in the car [ What kind of music don't sing well [| in the street nm you like? at home [ How often do you...? buy CDs A Fm Do you...? look for song lyrics on Pretty >omavi wnfeing: voor he presto — sing or play in a group or ; Roe arnar má Esem rchestra go to concerts aa to tafádie ara Watch MTV 5 Pretty cem tie Mind E ee so meets download music from ] D E Pretty cercemaras E ertunldo dedfeme pour, prnrime feto e fran h Describing a friend Look at the six highlighted words in the text. E ithey all have spelling mistakes. Write them correctly. IR 3 5 o E é 1 This és a photo of my freind, Stephanie. 2 She's IB and she s Jrench. She lives in a village near Toulouse, She studiys Engineering at university. 3 She has short black hair and very dark eyes. She is inteligent and funmy, but Sometimes she sa bit sad too. 4 She loves music and she likes wr beautiful! voice. We love as o her. She 's also crazy about Computers, anil she likes looking for song lyrics on the T nternet. She onty hates one thing - doing sport. 5 7 like her because she 5 à Read the description of Stephanie. Match these questions with paragraphs 1-5. [1 What does he / she like doing? [| Who is the person in the photo? What doesn't he / she like doing? E! Howold is he / she? Where's he / she from? Where does he / she live? What does he / she do? [| Why is your friend special? | Describe him / her. E Read the description again. Then cover it and look at the questions. Can you remember the answers? WRITE a similar description of a good friend. Write five paragraphs. Answer the questions in order, 1-5. Check your description for mistakes. Edite PAS REA TR TITA GRAMMAR Circle the correct sentence, a or b. (a) Hi. Em Susanna. b | a b 2a b 3a b ta b Hi. 1 Susanna. Tcan play the piano. [can to play the piano. Do you can come tonight? Can you come tonight? [ hate do housework. 1 hate doing housework. Do you like swiming? Do you like swimming? 5 What do you think of this programme? a b a b ma b a b 9a b 10 a b Eike, I like it. Inthe end she Kills him, In the end she him kalls, He doesn't love she, He doesn't love her, Where do your parents live? Where do yours parents live? This book is mine, This book is my. Whose:15 that bag? Who's is that bag? mo, VOCABULARY a prepositions Complete the sentences with for, in, to, or with. Look at the board. 1 Wait 2 Romeo falls 3 Ican't find my keys. Can you look 4 Tdon't like talking me. love Juliet. them? shop assistants. b verb phrases Match the verbs and phrases. Head a newspaper draw get go play ride run take tell turn on use the TV a horse — me the secret chess — photos — a computer — married — amarathon — —— out together a picture NE DO joio mr e ad RS ta o E PRONUNCIATION à Underline the word with a different sound. G9 key meet they z l R give him find 2 G) me die leave ã 3 de mine wait try | | & EN walk draw turn 5 u] cook use you b Underline the stressed syllable. information together follow instruction classical because | EE AR CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? à Read the article and answer the questions. | What does the writer think? a Many young people today can't cook, and this is a bad thing. 2 Underline three reasons why young people can't cook. o Uhis week, Journalist Alina Wood gives her opinion about cooking. Cooking in Britain is now a spectator sport. We love watching famous chefs cook on TV, and we buy their books. But do we use them? A recent study shows that 60% of British young people can't boil an egg. Four out of ten never or hardly ever cook. One feenager said “Ecan't cook — but it doesn TF. You just go to the su permarket and buy a pizza and put it in the microwave. Cooking is a “of ti Mot of adults think the same, and don't cook. They buy pre- e conléd meals from the supermarket or take-away food. And if a mother hates cooking, then she doesn't teach her children to cook. Many schools don't teach cooking — they prefer to teach computer skills and foreign languages. [think all this is very sad. For me, cooking is a very important skill. Everybody loves having a delicious meal but restaurants are expensive, so people who can cook well always have a lot of friends. Men love women who can cook = and women love men who can cook. Who would you prefer as a partner? Somebody who can use a computer, or a good cook? ) Read the article again. Match the highlighted words / expressions with their meaning. HbsttE cook in hot water H a young person between 13 and 19 = — asport people like watching Us not important a bad use of time good to eat food you take home to cat, cg. pizzas b Many young people today can't cook, but this isn't a problem. NA a Ta CAN YOU HEAR THE DIFFERENCE? d tm rorrerssosa 4&m Listen. Circle a or b. You can park here. You can't park here. Is the house theirs? Is the house there? Can you turn on the TV? Can you turn off the TV? She doesn't hke him, She doesn't like them. Whose is It? Who is it? E Er co er po) er cinacter po ar 418 Listen. Circle a or b. Tlike it. Yes, IS new. No, thanks. You can drive. No, | don't. 1 prefer cycling. No, it's no-smoking. No, thanks, 1 don't smoke. Yes, please. Yes, but not very well, No, 1 think he's a terrible actor. No, 1 think she's a terrible actress, CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a Can you..? Yes(4) [| say two things you can do well and two things you can't do 1 say two things you love doing and two things you hate doing b Complete these questions to interview your partner. Try to think of interesting questions. Complete with a verb What time do you ? Do you like — Ê How often do you ê Where do vou ? Can you ? Complete with a noun (or the name of a person, programme, etc.) Whatkindof. do you like! What do you think of ? What's your favourite : Who's your favourite Ê c Interview your partner. Then change roles. G pastsimple regular verbs V past time expressions P -ed endings We wanted to go to Sydney. Sydney, here we come! 1 READING a 55» Read and listen to the true story about Raoul and Emma. Answer the question at the end. A tale of two Sydneys Last April two British teenagers wanted to go to Australia for their summer holiday. But it was a 24-hour journey by plane and tickets were very expensive. So, Raoul Sebastian and Emma Nunn, aged 19, looked for cheap tickets on the Internet. They were lucky and they booked two tickets to Sydney. On August 4th they arrived at Heathrow airport. They checked in and waited for the plane to leave, Six hours later they landed at a big alrport and changed planes, c 56 Listen to the end of the story. Where were they? Emma: “| was a bit worried because the second plane was very small, bue | didn't want to say anything co Raoul. Raoul: 'After only an hour the plane landed VVe looked out of the window. lt was a very small airport. VVe walked to the information desk and | showed our-tickets to the woman: Wy'hem is our nexe Night” | asked, She looked at our tickets. The next flight? This is the end of your journey Vvhere did you want to go” Where are we” | asked, Do you think they were in Sydney? d O Communication Sydney p.112 and read about what happened to Emma and Raoul in the end. Is it casy to make a mistake like this? Adapted from a news website | E 3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings ÁA Past simple regular verbs end in -ed in [+ sentences. -ed can be pronounced in three ways. a 58) Listen and repeat the verbs. for gut In which group do you pronounce E the e in the -ed? Why? b Q p.130 Grammar Bank 5B. Read the rules and do the exercises. l-ed=/d! |2-ed=tt) |3-ed=/d/ € Complete the questions with Was / Were or Did. arrived | booked wanted 1 they want to go to Australia? changed checked | landed 1t a long journey? showed looked waited ——— they book their tickets at a travel agent's? tricd walked the tickets expensive? asked they check in at Heathrow airport? l ———— they change planes three times? b “595 Listen and repeat Emma and the second plane big? Raoul Ester 8 — Emma worried? 1 Th “ to go to Australia. 9 the plane land in Australia? 2 Rn tickets on the Internet. ) — theystay in Nova Scotia for a long time? 3 t Heathrow airport. i e 7) Listen and check. Then listen and repeat, Copy the rhythm. 51 a big airport. 6 TI Planes. rs, ask and answer the questions about Raoul and Emma. Ea E é q i 7 of the window. Did they want to go to Australia? 8 o the information desk E Yes (they did). 9 owed their tickets to a woman. e Use the pictures in 1b to re-tell the story from memory. Try to pronounce the past simple verbs correctly. Number the past time expressions 1-7. b Stand up and move around the class. Ask Did you...? questions. yesterday morning. [] When somebody answers Yes, 1 did write down their name and ask the next question, e.g. Where to? five minutes ago. , last November. Tbooked the tickets | a vear ago. last night. three days ago. last week. DODNÕODE À last. April, nor the last April, last week, NOT the-lastweek “Jesterday morning | afternoon | evening BUT last night NOT pesterdoy-night past simple irregular verbs O, have, get entence stress n<o = | VOCABULARY qo, have, get a Can you remember? Write go, have, or get. lunch shopping up b Q p.150 Vocabulary Bank Go, have, get. a | 1] [| E | 4 Kong Oingyan, Frederico Mendes, Nikolai Ignatiev/Marie Claire/IPC Syndication > NWheredidyougo? +, sa We went to a restaurant. = 2 READING a Do women go out together in your country? Where do they go? b Look at the photos and read the reports. Where do you think the women are? Write Rio de Janeiro, Beijing, or Moscow. The magazine Marie Claire asked its women journalists in Rio, Beijing, and Moscow to go out for the evening and then write a report. SABINA lives in [MM . she went out ab lo E Ei EM ILE AO night. saw a ot of ein espe Rs we had coffee and apple cake and o wine. we talked about lalis problems with her oiii HE wasa bit. sad. Then some men at the next table started talking to us and they bought us a drink. This is a very macho country and men always pay for women's drinks. We got a taxi. lt-can be quite dangerous here at night and the metro closes at about 12.30. We left Piramida at about 1.30, and | got home at 2.00. Fantastic. 10 points. We had à great time and Lali was happy again. | lives in [MM . she went out with dd is Nicole and EujIa o on a Saturday night. we went to à tea house ecau ] f a good place to talk. we had: typical Thai food, like green curry. Then we had tea. Women here don't drink a lot of alcohol. We talked about our love lives, especially Hujia's. She has a problem with her partner. We talked about men, fashion, and literature, We went home by car. | didn't drink any alcohol so | could drive. We left at 12,00 and | got home at about 12.30. ILwas a very good might. & points. O Harvey Marcus/Marie Claire/IPE Syndication CSM Read and listen to the story. Mark the sentences T (true) or E (false). Correct the false sentences. , dy killed Jeremy at 8.00. e Hai 5 Somebody opened and closed Jeremy's door. The inspector questioned Amanda in the living room. 6 Amanda got up at 7.00. eremy ) bed before Amanda. 7 Amanda didn't love Jeremy. v and Jeremy slept in the same room. d Look at the ten highlighted' | come irregular verbs in the story. What are the infinitives? e O p.54 Irregular verbs and check. 2 PRONUNCIATION past simple verbs a 515º Put these irregular verbs in the correct column. Listen and check. Emas SEADE bought came could drove | bought | found had heard read | said sal saw slept spoke thought took wore | b 516 Find and underline nine past simple regular verbs in the story. How do you pronounce them? Listen and check. 3 LISTENING a “SM Listen to the inspector question Barbara. Write the information in the chart, Listen again and check. E Amanda | Barbara Gordon. | Claudia What did they do after dinner? | She went for a walk. What time did they go to bed? | 11.45. Did they hear anything? Jeremy's door E opened and closed. Possible motive? She hated him. “518º Listen to the inspector question Gordon. Write the information in the chart. 1518" Listen to the inspector question Claudia. Write the information in the chart. d Compare your chart with a partner. E Who do you think was the murderer? Amanda, Barbara, Gordon, or Claudia? Why? É 4520» Now listen to what happened. Were you right? 4 SPEAKING O Communication Police interview A p.IO9 B p.1I2. Interview your partner about yesterday. A very good way to improve your English and learn irregular verbs is by reading Graded Readers. Buy or borrow a Stage | Graded Reader in the past tense (with a cassette or CD if possible). 5 VOCABULARY irregular verbs O p.l54 Irregular verbs. Tick (4) the irregular verbs you know. Choose three new ones and learn them. In a Ii (9) ET io TR ATER, VOCABULARY shopping a Match the words and pictures. postcards batteries E a (camera) film [| T-shirts E] a mug El b In pairs, cover the words and test your partner. BUYING A PRESENT a 45H» Alle is in a gift shop. Cover the dialogue and listen. What does she buy? YOU HEAR YOU SAY 2 Can 1 help you? How much is that T-shirt? VIts : Sorry, how much did you say? «And how much are those mugs? andthe « Can [have a big mug, please? 2 The big mugs are small ones are 3 Sure. you are. else? Do you have birthday cards? 4 Sorry, “we've only got - Oh well, just the mug then. 5 Thal's « Here you are. | à *Have you got the ? Yes, here. a Thanks. Thank you. b Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. - Bye. EA c (52) Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. i ” copy the rhythm. * In Britain people often use Pve got (1 have got) | Copy the Ly | or Have you got...?as an alternative to | have or Do you have...? d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. SOCIAL ENGLISH a “523 Listen. Mark the sentences T (true) or E (false). | Mark likes Allie's dress. 2 Mark breaks the mug. 3 They get a taxi to the restaurant. 4 Allie reserved a table for 8.30. b Why is Allie stressed? USEFUL PHRASES c Who says the USEFUL PHRASES, Wow! You look great. Mark or Alle? Listen again | don't believe it! and check. How do you say No problem. them in your language? Come on, it's time to go. Relax. Mutirom | A] TRE RS gi WRITING “a Read Alex's questionnaire and report. Which questions does Alex answer in each paragraph? paragraph 1 questions - 4 paragraph 2 questions — paragraph 3 questions — paragraph 4 questions b Plan your report. Answer the questionnaire for your last holiday. Write short notes (not complete sentences). Questionnaire Where did you go for your last holiday? What did you do? Please tell us your experiences. .. Where did you go? To Rome. | I went to Rome last August with my girlfriend. We flew to Rome with British Airways. 2 When did you go there? e pa 2 We stayed for a week in a small hotel near the 3 Who did you go with? Colosseum. The hotel was nice and quite cheap. My girtfriend, 3 During the day we walked around the city.We saw all the famous places like the Colosseum and St Peter's, and we threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain. We took a lot of photos. A night we went to restaurants and had fantastic pasta and red wine. Our favourite restaurant was in the Piazza Navona. We bought a painting of Trastevere (the old town) and my girlfriend bought some very expensive shoes. 4 We had a great time. Rome is full of history and has a special atmosphere, and Italian food is wonderful. We only had two problems: it was very hot, and it was very difficult to cross the road. 4 How did you get there? By plane - British Airways 5 How long did you stay? dd week, Where did you stay? In a Ssma// hotel near the Colosseum, Nice and quite cheap. 7 What did you do? During the day: walked around the city, Saw famous places, took photos. At night: wemt to restaurants = pasta and! wine. | WRITE à report of your holiday. Write four paragraphs. Answer questions 1-10 in the questionnaire. 8 Didyou buy anything? Yes, painting and shoes. 9 Did you have a good time? Fantastic - city full Of history, Special atmosphere, great food Did you have any problems? Very hot, difficutt to cross the road Read your report carefully. Check spelling, punctuation (CAPITAL letters and full stops), and grammar (are the verbs in the past tense?), Attach a photo if you have one. G there is / there are V houses and furniture P /à/ and /ca/, sentence stress VCS AA LU RE RS A Is there a television? No, there isn't. 1 VOCABULARY houses and furniture a Order the letters to make three rooms in a house, chitken redboom thorobam . b Name two things you usually find in these rooms. | c OQ p.151 Vocabulary Bank Flats and houses. Do parts 1 and 2. | 2 LISTENING a Read the advert and look at the photo. Would you like to live in this house? Why (not)? dio: b 61) Larry and Louise are from the USA. They want to rent Re the house. Cover the dialogue and listen. Which three rooms in aut A Fi a Five bedrooms, the house do they go into? q E | large garden. c Listen again and complete the dialogue. Low price. Estate agent Well, this is the hall. There are six rooms on this floor. There's a kitchen, a ! va living room, a salibrary... Larry Wow! There's a library, Louise! Louise What's that room? Estateagent Thatsa” «madam. Larry How many bathrooms are there? Estateagent There's one downstairs and three! Louise Are there any ? Estateagent No, there aren't, madam. This is an “old house. Estate agent This is the living room. Louise Are those paintings original? Estate agent Yes, | think so, madam. Larry Is there a é ? Estateagent No, there isn't, sir. But there's a ? Estate agent And the kitchen. Louise There isn't a * Estate agent Yes, there is. IPs over there, Louise You call that a fridge! Are there any 9. ?Yneeda glass of water. Estate agent Yes, madam. Therç are some glasses in that 10 « Now let's go upstairs. 162) Larry and Louise and the estate agent go upstairs. Listen. What problem is there with one of the bedrooms? Do they decide to rent the house? 3 GRAMMAR there is / there are a Read the dialogue in 2c. Complete the chart. [3 singular plural | There's a piano. There some glasses in the cupboard. E! There a fridge | There aren't any showers. —— aii o aimimses b What's the difference between. ..? | There are four glasses in the cupboard. 2 There are some glasses in the cupboard. 4 PRONUNCIATION /ô/ and (co, sentence stress à 563 Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. A Where's the bathroom? ê B It's upstairs. A Isthere a lift? B No, there are stairs. E A Where are the stairs? B They're over there. b In groups of three, roleplay the dialogue in 2c between lhe estate agent and Louise and Larry. * ) SPEAKING à Complete the questions with is there or are there. In pairs, ask and answer. In your house / flat THowmanybedrooms * 2Howmanybathrooms . ? BO astudy — aparden? à garage? central heating? any pictures on the wall? any plants? HO amirror? E any cupboards? a computer? to your partner. ) Quickly draw a plan of your living room. 'Show the room This is the living room. There are two sofas and an e € O p.132 Grammar Bank 6A. Read the rules and do the exercises. 6 LISTENING “84 On their first night in the house, Larry and Louise go to the local pub. Listen and answer the questions. | What do they have to drink? Why? 2 What does the barman tell them? 3 What happens in the end? . B 1 VOCABULARY prepositions of place G there wos / there were V prepositions of place P silent letters Was there a ghost in the room? a Match the words and pictures. in in front of om under behind b In pairs, ask and answer with the pictures. Where's the ghost? St under the bed. c O p.151 Vocabulary Bank Flats and houses. between opposite next to Over Play Where's the ghost? =), Mp E Elcezs DAR E Ea 2 READING a Look at the photos and read the introduction below. Answer the questions. | Where is Gosforth Hall Hotel? 2 Who is Stephen Bleach? 3 What is special about Room 11? 4 What did Stephen do? 5 What couldn't he do? 6 How did he feel before he went to the hotel? 7 Does he believe in ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Would you like to spend a night in Room 11 of Gosforth Hall Hotel? Why (not)? Would like to spend a night in this room? T HERE ARE MANY old houses, pubs, and hotels in Britain which people say have ghosts. À British newspaper, the Sunday Times, sent one of its journalists, Stephen Bleach, to investigate Gosforth Hall Hotel, a small hotel in Cumbria in the north of England. People say that the hotel has the ghost of a seventeenth century Catholic priest. The ghost always appears in Room ll. Stephen's job was to spend the night alone in Room 11, He couldn't phone or speak to anybody. Before he went to the hotel, Stephen said T feel a bit nervous, but T dont believe in ghosts, Pero Rigo dar HALL HOTEL Mp sr ps Dae [eae udp pers Ra RT] ES5 Rox Rss) 3 PRONUNCIATION verb + ing a Practise saying the words in the six sound pictures. Then put two words from the box in each column. — SP e SR 6 di! E) smoking dancing gw ing plaving asking calling doing moving talking erving driving raining b “&1 Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c “6H Listen to a man on a mobile. Write the six present continuous sentences. 4 SPEAKING OQ Communication They're having a party! A pHO B p.113. Describe the pictures and find cight differences. G present simple or present continuous? V places in a city Look! The bridge is opening! It only opens twice a month. 1 GRAMMAR present simple or present continuous? ERES a Look at the photos of four top tourist attractions in London. What are they? Imagine you have one morning in London. Which two would you like to go to? b “613? Where are Ivan and Eva? Cover the dialogues and listen. Number the pictures 1-4. r | Ivan Lookllt o (open! A ship (go) through! Eva We're lucky. The guidebook says that it only (open) two or three times a month! 2 Eva The flag (fly) — that means the Queen is at home, She “(not live) here all the time. She often (stay) at Windsor Castle or in one of her other homes. 3 Eva Thats Napoleon. He (look)atamodel of the Battle of Waterloo. Ivan Come on — let's go and see the next room. Eva YTeswe o (nothave) much time. It — elose) in twenty minutes. 4 Ivan We (go up)! Wow! Look — there's the Houses of Parliament! And Buckingham Palace over there! Eva Whatapityrito — rain). The guidebook . (say) you can see Windsor Castle on a clear day. c Listen again. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or the present simple. What's the difference between the two tenses? d Q p.132 Grammar Bank 6D. Read the rules and do the exercises. lvan and Eva are tourists in London 2 READING à Quickly read the guidebook extract about the London Eve 3 VOCABULARY places in a city and answer the questions. Eq : answer the q a Isthere a building in your town with a very | How high is the London Eye! good view? Where is it? What's its name? 2 How far can you see on a clear day? : 3 How many capsules are there? b O P-152 Vocabulary Bank Town and cily. 4 How many passengers are there in each capsule? 5 How long is the trip? 4 SPEAKING 6 How fast does it move? In pairs, answer these questions. 7 What time does it open / close? In the summer In the winter Il 8 Can you get tickets on the day you want to go? É OU Ê OW N 9 Where is the ticket office? Tourist information ly Which underground station is near the London Eye? 1 Do you live in a village, town, or city? & Do many tourists visit? When do they come? SE e oa O OR ARS 3 a ap tourist areas near 4 Where you live, is there...? Write the name. an interesting museum a famous street ! opened on New Year's Eve 1999 to celebrate the Millennium. It is 135 metres high, and o rio ed ce oo Res ee 8: ) Roi Da a ei a beautiful square On a clear day vou can even see a famous bridge Windsor Castle, which is 40 a good art gallery RE sda ay. The Ein an old castle | Ee: o UI C= A h with ; 5 people: Each an important church or mosque RE IB iii a good department store s quite slowly, at a a good, cheap hotel speed of about 15 metres astreet market A 5 What are the top three tourist attractions in have to your town? Fi te on when is moving. Opening times Daily from 92 a.m. to 10 p.m. in the summer and from 10 am. to & pum. in the winter. online or by phone. À limited number of tickets 5 P RO NUN C I AT I 0 N city names À ate available on the day from the Ticket Office in County Hall (the api a TE : building next to the Eye), but go early because you often have to queue, Place po NE the UK and Ireland are sometimes difficult for visitors How to get there 5 minutes! walk from Waterloo underground station. = r to pronounce and understand, e.g. Leicester Nesta. www. a “814% Listen. What are the eight cities? b Match the highlighted words and expressions with b Listen again and repeat the city Lo) Iheir meanings. names. Which city names have an /a! sound? before you go vou can buy them c Practise saying the city names. every day ; e d O p.157 Sound Bank. Look at the spellings to wait in a line for la! space (for people or things) Ts tomo om Lad fd mm people who are travelling 6 “s15> SONG E Waterloo Sunset E Would you like to go on the London Eye? Why (not)? 4 What do you remember? GRAMMAR Circle the correct sentence, a or b. (1) Hi. Pm Susanna. b Hi. 1 Susanna. | a There is two tables in the living room. b There are two tables in the living room. How many bedrooms are there? How many bedrooms there are? There aren't some glasses. There aren't any glasses. There were only three guests. There was only three guests. How many people there were in the hotel? How many people were there in the hotel? We having a great time, We're having a great time. They aren't arguing, They not arguing. What youare doing? What are you doing? Look! The bridge opens! Lookl The bridge is opening! The museum closes at 2.00 on Mondays. The museum is closing at 2.00 on Mondays. DD o grp Pp [mn o e Ro o rp rm LO [= VOCABULARY a verb phrases Match the verbs and phrases. “have a shower book play have make take a noise a musical instrument a party — theatre tickets — photos O A b word groups Circle the word that is different. Ireland Thailand Spain 1 kitchen bathroom: shelf hall 2 armchair cooker sofa carpet 3 there behind opposite between 4 village city town town hall 5 supermarket square bank chemist's c prepositions Complete the sentences with of, on, to, or with. Look at the board. | She's arguing ——— — her husband. 2 They have their TV very loud. 3 Tlive the second floor. 4 The TVisinfront the cupboard. 5 The table is next the sofa: PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word wath a different sound, | [Go key meet they | | Ends e] I | a square stairs near | | = | 96] ES: shower now Encnw 3 W | do floor school! a kitchen chemist's | À theatre there the b Underline the stressed syllable. information church opposite between behind cupboard museum mo LER RD CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? Our little piece of pop history Andrew Holgate and his family bought a house at number 59 Lyndhurst Grove, in London. On their first morning in their new house they were very surprised, They looked out of the window and saw some people taking photographs of their front door. Every weck more people came and took photographs: Andrew and his Family couldn't understand it. Then they solved the mystery... The British pop group Pulp have a song on their album Pulplntro called 59 Lyndhurst Grove (written by the singer, Jarvis Cocker). The people who came to see their house were Pulp fans, But why did Pulp sing about 59 Lyndhurst Grove; This is the story One night Jarvis Cocker came to a party at the house. He argued with the owner, an architect, and the owner threw him out of the house. Jarvis went home and wrote an angry song about the house. the party and the architect owner. wrote a song about Penny Lane in Liverpool. But what is unusual is thal Jarvis Cocker's song gives the number of the house. Fortunately, Andrew and his family are quite happy that their house is famous, ecbanprbead from mo Brbtidda mens pager “a Read the article, Number the sentences in order. A Jarvis wrote a song about the house. E E Jarvis Cocker went to a party. Lt] € The Holgates found out about the song. D Andrew's family bought the house. É The owner of the house threw Jarvis out. | E Jarvis argued with the owner of the house: [|] G Andrew's family saw people taking photos of the house. [) BUM] b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or E ( false). | There aren't many songs about houses. 2 Jarvis wrote the song because he liked the house. 3 Andrew doesn't like people taking photos of his house. £ Underline five words you want to learn in the text. There are other pop songs about streets. For example, the Beatles | REvISE & CHECK CAN YOU HEAR THE DIFFERENCE? a “619º Listen. Circle a or b. E How far is the house from Cambridge? a 30 miles b 13 miles 2 How many bathrooms are there? a two b' three 3 How old is it? a 19years b 90 years 4 What day can she see the house? a Tuesday b: Thursday 5 What time can she see the house? a at545 b at6.15 620º Listen. Circle a or b. | a There were five guests at the hotel. b There were seven guests at the hotel. 2 a Their neighbours are arguing. b Their neighbours are watching TV. à Jim is at his friends” house. b Jim isata restaurant. 4 a Maria usually reads in English. b Maria doesn't usually read in English. 5a The gallery closes at 4.00 on Sundays. b The gallery closes at 4.00 every afternoon. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? à Canyou..? Yes(v) | | say what rooms there are in your house |.) say what there is in your bedroom [| say what you think people in your family are doing now Re-order the words to make questions. 1 TVs house are there in many your How == = — e 2 on was last TV there night hat == = Es 3 computer there your in a bedroom Is e =. A E f 4 banks time in the do your open country What — ES = 4 5 you today wearing are What O Ed ams o > In pairs, ask and answer. G o/an, some (any V bl ountable nouns Pp No EVER . Is there any beer? No, but there's some orange juice. What does your food say about you? 1 VOCABULARY food a Look at the picture. Write the missing letters. What did Laura have to eat and drink yesterday? S She had an apple, ... b Food words are countable or uncountable. Write the words in the correct column. 1 an pple 2 a -anana 3 some — utter countable nouns uncountable nouns 1 (singular or plural) | (singular) an apple some butter 5 some eat 6 some dice 7 some ugar B a. omato 9 a iscuit c O p53 Vocabulary Bank Food. 10 some — offee 2 GRAMMAR a/an,some/any a In pairs, ask and answer. 1 How often do you go to the supermarket? 2 Which supermarket do you go to? Why? 3 Do you look at the food other people are buying? Does it say anything about them? b Match the people with the baskets. o] d Complete the questions with How much or How many. “cups of cofice | milk glasses of wine cupsoftea — |doyou da fruitjuice |drinkaday?) Quito. beer mineral water Coke | o do tro o pa a e In pairs, ask and answer. Answer with an expression from d or a number. How many cups of coffee dep diko (otima = tt or 4 READING a Cover the magazine article Water — facts and myths. In pairs, look at these AR Can you answer any of them? E E ed less water when the weather's cold? área o we e need to drink a day? e make us dehydrated? e Read the article again. Match the | nighili these phrases. t — how hotor cold it is Era when water comes out of your body when you are hot 30 seientists do these do notalongtimeago 5 things people believe which are not true Bo aminimumof To jC haveinit E thetruthis “d Look at the questions in a again. In pairs, answer them from memory. Is there anything in the article you don't agree with? really need about De liê aday. c No. When temperatures are very low we also need to drink more than on a normal day. This is because we wear a lot of clothes so we sweat a lot and lose water. Yes, of course. We get water from food, especially fruit and vegetables (an apple is 85% water, an onion is 87%). We can also get water from other drinks like fruit juice, coffee and colas, which contain a lot of water. only water and other people drank water, cola, and coffee. Their levels of hydration were more or less the same. F es lt can be dangerous to drink a lot of water. Iy a British actor nearly died after drinking eight litres of water a day for several months. G be going to (plans) V holidays P sentence stress SFA A RV 1 READING Read about this TV programme. What's it about? Tonight's TV Changing Holidays 8.30 pm. +. + In this new holiday programme we ask two couples to plan their holiday for the same week. Then these two couples change holidays — they go on the holiday the other couple planned! But chey don't know where the holiday is until the last moment... Tonighe's couples are Lisa and Jon, and Jerry and Sue. 2 GRAMMAR be going to (plans) a “75+ The presenter from Changing Holidays calls Lisa Carter. Cover the dialogue. Listen. What are Lisa and Jon's holiday plans? b Listen apaio and complete the dialogue. 2 in the Hotel Athena in Manhattan. in New York, Lisa? = the shops i in New York are ris e a show on Broadway. Peter you going to * the sights too? Lisa ves, we want to see the Empire State Building, the Statue Of Liberty, Central Park... Peter Well, a say goodbye to New York. Because we're going to e “your holiday! c Underline the examples of (be) going to in the dialogue. | What form is the verb after going to? 2 Do we use going to to talk about the past, the present, or the future? What are you going to do? We're going to see the sighis. d O p.134 Grammar Bank 7€. Read the rules and do the exercises. e “7% Listen to Peter Douglas calling Jerry Harte and complete the chart. Couple 2 1 Where / go? 2 Who / with? 3 How / get there? 4 What / do? 5 Where / stay? Jerry and Sue 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a “7% Listen and repeat Peter's questions in e. Copy the rhythm. b In pairs, use the chart in e to roleplay the dialogue between Peter and Jerry. Where are you going to go? We're going to go to Norway 4 LISTENING & READING à “78 Listen. The two couples are at the airport. Peter is going to tell them where their holidays are. Are they happy? Why (not)? b Read the two couples” holiday diaries for the first three days. Are they happy? MONDAY | hs raining and it's cold. Today we met the other people on the mork. — Camp — they're friendly — burthey're very different from us. | Dinner was a disaster — — we can't cook, | TUESDAY We got up at 6.00 and started cleaning the river, In'the afternoon we planted 20 trees. lt's still raining and all our clothes Lisa and Jon in Norway are wet and dirty. io e WEDNESDAY This morning the sun came out!! We had the morning free - and'we went on a boat trip = we stopped work and relaxed! In the afternoon — back to work. And it started raining again. MONDAY The hotel's OK bur there's no view In the morning we went shopping — but we didn't buy anything. In the afternoon we went up the Empire State Building — a great view from the top... TUESDAY We like the food very much — there are 50 many different restaurants. We walked in Central Park — really beautiful. In the afternoon we went to the == e Guggenheim Museum — incredible. WEDNESDAY Today was à great day. We saw the sights — Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty. In the evening we went to The Village, a famous nightelub — we went to bed at 3 am! E 9 Listen to the end of the programme. Did they have a good time? Where are they going to go next year? “dl Listen again. Tick (4) what they liked, cross (X) what they didn't like, * Lisaand Jon Jerry and Sue the work [4] the weather [] the hotel the food [1] camping ] going to bed early [] thesights [|] the nightlife 7] thepeople |] the people | 5 SPEAKING Play Changing Holidays. & In pairs, plan your ideal summer holiday. Decide... OK. Where are we going to go? É Why don't we go to...? That's a good idea. D im, b Write down your plans. Give them to your teacher. He / She is going to 'change your holiday”. * where / go? * how / get there? * where / stay? * what / do there? € Look at your new holiday. Work with another pair. Ask about their new holiday. Use the questions in a. Ask Are you happy with your new holiday? Why (not)? b xo SONG OG La Isla Bonita Eb ANE ae lido PRACTICAL ENGLISH VOCABULARY amenu r a Complete the menu. tia Onion Soup. Main courses Desserts Goar's cheese salad Steak and chips hted chicken with vegetables mean? How do you pronounce them? lasagne c Cover the menu. In pairs, try to 2 courses £1500 Horieimade vanilla ice cream with hot chocol sáuco remember what's on the menu. 3 courses 12250 Fresh fruit salad EEE Tiramisu ORDERING A MEAL a “17 Alle and Mark are having dinner. Cover the dialogue and listen. What do they order? YOU HEAR YOU SAY 2 1 Good E Do you have a reservation? A Yes, a table for two. My name's Allie Gray. 2 or non-smoking? A Non-smoking, please. 3 Come this please. “Areyou toorder? M Yes, Pd like the onion soup and then the steak, please. b Listen again. Complete the A The goat's cheese salad and the YOU HEAR phrases. lasagne for me, please. 5 What would you like to ? M Would you like some wine? c “28) Listen and repeat the A No, thanks. Just mineral water for me. YOU SAY phrases. Copy the rhythm. M OK.A glass of red wine and d In groups of three, use the menu to a bottle of mineral water, please. roleplay ordering a meal. A is the Thank you, sir. M Thank you. waiter, B and C are customers. SOCIAL ENGLISH a “Z9) Listen and answer the questions. c Who says the USEFUL PHRASES, Mark or Allie? Listen again | What do they order for dessert / coffee? and check. How do you say them in your languagef 2 What does Mark ask Allie? USEFUL PHRASES 3 What does she answer? 4 What does Mark ask the waiter at the end? It was delicious. | What is there? b What do you thinkê Nothing for me, thanks. 1 Why does Mark want Allie to go to the conference? The same for me, please. 2 Is Allie going to say yes? Em not sure: ' Could we have the bill, please? GE Multirom [ some brown bread [| some smoked salmon [| some cream cheese [| alemon [ | some black pepper b Read the instructions. Complete them with cut or put. 1 First two thin pieces of brown bread. 2 Then some cream cheese on one of the pieces. 3 —— some pieces of smoked salmon on the cream cheese. 4 —— the lemon in half. 5 alitle lemon juice and black pepper on the salmon. 6 Now — the other piece of bread on top. 7 Finally = eat the sandwich! It's delicious! —— E = e | WRITE instructions to make your favourite sandwich, * Invent a name for it. * day what ingredients you need (some bread, etc.). * Write the instructions. | Check your instructions for mistakes. | &b What do you remember? GRAMMAR Circle the correct sentence, a or b. (a) Hi. Em Susanna. b- Hi. 1 Susanna: Are there any onions? Are there an onions? There's a butter in the Iridge. There's some butter in the fridge. We don't necd some bread. We don't need any bread, How much fruit do you cata -day? [drink quite a lot-coffee. Ldrink quite a lot of coffee. She doesn't drink much water. She doesn't drink many water. I go to buy my ticket today. Em going to buy my ticket today. Are they going to get married? Do they going to get married? What-you are going to do this summer? What are you going to do this summer? 10 a Tts going to rain next week. b Ifs going to rain the next week. E re rg o So Ee po er Der e EE 10 VOCABULARY a verb phrases Match the verbs and phrases. get a taxi get meet move stay see Lo imahotel 2 — —— thesightsin a city à — a new job q somebody new FC house How many fruit do you cat a day? b food Circle the word that is different. Ireland (Chinese) Thailand Spain | breakfast lunch — dessert dinner 2 mushrooms strawberries onions: peas 3 orange juice sugar milk mineral water crisps “chips tomatoes potatoes 5 fruit salad ice cream coffee cake c prepositions Complete the sentences with for, in, of on, or with. Look at the board. Ls there any water the fridge? 2 Idrinkalot coffee. 3 Waterisgood — you. 4 Who are you going to New York —f 5 They're going to go — holiday together. PB PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. key meet they i E] e cal meat steak 2 tea bread breakfast 4 BT oa go do > money move lucky | | E e & good woman true | dessert menu vegetables banana biscuit 2 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives à Look at the adjectives in the quiz sentences. In pairs, answer the questions. Using adjectives to compare two things: | What two letters do you put at the end of one-syllable adjectives (e.g. short)? 2 Why is hot different? 3 What happens when an adjective ends in -y? 4 What word do you put in front of long adjectives (e.g. popular)? 5 What's the missing word? China isbigger Japan. b O p.136 Grammar Bank 8A. Read the rules and do the exercises. 53 PRONUNCIATION a; sentence stress jd “82” Listen and repeat the comparative adjectives. Underline the stressed syllable, How is -er pronounced at the end of a word? healthier hotter better shorter safer b 83º Listen and repeat the eight quiz sentences from 1b. Copy the rhythm. e O Communication True False Show A p.10 B P.13, Write eight quiz sentences. Then play The True False Show. 4 VOCABULARY personality adjectives Match the adjectives of personality with their meaning. aggressive generous quiet serious careful stylish friendiy 1 a friendly person is open and kind a a il TO ni Rad bo a a] = am — person doesn't make mistakes or have accidents person thinks a lot and doesn't make jokes — person doesn't talk a lot —— person likes giving people things — person dresses wel] — — person likes arguing and can be violent 5 LISTENING a What colour is your / your family's car? Do you like the colour? b “84 You're going to listen to a radio programme about car colours and personality. Listen once and write the colours in the chart. your car colour | your personality 1 yellow very (more popular with women than men) 2 (very popular with doctors) 3 more thannormal 4 5 6 (popular with business people) É | € Listen again and complete “your personality with the adjectives from 4. d Think of three people you know who have a car. What colour are their cars? Is their personality the same as in the chart? G superlative adjectives V the weather P consonant groups 1 READING a Look at the photos. Where do you think the places are? b Read the article and complete cach heading with a phrase. The coldest The highest The hottest EXTREME LIVING Welcome to the coldest, highest, and hottest places in the world! country in the world How do people live in Mali, West Africa, where the temperature is often 5027? John Baxter, a BBC journalist in Mali, says, People get up very early and they don't move very much in the afternoon. Surprisingly, they wear a lot of clothes (usually o Houses are very hot and don't have air conditioning — the best place to sleep is on the Hof " c Read the article again. Answers these questions. | Where do people wear a lot of cotton clothes? Mali 2 Where is a good place to play golf? 3 Where do people sleep on the roof? 4 Where can you have a problem with your nose? 5 Where do you need to be careful in spring? 6 Where is a bad place to drink a lot of alcohol? d In pairs, guess the meaning of the Check with your teacher or a dictionary. e Choose five new words to learn from the article. ) as this helps them not to get dehydrated, mem What's the coldest place in the word? > prsgra La Paz in Bolivia is 4,090 metres above 5 El). lt can be difficult to because there isntimuch oxygen. Liz Tremleti, a travel agent who lives there, says, When people arrive at EL Alto airport we sometimes need to give them oxygen Its also the worst place to be if you drink too much beer. The next day you feel termible because you get more dehydrated. But La Paz is a very good place to play goll. at this altitude, when you BIÉ a golf ball it goes further! place in the world Can vou imagine living in a place which is four times colder than your 7? This is Yakutia in Siberia, where in winter tis often =50º or lower. Valeria Usimenko, a housewile, says, “Alter a few minutes ouiside your nose fills with ice, It Snoas a lot and there is always a lot ofice and snow on top of the houses. The most dangerous time is the spring=— when the ice falls 1t cam kill people! The winter is very boring because we can't go out much. A lot of babies are born here in the autumnl Adapied from a magazine 2 GRAMMAR superlative adjectives a Complete the chart with superlatives from the article. adjective comparative superlative cold colder the coldest high higher o hot hotter E dangerous more dangerous good better bad worse b O p.136 Grammar Bank 8B. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 PRONUNCIATION consonant groups 85 Listen and repeat the adjectives in 2a. b 85 Words which have two or three consonants together can be difficult to pronounce. Listen and repeat these superlatives. the most beautiful the smallest the fastest the strongest lhe most expensive the most crowded the driest the coldest Complete the questions with superlative adjectives. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. World Capitals Quiz | What's the capital city in the world? (noisy) aTokyo bMadid cRome What's the' capital city in the world? (big) aBuenos Aires bMexico City Tokyo 3 What's the capital city in the world? (dry) aNairobi blagos Cairo 4 What's the capital city in the world? (expensive) alondon bTokyo Washington 5 What's the — capital city in the world? (safe) a Copenhagen bCanberra cOslo 6 What's the — capital city in the world? (crowded) aBeijing bBangkok New Delhi 4 VOCABULARY the weather a What's the weather like? Match the sentences and pictures. | Its raining/ wet. 2 Itssunny/dry/hot. [] 3 Ifssnowing/cold. [| 4 Tvs cloudy, 5 Its windy. b What's the weather like where you are today? 5 SPEAKING In pairs or small groups, ask and answer these questions about your country. What's the wettest place? E [think it's... a Ri ? How well do a Eras , What's / wet / place? ] What's / hot/ place? a qu ; BB What's / beautiful / city? What's / popular / place for tourists? Why? 6 87 SONG & The Best G adverbs V common adverbs P adjectives and adverbs They dress well but drive badly eee o Theyidrive slow na pior ando 1 READING & SPEAKING a Look at these cities. What countries are they in? Tok PS Angeles arcelona Sydney b Imagine you are going to live in one of these cities. Mark them E (easy for me to live in) or D (difficult for me to live in). Compare with a partner. Say why. c Read the article. Where are the three people living? Complete the gaps with cities from a. d Read the article again. Then cover it and try to remember three things about each city. Did anything surprise you? The inside story Three people who live abroad | talk about their 'new' countries. - Safety 10/10 There is almost. no crime here, You can walk safely in the city late at night. And you can leave things in your car and nobody steals them! “Driving 7/10 People drive carefully, but the big problem is o Driving gno was surprised - people drive quite slowly. E PR di E e a that there aren "Eanystreet names. It's impossible to find e LER — where you want'to go. Even taxi drivers don't know! Also people walking in the street. traffic lights are horizontal and they are difficult to see. Social life 5/10 People don't go oul during the week because they work very hard. lt's normal to work twelve hours a day and people usually only have one or two weeks holiday. Work is lhe most important thing here, more important'than family and social life. People 9/10 People are really nice here. It's casy to talk-to them. And in shops the shop assistants are very helpful. They always E “Have a good day! Fen pes sa c Ohic Badtiqusco, Have a People 9/10 They are shy and polite and they speak very g00d das ! quietly. But when they drink some of them change completeh! Last Friday night | went out with people from work and we ended up in a karaoke bar. My boss is usually quite serious but he sang 'My Way! very loudly and badly. 2 GRAMMAR adverbs a Look at these sentences. How do you make an adverb from an adjective? adjectives They are slow drivers. They are careful drivers. adverbs They drive slowly. They drive carefully. “b Look at the article again. Find and underline nine verb + adverb phrases. Which adverbs don't end in -ly? e O p.136 Grammar Bank 8D. Read the rules and do the exercises. d 80 Listen and say what is happening. Use an adverb. There speaking quictly th Fe appearance is Fe important. Everybody dresses well, but especially 1 the men, They are very ' elegant and wear very see who the British people are here! Food 9/10 They love food here and it is fantastic! “But times are changing. Today many people “under 35 can't cook. Supermarkets are full of “food now which you-can put in the microwave. hen | first came to live here there weren't any “McDonald's but now they are everywhere. ; E 5/10 People here are in love with their “tars and they drive very fast. Eventhe nicest people become more aggressive when they drive. “stylish clothes. kt is casyto 3 PRONUNCIATION adjectives and adverbs a Underline the stressed syllable in the adjectives. adjectives adverbs aggressive aggressively stylish stylishly dangerous dangerously polite politely beautiful beautifully quiet quietly careful | carefully complete | completely b 815 Listen and check. Repeat the adjectives. 814 Now listen to the adverbs. Does the stress change? d Practise saying the adverbs. 4 SPEAKING a In pairs, complete with a country or city (not yours). They drive dangerously in They dress very stylishlyv in You can cat very well in - People in — talk loudly. They play football badly in . They work hard in People speak English very well in People dance beautifully in b Compare your sentences with other students. Do you agree? c What about in your country or city? How do people...? dress plã rk HG, C play fgotbal english, £:» Going home VOCABULARY verb phrases a Match the verbs and phrases. ask call “check ouL pay sign need I of a hotel 4 your name 2 for the bill 5 help with your luggage 3 by credit card 6 a taxi (for somebody) b In pairs, test your partner. PRACTICAL ENGLISH CHECKING OUT a “815º Mark is leaving the hotel. Cover the dialogue and listen. What does he ask for? What two things doesn't he need? YOU HEAR YOU SAY Good morning, sir Good morning. Can 1 have my bill, please? Em checking out. !Whichroom —— it? Room 425. —— you have anything from the minibar last night? Yes, a mineral water. 2 Here you are. *How — youliketo pay? American Express. * Thank you. OK. you sign here, please? Thank you, — you like meto call a taxi for you? No, thanks. Ê vou need any help with your luggage? No, Pm fine, thanks. Have a good trip; Mr Ryder. Thank you. Goodbye. Goodbye, 5 SOCIAL ENGLISH a “87 Listen. Circle the correct answer. | Alle says the traffic is terrible / horrible, 2 Mark gets a taxi / train tó the airport. 3 Alle is going to meet Mark at the station / airport. 4 Mark's flight leaves in 30 / 40 minutes. 5 Allie's boss said she can / can't go to the conference. b What do you think is going to happen d.d b Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. c 816) Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. Copy the rhythm. d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. to Mark and Allie in the future? USEFUL PHRASES c Who says the USEFUL PHRASES, Mark or Allie? “PI call a taxi. Could you call me a taxi, please? Listen again and check. How do you say them Well, thanks for everything. Sorry Pm late. in your language? “Pl meet you (at the airport). Have a safe trip! Where can we meet? *PIl = will (future) MultiROM
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