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New English File Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book, Manuais, Projetos, Pesquisas de Pedagogia

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Tipologia: Manuais, Projetos, Pesquisas

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Baixe New English File Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book e outras Manuais, Projetos, Pesquisas em PDF para Pedagogia, somente na Docsity! Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig Paul Seligson Pre-intermediat Student's Book Contents Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation a E who'swho? word order in questions common verb phrases, vowel sounds, the alphabet “lassroomlanguage E h DD Who knows. you better? present simple family, personality adjectives third person and plural -s 8 TE Atthe Moulin Rouge present continuous the body, prepositionsofplace vowel sounds À mw [0] The Devil's Dictionary ra relative causes o person expressions for paraphrasing: pronunciation in a dictionary « O thing which... like, for example, etc. 12 Pracricai ENGLISH Atthe airport 13º WaiminG Describing yourself mm Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? 16 E) Rightplace, wrongtime past simple regular and irregular verbs — holidays edendings irregularverbs 1 [) Amomentin time past continuous prepositions of'time and place: tal à ro E qu o + 20 TB Fifty years of pop questions with and without auxiliaries question words, pop music fwl and /h/ 22 O One October evening so, because, but, although verb phrases E the letter a 24 Pracricar EncusH Atthe conference hotel 25 WaimiNG The story behind a photo 26 Revise &CHeck What do you remember? What can you do? 28 [E] Where are you going? going to, present continuous look (after, for, etc.) sentence stress RE o o Que armgpenend) O AE E 30 [E] The pessimist's phrase book 1/7 / won! (predicions) opposite verbs contractions (will / won't), : di Hof and fan 32 [3 Vllalways love you will / won't (promises, offers, verb + back word stress: two-syllable words decisions) E 34 [ iwas only dreaming review of tenses: present, past, verbs + prepositions sentence stress and future 36 Pracrticai EnGLisH Restaurant problems 37 WiRiminG An informal letter 38 Revise & CHeck What do you remember? What can you do? ao [E] From ragsto riches present perfect (experience) + ever, clothes vowel sounds SD, rms pera pampa: a 42 E] Family conflicts present perfect simple verb phrases th, 1), and /ds/ A TR o EO É , aa [BH Faster, faster! comparatives, as...0s / less...thom... time expressions: spend time, sentence stress TO Tosa mastetmece 46 me The world's friendliest city superiatives. (+ ever + present j perfect) opposite adjectives — wordstress ag PRACTICAL ENGLISH Lostin San Francisco 49 WaiminG Describing where you live 50 Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? 52 [EN Areyoua party animal? uses ofthe infinitivo (with to) verbs+infinitive wordstress a What makes you feel good? ver! +-iny verbs describing emotions ing 56 [5 Howmuch can youleam soveto donthove to, must, mustn't — modifiers: a bit, reali, etc. sentence stress — mamonthi? = a ce 58 OD The name of the game expressing movement prepositions of movement, sport preposiions = 60 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Ata department store et WRminG A formal e-mail 62 Revise & Check What do you remember? What can you do? 3 GRAMMAR word order in questions | from are you where? 2 watch you do TV? 3 to music you what kind of listen do? 4 English where you before did study? 5 are do what you weekend going this to? b O p.126 Grammar Bank 1A. Read the rules and do the exercises. LISTENING & SPEAKING a 12º Listenand choose a or b. Days of the week L What day of the week is the exam? a Tuesday b Thursday 2 What day is it today? a Sunday b Monday Telling the time 3 What's the time? a 835 b 9.25 4 What time does the class start? a 945 b 10.15 The date 5 When was the woman born? a 21st August b Z3nd August 6 What day does he want tickets for? a Sth lume b 5th July e, 4 7 What number is the house? air bio & How much are the flowers? acis b <50 6 In pairs, ask and answer the questions. What day is it today? What days do you have your English class? What time does the class start and finish? What's the time now? When's your birthday? What's the date today? What's the number of your house or flat? a Can you remember the questions? Re-order the words. 5 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE a Complete the teacher's and student's phrases. b O p.144 Vocabulary Bank Classroom language. 6 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, the alphabet a How do you pronounce the letters of the alphabet below? Use the sound pictures to help you. b Complete the alphabet chart with these letters. ME 6: É Ra jepe c Practise saying the letters of the alphabet. d Listen to your teacher. Write the words. e Play What does it mean? What does “awful' mean? E Very bad. RR pages G present simple V family, personality adjectives P third person and plural -s He likes films. He doesn't smoke. Who knows you better? 1 VOCABULARY family and adjectives a Can you remember these words? Do the puzzle in pairs. | The opposite of thin or slim is ... 2 Your brother's wife is your ... 3 Your sister's daughter is your ... 4 Your mother's brother is your ... 5 Your aunt's children are your ... 6 The opposite of fair is ... 7 The opposite of short is... 8 Your brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. are yOUr ... | 1 DR b What's the“ mystery word *? c O p.145 Vocabulary Bank Adjectives. Do part 1. 2 READING a Who do you think knows you better, your family or your friends? Why? b Read the introduction to the article. | Who is Richard? 2 Who is Danny? 3 What do Richard's mum and Danny try to do? 4 What does Richard have to do? c Now read what Richard says. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones. 1 He sometimes travels with his job. T 2 He's friendly and extrovert. 3 He likes music and parties. 4 He prefers women who are shorter than him. 5 He likes women who talk a lot. 6 He doesn't talk to his family about girls. 7 His mother doesn't think he's good at choosing girlíriends. d words d Guess the meaning of the or phrases. Who knows you better, your family or your friends? In our weekly “test” single people who are looking for a parmer ask their mother and their best friend to help. Their mother chooses one partner and their best friend chooses another. The test is to see who can choose the best partner! This week's single man is Richard Taylor, a 26-year-old musician from Southampton. His mother Meg chooses one girl, and his best friend Danny chooses another. Then Richard goes on a date with each girl. Which girl does he prefer? Who knows him better, his mother or his best friend? Who chooses the right girl for him? N Richard Taylor with his mother Meg and his friend Danny É Tusually work in England but sometimes I work abroad too. When I'm not working I like going to the cinema and eating in nice restaurants. 'm not very sporty and 1 don't do any exercise, but at least 1 don't smoke. [think I'm open and friendly = 1 get on well with most people — but Em sometimes quite shy tão. For example, [don't like going to parties. 1 prefer to meet friends individually or in small groups. Ilike intelligent, funny women who make me laugh, and ideally who love music. Physically 1 prefer women with dark hair who are not taller than me. And 1 like women who are good listeners. Tm sure that my fiend Danny knows me better than my family because we often talk about ginlfriends and the problems we have. T don't usually talk to my family about that Kind of thing. My mum always says that 1 look for the Wrong kind of girl but that's what mothers always say! 5 3 GRAMMAR present simple & Complete the questions about Richard. Where docshelive & In Southampton. 1 What = dO He's a musician. Where. . : In England and abroad, 3 a smoke? No, he doesn't. 4 —— exercise? No, he doesn't. He isn't very sporty. 5 Whatkindofwomen . = Intelligent and funny ones. 6 = to his mother about girls? No, he doesn't. O p.126 Grammar Bank 1B. Read the rules and do the exercises. Cover the text. In pairs, try to remember five things about Richard. He lives in Southampton. Look at the photos of Claire and Nina. HIS FRIEND'S CHOICE Claire Nina HIS MOTHER'S CHOICE O Communication Claire and Nina A p.108 B p.112. Who do you think is more Richards type? Why? LISTENING Listen to Richard talking about what happened when he met Claire and Nina. Does he like them? What are the problems? 13º Claire 014> Nina Now listen again and write down any adjectives or expressions that Richard uses to describe Claire and Nina. Claire Very friendly Nina Very aitractive Who knows Richard better, his mum or Danny? Are you surprised? 5 PRONUNCIATION -s a “15 Listen and repeat. | He works abroad. | She likes good food. | She laughs a lot. | He plays the piano. a She lives in London. E She does exercise. She watches comedy films. tz He relaxes at night. She dresses very well. | b How do you say the he / she / it form of these verbs? “choose cook go know stop teach c How do you say the plural of these nouns? book friend girl language niece parent party d “16 Listen and repeat the verbs and nouns. 6 SPEAKING a Work in pairs, A and B. Think of a person you know well, a family member or a friend, who is single. You are going to tell your partner about him / her. Look at the chart below and prepare what you are going to say. * NAME? * AGE? * JOB/STUDIES? * LIVES IN? * PHYSICAL APPEARANCE? - PERSONALITY? - SMOKES? | * LIKES? ' * DOESN'T LIKE? b A describe your person to B. B listen and ask for more information. Do you know anybody who would be a good partner for this person? Then swap roles. G defining relative clauses (o person who..., a thing which V expressions for paraphrasing: like, for example, etc. P pronunciation in a dictionary The Devil's Dictionary qa À dentist is a person who looks after your teeth. 1 READING 2 GRAMMAR defining relative clauses a Look at the dictionary definition. What do you think a Read the definitions in le again. When do the missing word is? we use who, which, and where? a person who puts metal in your mouth b O p.126 Grammar Bank 1D. Read the | and takes coins out of your pocket. rules and do the exercises. “E c Tella partner about three of the things below. Say why. A different kind of dictionary * a person who is very important to you E E a a f I a lot As was a |9th-century American author and journalist. a Pa RR ado b Read the text once. Where is the definition from? His most popular book is probably the Devil's Dictionary, written * something which you couldn't live without between 188] and 1887. Bierce's dictionary does not contain * a thing which you often lose normal definitions — his definitions are funny and cynical. For example, * a place where you'd like to go for in.a normal dictionary, the definition of dentist is “a a special evening kind of doctor who looks after people's teeth'. But in the Devil's Dictionary, the definition of a dentist is “a person who puts metal in your mouth and takes coins out of your pocket. Today on the Internet you can find many websites with more modem versions of the Devil's Dictionary. N * a place where you were very happy when you were a child c Read the text again and answer the questions. | Who was Ambrose Bierce? 2 What is the normal definition of 'dentist'? 3 Where can you find modern versions of the Devil's Dictionary? d In pairs, think of normal definitions for these words or phrases. abank aboringperson thebrain astar afriend asecret e Now match the words / phrases in d to these cynical definitions. is somebody who dislikes the same people as you, —— tsaperson who works all her lite to become famous and then wears sunglasses so people don't recognize her. is a place where you can borrow money only if you can show that you don't need it. 2 is something which vou only tell one person. is something which starts working when vou getup in the morning and stops working when you get to work or school. is somebody who talks about himself when you want to talk about yourself. 3 LISTENING a “M0> Listen to the introduction to a TV game show, What's the word? How do you play the game? b “1 Now listen to the show. Write down the six answers. li 4 == Er 5 € “42º Listen and check your answers. 4 VOCABULARY paraphrasing a What's the best thing to do if you're talking to someone in English and you don't know a word that you need? a Panic and stop talking. b Try to mime the word. c Try to explain what you mean using other words you know. b “115º Complete the useful expressions with these words. Then listen and check. example how kind like opposite person place similar somebody thing Useful expressions “explaining a word that you don't know Polis o who works in a restaurant 2 ltsthe who takes the food from the kitchen to the tables. 3 ltsa where you go when you want to buy something. a lisa which youuseto talk. 5 ltsa — of machine. E ltsthe — of fat To lts thin, but it means thin and attractive. Bilts to wormied, 9 lts youfeeiwhen you have a lot of things to do. JO For, you do this with the TV. € Complete the definitions for these words. | a tourist It's somebody... 2 asports centre It's a place... 3 akey dês a thing... 4 worried It's how you feel... You do this... 5 laugh 5 SPEAKING a Look at part of a crossword. Ask your teacher for a definition of 1 across and 2 down. i E Í ] | b O Communication Crossword A p.108 B pI. Give each other definitions to complete the missing words in the crossword. 6 PRONUNCIATION using a dictionary a Look at the two dictionary extracts. How do you pronounce the words? | busy "bizi/adj ocupe guitar /gi'ta:/n a musical instrument with strings The apostrophe(") shows stress. The stressed syllable is the one after the apostrophe. b Look carefully at the pronunciation of the words below. Practise saying them correctly. laugh /la:f/ example /1g'za:mpl/ keys /kizz/ eighteen /er'ti:n/ Q eyes /atz! kind Kamd/ The Sound Bank on p.156 can help vou use your dictionary better. PRACTICAL ENGLISH THE STORY SO FAR 1.14 and Allie. Answer the questions. | Where are Mark and Alle from? 2 What company do they work for? 3 Where did they meet? 4 What did they do? 5 Did they get on well 6 What's Mark doing now? AT IMMIGRATION a “115º Cover the dialogue and listen. How long is Allie going to stay in the United States? YOU HEAR YOU SAY 2 Good evening, na'am, — are you arriving from? — the purpose of your visit? long are you staying in the US? are you staying? vou know anybody here? he family or a friend? — — You have his phone number? — thisyour first visit to the US? Enjoy your stay in San Francisco. | How long was Allie's flight? 2 Why couldn't she sleep? 3 What time is it...? a in San Francisco b in London Where is Mark going to take her? Where's Marks car? na e] b Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen again and check. c 48 Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? Listen to the story of Mark SOCIAL ENGLISH Allie arrives a 17 Listen. Answer the questions. Good evening. From London. Business. Em here for a conference. A week, In San Francisco. At the Pacific View Hotel. Yes, Mark Ryder. He'sacolleague-anda friend. € Yes, his mobile is 405 655 7182. b Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. H6 Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. Copy the rhythm. d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. A (book open) youre the immigration officer, B (book closed) you're Allie, Swap roles. Yes, it is. Thank you. USEFUL PHRASES You look g.. ! How was the É : You must be really + Em so p.. you came! It's great to see you a *ZEaãE = US English parking lot EE UK English car park MultiROM REVISE & CHECK LEE RT CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? | Not next to me, please! When you're travelling by plane or train, there are some a Read the article and match the headings with paragraphs A-D. Space invaders CL] passengers you just don't want to have next to you... Small children [] o | A — Conversation makers LI Perhaps you normally like them, but when you are sitting next to Nervous fliers mM them on a plane it's a different thing. They usually spend all the flight b Tick (Y) the things the writer says. | You can't sleep if there are children next to you. 2 Children eat all your food. 3 Some people want to talk all through the flight, 4 “Space invaders' have long arms and legs. 5 Nervous fliers have a drink every five minutes. c What do the highlighted words mean? Circle a or b. 1 a letting (toys) fall from your hand b putting (toys) somewhere 2 a say helloto b know and understand 3 a goes into the air b touches the ground 4 a try to do something b give the impression of doing something a space ; b seat Em moving around and | dropping their toys on the floor, and when they're drinking their orange juice it ends up on your trousers. Then they decide they want to play with you, so you can't have the litile slesta that you were planning. Hm You ? recognize. this type as soon as you sit down. They immediately start talking about the plane, or the weather, or they ask you a personal question. It's very difficult not to talk to these people, and vou'|l probably have to continue talking until the plane lands . c e These are the people with white faces who sit down and immediately ask for a double whisky. Every five minutes they call a Night attendant to ask if there are any problems with the plane. They also tell you about air disasters (which you are not interested int). The best thing to do isto buy them a few drinks or “ pretend to sleep. DE = These people are not necessarily very big, but they have a terrible habit of taking up all their * room, and some of your room too. They usually sit so that you can't move, with their arms and legs in your space, They also have a lot of hand luggage which takes up all the room in the overhead locker. Adopted from a travel website CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a 19 Listen to five short conversations. Circle the correct answer, a, Db, or c. Il Herpartyison à Wednesday the óth b Saturday the9th c Friday the 8th 2 How old is his mother? CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a Can you..? Yes (4) || give personal information about yourself “| talk about a person in your family | describe a picture you have in your house | | give definitions for these words as9º b50 cao = E 3 MrJarvis hasa problem in : journalist hospital guidebook aeroplane a hisleftleg b hisrightknee cc hisleft knee T Es = 4 John doesn'tlike the paintingof b Complete the questions with is, are, do, or does. a thewoman btheboy c the guitar | What kind ofbooks you read? 5 The girl wantsto buy 2 —— there an art gallery in your town? Where? a acomputer b adigitalcamera c a USB cable 3 What your friends usually do at weekends? b 120 Listen to Martha showing Jim some photos. Complete the sentences with a name. Alice Bill ———— às at university. ——— doesn't live in Britain. ——— wears glasses. ——— doesn't like sport. isn't very hard-working. Martin Serena Gary mo a dus hs ma 4 your town have a local festival? When? 5 What do you think your parents doing at the moment? € Ask your partner the questions in b. Ask for more information. When did you go there? | went when | was T7. 1 VOCABULARY holidays a In one minute, write down five things you like doing when you're on holiday. b O pg Vocabulary Bank Holidays. The Holiday Magazine In the right place... but at the wrong time! Last week we asked you to tell us about a holiday when the destination was perfect but, for some reason, the time wasn't right... Here are some of your replies. E Tim, 20, student from Manchester Gabriela, 28, marketing manager | When | was a teenager | went on | E i : | holiday with my parents to Brittany in France. My parents rented a lovely house on the beach, and the weather was great. But | was 17, and | didn't want to be on holiday with my mum and dad and my little brother. | wanted to be with my friends. We went to the beach every day and sunbathed and we went to a fantastic seafood restaurant for my birthday. But | was miserable and | hated every minute of it. | didn't smile once in two weeks. What really made me furious was that my parents let my older sister, who was 19, go to Spain with her friends. from Rome Em from Rome and the summer here is really hot. So last year my husband and | decided to go to Sweden, to escape from the heat. We booked a 10-day holiday in Stockholm, where the temperature in the summer is normally about 20 degrees. But when we got to Stockholm there was a heatwave and it was 35 degrees every day. It was awful because there was no air-conditioning anywhere. We couldn't sleep at night — it was boiling in the hotel, and in the shops and museums too. We didn't want to go shopping or go | sightseeing or do anything — we were too | hot We just sat in cafés and argued all day. We didn't need to go to Sweden to do that! EM Kelly 26, TV journalist from Belfast Three years ago | broke up with my boyfriend and | decided to go on holiday on my own to the Seychelles. My travel agent told me that it was a wonderful place. But he didn't tell me that it was also a very popular place for people on their honeymoon. Everywhere | looked | saw couples holding hands and looking romantically into each other's eyes! The | travel agent also said it was always sunny there — but the weather was terrible — it was cloudy and very windy. To pass the time | decided to do a diving course (one of my lifetime ambitions). But it was a complete disaster because the first time | went under the water | had a panic attack. | couldn't escape from the island so | spent an incredibly boring (and expensive) to weeks in “paradise”. 2 READING a Read the three letters to The Holiday Magazine and match them with the photos. b Complete the sentences with Tim, Gabriela, or Kelly. | wanted to go re hot. 4 wanted to for ody. : had pedidas 6 — wanted to go on holiday with different people. c Find four adjectives in the article that mean very good and two that mean very bad. Underline the stressed syllable. lovely (text 1) 3 GRAMMAR past simple regular and irregular a What's the past simple of these verbs? Are they regular or irregular? Check your answers with text 1. be go — rent want — sunhathe make let b Now underline the other |+| past simple verbs in texts 2 and 3. What are the infinitives? c Underline two negative past simple verbs in the magazine article. How do you make negatives and questions in the past simple...? * with normal verbs * with was / were * with could d O p.128 Grammar Bank 2A. Read the rules and do A the exercises, 4 PRONUNCIATION regular and irregular verbs À Remember! There are three possible pronunciations of regular -ed verbs, a “21 Listen and repeat the sentences. When do you pronounce the e in -ed? dd We booked a holiday. | We sunbathed. | They rented a house. We walked to the hotel. | We argued all day. | We decided to go to Sweden. frd/ b How do you pronounce the past simple of these verbs? talk ask hate need smile stay c “22 Listen and check. b d Circle the irregular verb with the different vowel sound. | bought saw told caught 2 put spoke took could C 3 paid said made came 5 LISTENING a “23º Listen to the story about Sean's uncle and aunt. Why was the holiday a disaster? 1 Because the weather was awful, 2 Because the place was very noisy. 3 Because they argued a lot. b Listen again. Correct the wrong information. 1 Sean went to Ibiza. His aunt and uncle went to Ihiza. 2 They're about sixty. 3 They wanted an exciting holiday. 4 They usually spend their holidays abroad. 5 They knew it was 'The Party Island” 6 They first went there in the 1950s. 7 They booked the holiday at a travel agent's. 8 The hotel was in a quiet part of town. 9 They're going to go abroad again next year. 6 SPEAKING Think about your answers to these questions. Al bl AA Where / go? When? Who / go with? Work in pairs. A Ask a partner about his / her holiday. B Listen and ask for more information. Swap roles. G questions with and without auxiliaries V question words, pop music e Ra a Who wrote that song? E 1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING a In pairs or groups, answer the questions. | What music / song / album do you like listening to...? when you're happy when you're in a car when you're sad when you're studying when you're at a party when you're in love 2 What's your favourite decade for pop music? (the 80s, 90s, etc.) 3 Who are your favourite bands / singers of all time? 4 Which was the last CD you bought? b Complete the quiz questions with a question word. How Howmany Where What How long Which (x2) Why Who (x2) Whose When a] In pairs, answer the questions. 2 GRAMMAR questions with and without auxiliaries a Cover the quiz and from memory complete the questions. | Which song Robbie Williams with Nicole Kidman? 2 Who E cart get you out of my head? b Answer these questions. 1 How is question 1 different from question 2? 2 What is the subject of the verb in question 1º 3 What is the subject of the verb in question 2? c O p.128 Grammar Bank 2€ Read the rules and do the exercises. Em “e Pa PE Tm E — CS paiieda d Vgr t Q d a 1981 b199] c2001 2 — — didithe Eagles stay in their 1976 song? a Heartbreak Hotel b Hotel California c Hilton Hotel — did the Beatles stay together? a For eight years b For thirteen years c For seventeen years 4 — — husband is the film director Guy Ritchie? a Dido's b Barbra Streisand's c Madonna's 5 — — happened to Mick Jagger in 2004? a He left the Rolling Stones. b He became Sir Mick Jagger. c He divorced Jerry Hal 5 song did Robbie Williams sing with Nicole Kidman in 2002? a Angels b Something Stupid c Let me entertain you — Sang | can't get you out of my head! a Britney Spears b Kylie Minogue « Beyoncé 8 — — did Nirvana stop playing in 19947 a Because they argued. b Because Kurt Cobain left. « Because Kurt Cobain died 9 — — band included Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel? a Dire Straits b Genesis c Pink Floyd mw —— Sphe Girls were there? afour bfive csix — did Elvis Presley die? alna plane crash bHe shot himself c An accidental drugs overdose. D did Chris Martin, lead singer of Coldplay, marry in 2003? a Gwyneth Paltrow b Kate Winslet c Drew Barrymore a , ET” CO” ss Tao TFT || ÀAFTIIEE CRF Toa. “E a Look at the two sound pictures. 3 PRONUNCIATION /w/, /h/ What are the words and sounds? ESSO Ass b Write the words in the box in the right column. what when where which why how who whose e e | 28 * Listen and check. Practise saying the words. d O p.159 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for these sounds. 29 Listen and write the questions. Say the questions. Copy the rhythm. 4 SPEAKING O Communication Music quiz À p.109 B p.113. First write the questions. Then ask them to your partner. READING a Read the article once and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). | Imagine was à hit three times. 2 Yoko Ono helped to write Imagine. 3 Ono wrote poems for John Lennon. 4 Lennon never said that Yoko helped him with the song. 5 Imagine was written in two places. 6 John Lennon opened the new Liverpool Airport. Read the article again. Number the sentences in the order that things happened. A John Lennon read Ono's poems. B John Lennon wrote Imagine. a € Yoko Ono helped her little brother. ] D John Lennon spoke about the song in an interview. | E Liverpool Airport was renamed John Lennon Airport. F Yoko Ono spoke about the song ona TV programme. [] G The song became a hit again when Lennon died. [] H The song became popular again after September th 2001. [] 6 210º SONG & Imagine Who wrote Imagine? Imagine, John Lennon's most famous song, was recently voted 'Britain's favourite song of all time”. It's an idealistic song about peace and the hope for a better world. “Imagine all the people living life in peace. The song was a big hit in 1971, and again in 1980 when Lennon was murdered in New York. It became a hit for a third time after the terrorist attacks of September 1ith 2001. But who really wrote the song? Until recently the answer to this question was always John Lennon. But on a TV programme this week Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, spoke for the first time about how she, in fact, helped to write the song. Ono said that the idea and inspiration for Imagine came from some of her poems that John Lennon was reading at that time. The poems began with the word Imagine": Imagine a raindrop, Imagine a goldfish.' Ono said, When | was a child in Japan during the Second World War my brother and | were termibly hungry: | imagined delicious menus tor him and he began to smile. If you think something is impossible, you can imagine it and make it happen. In an interview just before he died, Lennon admitted that Yoko deserved credit for Imagine. He said, A lot ofit- the lyrics and the concept — came from her, from her book of poems, imagine this, imagine that. Lennon said that he was too macho” to share the credit with her at the time. flying across the Atlantic and the rest was written on the piano in their bedroom at their home in England. Ono said, = The song speaks about John's dream for the world. It was E something he really wanted to say. Imagine became a E popular song for peace activists everywhere. Ono said that some of the song was written when they were “E i In March 2002 the airport in his home town of Liverpool! was re-named John Lennon Airport. A sign above the main = entrance has a line from Imagine: Above us only sky. Liverpoollohn ad Ri re (e) above u G so, because, but, although V verb phrases P the letter a One October evening 1 READING to a very romante enc and Hannah saw each o they met at 5.50 in a 00 y talha ec ed all evening, After that Jamie 1 when Hannah finished work bar in the High. Street. They were madly in love, [B] | suddenhy a man ran across the road. He was wearing a dark coat so Hannah didn't see him until it was too late. Although she tried to stop, she hit the man. Hannah panicked. She didn't stop and she drove to the coffee bar as fast as she could. But when she arrived Jamie wasn't there, She phoned him, but his mobile was tumed off so she waited for ten minutes and then went home. | 'C|1 | Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2004. |t was Hannah's 21st birthday and she and her friends went to a club. They wanted to dance, but they didn't like the music so Hannah went to speak to the DJ. “This music is awful" she said, 'Could' ou play something else? The DJ looked at her and | said, 'Don't worry, | have the perfect song for you! D| | two hours later a police car arrived at Hannah's house, A policewoman | knocked at the door. “Goo: evening, Madam, she said. Are you Hannah Davis! Id like to speak to you. Can | come in? [ET One evening in October, Hannah was at work. As usual she was going to meet Jamie at 5.30, lt was dark and it was raining. She looked at her watch. It was 5.20! She was going to be late! She ran to her car and got in. At 5.25 she was driving along the High Street, She was going very fast because she was in a humy. CF] | two minutes later he said: “The next song is by Coldplay. It's called Yellow and it's for a beautiful girt we nho's dancing over there! Hannah knew that the song was for her because she + vas wearing à yellow, dress. When Hannah and her friends left the club, the DJ was waiting at the door “Hi, Im Jamie, he said to Hannah. 'Can | see you again? So Hannah gave him her phone number. Listen and check. a Complete these sentences from the story with b Read the story again and answer the questions. so, because, but, or although. | When did Hannah meet Jamie? 1 She was going very fast | 2 Why did Hannah go and speak to Jamie in the club? 2 nn the tried to stop; she it the ia | 3 Why did Jamie play Yellow? 3 They wanted to dance, they didn't like 4 What happened when Hannah left the club? EE ranarEs . 5 Where did they go on their first date? 4 o is wearing a dark coat 6 Where did they go every evening? ; 7 What was the weather like that evening? b O p.128 Grammar Bank 2D Read the rules and do 8 Why was Hannah driving fast? the exercises. 9 Why didn't she see the man? 10 What did she do after the accident? 11 Was Jamie at the coffee bar? É 12 What happened two hours later? She was going very fast because she was in a hurry. a “2H” Read the story and order the paragraphs 1-6. 2 GRAMMAR so, because, but, although she was in a hurry. Hannah didn't The 0a ST Jo WRITING E A AS SEGA ESTE RT RT UT] with a short description of why the photo is important to them. IA EA US DO TT ET TA TT DT RT Te OT É One of my favourite photos is of a man cooking fish. 2 Itookthe photo! in the summer of 1994 when | was? holiday in Africa. 3 wewere' Zarzibar, and we were sailing round the islands. We caught some fish, and then landed* | one of the islands, and our guide made a fire and cooked the fish, 4 Richie, the guide, was a wonderful person — he became a good friend. He was also a fantastic cook. | can't remember exactly what fish he was cooking in the photo, but it tasted delicious! 5 | keep this photo é the wall in my studio. º - a grey rainy day in London, | just have to look 7 it and then memories of a wonderful adventure come back, and | can imagine that I'm * sunny Africa again. [EEE o IST E ES Match the questions with paragraphs 1-5. (6) You can keep a photo... What was happening when you took the photo? [)] jan album. Where do you keep it? Why do you like it? ] in your wallet. What's your favourite photo? 0] (your bedroom. Who took it? When? Where? 0 on | thewall. Tell me more about who or what is in the photo. [| — jatable. by your bed. Complete the text with at, in, or on. WRITE about your favourite photo. Answer the questions in a in the right order. CHECK your description for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , and spelling ). Attach a copy of the photo if you can. fa What do you remember? GRAMMAR VOCABULARY | Circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. a holiday verbs What's namet Complete the phrases with a verb. a yours (Dlyour c you go — shopping 1 Where on holiday last year? 1 photos a you went 2 for a walk b did you go aos “ina hotel c you did go 4 twodaysin Paris / 1,000 euros 2 He didn't to come to France 5 a good time with us. am a wanted b prepositions b wants Complete the sentences with at, in, or on. c want Cm sitting JH a tax. | 3 e to San Francisco last August. EN e a party. E: e 2 The two lovers were talking a balcony. E 3 We were sitting the garden. , E 4 Th hoto the wall 4 When I took the photo you ii para P Rae looking at me. 5 I'was waiting the bus stop. | | a ee c question words b wasn't ; Ê ) e didn't Complete the questions with a question word. - 5 What doing when you What is Sting's real name? phoned him? 1 did'The Police make their first record? | a he was 2 wrote their songs? me E 3 records did they sell? | E were Ne 2 4 — happened to them in the end? 6 Who that song? ; : dale 5 of their albums do you like best? 'B no PRONUNCIATION c did wrote ; à À 7 When ? a Underline the word with a different sound a he died T ; T+ a b died he 1 ST WOTE wrote thought saw c did he die — 8 She was driving fast shewaslate. 2 & took could found put a although a à b because 3 sa shop choose exhibition musician c so 9 the music was bad, we danced all night. 4 whose how who when a But ; - b although 5 [e job argue jealous manager c So 8 10 Ttwas dark she didn't see him. b Underline the stressed syllable. a but a E pa information : c because DB incredible horrible photographer suddenly although E LER RR, CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? Adgpted from o Bntish mevspaper Mountain climbers rescued by text message Two British climbers were rescued yesterday after sending an SOS text message to a friend in London. Rachel Kelsey, 34, and her partner, Jeremy Colênso, 33, who are both experienced climbers, were on a climbing holiday last week in Switzerland. But on Saturday night, when they were 3,000 metres up in the mountains, there was a terrible storm. The wind was incredibly strong and the snow was two metres deep. They couldn't move and they had to spend the night on the mountain. Rachel had her mobile phone with her, so she sent a text message to five friends in the UK asking for help. About four hours later, one of her friends, Avery Cunliffe in London, replied with a text message. Avery said, | don't usually have my mobile in the bedroom. At about 4 a.m. Iwoke up and saw Rachel's message. | found the number of the police in Switzerland and phoned them. They contacted the mountain rescue team. But the weather was so bad that the helicopter couldn't get to the two climbers. The rescue team sent a text message to Rachel and Jeremy telling them that they had to spend a second night on the mountain. The message said: 'So sorry Rachel. We tried. Wind too strong. Have to wait till morning. Take care. Be strong. Rachel said, | thought we were going to die. ltwas freczing, —15º€, and really windy on the mountain. We spent the night talking and planning a holiday in the sun! Next morming the storm passed and the helicopter arrived to take them off the mountain. Avery said, When | heard that Rachel and Jeremy were safe | was dancing around my flat. Rachel said that she and Jeremy were now looking forward to a hot bath and a good meal. But first they were going to buy the rescue team a botile of whisky! REvISE & CHECK a Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), E (false), or DS (doesn't say). 1 Rachel and Jeremy were climbing for the first time. 2 They couldn't go down the mountain because of bad weather. 3 Avery was sleeping when Rachel's message came. 4 He called the mountain rescue team in Switzerland. 5 Rachel's other four friends didn't reply. 6 The helicopter couldn't rescue them immediately. 7 Rachel and Jeremy spent three nights on the mountain. & They wanted to buy Avery a bottle of whisky. the article. Use your dictionary to check the meaning and pronunciation. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a 2H Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. | Where did the woman go on holiday this year? a Portugal b Scotland c Spain 2 What was the weather like in Italy? a ltrained. bb Itwashot. c Itwassunny. 3 Where did the photographer take the photo of the actor? a Onthestairs. b Inreception. c In the street. 4 What was the model doing when he took the photo? a Talking b Reading c Walking on the 'catwalk” 5 What year did the pop group make their last album? a 2001 b 2002 c 2003 b 22 Listen to the story and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 She was driving to work. 2 Itwas raining. 3 She saw a man in the road asking her to stop. 4 The two men drove away in her car. 5 She rang the police on her mobile. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a Can you...? Yes (4) [| talk about your last holiday [| talk about your favourite photo || talk about your favourite singer or band b Complete the questions with was, were, do, did, or —. | What kind ofbooks you read? 2 Where you at 9.00 this morning? 3 What happening when you got home last night? 4 What vou doing on September 1 Ith 2001? 5 How many people came to class today? c Ask your partner the questions in b. Ask for more information. G mill/ won't V opposite verbs P contractions (will / won't), /D/ and /30/ I'm doing my driving test today. You! fail. The pessimist's phrase book YOU THE PESSIMIST 1 We're having the party in the garden. Jéllraino 2 I'm doing my driving test this aftemoon. Youwonipass 3 We're meeting Ana and Daniel at 7.00. 4 Im having my first skiing lesson today. 5 My brother has a new girlfriend. 6 | lent James some money yesterday. 7 I'm going to see a film tonight in English. 8 We're going to drive to the city centre. 9 My team are playing in the cup tonight. 10 I'm catching the 7.30 train. E ma E E e o are | 1 GRAMMAR will / won't for predictions a Look at the picture. Who's the optimist? Who's the pessimist? Which are you? b Read the YOU phrases. Find the THE PESSIMIST"S responses in the box below and write them in the phrase book. He won't pay you back. You'll miss it. You won't understand a word. You-won't-pass. They'll be late. It won't last. They'll lose. tellHrain. You'll break your leg. You won't find a parking space. 33 Listen and check. Repeat the responses. d Practise in pairs. A (book open) read the YOU phrases. B (book closed) say THE PESSIMIST phrase. Then swap roles. e Look at THE PESSIMIST phrases and answer the questions. 1 Do the sentences refer to the present or the future? 2 What are the full words in the contractions and won't? f O p.130 Grammar Bank 3B. Read the rules and do the exercises. 2 VOCABULARY opposite verbs A e B fail a What's the opposite of the verbs in A? Use a verb from B. win borrow lose h find b O p.149 Vocabulary Bank Verbs. Do part 1. sa sal 3 PRONUNCIATION contractions, /v/ and /20/ a “34 Listen and repeat the contractions. Copy the rhythm. PI PII be late PI be late for work. You'll You'll break You'll break your leg. She'll Shell miss She'll miss the train. Iril IPI] rain TPI rain tomorrow. They'll They lose They'll lose the match. b 35º Listen. Can you hear the difference? BoA want I want to pass. | a) wont Iwon't pass. c 36 Listen and write down the six sentences. 4 LISTENING a 37 Listen to the introduction to a radio programme, Why is positive thinking good for you? b Try to guess the missing words in these tips. ae ; Caller 1 Live in the snotin the Caller2 | Think thoughts, not negative ones. Caller3 | Don't spend a lot of time reading the or watching the on TV. Caller 4 | Every week make a list of all the that happened to you. Caller5 | Tryto use when you speak to other people. c 38) Listen and check. d Listen again. Write down any extra information you hear. e Which tips do you think are useful? 5 SPEAKING a In pairs match the positive phrases with the situations. Ê it Cer HJ f Make a positive prediction, Pm sure yow'll..., I'm sure if'll..., etc, D : 1 ont worry! Your friend says... You say... o a | Thave an important exam tomorrow. Good luck! —Imsureyoullpass Co I Lg rat ul a Ú ons ! 2 Um getting married next month. a 3 Pm a bit depressed today. Good 4 Tm going to New York next month. rea luck! 5 I can't go out tonight. I don't have any money. b Ask and answer with a partner. Use a phrase from the box and say why. Are you a positive thinker? Do you think... [hope so. ([ hope not. | Ithink so. I don't think so. * you'll go somewhere exciting * you'll do something nice this weekend? Maybe. / Perhaps. for your next holiday? , : : * you'll get an interesting e-mail from Probably. * you'll pass your next exam? someone tonight? Defini : tely. * you'll get a good [or better) job? . you'll get to the end of this book? auniteiy ee G will / won't (promises, offers, decisions) V verb + back P word stress: two-syllable words MRE A 1 READING a Look at the six promises below. What do you think they have in common? El write. NI pay you back tomorrow. ll come back tomorrow. This won't hurt. Iwon't tell anyone. UI always love you. b Read the article once and write the correct promise in the gaps 1-6. c Read the text again. Find words to match to the definitions. Underline the stressed syllable. l (n) a person who repairs water pipes, baths, etc. a (n) studies to find more information about something 30 mn) putting medicine under the skin with a needle 4 (n) the act of travelling from one place to another 5. ady) omeor the other 6 — (adj) something which lasts forever 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress: two-syllable words Most two-syllable words are stressed on the first syllable, e.g father. When words are stressed on the second syllable, e.g although, underline the stress and learn them. a Look at these two-syllable words from the text. Which five are stressed on the second syllable? secret forget exist always complete dentist borrow e-mail money promise address doctor builder journey WOFLY before b “39º Listen and check. Practise saying the words. It's a secret, OK, |won't tell anyone. We make them and we break them, because some promises are very hard to keep. Here are the top six most common broken promises ... 1 You always hear this from builders, plumbers, and electricians. But the truth is very different. They won't come back until next week (or later). And vou will probably need to phone them five times first. 2 We love hearing secrets and we happily make this promise. And at the time we really mean it. 'Don't worry we say, “your secret is safe with me. But of course it isn't, Research shows that everybody will always tell one other person the secret. Very soon the whole street will know! 3 A favourite phrase of doctors, dentists, and nurses. They usually say it just before they give you an injection. But the phrase is not complete. The full phrase is: “This won't hurt me (but it will probably hurt you a lot)” 4 You make a new friend on holiday or on a bus journey, vou swap e-mail addresses, and you make this promise. Six months later you find a name and e-mail address on a card or an old piece of paper. 'Oh dear! you think — but then you remember that they didn't write to you either! In Hamlet, Shakespeare told us never to borrow or lend money. He was right. When we lend people money they always make this promise, but then they forget. If we then ask for the money back, they think we are mean. If we don't ask, we never get the money back. Whitney Houston sang a song about this and every day, all over the world thousands of people make the same promise to each other: We know eternal love exists, but is this promise the most difficult one to keep of them all? Holanda den a Prbob noiaenmar d What do you think the patient's dream means? Match the things in his dream with interpretations 1-6. E the person you love doesn't love you. Understanding that you are at a party. Your that you are drinking champagne. [|] 2 you are going to be very busy. dre ams about flowers. 3 you'll be successful. that somebody is playing the violin. | | 4 you're feeling positive about the future. about an owl. E] 5 you want some romance in your life. You are looking for a new partner. that you have cold feet. [] 6 you need to ask an older person for help. e “313º Now listen to Dr Muller interpreting the patient's dream and check your answers to d. f Listen again. Look at the pictures again and remember what Dr Muller said about each thing. Compare with your partner. The party means he's going to meet people > 2 GRAMMAR review of tenses a Look at the chart. Write the sentences below the chart in the correct place in the Example column. Tense Example | Use Hunorkinanoficc | D present simple present continuous past simple past continuous going to + infinitive will! won't + infinitive 1 was drinking champagne. How'll have a meeting with your boss. 1 saw an owl. Hou're going to meet a lot of people. For-work-iraroffice: Tm meeting her tonight. b Now complete the Use column with uses A-F. A Future plans and predictions. B Finished actions in the past. € Things happening now, or plans for a fixed time/place. D-Things-that-happen-always-or-usually: E Future predictions, decisions, offers, and promises. F Actions that were in progress at a past time. c O p.130 Grammar Bank 3D. Read the rules and do theexercises. 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 3H Listen to sentences 1-6 and underline the stressed (information) words. 1 You'll have a meeting with your boss. 2 Somebody was playing the violin. 3 You're going to meet a lot of people. 4 How did you feel? 5 Em meeting her tonight. 6 She doesn't love me. Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. SPEAKING O Communication Dreams A p.I0 B p.II4. Roleplay interpreting your partner's dream. 5 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions Complete the questions with a preposition from the box. about (x3) for of to(x3) with (x2) 1 What did you dream last night? 2 What radio station do you usually listen : 3 What do you talk — with your friends? 4 Did you wait a bus or a train today? 5 Who do you usually agree in your family? 6 Are you going to write anybody tonight? 7 What do you think this book? 8 What are you thinking now? 9 Doyouoftenargue people? 10 Who was the first person you spoke this morning? 73 ESET LA SU ORDERING A MEAL 13.15» Listen to Allie and Mark at the restaurant. Answer the questions. 1 What do they order for starters? 2 What does Alle order for her main course? 3 What kind of potatoes do they order? 4 How does Mark want his steak — rare, medium, or well done? 5 What are they going to drink? Er a PRACTICAL ENGLISH Main courses Fried chicken T-bone steak Grilted salmon Starters Tomato and mozzarella salad Mushroom soup Grilled prawns All main courses served with a baked potato or fries. PROBLEMS WITH A MEAL a “316% Cover the dialogue and listen. What three problems do they have? YOU HEAR YOU Sar 2 Chicken for you ma'am, and the steak for you, sir. potato, not fries. No-problem-= === "585 Excuse me. Yes, sir? L asked for my steak rare and this is well done. Em very sorry. — — back to the kitchen. +. “Could we have the check, please? Yes, sir. Your check. Thanks. Excuse me. 1 think there's a mistake in the check. We only had two glasses of wine, not a bottle. Yes, you're right. I'm very sorry. “Thank you. Tm sorry, but | asked for a baked Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. “307 Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. Copy the rhythm. à 1 sa an RE CR ES d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. A (book ES US English fries check open) you're the waiter, B (book closed) ESES UK English chips bill you're Mark and Allie. Swap roles. SOCIAL ENGLISH after dinner a “318) Listen to Mark and Allie. Mark the sentences T (true) or E (false). 1 Jennifer is Mark's ex-wife. 2 Mark was married for three years. 3 His wife left him for another man. USEFUL PHRASES 4 Allie met her previous boyfriendatwork. A Thatwasal dinner. 5 After dinner they're going to go dancing. M Img you enjoyed it. A Canlaskyous ? b Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. M Shallwegoforaw. ? Listen again and check. A Wheres we go? Mi c “319º Listen and repeat the phrases. e is re R — How do you say them in your language? ST dE O MultiROM ERC dE WRITING 1 28 Randalis Road 2 3 4 + Thank sou for vou letter were very happy that youre Coming to stay with us in August, and were sure you ll have a good +ime wWror time ore seu arriving at Cotwick airport? You com get à t+raim to Brighton from there Do you have à mobile phone? Then you can phone us when yoyre | om the tram, and we || meet you o+ the station Could vou also +ell me a few more things about yeurser? Ls there anything vou cont eat or drink? Do sou Smoke? Do vou want à single room, or do vou prefer +o sbre à room wir onotrer student? Are vou going to go back +o Russia immediately after +he end of +he course? TH not, how many more days are you goma +o stay mari 145? + Joane Sanders 7 Tim sending vou à photo of +he Fomily so you Il recognize us at the station! Ivan is a Russian student who's going to study English in Brighton. | He's going to stay with a family. Read the letter from Mrs Sanders and complete it with expressions from the box. Brighton BN3 IH] Best wishes 28-RandalisRoad 14th April 2005 Dear lvan PS Looking forward to hearing from you Read the letter again and answer the questions. | When's Ivan coming to Britain? 2 How is he going to get there? 3 How many questions does Mrs Sanders ask him? 4 Does Looking forward to hearing from you mean...? a Ihope you will write soon. b Em going to write again soon. 5 Why does Mrs Sanders send Ivan a photo? c What differences are there between an informal letter and an e-mail? Imagine you are going to stay with Mrs Sanders. Answer her letter using your own information. Remember to include your address and the date. WRITE three paragraphs: Paragraph 1 Thank her for her letter, Paragraph 2 Say when you are arriving, etc. Paragraph 3 Answer her other questions. End the letter with Best wishes and your name. CHECK your letter for mistakes ( grammar, punctuation, and spelling ). V dothes P vowel sounds From rags to riches You probably have because it's one of the fastest-growing chains in the world. The person behind Zara is Amancio Ortega. He is the richest There are only two official photographs of him, and he rarely gives interviews. Although he is a muiltimilionaire businessman, he doesn't look like one = he doesn't like wearing suits or ties, and prefers to wear jeans and a shirt. When he was young he worked as a shop assistant in a clothes store, but he always dreamed of having his own business. In 1963 he started a small company which made women's pyjamas. In 1975, at the age of 40, he opened his first clothes shop in La Corunia, a small city in north-west Spain, and named it Zara. Now you can find Zara shops all over the world, from New York to Moscow to Singapore. So why is Zara so successful? The main reason is that Zara reacts incredibly quickly to the latest designer fashions, and produces clothes which are fashionable but inexpensive. Zara can make a new line of clothes in three weeks. Other companies normally take about nine months. The clothes also change from week to week — so customers Keep coming back to see what's new. It produces 20,000 new designs a year — and none of them stay in the shops for more than a month. So if you've seen a new jacket or skirt you like in a Zara store, hurry up and buy it, because it won't be there for long. man in Spain, but very few people know his face. G present perfect (experience) + ever, never; present perfect or past simple? SD fse poi ever been to that shop? What did you buy? READING & VOCABULARY What's the most popular place to buy clothes in your town? Do you buy your clothes there? If not, where? Read the text about Zara. Then cover it and answer the questions below from memory. | Who is Amancio Ortega? 2 What is unusual about him? 3 What was his first job? 4 When did he open the first Zara shop? 5 Where are there Zara shops now! 6 What are the secrets 0f Zara: success? at Read the text again and underline any words that are connected with clothes. O p.150 Vocabulary Bank Clothes. PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds 415 Pot two clothes words in each colum Listen and check. Practise saying the word belt blouse clothes coat pyjamas scarf shirt shoes skirt suit sweater trousers Ask and answer with a partner. O é What did you wear yesterday? What are you going to wear tonight? What were the last clothes you bought? What's the first thing you take off when you get home? Do you always try on clothes before you buy them? How often do you wear a suit? 3 LISTENING 142) Listen to three people being interviewed about Zara. Complete the chart with their information. vromamn 1 FORMA so MMA our partn Nero 1 Have you ever been to a Zara store? | | 2 When did you last go there? | 3 Where? 4 What did you buy? 5 Are you happy with it? 4 GRAMMAR present perfect or past simple? a Interview your partner about Zara (or another shop in your town) and write his / her answers in the chart. b Look at questions 1 and 2 above. What tense are they? Which question refers to a specific time in the past? Which question is about some time in your life? c OQ p.132 Grammar Bank 4A. Read the rules and do the exercises. 5 SPEAKING a Complete the questions with the past participle of the verb. 1 Have you ever worm (wear) something only once? What? When / wear it? 2 Have you ever (be) to a fashion show? Where? / enjoy it? 3 Have you ever (dance) in very uncomfortable shoes? Where? What / happen? 4 Have you ever wear) 'fancy dress"? When? What / wear? 5 Have you ever (meet) someone who was wearing exactly the same as you? When? How / you feel? 6 Have youever (buy) something and never worn it? What? Why / not wear it? 7 Have you ever (ruin) clothes in the washing machine? What? What / happen? 8 Have you ever —— (have) an argument with your family about clothes? What about? b Interview a partner with the questions. If he / she answers “Yes, 1 have make follow-up questions in the past simple. Have you ever worm something only en? D E ves | have. A suit. When did you wear it? : E For an interview for a job. 6 «3 SONG & Tue Blue V verb phrases Ph, /j, dy TIRO IT 1 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Read the magazine article and complete it with these verbs. cleaned does (x2) leaves tidies changes makes take Parents of teenagers wrote in to tell us what drives them mad. G present pertecl simple + vet, just, already |] Here are some of the top “hates”. 1 He never makes his bed. II make it, 1 find strange things in it like dirty socks, CDs without their boxes... 2 He never his room — it's always a mess. The floor is covered with empty Coke cans, more dirty socks... 4 3 She. wet towels on the bathroom floor and doesn't pick them up. 4 She walks around the house eating food without a plate, usualhy just after |'ve the floor: She then says Sorry" with an angelic smile. 5 He has breakfast, lunch, and dinner at home, but he never the washing up. 6 When she comes into the living room she always the channel on the TV — usually when I'm watching my favourite programme. 7 We bought a dog for him, because he promised to it for a walk every day. Guess who always does it? B She always her homework at the last minute — usually late on Sunday night, This means she needs the Internet, just when her sister is 'chatting' with her friends. Adapted from q Enitsh magazine Have you tidied your room yet? Yes, I've just done it. b Cover the text. Can you remember the eight bad habits? c In pairs, say which of these things are a problem in your house and why. What else is a problem? housework food the TV / computer the bathroom pets (e.g. a dog) homework 2 GRAMMAR present perfect + just, yet, already a “44 Listen and number the pictures 1-4. b Listen again and complete the dialogues with a past partici E Have you No, not yet. Well, hurry up! Em going to be late for work. vet? You've a towel on the floor. Well, 1 haven't finished yet. Well, don't forget to pick it up. When are you going to do your homework? Pve already it. Really? When? [ did it on the bus this evening. > rrg>rorrm> Can you get a plate for that sandwich? [ve just the floor. B OK. Oops = sorry. Too late, c Look at the conversations and underline just, yet, and alre: What tense is the verb with them? What do you think the; mean? d Q p.132 Grammar Bank 4B. Read the rules and do the exercises. 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING a “49º Look at the questionnaire. Listen to four people answering ARE YOU LIVING FASTER...? 1 Compared to two years ago, do you spend more or less time on these things? Say why. question 1. Which activity (working, working or studying sitting in traffic cooking studying, etc.) are they talking about? talking on the phone seeing friends eating : É i working on a computer shopping sleeping ] EE 3 2 Do you have more or less free time than a year ago? Why? 3 What don't you have enough time for? o o: 3 How do you get to work / school? How long does it take you? Is this longer than a year ago? b Listen again. Why do they spend more (or less) time on these things? 4 Do you usually arrive on time...? Why (not)? atwork/school for your English class to meet your friends c In pairs, interview each other using 5 What machines do you have which save you time? the questionnaire. Do they make your life simpler or more complicated? 6 Do you waste a lot of time every day? Doing what? 1 No time for the news 4 No time to relax Newspaper articles today are Even when we relax we do shorter and the headlines are everything more quickly. Ten years bigger. Most people don't have ago when people went to art enough time to read the galleries they spent ten seconds articles, they only read the n looking at each picture. Today they headlines! On TV and the radio, spend just three seconds! newsreaders speak more quickly than ten years ago. 2 No time for stories In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for children. These are ' shorter versions of traditional stories, specialhy written for 'busy parents! who want to save time ! 3 No time to listen Some answerphones now have 5 No time for slow sports In the LUSA the national sport, baseball, is not as popular as before because it is a slow game and matches take a long time. Nowadays many people prefer faster and more dynamic sports like basketball, 6 ...but more time in our cars The only thing that is slower than before is the way we drive, Our cars are faster but the traffic is worse so we drive more slowly. We spend more time sitting in | our cars, feeling stressed because we are worried that we won't arrive on time, Experts predict that in ten years" time the average speed on the road in cities will be 17 km/h. “quick playback buttons so that we can re-play people's messages faster = we can't waste time listening to people speaking at normal speed! G superlatives (4 V opposite adjectives P word stress ever + presem perfect) e ss “he's the most beautiful dty I've ever been to. The world's friendliest city DA 1 READING & LISTENING a Read the introduction to the article. In pairs, answer the questions. | | What are the three tests? B IS citi es often have a reputation for being rude, unfriendly places for tourists. Journalist Tim Moore went to four cities, London, Rome, Paris, and New York, to find out if this is true. He went dressed as a foreign tourist and did three tests to see which city had the friendliest an most polite inhabitants. The three tests were: | | 2 Do you think they are good ones? | 3 Which city do you think will be the friendliest / most unfriendly? 1 The photo test Tim asked people in the street to take his photo (not just one photo, but several = with his hat, withou! his hat, etc.). Did he find someone to do it? 2 The shopping test Tim bought something in a shop and gave the shop assistant too much money. Did the shop assistant give back the extra money? 3 The accident test Tim pretended to fall over in the street. Did anybody come and help him? É e G & o = a É E Bm «f Rome Vasked a very chic woman in Paris | asked some gardeners to take N e E | Vasked an office worker who was | eating his sandwiches to take a | photo of me. 'Of course [Il take your picture. Again? Sure! Again? No | problem. Have a nice day! The photo test | E bought an | love New York “Tsshirt and drinks from two The shopping test | different people. | gave them too much money but they all gave me the extra money back. 1 fell over in Central Park. Edidn't | have to wait more than thirty | seconds. 'Oh dear'a man said. 15 The accident test | some photos of me in front of the Eiffel Tower. They couldn't stop laughing when they saw my hat. [bought some fruit in à greengrocer's and gave the man a lot of coins, He carefully took the exact amount. | fell over in the Champs Elysées. A minute passed before someone said, Are you OK?” And he was Scottish! sunglasses. She took a photo of me with my hat on, then without my hat. Then with my sunglasses. Then she asked me to take a photo of her! | bought a copy of The Times from a newspaper seller near the railway station. It was three euros. | gave the man four and he didn't give me any change. When | fell over about eight people immediately hurried to help me. | this your camera? | think it's broken b Read about what happened in New York, Paris, and Rome. Answer the questions with NY, P, or R. | Which aity do you think was the friendliest in the photo test? 2 In which city did he take a photo too? ) 3 In the shopping test, where didn't he get the right change? 4 Where did he buy a souvenir? 5 In the accident test, where did he wait longest for help? 6 In which city were people most helpful? c “410 Now listen to Tim Moore talking about what happened in London. Answer the questions. London The photo test The accident test 2 GRAMMAR superlatives (+ ever + present perfect) 7 Who did he ask first? 2 What did the man say? 4 What did he buy? Where? test 5 How much was it? 6 Did he get the right change? 8 Did anyone help him? 9 What did the man say? a Cross out the wrong form in these questions. | Which city was the friendlier / the friendliest of the four? 2 Which city was the more unfriendly / the most unfriendly? 3 What's the friendliest place you've ever been to / gone to? b Ask and answer the questions with a partner. c O p.132 Grammar Bank 4D. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 VOCABULARY opposite adjectives a What are the opposites of these adjectives? friendly rude noisy boring b O p.145 Vocabulary Bank Adjectives. Do part 2. c In pairs, choose five questions and ask a partner. Who did he ask next? What happened? Where did he do the accident test? What's the (unfriendly) the (beautiful) the (ugly) | E io place you've ever been to? the (exciting) the (dangerous) the (noisy) 4 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Underline the stressed syllable in the adjectives below. It's the most polluted city ['ve ever been to. He's the most impatient person Pve ever met. This is the most comfortable hotel I've ever stayed at. It's the most interesting book ve ever read. They're the most expensive shoes ['ve ever bought. It's the most beautiful place ve ever seen. b 4 Listen and check. What other words are stressed? € Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 5 SPEAKING a O Communication The best and the worst A p.TIO B p.114, Read your instructions and write the names of people, places, etc. in the ovals. b Ask and answer about what your partner has written in the ovals. Ask for more information. Why did you write Egypt? Because it's the hottest place l've ever been to. When did you go there? : WE GRAMMAR Circle the correct answer, a, Db, or c. What's a vours —— name (D) your I ever been to a Zara shop? a Do you b Have you c Did you 2 Tvenever a seen b see c saw 3 You haven't done the washing up a already b just c yet 4 A Would you like a coffee? B No, thanks. had four cups today. a Ive had already b Pve already had c 1alrcady have had 5 Pve. cleaned the floor. It's wet. a already b just c yet 6 Thetrafhcis thanitwas, a badder b worse c more bad 7 Radio newsreaders speak more than before, a quickly b quick c quicker 8 Baseball isn'tas. a popular than b popular that c popular as 9 What's the a most beautiful b more beautiful c beautifulest IO This is the à most noisy b noisiest c noisier 10 c you him in a suit and tie. city you've ever seen? city im the world. it was in the past. VOCABULARY a verb phrases Complete the phrases. make your bed do pickup takeout tidy waste I Your room ê things on the Noor 3 the rubbish 4 the washing up 5 time b clothes Complete the sentences. That's a very nice jachet | Levisare famous for their). 2 Business people usually have to wearas. to work. 3 Lalwayst. on clothes before | buy them. 4 Take o your coat. It's very hot in here. 5 Imearmyto o c adjectives Write the opposite adjective. big small | rude 2 noisy ER 3 possible 4 dangerous 5 patient PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. l | Sá, shirt work 2 | AO, bought blouse a 3 s friendly pretty “3 4 à se) make trainers 5 vellow 4 vet b Underline the stressed syllable. information pyjamas already nearly busier — frendhest when 1 do sport. coat skirt tro LISers ari cê men Ei many eat Ee pa already your de ELSE RR CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? Pp N 1952, Audrey Hepburn was in Rome, making the film Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck. She was engaged to James Hanson, a London “playboy”, and she asked a famous Italian designer, Zoe Fontana, to make her a dress for the wedding . Signora Fontana said, Audrey was 23. She was so young and so beautiful then. She tried the dress on many times. Hwas in white lace, with a lot of tiny buttons down the back, and she wanted to wear Howers on her head.' But two weeks before the wedding, Audrey Hepburn decided not to get married. She phoned Zoe Fontana and said, I've cancelled the wedding. But | want another girl to wear my wedding dress , perhaps a poor girl who could never pay for a dress like this one, Find a beautiful girl and give the dress to her Signora Fontana found a poor 20-year-old girl in Latina, a town near Rome. She was exactly the same size as Hepburn and the dress fitted her perfectly. Her name was Amabile Altobello. Signora Altobello said, '| wanted to get married, but my Hancé and | didn't have enough money for a wedding. When Audrey Hepburn gave me the dress it was like a dream come true. Everybody in the town was very excited, and they also gave us furniture, and even organized a honeymoon for us in Paris. Today Signora Altobello is over 70 years old but she still has the dress. We are still poor and we have had a hard life, but we have three daughters and five grandohildren. We have had a happy marriage , so the dress brought me luck." REVISE & CHECK a Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), E (false), or DS (doesn't say). 1 Audrey Hepburn was going to marry a playboy. 2 She wanted to get marrnied in Rome. 3 Her wedding dress was white with flowers on it. 4 Before the wedding she fell in love with another man. 5 She asked Zoe Fontana to give the dress to a friend. 6 Amabile Altobello was the same age as Audrey Hepburn. 7 The people of Latina also gave her things for her house. 8 She and her husband are still married. b Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a 4M Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. 1 He thought the fashion show was a exciting b interesting c boring 2 The woman bought . aashirt baskirt c some shoes 3 lheflogris. a wet bdry cc dirty 4 What time does he finish work? a 700 b 800 c 900 5 The most beautiful city he's been to is a Venice b Prague c Amsterdam b 418 Listen to an interview with a model. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 She often wears clothes she doesn't like. 2 She broke her leg during a fashion show. 3 She hasn't been to Africa. 4 She went to Argentina two years ago. 5 She would like to go to India again. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a Can you..? Yes (4) | | say what clothes you wore yesterday || say what housework you / other people in your family do [] say if you have more or less free time than last year, and why b Make five questions with the present perfect and a superlative. What / good book / ever | read? What's the best book you've ever read? 1 What / hot place / ever / be to? 2 What / bad film / ever / see? 3 Who / generous person / ever / meet? 4 What / good restaurant / ever / be to? 5 What / long journey / make? c Ask your partner the questions in b. G uses of the infinitive (with to) V verbs + infinitive TS. P word stress CORRE Ra RE | want to go to the party. Has this ever happened to you? You arrive at a party or wedding reception where you don't know anybody. Everybody there seems to know each other. What can you do? Here are five simple tips. « Don'tstand in the comer You need! tobe positive. Find somebody you think you would like * and go and introduce yourself. * Try “ impersonal questions like “| love your bag. Where did you get it?” That will help * — atonversation. Try the conversation. When you are nervous, It's very easy * — about yourself all the time. Nobody wants F “to your life story when they've only just met you. 1 SPEAKING « Smile, smile, smile. Use your body-language *. — apositive, Interview a partner with the questionnaire. friendly impression. That way people will want * Otan Ask for more information. Is your partner arbr arGaRS * If you want“ from a really boring person, say that you a part numail are going to the bar | another drink or that you need te — tothe bathroom. Don't come back! Do you like going to parties? Why (not)? Do like givi rties? not)! ad : PIN 2 GRAMMAR uses of the infinitive (with to) When was the last time you went to a party cr caleb abortos camelo, a peridie, a Read the article about parties. Complete the five rules with an infinitiy a birthday party, etc.) toask tobe nottodominate toescape toget Nhose party was it? togive togo tolisten tomeet tostart to talk (x2) Did you have a good time? b Read the article again and then cover it. Can you remember the tips? What did you wear? c Match the examples A-C from the text with rules 1-3, A Tês very easy to talk about yourself all the time. What ki music di lay? Ena une Die B Say that you're going to the bar to get another drink. Did you dance? C Try to ask impersonal questions. Did you meet anybody new? Use the infinitive (with to)... ki É | after some verbs (e.g. want, try, etc.) What did you have to eat and drink? 2 after adjectives T] 3 to say why you do something. d O p.134 Grammar Bank 5A. Read the rules and do the exercises. Did you stay until the end? 3 PRONUNCIATION ing a 53 Listen and repeat the sound picture and the words. 5 thing bring wrong language | sitting puidana: thanks think b o p.159 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for this sound. dá When we add -1ng /1/ to a verb, the pronunciation of the original verb doesn't change. do 'du:/ — doing /' duwm/ forget — forgetting c 54 Listen and say the -ing form of the verbs you hear. 4 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING a O p.154 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms (Verb + -ing). Look at other verbs which are followed by the -ing form. b Work in pairs. Choose five things to talk about from the list below. mind doing in the house a sport you pi had something you like doing with your family something you love doing in the summer something you hate doing at work / school something you spend a lot of time doing dim visiting of doing this weekend stopped doing someihito you are not very good at doing c Atell B about the five things. Say why. B ask for more information. Then swap roles. E don't mind cooking. It's quite relaxing. ç Do you cook every day? 5 LISTENING | arado AAA E J E] | a Ask and answer these questions in pairs. Do you ever sing...? in the shower in the car at karaoke bars while you're listening to a CD in a choir /kwaia! or à band In pairs, say if you think sentences 1-7 are T (true) or E (false). 1 Singing is good for your health. 2 To sing well you need to learn to breathe correctly. 3 People who sing are fatter than people who don't. 4 Not everybody can learn to sing. 5 You need to know how to read music to be able to sing well. 6 Ifyou make a surprised face, you can sing high notes better. 7 It takes a long time to learn to sing better. 5.5 Now listen to an interview with the director of a singing school and a student who did a course there. Were you right? Listen again. Choose the right answer. 1 When you are learning to sing you need to — correctly. astand bdress ccat 2 Singing well is 95% arepeating blistening breathing 3 Gemma's course lasted aoneday boneweek conemonth 4 Gemma has always abeengoodatsinging bbeeninachoir cliked singing 5 In the morning the students learnt to a breathe and sing blistenandbreathe | clisten and sing 6 At the end of the afternoon they could sing = aperfectly bmuchbetter ca bitbetter RR G haveto, don't have to, must, mustn't V modifiers: a bit, really, etc. You have to come to all the classes. P sentence stress You don't have to do an exam. How much can you learn in a month? | | 1 GRAMMAR have to, don't have to, must, mustn't 3 READING & LISTENING a Look at these notices. Have you seen any like these in your school? a Doyou think people from your country are good at learning languages? Why (not A B c Tonighe's film: agia . SILENCE os af e Course fees b Read about Anna, a British journalist w! Em Caribbean to be paid did an intensive Polish course. Then cow in progress E in advance the article and answer the questions. ] 1 i ' É | No food here please | É Extra pronunciation class | dis languages dim Ra Ene ES] Spm | 2 Why did she choose to learn Polish? da Tuadde ds A ROO 3 Where did she do the course? b Match the notices with the rules. 4 What did she think was the most difficult | You have to pay before you start. C] thing about Polish? 2 You don't have to come if you don't want to. m 5 Where is she going to do the 'tests'? 4 DERRAME catin here. E 6 What five things does she have to do? 4 You must turn off your mobiles before you come in. [) 7 What are the rules? 5 You mustn't talk near here. 6 You don't have to pay to see this. c Lookat the highlighted expressions and answer the questions. | Which two phrases mean...? It is a rule. There's an obligation to do this. You haveto 2 Which phrase means...? It isn't obligatory. It isn't necessary. 3 Which phrase means...? It isn't permitted. It is against the rules. E d O p.134 Grammar Bank 5€. Read the rules and do the exercises. 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a 056» Listen and write the six sentences. b Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. Which letter is “silent in mustn"t? c Make true sentences about the rules in the school where you are studying English. Use We have to, We don't have to, or We mustn't. come to lessons on time. turn off our mobile phones. —— eator drink in the classroom. come to class on Saturday. bring a dictionary to class. do an exam at the end of the year. smoke in the building. — do homework after each lesson. Anna in Kraków — do a test every week. ME DO =] Mo aa o a ti How much can you learn in a month? | work for a magazine, which was doing an article about British language learners. Às an experiment, they asked me to learn a completely new language for one month. Then | had to go to the country and do some 'tests' to see if | could “survive” in different situations. | decided to learn Polish because my great-grandmother was Polish and | have some relatives there. | can already speak French and Spanish quite well but Polish isn'ta Latinbased language so | knew it would be completely different. | did a one-month intensive course at a language school in Birmingham. | thought | was good at languages before | started learning Polish, but now I'm not so sure. | found it incredibly difficult. The grammar was really complicated and the words were not like any other language | know so it was very hard to remember them. For example, | thought football was more or less an international word, but in Polish it's pilka nozna. And the pronunciation is unbelievable! Every word is full of 7'5 where you don't expect them, like jeZdzisz which means you go”. My course finished yesterday and I'm going to Kraków for the weekend to do my tests. A local guide called Kasia is coming with me and is going to give me a mark out of 10. These are the tests and the rules: Tests You have to... 1 geta tax, order a drink in a bar. ask for directions (and follow them). phone and ask to speak to someone, ask somebody the time. mo oe Us Pã Rules — you mustr't use a dictionary or phrasebook. = you mustn't speak English at any time. — you mustn't use your hands or mime. E “57 Which test do you think will be the casiest for Anna? Which will be the most difficult? Listen to Anna doing the tests in Kraków and check your answers. Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones. 1 The taxi driver couldn't speak English. 2 Anna understood the waitress's question. 3 She ordered a small Coke, 4 Anna asked for directions to a bank. 5 She couldn't understand what the woman said. 6 The man on the phone could understand her, but she couldn't understand him. 7 Anna thought telling the time in Polish was very easy. 8 She didn't find out what the time was. 9 Kasia gave her eight out of ten for her Polish. 4 SPEAKING a b How well could you do Anna's five tests in English? How much do you think you can learn in a month? Talk to a partner. Have you ever... spoken in English on the phone? Who to? What about? seen a film in English? Which? How much did you understand? spoken to a tourist in English? When? Why? read an English book or magazine? Which ones? asked for directions in a foreign city? Where? What happened? learned another foreign language? How well can you speak it? 5 VOCABULARY modifiers [ found Polish incredibly difficult. [ felt a bit stupid when the taxi driver spoke perfect English. a Complete the chart with the words in the box. abit incredibly notvery quite really very Polish is very difficult not very Complete the sentences with one of the words so they are true for you. Compare with a partner. 1 Um 2 Em good at learning languages. — — motivated to improve my English. 3 English pronunciation is difficult. 4 English grammar is complicated. 5 Em worried about the next English exam. 6 English is useful for my work / studies. PRACTICAL ENGLISH BUYING CLOTHES 512 Listen to Alle shopping. Answer the questions. | What does Allie want to buy? 2 What size is she? 3 Does she try it on? 4 How much does Alle think it costs? 5 How does she pay? TAKING SOMETHING BACK a “5154 Cover the dialogue and listen. What's the problem with Allie's sweater? Does she change it or ask for her money back? YOU HEAR YOU SAY Q Can 1 help you? Yes, 1 bought this sweater about half an hour ago. Yes, 1 remember. Is there a What So you need a I don't sec one here. Do you have any more? UH go and check. Just a Um sorry but we don't have one in black. Oh dear. We can order one for you. II] only take a few Would you like to exchange it for else? No problem. Do you the receipt? sit? Medium. No, Em leaving on Saturday. Not really. Could T have a refund? Yes, here you are. SOCIAL ENGLISH the conference cocktail party a “515º Listen and complete with Mark, Alle, or Brad. 1 Allie tells aboutthe shopping and museum. 2 comes to say hello to Sppd-= 3 — issurprised that — and. met this morning. 4 asks if she wants a drink. 5 — isannoyed, but goes to get the drinks. b Complete the USEFUL PHRASES, —ySEFUL PHRASES Listen again and check. M What did you t oEitê c “516º Listen and repeat A Never m the phrases. How do you A Whatal. evening! say them inyour language? A Igotl M What would you like to d B Whatagoodi . ? Yes, I've decided it's too big for me. b Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. c “SM Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. Copy the rhythm. d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. A (book open) you're the shop assistant, B (book closed) you're Allie. Swap roles. na MultiRom A formal e-mail WRITING Read the e-mail to a language school. Tick (4) the questions that Adriano wants the school to answer. b Lookat the highlighted expressions. How would they be different in an informal e-mail (or letter)? Formal e-mail Informal e-mail |] How much do the courses cost? Dear Sir / Madam |] When do the courses start and finish? Lam writing |. How many students are there are in a class? [would like possas. [1 Are there Business English classes? [look forward to hearing from you [] Where can 1 stay? Yours faithfully [o [| Where are the teachers from? From: Adriano Ruocco [] To: The Grange Language School [enquiriesBgrangeedinburgh) Subject: Information about courses Dear Sir / Madam, Lam writing to ask for information about your language courses. | am especially interested in an intensive course of two or three weeks. | am 31 and | work in the library at Milan University. | can read English quite well but | need to improve my listening and speaking. The book | am currently studying is “pre-intermediate' (Common European Framework level AZ). | have looked at your website, but there is no information about intensive courses next summer. || Could you please send me information about dates and prices? | would also like some information about accommodation. If possible | would like to stay with a family. My wife is going to visit me for a weekend when | am at the school. Could she stay with me in the same family? Look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfulhy Adriano Ruscco c Read the advertisements and choose a course. Think of two or three questions you would like to ask. Paragraph 1 Explain why you are writing and give some personal information. Paragraph 2 Ask your questions, and ask them to send you information. WRITE a formal e-mail asking for information. Write two paragraphs. CHECK your e-mail for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , 4a What do you GRAMMAR Circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. What's a yours | We want a have b to have c having 2 Tts often difficult a tomake b make c for make 3 She bought a new dress party. a for to wear b for wear e towear 4 — — early on a sunny morning makes me feel good. a Waking up b Wake up c To wake up 5 My brother doesn'tenjoy by plane. a travel b to travel € travelling 6 Um tired of TV. Let's do something different. a towatch b watching c watch name? (b) your c you a party next month. at the 7 Ilike Saturdays because 1 work. a mustn't b don't have to c haventto 8 She can't come to the cinema because she — to study. à must b have c has 9 You. belate for class tomorrow. Tou have an exam. a mustn't b mustn't to c don't must 10 Thegolfball the hilland into the niver. a down b downed c went down [10 new friends. remember VOCABULARY a verb phrases Complete the sentences. [| don't enjoy going to parties. “decide dream of forget hate hope learn mind need start try A Which film do you want to see? B Idont Don't —— to buy some milk at the supermarket. I - finding the perfect job. Your hair's very long. You to go to the hairdresser's. What did you . ? Are you coming or not? Vd like to to play chess. Can you teach me? I always travel by train or car because 1 flying. 1. Htoseeyousoon. to read in English as much as you can. running until your hear “Go. “You choose. O Doo Jos A a ta do t+ Fa Don't b prepositions of movement Complete the sentences with a preposition. In the 100 metres race the athletes have to run along a track. 1 Ingolfyou have to hitthe ball thehole. 2 Intennisyou haveto hitthe ball thenet. 3 In football you have to pass the ball the other players on your tear 4 In Formula 1 you have to drive a track. 5 In rugby you have to kick the ball the posts. c sport verbs Complete the sentences with play, do, and go in the correct form, | We football every Saturday. 4 a pi cycling 21 skiing last year. : E Ee a ; E 3 He judo twice a week. dr AERRAes: PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound | R hit mind kick finish ao] as promise like decide tired | e dE RR SR! 3 | el hate | have game race | 4 EM. out round down throw | E “a 5 ui] through mustn't doing music | b Underline the stressed syllable. information practise promise decide forget E enjoy Murphy's Law If you change queues in a supermarket, what will happen? The queue you were in before will move more quickly. You know what will happen, because there's a law of life that says, something bad can happen, it will happen. It's called Murphy's Law, and it took its name from Captain Edward Murphy, an American aeroplane engineer from the 19405. He was investigating why planes crashed, and not surprisingly, he got a reputation for always thinking of the worst thing that can happen in every situation... At home 1 If you wash your car,... 2 If you look for something you've lost... Social life ; 3 If you wear something white... 4 If someone near you is smoking... Shopping DO DIC 5 If you find something in a shop that you really like,... [! 6 If you take something that doesn't work back to a shop,... || Transport 7 If you stop waiting for a bus and start walking... E] 8 If you get to the station and a train is just leaving... [1 d Now match them with A-H from the box below. A you'll spill wine or coffee on it. B itll rain. É € they won't have it in your size. D itll be your train. E the bus will come. E itll start working. G you'll find it in the last place you look. H the smoke will always go directly towards you. e In pairs, look only at the first half of the sentences in the text. How many of the laws" can you remember? Can you think of any others? 4 PRONUNCIATION long and short vowels a “862 Listen and repeat the pairs of long and short vowels. Practise making the difference. dee povo b Put these words into the chart. beautiful borrow df law leave look meet move push queue stop story talk took wash well will win c “63 Listen and check. Practise saying the words. d O p.157 Sound Bank. Look at the typical spellings for these sounds. 5 SPEAKING In pairs or small groups, invent some new “Murphy's Laws beginning with the sentence halves below. H you're single and you meet somebody you really like... H you throw something away... H you park a long way from where you're going... H your baby goes to sleep late,... H you're driving somewhere and you're in a hurry.... Hyou arrive very early to catch a plane,... Hyou get to work late... you leave your mobile phone at home, ... H you push a door... V animals P stress and rhythm —e — Would you survive? 1 What would you do ... “ If you were in the middle of river and suddenly you saw a crocodile swimming quickly towards you? 1 SPEAKING & LISTENING a Iwould try to swim to the bank as quickly as possible. [] b | wouldn't move. ld stay still and wait for the crocodileto po away. | € Iwould try to hit the crocodile in the face. G if + past, would + infinitivo (second conditional) e | saw a bear, ['d run away. Naa LT LER ei o We all enjoy seeing wild animals on the television. But what would happen if we met one in real life? Do ouranimal quizand see ifyou would survive. 2 What would you do ... « lfyoU were in a forest and a very large bear came towards you? à |would climb up the nearest tree. b Iwould lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. E Imould run away as fast as | could. DCI What would you do ... «. if you were in the middle of a field and a bull started running towards you? a would run. E] b Iwould throw something [e.g. my hat) in another direction. [] c Imould shout and wave my arms. m | a Read the quiz and tick (4) your answers, a, b, or c. Compare with a partner. b 684º Now listen to a survival expert. Did you choose the right answer? c Listen again. Why are the other two answers wrong? Compare what you heard with a partner. 2 GRAMMAR if + past, would + infinitive 3 PRONUNCIATION stress and rhythm a Look at question 1 in Would you survive? and answer a 65 Listen and repeat the sentence halves these questions. 1 Is the crocodile situation...? a one which could easily happen to you OR b one which is not very probable. 2 What tense of the verb goes after if? and in the answers? yo do the exercises. b O p.136 Grammar Bank 6B. Read the rules and and then the whole sentence. Copy the rhythn IF I saw a crocodile, Pd climb a tree. What would you do É you saw a snake? If a bear attacked me, [wouldn't move. ] 2 3 We could have a dog if we had a garden. a 5 IfI were you, [d go on a safari. 3 What's the form of the other verbs in the question b Cover the right-hand column. Try to remember the sentences. 4 VOCABULARY animals 6 READING a Answer the questions with a partner. a Can you remember the best way to survive a crocodile attack? ! Do (or did you) have a pet? What? b Read the article about crocodiles and mark the sentences 2 What's the most dangerous animal in T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn't say). your country? 3 What's your favourite film about an animal? 4 What's your favourite cartoon animal? 5 If you went on a safari, what animal would you most like to see? 6 Are there any animals or insects you are | The Australian crocodile is bigger than all other kinds. 2 Crocodiles can run faster than horses. 3 Crocodiles only attack you if you are in the water. 4 The German tourist didn't know that there might be crocodiles in the lake. 5 The crocodile also attacked the girl's friends. 6 The Australian boy was killed when he and his friends went really afraid of? swimming in a river. 7 If you were an animal, what would you like 7 His friends escaped by climbing a tree. to bet & Norman Pascoe's aunt was attacked by a crocodile. 9 She hit it on the nose, and it opened its mouth. b O p.151 Vocabulary Bank Animals. c 65 Listen. Which animal can you hear? EE HE AUSTRALIAN CROCODILE is the largest crocodile in the im world. It can grow upto seven 5 SPEAKING metres long and the biggest can weigh e Choose five questions up to 1000 kilos. It has onty two muscles 4 and ask your partner. to open its mouth but40todoseitl What would you do... What makes crocodiles so dangerous Ee » If there was a mouse is that they attack incredibly quickly Se in your bedroom? and they take their victims under the Y « if you were driving water to drown them. They usually — and a bee or a wasp attack in the water, but they can suddenly come out of a river and attack e came into the car? animals or people, and they can run on land at 17 km/h. — - if you saw a spider in the bath? a - if you were on a beach that was famous Ejenpias e o) a a 24-year-old German tourist died when she went for a swim in a lake. Although there were signs warning people that there might be crocodiles, = the girl and her friends decided to have a midnight swim. The girl — suddenty disappeared and next morming her body was dinner and they gave you horse meat? found. Near it was a four-metre crocodile. - if your neighbour's dog barked all night? “ ; And only last month two Australian boys <a « if a friend asked you to look after “San 0 watched in horror as their friend was their cat or dog? a killed by a crocodile when they were E for shark attacks? - ff someone offered to buy you a fur coat? « if you went to your friends” house for | * washing their mountain bikes in a river. * They dimbed a tree and stayed there for * 22 hours while the crocodile waited below. DE jo cui SS E E al orman Pascoe, a 19-year-old, was saved from o. O rode infe S aunt HE em fe fema Di a É WE said:iihititand | shouted, "Help!" The crocodile suddenty E ai EE opened its mouth and my nephew escaped' Mit e Cover the text. In pairs, can you remember what these numbers refer to? z “1000 0 17 2 22 19 d Read the text again and check your answers. 7 + SONG & Wouldn't it be nice G should | shoulin't V get P 9/, sentence stress e RS RR You should talk to her. LISTENING & READING Read this extract from a TV and radio guide. ade cido 1 What Kind of programme is it? 2 Why do people call the programme? 3 Would you call a programme like this? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Weelkdays 8.00-8.45p.m. Daily advice programme with Julian Greenwood. Whatever your problem, call the programme EO : and ask for help. Listeners can clothes jealousy money : : : = TM e-mail their suggestions to the Barbara's problem is about What's the problem? website. Kevin's problem is about . Today's subject is “friends”. Catherine's problem is about AA 61 Listen to three people phoning What's the Problem? and complete the sentences with one word. c Now listen again. What exactly are their problems? Compare what you understood with your partner. Read the e-mails which listeners sent to the What's the problem? website. Match two e-mails to each problem. Write Barbara, Kevin, or Catherine. RADIO FM MESSAGE BOARDS AUTHOR MESSAGE AUTHOR MESSAGE 1 Hi : 4 Hi ; [think you should talk to your girlíriend, not q E think it depend's if your friend is good ; your friend. She might like the way your friend ; company or not. If he is then | think you = treats her. Perhaps that's why he does it. e should pay for him. If not, don't tell him S Why don't you tell her to ask him to stop? : ires Vai He GreNRS APN Malcolm Silvia 2 Dear A 5 E Pes : , : When your friend gets home tonight 1 think you É If | were you, | wouldn't say anything to should talk to her. Say Tm really sorry but Em a your frignd. | think you should lock your bit obsessive about my things. | don't like other & clothes in a cupboard. She'll soon get the people touching them.” That way shell stop but message, and that way you'll stay friends. she won't get angry or offended. Maria Sandy 3 Ei 6 Hi You shouldn't be so sensitive. It's not really a problem, it just shows your friend thinks vou have good taste. And don't argue with vour friend. Women aren't worth it, Darren É = You definitely shouldnt pay for him. When the waiter brings the bill, pretend that nobody has money to pay for him. Then he'll have to make an excuse to the waiter and maybe he'll learn that he has to pay for himself. Martyn e Now read the e-mails again. In pairs, say which advice you think is best for each person and why. 2 GRAMMAR should / shouldn't a Highlight examples of should and shouldn't in the e-mails on p.70. Does You should talk to your girlfriend mean...? 1 You have to talk to your girlfriend. 2 Ithink it's a good idea if you talk to your girlfriend. O p.136 Grammar Bank 6D. Read the rules and do the exercises. 5 VOCABULARY get a Look at these sentences from 1, Match the examples of get with meanings A-D. | Em sure you'll soon get some e-mails with good advice. [1 2 When your friend gets home tonight you should talk to her. [] 3 She won't get angry with you. [] 4 I get on very well with her. [] 3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING /0/ 612 Listen and repeat. Write the words. Lishod/ = should d "woudnt/ = 2 "odnt' = 5 kud) = 3 wud! = 6 "kudnt/ = b “615º Listen and repeat these sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 You should talk to your friend. 2 You shouldn't be so sensitive. 3 You should lock your clothes in a cupboard. 4 You definitely shouldn't pay for your friend. 5 What should I do? 6 Should 1 write to him? 4 WRITING & SPEAKING a Choose one of the problems and write a short note giving advice. 1 It's my girlfriend's birthday next week and | want to give her a surprise with a special present or a special evening somewhere. What should | do? 2 My friend has gone away on holiday for two weeks and ['m looking after her cat. Yesterday E couldn't find the cat anywhere. My friend is coming home in three days. I'm desperate. Should | phone her now and tell her? What should | do? | My best friend wants to borrow some money | to help her buy a car. | have the money, and | she says she'!| pay me back next year. But || Ymworried that it's not a good idea to lend money to friends. What should | do? | really want to get fit and do more exercise. | The problem is | hate going to gyms, and they're very expensive. And there are no parks | near me to go running. What should | do? b In pairs, read other student's notes. Decide which problem they refer to, Do you agree with the advice? Why (not)? A receive B be friendly with € become Darrive b O p.152 Vocabulary Bank get c In pairs, do the get questionnaire. 1 Do you ever get to school / work late? When was the last time? When was the last time you got lost? Where were you trying to go? What happened? What makes you get angry? When was the last time you got really angry? Why? When was the last time you got a present? What was it? Who was it from? Who do you get on with best in your family? Is there anybody you don't get on with? What do you think is the best age to get married? Why? Which problems in your country are getting better? Which are getting worse? TT o TR A TA ] ASKING FOR HELP 614» Listen and underline the right phrase. | Allie asks the receptionist for some aspirin / painkillers. 2 Allie has a headache / backache. 3 The receptionist gives / doesn't give her medicine. 4 Alle wants / doesmtwanta doctor. — EU 5 The pharmacy is / isn't near the hotel. — ai English pirar) É = UK English chemists ASKING FOR MEDICINE a “615% Cover the dialogue and listen. What does the pharmacist give her? How often does she have to take them? How much are they? YOU HEAR YOU SAY Good morning. Can [ help you? have a bad cold, Do you have something I can take? What do you have? I have a headache and a cough. Do you have a ? No, don't think so. Does your back ? No. b Listen again. Complete the YOU HEAR phrases. a E pa to any drugs? Um allergic to penicillin. spin Rei Hu Ernlgios o problem. These are ad E These will make you feel - How many do I have to take? temperature trentiofou E ae dpi Sorryt How often? c “616 Listen and repeat the YOU SAY phrases. E Copy the htm you should see a doctor. OK, thanks. How much are they? d In pairs, roleplay the dialogue. A (book open) $4.75, please. Thank you. you're the pharmacist, B (book closed) you're You're welcome. Alle. Swap roles. SOCIAL ENGLISH talking about the party a “6M> Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or E ( false). | Mark apologizes for getting angry last night. 2 Alle thinks Brad is annoying. 3 Brad isn't Allie'stype of man. ySEFUL PHRASES 4 Today is Allie's last day. M B vou! 5 Theyre goingto have dinner mM Em reallysorrya end poi (last night). b Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. À Idomntm. You choose. Listen again and check. MH about : (a boat trip around the bay)? à c 618 Listen and repeat the That s nas > >» phrases. How do you say them in your language? RESE SUR MultiROM Ee RT REVISE & CHECK CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article and match the questions and answers. À question of principles The first of a new series in which celebrities answer questions on moral dilemmas. This week, radio presenter Stephen Bruce. A [your girlfriend was allergicto the dog you've had for ten years, would you give your dog away? B [| Ifyour boss gave you tickets to the theatre and vou forgot to go, would you tell him the truth when he asked? CU] NH your young daughter's hamster died, would vou buy an identical one or tel] her the truth? D/ | a colleague at work told everyone that he was 45 but you knew he was five years older, would you keep his secret? E/ JIfa celebrity was having a secret affair with your neighbour, would vou sell the story to a newspaper? 1 Id tell everybody the truth, probably in front of him. | think telling lies about your áge is ridiculous. 2 No, ld say that it was the best show I've ever seen! Iwouldn'twant to ofend him. But he would probably guess | was lying. 3 I'm afraid the dog would win! Pd tell my girtiriend that my dog and | had been together for a long time but thatshe might not be here next week. 4 Itwould be an interesting story = my neighbour is a 92-vear-old, bald Swedish man! No, | wouldn't. ['d just tell my partner. 5 Id buy another one. It happened to me once when the children's goldtish died. | bought another one but they Saw that it was different. | told them it had put on weight, b Read the article again. Guess the meaning of the highlighted words or phrases. Check with the teacher or your dictionary. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a 819 Listen and circle the correct answer, a, b, or c. | The man and woman decide to a walk bwait cgetatax 2 The woman Deborah. a knows b hasntmet c wouldn't like to meet 3 Is the woman afraid of mice? afes b No cWedontknow 4 Where does the man decide to go? a home bitothepub ctothecinema 5 What pet does the woman think he should buy? aafish bacat cahamster b 620 Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or E (false). 1 Dave got married five years ago. 2 His wife has just had a baby. 3 Dave's wife doesn't give him much attention. 4 Dave is more tired than his wife. 5 The advice he gets is to help his wife more. CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a Can you...? Yes (/) | | say three things you'll do if it rains tomorrow |! say what you would do if you were attacked by a crocodile [| say what you might do this weekend say what you should or shouldn't do if you have problems sleeping b Write second conditional questions. | What / you do if / lose / wallet? 2 What / you do if | win the lottery? 3 What / you do if / find some money in the street? 4 What / you do if / have more free time? 5 What / you do if / can speak perfect English? c Ask your partner the questions in b. Ask for more information. G present perfect + for and since V guessing meaning from context ; P /1/ and (ar, sentence stress I've been afraid of spiders since | was a child. Famous fears and phobias 1 READING & VOCABULARY usina. a Match the words 3 * with the pictures. flying [] 1 heights [] closed spaces [1] openspaces [|] snakes E spiders wasps i water [] fliiãa.. 4D b Are you afraid of any of these things? 9 . Why? Do you know any people who are? We re all afr aid aa Um afraid of flying. Reed O a Famous people have phobias like the rest of us, He can't swim. and sometimes they seriously affect their lives. c Read the article and complete each Winona Ryder, American actress paragraph with a word from a.. Winona Ryder has been afraid of since 1983. When she was 12 years old she fell into a lake and nearly died. Luckily someone pulled her out, and after a few minutes she came back to life again. It can be a real problem when she's making a film. For example, in some of the scenes in Alien Ill, she had to go in a boat and she was terrified. related to being afraid. 2 GRAMMAR present perfect + for and since a Read about Winona Ryder again and answer the questions. When did she begin to be afraid of water? Im Is she afraid of water now? YES/NO Rupert Grint, British actor Rupert Grint has been afraid of since he was a child. In this respect he is like the character he played in the Harry Potter films, Ron Weasley, who is also frightened of them. Rupert had a very hard time in the second Harry Potter film where he and Harry had to fight a giant one (the size of an elephant) with very hairy legs! b Complete the answers with a year or a number of years. How long has she been afraid of water? She has been afraid of water since She has been afraid of water for years. Dennis Bergkamp, ex-international footballer Dennis Bergkamp has been afraid of since 1994, He was on a plane in the USA with the Dutch national team during the World Cup. A journalist said that there was a bomb on the plane (there wasn't), and everybody started to panic, including Dennis. He decided never to travel by plane again. Because of his fear Bergkamp could not play in many important matches for Holland, Inter Milan, and Arsenal, c Complete the rule with for and since. Use. witha period of time. Use. witha pointin time. d O p.138 Grammar Bank 7A. Read the rules and do the exercises. 3 LISTENING a “7H Listen to Scott, a doctor talking about his cat phobia. What happens if he sees a cat? b Listen again and answer the questions. | What's the medical name of his phobia? 4 Does his phobia affect his work? 2 How long has he had his phobia? 5 What treatment is he having? 3 How did it start? 6 Does he think his phobia will disappear? 4 PRONUNCIATION /1/and /ar/, sentence stress a Put these words in the right column. R child children in Pyve like Jlife line live (v) mine minute since win ld b “22” Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c Practise saying the sentences. Pve lived here since | was a child. | Pve liked wine since | lived in Italy. Tá d “73 Listen and repeat the questions. Copy the rhythm. | lived here have you lived here How long have you lived here? 2 known him have you known him How long have you known him? 3 been married have they been married How long have they been married? 4 had his dog has he had his dog How long has he had his dog? 5 SPEAKING Ask and answer in pairs. the other students in this class A ask B six How long ...? questions mM B answer with for or since. the teacher Give more information if you can. E Then swap roles. Since we were at primary school together. in this school a a lawyer, nurse, etc. G usedto V school subjects: history, geography, etc. P sentence stress: used to / didn't use to Did you use to like primary school? Yes, | did. REST RCE TERÇA READING Look at the picture. Does it make you think of your school? Why (not)? Look at the photos and read the article about Mick Jagger. Do you think he was really a rebel when he was at school? Why (not)? Read the text again. In pairs, guess the meaning of the highlighted words. GRAMMAR used to a Underline six phrases with used to | didn't use to in the text. Does used to refer to... 1 the present or the past? 2 things that happened once or for along time? O p.138 Grammar Bank 7C. Read the rules and do the exercises: A famous rebel — but was he really? ICK JAGGER went back to his old school recently — for the first time since he left in 1961. He was invited to the school to open the 'Mick Jagger Performing Arts centre, a new music and drama department at Dartford Grammar School. Jagger said that he was honoured" that the centre was named after him. But in a newspaper interview two days before he told a journalist that in fact he hated school and that he used to be a rebel. He didn't use to do the homework — 'there was far too much'- and he was continually at war with the teachers. He used to break the rules all the time, especially rules he thought were stupid, about how to wear the school uniform and things like that. Once he even organized a mass protest against 'appalling' school dinners. “It was probably the greatest contribution to school | ever made,' he said. Although he made a good start at school, Jagger said his school work deteriorated because of music and girls”. However, according to one of his old school friends, musician Dick Taylor, this is not true. He says that Mick didn't use to be a rebel at all - he was quite bright and used to work hard. He also used to do a lot of sport. When Mick Jagger left school, he had seven O-levels and two A-levels, which at that time were good qualifications — so perhaps Dick's memory is better than Mick's... ' E“ ” e Adapted from a Entish nevespoper DR E ER DRE 3 LISTENING 5 VOCABULARY school subjects a Look at the photos of Melissa when she was at a Match the words with the pictures. school and today. How has she changed? PE (=physical education) geography technology maths history foreign languages (English, etc.) E literature b 4765 Listen to her talking about her school E I f ido days. Was she a rebel or a 'good girl at school? selence (physics, chemistry and biology) What does she do now? [NOANARA!] b 4735 Listen and practise saying the words. c Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Melissa is a teenager in the photo. 2 She used to write things on the walls. 3 She didn't like any of the subjects at school. 4 Her least favourite subject was PE. | didn't use to like maths. | was really bad nt D The PE teacher made them try to do difficult things. 6 She used to break the rules about the school uniform. 7 She wanted to be a doctor. 6 SPEAKING 8 Her parents wanted her to be a teacher. a Think about when you were 11 or 12, Were these things true or false about you? Why? c Think about when you were 11 or 12 years old. Talk about each subject with one of the expressions below. Say why. [used /! didn't use to like Et 4 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress ; E I used to be a rebel. [used to do a lot of sport. dA, used to and (didn't) use to are both pronounced | used to work haril Lnised to ear plasses. fjuistal. L used to like all the teachers. Lused to wear a uniform. E — [ used to hate school. L used to have longer hair. a 47) Listen and underline the stressed words. Then listen and repeat. b Work in groups of three. 1 1 used to go out a lot. A tell B and C about how you used to be. B and C listen à Heuseditohateschoal: and ask for more information. Then swap roles, Did you INE No P 3 They didn't use to be friends. have anything in commonf 4 She didn't use to like him. | didn't use to be a rebel. | was a good boy 2. 5 Did you use to wear glasses? b “28% Now listen and write six more sentences. 7 «zo» SONG & It's all over now G passive V verbs: invent, discover, etc. P -ed, sentence stress lt was invented by a woman. In pairs, decide which five you think they are. Ê b “ZH Now listen to a radio programme about inventions. Were you right? Complete the sentences with the invention. I was invented by Josephine Cochrane in 1886. 20 ereinvented by Mary Anderson inl905, go were invented by Marion Donovan in 1950. fo was invented by Bette Nesmith Graham in 1956. jo was invented by Stephanie Kwolek in 1966. c Listen again and answer the questions. | What happened after Josephine Cochrane's dinner parties? 2 What was the problem with cars in 1903 when it rained or snowed? 3 How many disposable nappies are used every day? 4 What was Bette Nesmith Grahams job? 5 What was special about the material Stephanie Kwolek invented? d Which of the five inventions do you think was the best? 2 GRAMMAR passive a Make five true sentences using the words in the chart. The dishwasher is called Tippex today. Disposable nappies was invented || by Marion Donovan. More than 55 million nappies | are protected | every day. DR Mrs Graham's invention were invented | bythe bullet-proof vest. Policemen all over the world are used by an American woman. The dishwasher was invented by an American woman. 1 LISTENING a Look at the photos. Five of these things were invented by women. b Look at these two sentences and answer the questions. a An American woman invented the dishwasher. b The dishwasher was invented by an American woman. | Do the sentences have the same meaning? 2 Do the sentences have the same emphasis? usei; S à si ive? mm 3 Which sentence is in the passive? nylon stockings c OQ p.138 Grammar Bank 7D. Read the rules and do the exercises. windscreen wipers MIS Sa Lute Tido DUTRA Tia Describing a building WRITING a Read the description and complete it with words from the box. cathedral completed designed roof steps statue view windows b Match the questions with paragraphs 1-6. Is there a view from the building? Describe the building outside. Describe the building inside. How much does it cost to go in? What's the most beautiful building in your town? Where isit? |. Who was it designed by? When was it built? 0) Find one spelling mistake in each paragraph and correct it. WRITE a description of a building in your town. Answer the questions in b in the right order. CHECK your description for mistakes ( grammar , punctuation , and spelling ). uu T The most bealtiful building in my town is the !cathedral (the Duomo). lt is in the centre of Milan, in the Piazza del Duomo. Nobody knows who it was * by, but peopel think it was an architect from northern Europe. Construction began in 1386, but the building wasn't * for another 500 years. lt is one of the largest cathedrals in the world and it has 135 spires and 3,400 statues. On top of the Duomo there is a gold º of the Madonna which watches over the city. The statue is called the 'Madonnina', or the little Madonna, althought it is four metres tall. Inside the Duomo it is quite dark. There are beautiful big * and a lot of intresting statues and monuments. In the chapel of 5t Fina there are some wonderful frescoes by Ghirlandaio, One of the best things you can do in Milan is to go up to the * of the Duomo. The” is fantastic — on a cleer day you can see the Italian Álps. Tou can get the lift, or if you are feeling energetic you can walk up the 250 * lt is free to go in, but you must dress apropriately. GRAMMAR Circle the correct answer, a, by or c. What's name? a yours (b)your you | 1. inthis house since | was a child. a live b “m living c “ve lived 2 My father's had his car a for two years b since two years c two years ago 3 How long a are you b have you been c you have been 4 Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman . afraid of flying? married for ten years, but divorced in 2001. a are b have been c were 5 When ? a did Alfred Hitchcock die b is Alfred Hitchcock dead: c has Alfred Hitchcock died 6 My brother glasses. a used to wear b use to wear c used to wearing Za like vegetables when I was a child. a don'tuseto b didn'tuse to c didn't used to 8 Radium discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie. ais b were Cc was 9 TheLordoftheRings by J.R.R. Tolkien, a wrote b was wrote c was written 10 Paper the Chinese, a was invented by b invented for c was invented for o] VOCABULARY a time expressions Complete the sentences with for or since. Ivelivedhere since 1998. 1 Pve had this pen - Twas a child. 2 Hesbeenmarred last June, 3 They've known each other — along time. 4 She's studied French literature — three years. 5 You've worn that sweater every day Christmas! b verb phrases Complete the phrases with a verb. — have children —— inlove — school / university married / divorced — when you're 65 === bom tm rim a (Pa tm c school subjects Complete the sentences with a school subject. If you study technology vou learn to use computers. | Ifyoustudy youlearn about what happened in the past. 2 Ifyou study you learn about countries, mountains, rivers, et 3 If you study - you learn to add, multiply, etc, 5 lfyou study —— you learn physics and chemistry. ; 4 If you study —— you learn about plants and animals. E PRONUNCIATION a Underline the word with a different sound. ae since time child life 2 uy | school food cartoon book 3 A LISE ugly university uniform 4 | (o: scene science scarf since 8] If change teacher school children b Underline the stressed syllable. information afraid favourite directed — discovered — invented E ne REvISE & CHECK E TR CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? a Read the article quickly. What is surprising b Tick (4) the things the article says. about Lady Morton? The world's most experienced driver? One of Scotland's most active ! centenarians , Lady Morton, has been a driver for nearly 80 years, although she has never taken a driving test, But last week she had her first ever accident = she hit a traffic island when she took her new car for a drive in Edinburgh. Lady Morton, who celebrated her 100th birthday in July, * was given the Nissan Micra as a surprise present. Yesterday she talked about the accident. | wasn't going fast, but | hit a traffic island. | couldn't see it, because it had no lights, which | think is? ridiculous . But [am all right and luckily my car wasn't badly * damaged . * In spite of the accident, she is not planning to stop driving. Some people are just born to drive, and [think | am one of them. I've never taken a test, but I've been a good driver since the first time Lgot in a car. Em musical, so | listen to the sound of the car to know when to change gear. Some people are very rude = they ask me if I'm still driving at my age. º It really annoys me .' Lady Morton bought her first car in 1927. The “main change she has noticed since then is the traffic. “It's * appalling . | don't mind it, because [am experienced, but | feel very sorry for beginners.' Adeapted from a Entish newspaper 1 Lady Morton has had a lot of accidents. 2 She bought a Nissan Micra recently. 3 She couldn't see the traffic island because she didn't have her lights on. 4 She wasn't badly hurt. 5 After her latest accident she needs a new car. 6 She thinks she's a safe driver. 7 The amount of traffic isn't a problem for her. c Read the article again. Guess the meaning of the highlighted words or phrases. Check with the teacher or your dictionary. CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE? a “19º Listen. Circlea, b, or c. 1 How long has Matt lived in Glasgow? a Since he was at university. b For six months. c For two years. 2 John's sister married. ais bisgongtoget c was 3 He started running : aafewycarsago b atschool c a few days ago 4 What's her favourite subject? a Geography b Literature c Maths 5 When was the White Tower completed? a Inthe 17th century. b In 1068. c In 1285. b “220 Listen and complete the table with a number or one word. Ground floor: "a collection of by Graham Richmond. First floor: 2 children's Entrance hall: * the museum Price of guidebook: 4... Museum closes at; * CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH? a Can you...? Yes (4) | | say how long you have lived in your town, worked in your job, etc. "| talk about the life of an old person in your family | say three things you used to do when you were at (primary) school | describe a famous building in your town b Complete the questions with an auxiliary verb. 1 How long you been in this class? 2 Where your grandparents born? 3 What TV programmes you use to watch when you were a child? 4 What's the oldest building in your town? When dt built? c Ask your partner the questions in b. Ask for more information. G quantifiers, too, not enough V health and lifestyle: wear sunscreen, etc. P /s/, Ju, Ja, fe/; linking | GR RETO REA UR E RES RR E LE ER Ro | two questions isn't always the same. Our body age can be much younger or much older than our calendar age (even eighteen years different!) We can now calculate our body age | RELER SER Da A E ECA RES ORE E E ER E EXERCISE | know Im too fat because | don't do enough exercise. | spend too much time siting in studios. All I do is play squash, but | don't play very often — about once a month. | would go to a gym if | had more time. DIET | eat quite a lot of fresh food and a lot of fruit, but | probably eat too much meat. My girlfriend says | don't drink enough water. | drink a litile alcohol — just a glass of red wine with my dinner. But | don't drink any beer. | drink a lot of coffee. It goes with the job. LIFESTYLE Like everybody I'm too busy! There aren't enough hours in the day: | love my job but | work too | much (sometimes | spend 14 hours a day in the studio — that's too many). | often feel a bit tense and irnitable, | smoke a few cigarettes when | go out, but m not a regular smoker. | only wear sunscreen when | go to the beach. My skin is quite dark so | don't think its a problem. PERSONALITY — Im quite pessimistic. | always think that things will go wrong — and they usually do, especially at work. " SOCIAL LIFE “ Idorthave much free time but | have a few dose friends and | try to À see them regularly. If i'm too busy - then phone them. Es Utada Tarig should do more exercise, eae pp p= me EL Ta E e pico Me oe Me pe TIS stress. His diet is quite healthy but he should drink more water and less RR ER LA DL ER E Dea TT How old is your body? | eat too much meat. | don't drink enough water. 1 READING a Read the introduction to the article and answer the questions. 1 Is our body age the same as our calendar age 2 How can we calculate our body age? 3 What should we do if our body age is older than our calendar age? b Look at the photo of Tariq and read about. Underline the things he does that are good. Circle the things he does that are bad. Com with a partner. c Cover the Doctor's verdict. What do you thinl he should do? d Now read the Doctor's verdict Was the advic same as yours? What do you think his body 2 GRAMMAR quantifiers, too, not enoug a Can you remember how to use much, many, In pairs, choose the correct word or phrase each sentence. Say why the other one is wrc | How much / many coffee do you drink? 2 I don't eat much / many vegetables. 3 Teatalot 0É/ many bread. 4 T smoke a lot / a lot of. 5 À How much tea do you drink? B Any / None. | don't like it, b Match the phrases 1-6 with the meanings A- 1 | | Tárinktoo much coffee. A I don't drink: 2 | | mtoo fat. B Ineed to do n 3 | | Iworktoo many hours. C Ihave two or 4 [ | Idon't do enough D [work more EXETCISE, [want 5 | | Idrinkalittlealcohol, E Ishouldbea thinner. 6 || Thavea few close E Idrink more friends. Eshould. c O p.140 Grammar Bank 8B. Read the rules do the exercises, Cross out the word with a different pronunciation. [4] enough much none busy | ; | Ei few should too food de quite diet little like | É many any healthy water | 84 Listen and check. Practise saying the words. dÀ Remember! When people speak quickly they don't separate the words. 85» Listen and write the six sentences. Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. SPEAKING Read the questionnaire and circle your answers. Interview your partner and underline his / her answers. Ask for more information. How much sport or exercise E A lot, a do vou do? What do you do? | go to the gym three times a week. O Communication Body age p.!I1. Work out your body age. Look at your partner's answers. Give him / her some good advice. Ethink you should do jon nen, e PRONUNCIATION /4/, /u:/, faif, [ef; linking Do our quiz and find out EXERCISE + How much do you walk a day? aalot bnotmuch c ver little 2 How much sport and exercise do you do a week? aalot balitte none ido 3 How much fast food (processed and pre-prepared) do you eat? a | eat too much. € | don't eat much. 4 How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat per day? a onyafew b quitealo b | eat quite a lot. d | don't eat any. calo 5 How much water do you drink? a alo b quitealot calitle & What's your worst diet habit? a leattoomuchfat Bb |eat (or drink) too many sweet things. € leat (or drink) too much. d none of these Riga dA 7 How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? a none bafew calo 8 How would you describe yourself mentally? a lamaver positive person, b am not positive enough. € Im quite pessimistic, º How would you describe your stress level? a lamtoostressed. b | am stressed, but its under control, c | am quite relaxed, 10 How often do you wear sunscreen? a allyear b onlywhen mon holiday e when its sunny JE A do 11 How many close friends do you see regularly? aalot bquitealot cafew dn many / none 12 How much time do you have for yourself? a none b notenough c quitealot PRONUNCIATION /a/, /u:/, /ai/, /e/; linking Cross out the word with a different pronunciation. enough much none busy | BT few should too food | SO quite der lime like É many any b 84» Listen and check. Practise saying the words. healthy water dk Remember! When people speak quickly they don't separate the words. E 85» Listen and write the six sentences. é Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 4 SPEAKING a Read the questionnaire and circle your answers. 6 Interview your partner and underline his / her answers. Ask for more information. How much sport or exercise S ateh do you do? What do you do? Igoto the gym three times a week, e O Communication Body age p.111. Work out your body age. d Look at your partner's answers. Give him / her some good advice. Ethink you should do more exercise. For example. Do our quiz and find out A > 7 How much do you walk a day? aalot brnotmuch ver little 2 How much sport and exercise do you do a week? aalot balítle none pi 3 How much fast food (processed and pre-prepared) do you eat? a leattoo much, E I don't eat much. b | cat quite a lot. d I don't eat any. 4 How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat per day? a onyafew b quitealot you drink? b quitealot caliítte calo 5 How much water do a alot & What's your worst diet habit? a leattoomuchfat b | eat (or drink) too many sweet things. c leat (or drink) too much. d none of these LIFESTYLE 7 How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? a none bafew calo 8 How would you describe yourself mentally? a lama very positive person. b | am not positive enough. c Im quite pessimistic. 3 How would you describe your stress level? a lamtoostressed. b Lam stressed, but it's under control. c lam quite relaxed. 10 How often do you wear sunscreen? a allyear b onlywhen mon holiday c when its sunny SOCIAL LIFE 11 How many close friends do you see regularly? aalt bquitealot cafew d notmany/none 12 How much time do you have for yourself? a none b ntenough < quitealot V similaríties “Dj 1 LISTENING a Look at the photos and describe the two men. b Read about the two men and answer the questions. | Who are Jim Springer and Jim Lewis? 2 Why didn't they know each other? 3 When did they meet? Some years ago, two identical twins were bom in Minnesota USA. They were adopted by two different famílies. The two new families both called their babies Jim. Jim Springer never knew that Jim Lewis existed. But when they were 40 years old they met for the first time and they had a conversation something like this... P vowel and consonant sounds, sentence stress e [like dogs. ES, Es So do |. E 89 Cover the dialogue. Listen once. Try to remember three things they have in common. Uncover the dialogue. Listen again and fill the gap: rm rptmn oro W;R- >= = Hi! Um Jim. So 1. Great to meet you. Are you married, Tim? Yes. ..well, "ve been married twice. Yeah? So I Do you have any children? [ have one son, So [. What's his name? James. That's amazing! My son's name is James too. Did you go to university, Jim? No, 1 didn't. Neither IL. 1 was a terrible student, So |. What do you like doing in your free time, Jim? [like making things, especially with wood. That's incredible! So I. But | don't do any exercise at all. Look at me. Don't worry. Neither J Do you smoke? Yes. | smoke Salem cigarettes. So [! What car do you have? A Chevrolet. Me too! Let's go and have a drink. What beer do vou drink? Miller Lite. 50 [! GRAMMAR so, neither + auxiliaries Look at the dialogue again. Write one phrase that the twins use... when they have something /+| in common. when they have something =] in common. O p.140 Grammar Bank 8D. Read the rules and dc the exercises. READING & VOCABULARY d the text and answer the questions. | Who reunited the two Jims? What did Dr Bouchard want to find out? 3 What was he very surprised by? 4 What are their sons and their dogs called? What do they both do for their wives? & What does Dr Bouchard believe, as a result of the case of the two Jims? Complete the phrases with these words. as both like neither so similar Similarities 1 Jim Springer looks exactly — Jim Lewis. 2 Jim Springer's son has the same name Jim Lewis's son. 3 The two Jims have dogs. 4 Jim Springer likes baseballand does Jim Lewis. 5 Jim Lewis doesn't like basketball and does Jim Springer. & Dr Bouchard didmtexpectthemto beso. toeachother. Complete the sentences about you and your family. Tell your partner. | I have the same colour eyes as my Iooklkemy- My personality is quite similartomy - Ss, My and [ both like 5-Tike 6 Idontlike a) andsodoesmy. — — and neither does my 4 PRONUNCIATION sounds, sentence stress 5 SPEAKING IM SPRINGER AND JIM LEWIS were reunited after forty years by Dr Thomas Bouchard, Professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota. He was investigating how much of our personality depends on genes. Dr Bouchard was amazed by how many things the twins had in common. He had expected them to look identical and to have similar medical histories. But he and his team were very surprised to find the enormous similarities in the two Jims' personalities, their lifestyle, their hobbies, their religion, even their political beliefs. Some of the similaríties are incredible: Jim Springer's son is called James Allen, and Jim Levwis's is called James Alan. They both have dogs named Toy. They like and hate the same sports and they voted for the same President. And both Jims have the same romantic habit of leaving little love letters for their wives around the house. Dr Bouchard is convinced that genes are probably much more important in determining our personality and preferences than people used to think. a Complete the sentences so they are true for you. b “810” Listen and check. Practise saying the words. c “BIN Listen and repeat the dialogues. Underline the stressed words. 1 A Tlike tea. B So do 1. 24 Imitired. EB So am I. 3 A [don't smoke. B Neither do 1. 4 A Pm not hungry. EB Neither am 1. d “812º Listen and respond. Say you're the same, Use So Ef Neither - JE a The same or different? Circle the word ME WHO ELSE? with a different sound in each group. | Ta Ja E P love dakind of music) 2 they HEnHEr both Idon'tlike. (a TV programme) sá 3 two twice wins Eni - (star sign) 4 identical incredible immediately Em not very good at — — (asubject) des 5 food good wood r 4 i thi k d ( tivi ) E MES do cs m going to — is weekend. (an activity) | 7 speak great cach [have to every day. (an obligation) 8 beer free weckend | don't eat “ta kind of food) Em not very. -(adjective of personality) |. b Move around the class saying your sentences. For each sentence try to find someone like you, and write down their name. Respond to other people's sentences. Say So do / am Tor Neither do / am Iif you are like them. [love classical music. 4» On the ui: PRACTICAL ENGLISH CHECKING OUT 815» Listen to Allie talking to the receptionist. Answer the questions. | When is she leaving the hotel? 2 When does she want to pay? 3 What time is her flight? 4 What time does she have to be at the airport? 5 What is the message for her? MAKING PHONE CALLS a “8144 Cover the dialogue and listen. Who does Allie want to speak to? What happens the first time she calls? Is the news good or bad? What is it? YOU HEAR YOU say 2 Hello. Hello. Is that MTC? number. Oh sorry. Sorry, you've got the MTC New York. How can 1 help you? Hello. Can 1 speak to Lisa Formosa, please? b Listen again and complete the YOU HEAR phrases. Justa moment. PI. you Hello. Hi, is that Lisa? c “815> Listen and repeat No, Tm sorry. She's not at her desk right now. Can I leave a message, please? the YOU SAY phrases. Copy » Sure. Tell her Alle Gray called. [Il call back in the rhythm. five minutes. pa ur d In pairs, roleplay the MTC New York. How can 1 help you? Hello. Can | speak to Lisa Formosa, please? dialogue. A (book closed) Just a moment. P'm sorry, the line's E you're Allie, B (book open! Do you want to ? OK, Til hold. you're all the other people. Hello. Hi Lisa. T's Allie Gray. Swap roles. Allie, hi. How's California? Great, great. Well? Is it good news or bad news? It's good. You got the job in Paris! Oh wonderful! That's fantastic! SOCIAL ENGLISH saying goodbye? a “816) Listen and mark the sentences T (true) or E (false). 1 Mark thinks that their relationship has a future. 2 She thinks it's a problem that Mark is very different from her. 3 Mark tells Allie he's going to move to another company. 4 Alle is very surprised. 5 Allie is going to be Mark's wife. USEFUL PHRASES Thanks for é ] Ç | To us. What do you m ! I that amazing? Whatsthem. ? Idontb. it b Complete the USEFUL PHRASES. Listen again and check. c “8M7) Listen and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? zEZ>EZ>
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