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New Headway Elementary the THIRD edition Student's Book, Notas de estudo de Cultura

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Baixe New Headway Elementary the THIRD edition Student's Book e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Cultura, somente na Docsity! the THIRD edition rea Guia Le OXFORD CONTENTS Ur p 1 Hello everybody! pó LANGUAGE INPUT [LS Verb to be anisfare Tm from London. p6 He's a student. p9 Possessive adjectives my your; his, ber p6, p8 PLS Countries Mexico, Japan p8 Using a bilingual dicrionary p1O Everyday objects a key, a newspaper plo Plural nouns bags, apples plo UA Hello and goodbye Telephone numbers pLL How are you? See you later! pl1 3 2 Meeting people pl2 Verb to be Questions and negatives Whars her first name? p12 She isn't married. pI3 Negatives and short answers No, she isn't. p13 Possessive 's Patrick's daughter pl4 The family mother, uncie plá Opposite adjectives old — young pl6 Food and drink hamburger and chips tea, coffee p18 Ina café Prices p18 Can have... ? How much is... ?pI9 3 3 The world of work p20 Present Simple à hefshefit p20 She works 16 hostis a day. p21 Questions and negatives Does he speak Spanish? He doest't speak Spanish or French. p22 Verbs help, make, serve pA Jobs A pilot flies planes, p26 What time is it? IES quarter past five. TES just after six o'elock. p27 2 4 Take it easy! p28 Stop and check 1 5 Where do you live? p36 p 6 Canyou speak English? p4s Teacher Present Simple 2 Iyonlwelthey Tgo to the gyns. We don't go out on Fridays. Why do pou like your job? p29 Book p154 There isfare There's a television. p36 How many... ? How many books are there? p36 Prepositions of place in front of the sofa p37 some and any There are some cups. There aren't any plates. p38 this, that, these, those This is the kitchen. What's in these cupboards? p38 canicart She can walk now. We can't write. p44 wasfwere Where were you yesterday? p46 could T could swim when 1 was five. p46 was born She was born in England. p47 Verbs relax, go out, play p29 Leisnte activities dancing, skiing p30 Rao) living room, kitchen p36 Things in the house armchair, lamp, cupboard, washing machine p36 What's in your bag? bus ticket, mobile, keys p39 Places cinema, pub pá3 Countries and languages France, French p44 Verbs translate, check, laugh pás Words that sound the same 1, eye; no, know p50 Social expressions Fm sorry. Excuse me? Pardon? p3s ections 1 E there a post office near here? Yes, it' over there, p43 On the phone Directory Enquiries ps0 Can I speak to Jo, please? TM just get her. pS1 » 7 Then and now p52 Past Simple 1 Regular verbs She worked in over 50 films p52 Irregular verbs His father got a job in London. p54 Time expressions last night yesterday morning p55 Verbs earn, act, study p53 Veths get leave, become ps4 Words that go together drive a car, railway station pS& What's the date? the first of April p59 SKILLS DEVELOPMENT READING Three inventions p62 Food around the world p70 SPEAKING Getting information — Famous inventions p60 Did you know that? p62 How did you two meet? p63 Food you like p66 Roleplay — shopping p69 Meals in your country p70 LISTENING Three inventions pó2 How did you two meet? p63 My favourite national food p72 WRITING riting abont a friend Linking words because, when, until plI9 Filling in forms Booking a hotel p120 Viva la danza! — Havana / Buenos Aires / Seville p78 !ve got mote than you! p76 Talking about your town p78 A walk in the country/city psO Comparing life in the city and country p74 Describing a place Linking words which, where pl21 Flying without wings (Song lyrics) p86 Describing a person/scene p83 Getting information — Who's at the party? p84 My favourite things p87 Who's at the party? p84 A song — Flying without wings pê6 Describing people Linking words although, bur pl22 Bom free p94 A short story — The Christmas Presents p102 Dangerous sports p94 Interviews p94 World weather p96 Childhood stories p99 Telling a story p100 Future plans p90 Noises in the night p100 A short story — The Christmas Presents plO2 Writing a postcard pl23 Writing a story Using adjectives and adverbs p124 We've never learnt to drive! plLO Word list p152 Cities you have been to pl07 Things you have done plO8 Irregular verbs and Verb patterns p158 What has Ryan done? pLOS A honeyman in Venice pl08 A song — Al around íhe world plz Writing an email Saying thank you p125 Phonetic symbols p159 “Hello everybody! - Everyday objects + Numbers . Hello and goodbye STARTER p 1 Say your names. Pr Ati. ) Fm Thomas. | 2 Stand up in alphabetical order and say your names. RE usa I'm Thomas. Lo tmati. Im Birgit. — Um Zak. (ima Mm ab zo) INTRODUCTIONS am/is/are, my/your 1 Read and listen. A Hello. My name's Marco, What's your name? B Emma. A Where are you from, Emma? B Im from London. Listen and repeat. CTA names = name is what = what is Pm=tam 6 Unit] - Hello everybody! seas ssa 2 Write the conversation. A Hello. My Lisa, What's B Mike. A are you from, Mike? B from Boston. Where AD Boston,too! Listen and check. 3 Stand up! Talk to the students in the class. Hello! My name's What's your name? Mai Where are you from, Maria? Ura from name? you from? 4 Where are the people from? Write the countries from the box. theUsa England Italy 1 This is Marco. He's from 2 This is Emma, She's from 3 This is Lisa and Mike. They're from Listen and repeat. ANAL A he's = he is shes = she is they're = they are Unit] - Hello everybody! 7 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Everyday objects 1 Listen to the alphabet song. Say the alphabet as a class. abcdefghijklmnopqgrstuvwxyz 2 Lookat this extract from an English/Italian dictionary. the pronunciation the word in Italian fe /epl/ n. meta “ia the word in English the part of speech (n. = noun) 3 Match the words and pictures. | Ce 000 | 000 astamp| an apple a dictionary | a magazine abag an Brange a hewspaper akey a Camera a watch | a ficket a postcard a mobile Listen and repeat. EE SAINTCHIN; RA E <Mire der cx dA 4 Ask and answer questions with a partner. 5 Look at the words. When is it a? When is it an? What's [a]? abag aticket a mobile ã cc) UFS an apple. i - A anapple anorange ar English newspaper “How do you spelt that? uble 6 Look at the plural words. . twostamps twoapples two dictionaries Say the plurals of the other words in exercise 3. bb» Grammar Reference 1.4 and 1.5 pl37 10 Unit] + Hello everybody! EVERYDAY ENGLISH Hello and goodbye - 3 7 1 Say the numbers 1-20 round the class. 4 6 ' Fr 2 Read and listen to the telephone numbers. Read them aloud. 682 947 six eight two — nine four seven 07700 900318 “oh” doubte seven double 'ah' — nine double 'oh' three one eight DO 1 212 799 7050 doubte 'oh' — one — two one two — seven double nine — seven 'oh' five “oh” 9 á 3 GHB Listen and write the numbers you hear. Practise them. 1 À 1 4 Ask and answer the question with other students. Write a list. - What's your phone number? My mobile's 07726 751180. Fo da o TT My home number's 01632 77444. | M 5 ' 5 EMEB Listen to the conversations. Write them in the correct order. = a S io ati Tim 1 OTm fine, thankyou. Andyou? | 2 [. Thanks, and you. See you 3 U Not bad, thanks. And you? “Dm OK thanks. later! O Very well, thanks. How are O Hello, Lisa. It's Mike, O Bye, Marco! Have a nice day! the children? O Mike! How are you? O Great! Bye, Emma! D] Hi, Alice! If's me, Charles. “il Hello, Lisa Jefferson. [ Yes, at 7.00 at the cinema. How are you? L] They're fine. L] Hello, 270899. > »>E» >» OE» EBD Listen again and check. In English we stress important words. Listen and repeat. Copy the stress. How are you? Im OK, thanks. Have a nice day. Not bad, thanks. And you? See you later. l Very well, thanks . 6 Practise the conversations with other students. Then practise again using your name and number. Unit] - Hello everybody! DAR CR ER o 1 Countfrom 1-20 round the class. 2 Count'in 10s from 10-100 round the class. GEC Tr Thirty 3 How old are you? Ask and answer in groups. WHO IS SHE? Questions and negatives 1 Read the information about Lisa Jefferson. Surname Jefferson First name Lisa Country the USA Job journalist | Address 89, Franklin Street, | Cambridge, Boston | Phone number | (616) 326 1204 [Age 26 Marri No 2 Complete the questions. 7 Whats her — surname? Jefferson, 2 her first name? Lisa. 3 — shefrom? The USA. 4 — job? She's a journalist. 5 Whats ? 89, Franklin Street, Cambridge, Boston. 6 (see phone number? (616) 326 1204: 7 How old ? Twenty-six. 8 Isshe ? No, she bn't. Listen-anid check. Practise the questions and answers. 7 Unit2 - Meeting people PRACTICE You and your family 1 Askyour teacher questions about the people in his/her family, What's your sister's name? | 2 Write the names of people in your family. Ask and answer questions with a partner. What's your mother's name? Prove nélêne Marie Iran Claude Quer | DO Cn Ask a partner questions about his/her family. = fétho É: Pierre? He's my brother. Who's Hélêne? 3 Make true sentences with the verb to be. She's my aunt. She's my imather's sister. 1 Tmhnot at home, 2 We in class. 3 É Monday today. 4 My teacher's name John. 5 My mother and father at work, 61 married. 7 My grandmother seventy-five years old. 8 Marco and Carlo my brothers. 9 We in the café. We im the classroom. Check it 4 Tick (/) the correct sentence. 1 [] Pma doctor. E] rm doctor. 2 [] I have twenty-nine years old. £] 1 am twenty-nine years old. 3 [] Ino married. L] tm not married. Õ My sister's name is Michelle. [ My sisters name is Michelle. 5 [1 She married. DI she's married. 6 L] fman uncle. D ma uncl, 7 [] Ihave two brother. E] Ihave two brothers. 8 [] Peters the son of my sister. [] Peter's my sister's son. ES VOCABULARY READING AND LISTENING Opposites An email from England 1, Match the adjectives with their opposites. 1 Danka is a student at a, n an English language school in big horrible Brighton, England. Read and ce EN old listen to her email to Jacek, her RE pal brother in Poland. lovely difficult easy cheap 2 Match photographs 1-3 with hot cold a part of the email. expensive slow fast young 2 Write about the pictures, using the adjectives. 1 a rs small b frebig. 2 a tg op lida 3 a He's She's 3 Correct the false (X) sentences. 4 a Theyre 1 Danka is from Poland. / Ebierre 2 She's on holiday. X No, she ist't. She's at school. E 3 She's in London. N 4 The students in her class are all from Germany. 5 a he 5 Jp a very big class. 4 Er 6 Becky and James are both students. 7 The student bars are cheap. 8 Danka's happy in Brighton. c ERR: 4 Write the questions about Danka's email. Es “E 1 Where'sDankafrom — ? Poland. “TESS 2 ? Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, À, Germany, and Italy. , gi ; ERR Ei Jo 3 ? Simon. EE ? They are brother and sister. They live with Danka. â = b They're 5 ? James is 25 and Becky's 19. 6 Brighton ? No, it isn't. 8 ja ls 5 Listen to three conversations. b He Where is Danka? Who is she with? Writing GB Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. 6 Write an email about your class. 16 Unit2 + Meeting people From: Jacek. 20060 star com 12h July | Dear Jacek, How are you? I'm fine. Here's an email in English. It's good practice for you and me! have classes in English at The Embassy Language School. i'm in a class with seven students. They're al] from different countries: Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Our teacher's name's Simon. He's very funny and a very good teacher. I live with an English family in a small, old house near the centre of town. * Robert and Valerie have a daughter and a son. Their daughter, Becky, is 19. She's a student at Brighton University. Their son, James, is a software designer for a computer company. He's 25. They're all very friendly, but it isn't easy to understand them. They speak very fast! Brighton isn't very big, but it's very exciting! The restaurants and nightclubs are expensive, but the student bars and cafés are cheap. It's hot now, and it's lovely to be near the sea. I'm very happy here. Email me soon! Love, Danka Bd The world of work [CTT A RO ARTES TT OE TS SRD RD EA STARTER b What are the jobs of the people in your family? Tell the class. THREE JOBS CR Present Simple he/she /it István Kis 1 Listen and read about ISHMM István is a music professor. He comes from Budapest in and Pamela. Hungary, but now he lives in the USA. He works four days What's his job? What's her job? a week at the University of Texas, Austin. He speaks three languages: Hungarian, English, and German. He's married to an American and has a daughter. He likes playing tennis in his free time. [AI L E E 7 Underline all the verbs in the texts. is comes 2 What is the last letter of these verbs? Pronunciation 3 Is-s pronounced /s/or /z/? Listen and write the verbs. fs/ works Practise saying them. 2 Read the texts aloud. 20 Unit3 + The world of work 3 Complete the sentences about István and Pamela. 1 István's a music professor. Pamela's a doctor. 2 He comes from Hungary. She Canada. 3 He lives in a big city, but she ina town. 4 He four days week. She 16 hours aday 5 He. three languages. She to sick people on her radio. 6 He loves his job and she too. 7 He daughter. She married. 8 He playing tennis in his free time. She never free time, Listen and check. Read the sentences aloud. Pamela Green Pamela is a doctor. She's Canadian, but now she lives in a small town near Nairobi, Kenya, in East Africa. She isn't an ordinary doctor, she's a flying doctor. Every day from 8 am. to 10 am. she speaks to people on her radio, then she flies to help them. She works 16 hours a day non-stop, but she loves her job. She isn't married, She has no free time. PRACTICE Talking about people 1 Read the information about Fernando. Fernando Diaz Town Lima | Place of work | in a tourist office Spanish, English, and a little German Languages Married no a dog (!) Free time walking his dog, playing football Family 2 Talk about Fernando. Fernando's a tourist guide. He comes from ... andhe .. - Lima. ueieca] 3 Write about a friend or a relative. Talk to a partner about him/her. My friend Anna is a student. She lives in... Unit3 + The world of work 21 Questions and negatives Read and listen. Complete the answers. Read the information about Iman or Giorgio. Practise the questions and answers. Talk to a partner. 4 ? 1, Where does István come from? liman's a model and businesswoman. À Budapest, Hungary. She comes from Somalia. 2 What does he do? - Hes music professor. 3 Does he speak German? Rea Imam 4 Does he speak Spanish? model and businesswoman —— he doesn't. He doesn't speak Somalia Spanish or French. New York HE = ss f work | in her office in New York ds , ges | English, Somali, Italian, Arabic, and French | 1 t hats t ? married to the singer David Bowie, two daughters | likes cooking vegetarian food Pronunciation 3 Listen. Notice th pes and de 2 Complete the questions and answers. 1 Where Pamela from? Canada, 2 what she ? She's a doctor. 3 she tive in Canada? No, she E 4 she her job? Yes, she e Listen, check and practise. Write similar questions about Fernando the tourist guide. Ask and answer with a partner. Where does Fernando come from? 2 Unit3 + The world of work eis a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi dai a school-bus driver, a boatman, an amb n accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, a undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel, Seumas lives and works on the island of Gigha / gija/ inthe west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha, but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day. Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00 he drives the island's children to schaol. At 9.00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers itto allthe houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island's only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop. He says: Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we dont like watching television. In the evenings Margaret makes supper and | do the accounts. At 10,00 we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isnt very exciting, but we like it” Practise the conversations with your partner. 5 Listen to four conversations from Seumas's day. After each one answer these questions. 1 Ts it morning, afternoon, or evening? 2 Who are the people? Where are they? 3 What is Seumas's job? 6 Complete the conversations. 1 A Good . Cant two ice-creams, please? B Chocolate or vanilla? A One chocolate, one vanilla, please. B That's - Anything ? A No, thank you. 2 A Only letters for you this » Mrs Craig. B Thank you very much, Mr McSporran. And ?s Mrs McSporran this ? A Oh, she's very well, thank you. She's im the shop. 3 A Aglassof — before bed, my dear? B Oh, yes please. A you are. B Thank you, my dear. Pm very this 4 A Hello, Mr McSporran! B Good » boys and girls. Hurry up, we're late. A Can sit here, Mr McSporran? € No, no,1 to sit there. B Be quiet of you, and SIT DOWN! iii aa Unit3 - The world ofwork 25 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Jobs 1 Use your dictionary and match a picture with a job in column A. A B a Apilot designs buildings. b Achef wears beautiful clothes. c Anurse looks after people in hospital. d Alawyer makes films. e Anactor writes for a newspaper. f A journalist cooks in a restaurant. g Amodel sells things. h An architect flies planes. i Ashop assistant helps people in court. 2 Match a jobin A with a line in B. Listen and check. 3 Look at the phonetic spelling of some of the words. Practise saying them. 1 /nais/ 4 "Sop s'sistont/ 2 “modal” 5 Paikatekt/ 3 Pektotr)/ 6 /fef/ DEAD Listen and repeat. 4 Memorize the jobs. Close your books. Ask and answer questions with a partner. What does a pilot do? é u le/She fiias planes. | bed Phonetic symbols p1s9 3 I E 26 Unit3 - The world of work nn EVERYDAY ENGLISH What time is it? 1 Look at the clocks. Write the times. ui hrs Dai DEAD) Listen and check. Practise saying the times. 2 Look at the times. lts just after five oclock. What time is it now? What time does the lesson end? —A | In English the voice goes Up and down. Copy the stress and intonation. Conversation 1 Í E na, | Exóuso Tê. Can you tell me the time, please ? ES ==] A Yes, of course. It's just after sik o'clock. 3) 3 With partner, draw clocks on a piece of paper. Make more conversations. Unit3 - The world of work 27 PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Make questions. Then match the questions and answers. Questions Answers 1 Whattime. | do you like your job? a My mother and sisters. 2 Where do you travel to school? b To Spain or Portugal. 3 What do you go on holiday? c After dinner. 4 When do you go to bed? d !always relax. 5 Who you go out on Friday evening e At otlock. 6 Why do you live with? f Because it's interesting. 7 How do you do on Sundays? g Bybus. 8 Do do you do your homework? h Yes, I do sometimes. Listen and check. 2 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Give true answers. 3 Tell the class about you “Kim goes to bed at 11.00. | go to bed at 10.00 on and your partner. | weckdays but at half past eleven at weekends. Live with my parents and my grandmother. im lives with her parents, too. Listening and pronunciation 4 Tick (/) the sentence you hear. 1 C] What does he do on Sundays? LU] What does she do on Sundays? 2 [ Do you stay at home on Tuesday evenings? O Do you stay at home on Thursday evenings? 3 [] He lives here. DJ He leaves here. 4 [] Where do you go on Saturday evenings? £] What do you do on Saturday evenings? 5 [] Ireadalot, D Teatalot. 6 L] Why do you like your job? O Why dont you like your job? Positives and negatives 5 Make the sentences opposite. She's French. She isn't French. I don't like cooking. like cooking. She doesn't speak Spanish. They want to learn English. We're tired and want to go to bed. Roberto likes watching football on TV; but he doesn't like playing it. 1 work at home because I have a computer. Amelia isn't happy because she doesn't have a new car. I smoke, I drink, and 1 don't go to bed early. He doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, and he goes to bed early. S DONA UA 30 Unit4 + Take it easy! VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING Leisure activities 1 Match the words and photos. Playing football “ dancing | skiing [.] watching TV | going to the gym “| taking photographs | cooking playing computer games | sailing Hj listening to music “O swimming E] reading eating in restaurants going to the cinema [] going running E sunbathing 2 Discuss in groups what you think your teacher likes doing. Choose five activities. ( | Rhink he/she likes cooking. No, | think he/she likes 2ating in Festaurants. Ask your teacher questions to find out who is correct. fi ing? Do you like Mn? Do you like Bating in festaurants? | 3 Tell the other students what you like doing and what you don't like doing from the list. Ask questions about the activities. 1 don't like watching TV, but like reading by much. Oh, Feativ? IWWaR do you Fada? Why don't you like watching TV? 4 Tell the other students things you like doing which are not on the list. Unit 4 * Takeiteasyl 3] READING AND LISTENING My favourite season 11 What season is it now? What are the seasons? 2 What month is it now? Say the months of the year. 3 When are the different seasons in your country? 2 Look at the photos. Which season is it? What colours do you see? 3 Read and listen to three people from different countries. 4 Answer the questions. What sports do they play? Do Daniella and Axel like skiing? Where do Daniella and her family eat in summer? Where does Sumalee live? Which season does Sumalee like best? What do Sumalee and her friends do in February? Does Daniella like sunbathing? Why does Axel like spring? 9 Where do Daniella's cousins live? 10 Which months are winter months in the three countries? oe IO ta o dO ms 5 There are six mistakes about Daniella, Sumalee, and Axel. Correct them. Daniella comes trom England. In summer she goes surfing and sailing. She loves the beach and she likes sunbathing. Aviniso É . alnaté? comes from the south of Thailand. Her favourite season is summer. She loves dancing. «gg! comes from Norway. He likes winter best. He likes skiing, but he doesn't ski very fast. 6 Listen to the conversations. Is it Daniella, Sumalee, or Axel? Where are they? How do you know? Discuss with a partner. What do you think? * What is your favourite season? Why? * What do you do in the different seasons? br song cotours Teachers Book pi39 -D WRITING Informal letters p715 3 Unit4 + Takeiteasy! . EVERYDAY ENGLISH Social expressions 1 Complete the conversations with the expressions, A - The traffic is bad today. Dont wotry. B - Come and sit down. 5 z , Um Sotry I'm Tate. We're on page 25. A b B Yes? Um Sorry, A Do you have a dictionary? Exeuse me. B 1 don't. It's at home. it doesnt matter. A A Tts very hot in here, Can I open the window? B ? Ráidon? A The window, can open it? DE of EUR B A ! B Oh, good morning Marco. Can 1 help you? A Yes, please. Can I have a ticket for 7 — thetripto York Wihat does B Yes, of course. It's £80, Do you want deposit mean? | to pay £20 deposit now? E E! A Sorry. ? |) B It means you can pay £20 now and , £60 later. A Ah. . Yes, please. Listen and check. Listen and practise the expressions in conversations 1-4, Pay attention to stress and intonation. 2 Practise the conversations with a partner. Unit 4 - Takeiteasy! 35 STARTER p ? Write the words in the correct column. anarmchair afridge a television ashelf aplant a DVD player asink alamp acooker atelephone a cupboard 2 What's in your living room? Tella partner. WHAT'S IN THE LIVING ROOM? There is/are, prepositions 1 Suzie has a new flat. Describe her living room on p37. There are two photos. | h 2 Read and listen. Complete the answers. Practise the questions and answers. Is there a television? Yes, there Is there a computer? No, there Are there any books? Yes, there How many books are there? There Are there any pictures? No, there UTI OE Complete the table, a television. Positive | There some books. a computer. Negative | There any pictures. a telephone? Question there any plants? bri Grammar Reference 5.1 and 5.2 p140 36 Unit5 « Where do you live? living room kitchen both a dishwasher a washing machine a sofa 3 Ask and answer questions about these things in 8 uzie's living room. acat adog a DVD player a fireplace a mirror aclock acoffeetable arug plants pictures — shelves curtains newspapers photos cushions DYDs fes, there 8. 4 Describe Suzie's living room. Complete the sentences with a preposition. on under nextto infrontof behind OS Us ta to ma The cat is the sofa Suzie. The DVD player is the television. There's a photo the mirror. There aren't any pictures the walls, There's a lamp the sofa. There are some magazines the rug the sofa. PRACTICE What's in your picture? 1 Work with a partner. Don't look at your partner's picture. Student À Student B Look at the picture of Look at the picture of the living room on p148. the living room on p150. Your picture is not complete. Your picture is complete. Ask Student B questions and | Answer Student A's find out where the things go. questions and help him/ Draw them on your picture. | her complete the picture. lt's Dn the table. Where exactiy? |. Next to the book. Where's the lamp? 2 Look at the complete picture together on p150. Listen to someone describing it. There are five mistakes in the description. Say “Stop” when you hear a mistake. Stop! There aren't three people! There are four people! | Unit 5 - Where do you live? 37 READING AND SPEAKING Living in a bubble 1 What are the names of the rooms in a house? What do we do in each room? Match the lines to make sentences. We cook in the living room. We watch TVin | the kitchen. We sleep in the study. We eat in the bedroom. We work in the dining room. 2 Look at the photos. What rooms can you see? | 3 Read about Cyril Jean and his house. Answer the questions. 1 Where is Cyril's house? How old isit? 4. º . 2 Why is it called “a bubble house"? [1 VI 1 3 What does Cyril do? É 4 What does Cyril collect? fe 5 How many rooms are there in his house? 6 Is there a garden? Ena 4 Are the sentences true (/) or false (X)? 1 Cyrils house is modern. 2 There aren't any bubble houses” in the south of France, 3 There are a lot of clocks in the house. 4 The centre of the house is the kitchen. 5 Cyril doesn't like listening to music. 6 The windows don't have curtains. 7 & There are three rooms upstairs. Antti Lovag thinks the house is funny. 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about CyriPs home. Isthere a garden? L Are there any bedrooms? Ask about these things: » astudy » pictures » curtains + clocks »aTV plants + alotofkitchen cupboards What do you think? * What do you like about CyriPs home? What don't you like? * Describe your perfect home. 40 Unit5 - Where do you live? Is this a modern house? Is this a house of the future? Well, no, it isn't. CyrllJeah's house in the south of France is 40 yearsold. There are more houses like this in the south of France. They are called “bubble houses, and you can see why! ! Cyril Jean is a deslgner and he loves round things. He collects old records and clocks. He atso collects 4 ' round furniture. And now he has a completely ST = sound house for aii, The centre of the house is one very blg bubble. This is both the llving soom and aP o O. dining room. There are round armchairs, ” around table, and a big round rug in front Y To ». ofa round firepiace, Around the living room are three small bubbles. One bubble nai isa kitchen with round cupboards, another bubble Is the garden room, and the third bubble is a music room for all Cyril's old records. Upstairs there aretwo more bubbles — a bedroom, and 3 bathroom. The doors and windows are also round, of course. The windows are like eyes. There aren't any curtains inthe house, because Cyril likes to see the garden ai! the time. Bubble houses are the idea of a Hungarian architect, Antt] Lovag, Lovag thinks that a lot of modern houses are bad for us, especially tall blocks of flats. Hethinks that people are happy in round homes because they are more natural. Cyrll agrees with this, "Some people think my house is funny, he says. But for me, this is the perfect home; LISTENING AND SPEAKING Homes around the world 1 Match the places and photos 1-4. D tisbon [] NewEngland [1] Seoul [] Samoa 2 Listen to the people from these places. Complete the chart. Candy and Bert Alise Kwan Manola | [Houseorfiat? | | Otd or modern? "Where? "How many bedrooms? * Livels) with? Fxtra information 3 Work with a partner. Talk about the people. 4 Talk about where you live, Candy and Bert live ih an old, white house. | s Alise lives in a house near the Sea. l fr have a garden? - Who...? —, 42 Unit5 - Where do you live? p-b> WRITING Describing where you live pli6 Do you live in a house or a fiat? E Where ist? How many rooms ...? sil 2 Listen and complete the sentences with can or cart + verb. 11 O 2 He o sbuthe 3: you PYesl 4 They » but they = s 5 We amdwe . 6“ she ?Noshe. Listen again and repeat. o. | d | Philip and Elena E PRACTICE Lucía can't cook. Can you? 1 Listen to Lucia and complete the chart. Put/orx. Can...? Lucía You Partner | drive a car D Õ ã speak French D 0 D speak Spanish a HD D cook D à D Play tennis ã a D ski 0 0 D swim D D O play the guitar D D ã dance D E õ use a computer [mo Ó D 2 Complete the chart about you. 3 Complete the chart about your partner. Ask and answer the questions. Can you drive a ERP o, Em. ) ; Yes, | cah. But hot Very well. Tell the class about you and your partner. Louis can ski, but Loant. What can computers do? 4 What can computers do? Discuss with a partner. Canthey.. am D) translate E D) check spellings O write poetry O) feelill D) speak English O) make music D laugh O think O play.ches (O have conversations O hear O fallin love Imagine you live in 2050. What can/can't a computer do? Unit 6 + Can you speak English? 45 WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? was/were, can/could Read and listen to the questions. Complete the answers. Present 10 What day is ittoday? It's 2 What month is it now? lts 3 Where are you now? Te you yesterday? Em in/at p Iwas in/at 4 Are you in England? Were you in England in 1999 slam. » Em not. Il was. «I wasn't. 5 Conyou swim? Could you swim when you were five? oa R cant. « Lcould, I couldn't. 6 gen your teacher speak thres languages? Could your teacher speak English when he/she was seven? cant Yes, could. No; couldn't: GRAMMAR SPOT 1 Complete the table with the past of to be. Pronunciation 2 Listen and repeat. ltwas Awoz/ Mofiday Yésterday. We were Avo/ at Sdhool. I wasn't In short answers the pronunciation is different. You weren't Was /woz/ it OE? ; Yes, it Was /woz/. He/She/It Were /wa/ you fifed? ut XE, we Were “wa: e We 3 What Is the past of can? ive They 1/You/He/She/lt/We/They b-b- Grammar Reference 61 and 6.2 pi41 46 Unit6 + Can you speak English? o. PRACTICE Talking about you Four geniuses! 1 Askand answer questions with a partner. 3 What are these people famous for? Discuss with a partner. Where were you ...? at eight oclock this morning at half past six yesterday evening at two oclock this morning at this time yesterday at ten oclock last night * last Saturday evening 2 Complete Emma and Marco's conversation, using was, were, wasmt, weren't, or couldn't. Salvador Dalí 4 Look at these sentences. Iwas born in London in 1983, I could read when I was four. My sister couldn't read until she was seven. Match lines in A, B, and € and make similar sentences about the four geniuses. [A Salvador Dalí the USA / 1975 play golf / three Charlotte Brontê | Germany / 1879 paint / one Tiger Woods England / 1816 write stories / four Albert Einstein Spain / 1904 couldn't speak / eight 5 Ask and answer questions with a partner about the geniuses. — Wihenwas Salvador Daliborn? Where was he born? — Howold was he when he could ERES e “you e Sharlorte's party : last Saturday? 6 Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions. M Yes 1 . 1 Where were you born? RED itgood? 2 When were you born? M Well, it OK. 3 How old were you when you could ... ? E there many people? * walk * talk * read * swim M Yes, there . * rideabike « useacomputer speak a foreign language E Pascal there? M No, he . And where Check it ? pa 7 Tick (/) the correct sentence. you there? , 1 [] Idon't can use a computer. 5 U] Was they at the party? E GhE:: T go because I . t Sergio" Te DJ I can't use a computer. [] Were they at the party? at dergios party! ETEMO 8 party 2 [] Icanto speak English very well. 6 L] She was no at home. brilliant! - . M Oh! DJ I can speak English very well. [] She wasn't at home. 3 [] Pm sorry. I can't go to the party. Listen and check. Listen for the DJ Pm sorry. Ino can go to the party. pronunciation of mas and were. Practise 4 [1] He could play chess when he was five. with a partner. LJ He can play chess when he was five. Unit 6 + Can you speak English? 47 ic VOCABULARY AND EVERYDAY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION On the phone Words that sound the same 1 Here are the names and addresses of some people you want to phone, 1 Look at the sentences. What do you notice about these words? “Uwrite with my right hand. Thave a black eye. “No, he doesn't know the answer. 2 Find the words in B that have the same pronunciation as the words in A. E hear write wear see eye there by for hour Yoshi Ishigawa four BUSINESSMAN know son 59 Tearaimizu-cho FE | sun our - - KYOTO 604-8152 ga JAPAN sea where buy here E õ : » Tel: peter ight no two their E e — emailishigawaBnkgor)p 3 Correct the two spelling mistakes in each sentence. hear see Tcan here you, but I can't ses you. Their are three bedrooms in hour house. I don't no wear Jill lives. My sun lives near the see. Don't where that hat, by a new one! Know, eye can't come to your party. ernational Directory Enquiries. country, please? Listen to the operator. Answer her questions to get Lisa's telephone number. Jow wrsm You were write, Sally can't come four dinner, 8 There daughter could right when she was three. 9 Ino my answers are write. Listen and repeat. 4 Look at the phonetic symbols. Write the two words with the same pronunciation. 1 /nou/ 2 (san/ 3 ftu:/ : nar Roleplay 6 íwea/ 2 Work with a partner. Take it in turns to be the operator. Make conversations to find out the telephone numbers of Yoshi and be Phonetic symbols p159 Fernando. Student A Goto pl48, Student B Go to p150. 50 Unitó6 + Can you speak English? vs Complete conversations 1-3 with these lines. Check answers with a partner. p= will Can 1 take a message? will = an offer or promise Great! Tl see you on Sunday at ten, then. Bye! VU heip you This isJo. E Oh, never mind. Perhaps next time. Bye! There's a party at my house on Saturday. Can you come? No, it isn't. PI just get her. Pl ring back later. Can I speak to the manager, please? CA vm ] A Hello. B Hello. Can I speak to Jo, please? A p B Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Nicola. Is Sunday still OK for tennis? A Yes, thaf's fine. B ! A Bye! A Hello. B Hello. Is that Emma? À € Hello, Emma here. B Hi, Emma, It's Marco. Listen! € Oh sorry, Marco. 1 can't. Its my sister's wedding. B ! C Bye! A Good morning. Dixons Electrical, How can 1 help you? B Good morning. 2 A Tm afraid Mr Smith isn't in his office at the moment isa B Don't worry. A All right. Goodbye, B Goodbye. | LIBRE = == 5 Practise the conversations. Make similar | Listen and practise the telephone expressions. conversations with your partner. | Can] speak to Jo please ? HH Ting back later. -D- WRITING Formal letters pn —— ———a is that Emma? Can! take a message? | Hi just get her. Unit 6 * Can you speak English? 51 STARTER e WHEN | WAS YOUNG Past Simple — regular verbs 1 Look at the photos. Do you know anything about the film star Shirley Temple? 2 Read and listen to Shirley Temple Black's life now. Complete text [E with the verbs you hear. 3 Read and listen to text [EH abont Shirley's life a long time ago. CSS E 1 Find examples of the past of is and can intext B. 2 Complete the sentences with work in the correct form. Now she .. at Stanford University. When she was a child she in films. 3 Findthe Past Simple of start, dance, like, and retire in text B. How do we form the Past Simple af regular verbs? pe» Grammar Reference 71 pl42 52 Unit7 - Then and now Then and now Le Eu CACETE LR TES ETA RC RU RO UA When were your grandparents and great-grandparents born? Where were they born? Do you know all their names? What were their jobs? Jf you know, tell the class. EC x, / Por f 2) 091 4 A ; A f A CT EL Shirley Temple BI a retired politician. She with her husband in California. She cooking and playing with her grandchildren. Also, she sometimes at Stanford University for the Institute of international Studies. She there every month and foreign ministers. They world problems. EI THE CHILD STAR When she was very young, Shirley was a famous movie star. She started in films when she was only three years old! She could act, she was a good singer and she also danced well. She liked acting very much, and worked in over so films. But when she was 20, she retired from the cinema. 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the year James was born. 1 When/James and his parents leave Hong Kong? 2 Wherefhis father get a job? 3 How many medals/Carl Lewis win? 4 What/Apple Macintosh make? 5 Which song/Madonna sing? 6 How many albums/Michael Jackson's Thriller sell? Make notes about the year you were born. Write about it. Tell the class. PRACTICE When did it happen? 1 Work in groups. Think of important events in history. When did they happen? Make a list, then make questions to ask the other groups. When did the Second World War begin / end? When did the first person walk on the moon? | What did you do? night a last Monday yesterday aten Ê week Evening X lastevening year 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions with When did you last... ? Ask another question for more information. en did you last have a holiday? LES Aigast. Where did you go? To Spain * haveaholiday « takea photograph — » write an email * watch a DVD * gotoaparty * geta present * go shopping * talkon a mobile * eatina restaurant Tell the class some things you learned about your partner. Yukio had a holiday last August and she went to Haty. ) Check it 3 Tick (/) the correct sentence. 1 LU] He bought some new shoes. LU He buyed some new shoes. 2 LI Where did you go yesterday? LI Where you went yesterday? 3 [) You see Jane last week? L) Did you see Jane last week? 4 [] Did she get the job? [) Did she got the job? 5 [] I went out yesterday evening. U I went out last evening. 6 LJ] He studied French at school. £] He studyed French at school. 7 L] What had you for breakfast? £] What did you have for breakfast? 8 [] Iwasin New York the last week. [1 1 was in New York last week. D-D- WRITING Describing a holiday pi18 Unit7 + Thenandnow 55 READING AND SPEAKING Two famous firsts 7 Translate these words. nouns verbs adjectives airshow break a record excellent fighter jet travel dangerous Flight disappear secret experiences join satellite survive crash 2 Look at the texts and complete these sentences. Amelia Mary Earhart was the first Yuri Gagarin was the first 3 Work in two groups. « A Read about Amelia Earhart. Group B Read about Yuri Gagarin. 4 Are the sentences true (/) or false (X) about your person? Correct the false sentences. 1 He/She came from a rich family. He/she had a short but exciting life. He/She fought in a World War. He/She wanted to be a pilot when he/she was a child. He/She flew fighter jets. He/She married, but didn't have any children. He/She travelled to Europe to talk about his/her experiences. 8 He/She died in a plane crash. aa a wm 5 Find partner from the other group. Compare Amelia Earhart and Yuri Gagarin, using your answers. 6 Complete the questions about the other person. Then ask and answer them with your partner. About Amelia Earhart Where... she bom? What... she study first? When... she first... upin a plane? When ... she... her first record? += Shemarry?... she... any children? What... she do in 1935? Where... her plane disappear? “O A wa About Yuri Gagarin 8 Where... he born? 9 When... he see his first plane? 10 Why... he... the Russian Air Force? W Why... the doctors choose Yuri to be an astronaut? 12 What... he do in 1961? 3 Why... he... around the world? 14 How... he die? What do you think? Name some famous people from history. What did they do? 56 Unit 7 + Then and now Amelia Mary Earhart american (1897 — 1937) The first woman to fly across the Atlantic Her early years Amelia was born in her grandparents' house in Kansas. Her parents didn't have any money, but her grandparents were rich and sent her to the best schools. At 20 she decided to study nursing and worked in a hospital in World War L When she was 23, she visited an airshow and went up in a plane. At that moment, she knew that she wanted to be a pilot. What she did In 1920 flying was dangerous and people didn't think it was an activity for women. But Amelia had flying lessons, and a year later, she broke her first record — she flew up to 14,000 feet. She married at 34, but never had children. The next ycar she became the first woman (and the second person) to fly alone across the Atlantic. She was now famous, and she travelled around the world to talk about her experiences. And in 1935, when she was 38, she became the first person to fly alone across the Pacific. Her last flight When she was nearly 40, Amelia wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world, She began the 29,000 mile flight in Miami on 1 June 1937. On 2 July she was nearly at the end of her journey, when she and her plane disappeared near Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean. Turi Gagarin Russian (1934 - 1968) The first man in space Yuri was born on a farm and his family was very poor. As a teenager in World War II, he saw his first plane - a Russian fighter jet. At that moment, he knew that he wanted to be a pilot. He studied hard so that he could join a flying club. His teachers thought he was a natural pilot and told him to join the Russian Air Force. hat he did He became an excellent pilot. And he was now a husband and father. But when the first Russian satellite went into space, he wanted to become an astronaut, After two years of secret training, the doctors chose Yuri becanse he was the best in all the tests. On 12 April 1961, when he was 27, he finally went into space. It was very dangerous, because the doctors didn't know if Yuri could survive the journey. When he came back to Earth he was famous, and he travelled around the world to talk about his experiences. H 1 + flioht He wanted to go into space again, so in 1967 he began training for the next space flight. He was also a test pilot for new Air Force aeroplanes. But the next year he died when his fighter jet crashed on a test flight. He was only 34. [Ei AR E e Past Simple 2 - negatives - ago PEN Ed CT TELES STARTER p What is the Past Simple of these verbs? Most of them are irregular. eat drink drive fly listento make ride take watch wear FAMOUS INVENTIONS Past Simple negatives — ago 1 Match the verbs from the Starter with the photos. 2 Work in groups. What year was ita hundred years ago? Ask and answer questions about the things in the photos. What did people do? What didn't they do? Did people drive cars a hundred years ago? (Yes, lthinkthey did. À No, they didit. | 3 Tell the class the things you think people did and didn't do. We think people drove cars, but they didn't watch TV. Getting information 4 When were the things in the photos invented? Ask and answer with a partner. Student A Goto pl49. Student B Goto p150. A When were cars invented? Bin... A That's... years ago, 60 Unit8 - A date to remember [2] [Coca ] CLANS 1 Write the Past Simple forms. le le 1 live in London. Hived ih London. He lives in London. Do you live in London? Does she live in London? | don't live in London. He doesn't five in London. 2 Complete these sentences. The year 2000 was years ago. The year 1984 was years ago. Deb> Grammar Reference 8.) and 8.2 pl42 PRACTICE Time expressions 1 Make correct time expressions. . — sevenocock | themorning in — Saturday — Sunday evening on — night — September t 002 — weekends a — Summer — the nineteenth century 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions with When ... ? Use a time expression and ago in the answer. NE BLUE BELL WRANGLERS | - . are a family attalr] When did this term start 2 In September, two months ago. When did ...? this term start * you get up . * you have breakfast * you last use a computer * you arrive at school * you learn to ride a bicycle » you start learning English + your parents get married * youstartat this school | + you last have a coffee break 3 Tell the class about your day so far. Begin like this. Igot up at seven o'clock and had breakfast. [ left the house at... Unit 8 + A dateto remember 61 Three inventions LOUIS DAGUERRE FROM FRANCE 1 Look at the texts. What are the three 62 Unit8 + A date to remember PRACTICE The photograph Louis Daguerre was a painter for the French opera. But he wanted to inventions? make a new type of picture. He 2 The dates in the texts are all incorrect. started his experiments in the Read and listen, and correct the dates. 19208. Twelve years later he invented the photograph. He sold Daguerre didn't start his experiments in the his idea to the French government 1920s He started them in the 18 Z0s. in 1935 and the government gave it to the world. Daguerre called the first photographs 'daguerreotypes”. 3 Make these sentences negative. Then give the They became popular very fast. By correct answers. 1940, there were 70 daguerreotype studios in New York City. 1 Daguerre invented the bicycle. He didh't invent the bitycle. He invented the photograph. 2 Daguerre gave his idea to the French government. The windscreen wiper 3 Mary Anderson lived in MARY ANDERSON FROM THE USA New York City. Mary Anderson often visited New York City 4 All cars had windscreen by car. Im winter she noticed that when it wipers by 1916. Tained or snowed, drivers got out oftheir 5 Leonardo da Vinci made cars all the time to clean their windows. IR the first bicycle 1893 she began designing something to . . Vo clean the windows from inside the car. 6 Kirkpatrick Macraillan came People, especially men, laughed at her idea. from France. But they didn't laugh for long. She invented R A the windscreen wiper in 1925. MED Lisa and check raias And by 1960 all American cars had them. Work with a partner. Make mare incorrect sentences about the texts. Give them to a partner to correct. The bicycle KIRKPATRICK MACMILLAN FROM SCOTLAND Did you know that? Long ago in 1540, Leonardo da Vinci drew a design for the 5 Read and listen to the conversations. modern bicycle. But the first person to make a bicycle was, Then listen and repeat. Kirkpatrick Macmillan in 1789. He lived in Scotland, so people didn't hear about his invention for a long time. Twenty years A Did you know that Marco Polo later, another bicycle came from France. In 1825 the bike brought spaghetti back from China? became cheap and everyone could have one. Now people, B Really? He didmt! That's incredible! especialiy women, could travel to the next town. It helped them A Well it's true! find someone to marry! C Did you know that Napoleon was afraid of cats? D He wasn't! 1 don't believe it! C Well it's true! 6 Work with a partner. Student À Go to pl49. Student B Go to pl51. Make similar conversations. 3 Complete the conversations. What are the occasions? 1 Happy to you. Happy to you. Happy » dear Grandma, Happy to you. 2 A Didyou getany cards? B Yes, ] did. Listen to this. Roses are red. Violets are blue. You are my And I love you. A Wow! Do you know who it's from? B No idea! 3 A Wake up, Mummy! Happy ! B Thank you, darling. Oh, what beautiful flowers, and a cup of tea! And I made you a card! Look! jt's lovely. What a clever boy! cia Congratulations! Thank you very much! When's the big day? Pardon? When's your day? The 26% June, Didn't you get your invitation? room a > es midnight! Happy everybody! lappyp= +) Happy o! B Cc 6 A Thank goodness! T's Friday! B Yeah, Have a nice ! A Same to you. A Ugh! Work again. ] hate Monday mornings! Me too. Did you have a good ? = A Yes, ] did. Tt was great. Listen and check. Work with a partner. Choose a conversation from exercise 3. Learn it by heart. Pay attention to stress and intonation. Act it to the class. Unit 8 + A date to remember 65 [e UT RE ie LT RR A COR 7] RL: 1) ARA DR ATE ST e E O roca ponte STARTER b Whats your favourite « fruit? « vegetable? « drink? Write your answers. Compare them with a partner, then with the class. FOOD AND DRINK Count and uncount nouns 7 Match the food and drink with the photos. Which list has plural nouns, A or Bº A Es B BIZ] apple juice [DJ | pizza [ET] apples ET peas EM tea [E] pasta [PI loranges (TT ]tomatoes E] ] coffee |] cheese bananas 1 | hamburgers E mitk E fish PI Jstrawberries [ET [chips gi [E] |] beer chocolate carrots biscuits 2 Listen to Daisy and Piers talking about what they like and don't like. Tick (4) the food and drink that Daisy likes. What doesn't Piers like? 3 Who says these things? Write D or P. Dl | don't like coffee at all, DI Ilike orangejuice but | don't like oranges. Lj 1 don't like fruit very much at áll. CJ 1 quite like bananas. TU] tlike alk fruit. L) like vegetables, especially Carrots and peas. 4 Talk about the lists of food and drink with a partner. What do you like? What do you quite like? What don't you like? LCA E t Look at the pairs of sentences. What is the difference? Chocolate is delicious. Strawberries are delicious. Apple juice is good for you. | Apples are good for you. 2 Can we count apple juice? Can we count apples? deb Grammar Reference 91 p143 66 Unit9 + Food you like! "o Hlike.. and Td like... 1 Read and listen to the conversation between Piers and Daisy's mum. Hello, Piers. Would you like some tea or coffee? Pd like a cold drink, if that's OK. Of course. Would you like some orange juice? Yes, please. 'd love some. And would you like a chocolate biscuit? Oh, yes, please! Thank you very much. You're welcome. Re So Di ode 2 Practise the conversation in exercise 1 with a partner. Then have similar conversations about other food and drink. CALA LA Look at the sentences. What is the difference? Do you like tea? Would you like some tea? [like biscuits. Pé like a biscuit. (id = | would) Which sentences mean Do you want/! want ...? Look at these sentences. Fd like some bananas. (plural noun) Td like some mineral water. (uncount noun) We use some with both plural and uncount nouns. Look at these questions. Would you like some chips? Can | have some tea? Is there any tea? We use some not any when we request and offer things. We use any not some in other questions and negatives. ips? But Are there any chips? pb Grammar Reference 9.2 and 9.3 p143 PRACTICE Questions and answers 1 Choose Wouid/Do you like ... ?or Td like... 1 Would/Do you like a ham sandwich? No, thanks. "m not hungry. 2 Do/Wouid you like Ella? Yes. She's very nice. 3 Do/Would you like a cold drink? Yes, cola, please. 4 CanT help you? Yes. I/F'd like some stamps, please. 5 What sports do you do? Well, Pd/I like swimming very much. 6 Excuse me, are you ready to order? Yes. I/T'd like a steak, please. Listen and check. Practise with a partner. 2 Listen and choose the correct answers. 1 0] Ilike all sorts of fruit. O] Yes. Pd like some fruit, please, 2 [] Td like a book by John Grisham. [1] Tlike books by John Grisham. 3 [] Pdlike a new bike. DD Tlike riding my bike. 4 U Tdiike a cat but not a dog. DD Like cats, but 1 don't like dogs. 5 [] Ilike Italian wine, especially red wine, [O Wed like a botíle of Italian red wine. 6 [) No, thanks. 1 don't like ice-cream. D) Td like some ice-cream, please. Listen and check. Practise with a partner. Unit 9 - Food youlike! 67 READING AND SPEAKING Food around the world 1 Which food and drink comes from your country? Which foreign food and drink is popular in your country? 2 Can you identify any places or nationalities in the photos? What food can you see? 3 Read the text. Write the correct question heading for each paragraph. l Where does our food come from? j What do we eat? Í How do we eat? Find lines in the text that match the photos. 4 Answer the questions. 1 When did human history start? Was it about 10,000 years ago or was it about 1 million years ago? 2 Do they eat much rice in the north of China? 3 Why do the Scandinavians and the Portuguese eat a lot of fish? 4 Where don't people eat much fish? 5 Which countries have many kinds of sausages? 6 How many courses are there in China? 7 How do people eat in the Middle East? 8 Why can we now eat most things at any time of the year? What do you think? 5 Work in small groups and discuss these questions about your country. 1 What is a typical breakfast? 2 What does your family have for breakfast? 3 Is lunch or dinner the main meal of the day? 4 What is a typical main meal? Writing 6 Write a paragraph about meals in your country. Use your ideas from exercise 5. 70 Unit9 - Food you like! For 99% of human history, people took their food from the world around them. They ate all that they could find, and then moved on. Then about 10,000 years ago, or for 1% of human history people learned to farm the land and control their environment The kind of food we eat depends on which part of the world we live in, or which part of our country we live in. For example, in the south of China they eat ) rice, but in the north they eat noodies. In Scandinavia, they eat a lot of herrings, and the Portuguese love sardines. But in centra! Europe, away from the sea, people don't eat so much fish, they eat more meat and sausages. In Austria, Germany, and Poland there are hundreds of different kinds of sausages. In North America, Australia, and Europe there are two or more courses to every meal and people eat with Knives and forks. In China there is only one course, all the food is together on the table, and they eat with chopsticks. In parts of India and the Middle East people use their fingers and bread to pick up the food. Nowadays it is possible to transport food easily from one part of the world io the other We can eat what we like, when we like, at any time of the year Bananas come from the Caribbean or Africa; rice comes from India or the USA; strawberries come from Chile or Spain. Foad is yery big business. But people in poor countries are still hungry, and people in rich countries eat too much. - Unit 9 - Food you like! FI LISTENING AND SPEAKING My favourite national food 1 Look at the photos of four national dishes. Which do you like? Match them with the countries. laly Argentina England Austria 2 Find these things in the photos. toast tomatoes chili onions egg bacon chocolate beef sausage Full Engtish breakfast 72 Unit9 - Food you like! 3 Listen to the people. What nationality are they? Match them with their favourite food. What do they say about them? 4 Answer these questions about the people. 1 Who...? * travels a lot * goes to cafés to eat their favourite food * likes sweet things * eats their favourite food at home 2 Where is Café Sacher? 3 Who invented Sachertorte? When does Graham eat a full English breakfast? How do you make briuschetta? Where is Sergio's favourite place to go? How often does Madalena eat beef? Who cooks it for her? o 5 6 7 8 What do you think? * What are your favourite national foods? When and where do you eat them? * Describe them to your partner. PRACTICE Much more than... 1 Write the correct form of the adjectives. 1 A Lifeinthe countryis slower than city life. (slow) B Yes, the city's much faster . (fast) 2 A NewYorkis Los Angeles. (safe) B No, it isn't. New York is much - (dangerous) 3 A Seoulis Beijing. (big) B No, it isn't! It's much. - (small) 4 A Madrid is Rome, (expensive) B No, it isn't. Madrid is much . (cheap) 5 A The buildings in Rome are the buildings in Prague. (modern) B No, they aren't. They're much « (old) 6 A Cafésin London are cafés in Paris. (good) B No! Cafés in London are much . (bad) RACE) Listen and check. Practise with a partner. 2 Work with a partner. Compare two towns or cities that you both know. Which one do you like better? Why? COUNTRY LIFE have got + 1 Close your books. Listen to Andy and Joels conversation, Who moved to the village of Appleton? Who stayed in London? 2 Complete the conversation with the correct adjectives. ) So, Andy, tell me, why did you leave London? You had a job. A Yes, but I've got a ) And you had a flat in London. A Well, I've got a place here. It's a cottage! 4 Really? How many bedrooms has it got? A Three. And its got a garden. It's London and its ] But you haven't got any friends! A I've got a lot of new friends here. People are much than in London. J Butthe country's so A No, itisn't. Ive got a PS now and | go surfing at weekends. Appleton has got a cinema, restaurants, pubs, and a nightclub. And the air is and the streets are ] OK. OK. Everything is ! Can] come next feto A Of course you can! job here. than my flat in 3 Practise the conversation with a partner. 2 3 [OLL Have and have got both express possession. We often use have got in spoken British English. Pve got a dog. (I've = | have) He's got a car. (He's = He has) Have you got a dog? Has she got a car? Ihave a dog. He has a car. Do you have a dog? Does she have a car? They don't have a flat. They haven't got a flat. It doesn't have a garden. It hasn't got a garden. The past of bath have and have got is had! Find examples of have got and had'in the conversation. bb Grammar Reference 10.2 pl44 Unit 10 « Bigger and better! 75 PRACTICE have/have got 1 Write the sentences again, using the correct form of have got. London has a lot of parks. London's got a lot of parks. 2 I don't have much money. lhaven't got much money. 3 Ihave a lot of homework tonight. 4 Do you have any homework? 5 Our school has a good library, but it doesn't have many computers. 6 My parents have a new DVD player. 7 Does your sister have a boyfriend? N Wi 0 D 8 I don't have a problem with this UU h b CSoT Essa, à Barbados, Caribbean Sea : Maldives, Indian Ocean Ive got more than you! * Builtin 1952 0 * Builtin 1998 . * 85 rooms * 98 rooms 2 Work with a partner. You are both famous * $420t0 $710a night | * $200to $600 a night film stars. Ask and answer questions to * ane bar and restaurant, * two bars and two restauram find out who is richer! ) swimming pool * 50-minute boat ride from Student A Student B * 40-minute taxi ride from airport airport Go to pl149. Goto pI5I. Twelve. I've got this one, four in the Mediterranean, two in the South Pacific, two in the Caribbean, ; otel is the newest resort. The fera Club is bigger than the Palm Hotel” “ The Palm Hotel is the biggest resort. Bati Island is the smallest resort. The Coral Club has got two restaurants. 9 Bati Island is nearer to the airport than the Palm Hotel. 10 The Coral Club is the nearest to the airport. 11 Bati Island is the furthest ftom the airport. 12 The Palm Hotel has got a swimming pool. 3 Which is the best hotel in or near your town? What has it got? 76 UnitlO - Bigger and better! Bati Island Pe ND $660to $770 a night * one bar and restaurant * one hour seaplane flight from as GRAMMAR SPOT | 1 Complete these superlative sentences. What's the rule? The Palm Hotel is the Bati Island is the (cheap). 2 Dictionaries often show irregular comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Look at this: good ;gud/ ad;. (better, best) Complete these irregular forms: bad dad' adj. ( Dm) far (fa:/ adj. ( , ) p-b- Grammar Reference 101 p144 (expensive). PR ACTICE The biggest and best! 1 Complete the conversations using the superlative form o! f the adjective. That house is very big. Yes, it's the biggest house. in the village. The Ritz is a very expensive hotel, Yes im London. Appleton is a very pretty village. Yes, in England, New York is a very cosmopolitan city. Yes, in the world. Brad Pitt is a very popular film star. Yes O im America. Miss Smith is a very funny teacher. Yes, in our school. Anna is a very intelligent student. Yes, in the class. This is a very easy exercise. Yes, in the book. EELES Listen and check. 2 Close your books. Listen to the first lines in exercise 1 and give the answers. Talking about your class 3 How well do you know the other students in your class? Describe them using these adjectives and others. tall small old young intelligent funny Hhink Ivan is the tallest in the clase. He's taller than Karl E Sofia's the youngest. Um the most intelligent! NE 4 Write the name of your favourite film star. Read it to the class. Compare the people. Which film star is the PP most popular in your class? Check it ' 5 Correct the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5) 6 7 8 Yesterday was more hot than today. She's taller that her brother. Pm the most young in the class. Last week was busyer than this week. He doesn't got any sisters. Do you got any bread? My homework is the worse in the class. This exercise is most difficult in the book. Unit 10 - Bigger and better! 77 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION City and country words 1 Match these words with the pictures. Which things do you usually find onty in the country? wood park museum church cathedral fam bridge carpark port factory pub field theatre lake village hill mountain cottage building river a k 2 Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 1. 1 Everest is the highest in the world, 2 The Golden Gate in the USA. 3 The Caspian Sea isn't a sea, it's the largest 4 Rotterdam is the busiest the world stop there. 5 The Empire State in the world for over 40 years. 6 A church is much smaller than a AEE) Listen and check. 3 Write these words from exercise 1. in San Francisco is the longest in New York was the tallest fwud/ am/ Pesktri/ dfictd/ POrata/ fuilidy/ Pkotrda/ Hfaty/ Pbildey/ ANE) Listen and repeat. 80 UnitlO + Bigger and better! in the world. in Europe. Ships from all over 4 Divide into two groups. Play the game. Which group can continue the longest? Group 1 A walk in the country Continne one after the other. Group 2 A walk in the city Continue one after the other. went for a walkinthe City | and | saw some shops. 4 Uwent for a walk in the Elty and | gaw some shops, and a cafhedral. | bb WRITING Describing a place p/27 EVERYDAY ENGLISH Directions 2 1 CEB Listen to Andy's directions to his cottage. Mark the route on the map. Then complete the directions. Leave the A34 at Apple Cross. left at the traffic tights. Then go the hill, and the first bridge, OK? Then go the second bridge, and the road by the river. Go the pub, and right the hill. Go the corner past the farm, and my cottage is right. Its easy! 9 2 GB Complete the text with the prepositions. Listen to Joel and Andy's conversation. Check your answers. along down into round over past through under up Joel drove the hill, the first bridge, and the second bridge. the corner, off the road, some apple trees, and alot of mud! 3 Cover the text. Look at the pictures and tell Joel's story. 4 Work with a partner. Student A Think of a place near your school. Give your partner directions, but do not say what the place is. Student B Listen to the directions. Where are you? Unit 10 + Bigger and better! 8 Looking good! Present Continuous + Whose? » Clothes « Words that rhyme + In a clothes shop STARTER p 1 Look around the classroom. Can you see any of these clothes? ahat acoat ajumper ashirt aTshit adress askirt ajacket asuit shorts trousers jeans shoes boots trainers Um wearing blue jeans and a whit 2 What are you wearing? What is your teacher wearing? Tell the class. DESCRIBING PEOPLE Present Continuous 1 Lookat the photos. Describe the people. Who...? - Poppy's pretty. * is pretty * isgood-looking + istall * is handsome * isn't very tall Who5 got ...? Sofia's got dark hair long and brown eyes. short fair hair dark blue geo grey brown 2 What are they doing? Who...? (E is si IB is laughing « is playing the guitar is eating « is sitting down is standing up «is using a computer drawing is painting » is reading is walking 3 What arc they wearing? Andy's wearing glasses. Simon's wearing a black jacket. Alison, Ella, and Alfie A Tr E 82 Unit! - Looking good! Kg E Le 1 Complete the table. Subject | Object Adjective I my You you He his She | We us | They them 2 Whose...? asks about possession. Whose hat is this? Wihose is this hat? It's my hat. = It's mine. Whose is it? 3 Careful! Who's your teacher? Who's = Who is Pb Grammar Reference 113 p145 PRACTICE who's or whose? 1 Choose the correct word. Compare your answers with a partner. 1 Ilike your/yours house. 2 Ours/Our house is smaller than their / theirs. 3 And their/theirs garden is bigger than our/ours, too. 4 My/Mine children are older than her/hers, 5 Whose/Who's talking to your/yours sister? 6 This book isn't my/mine. Is it your/yours? 7 'Whose/Who's dictionary is this” “T's his/him 8 “Whose/Who's going to the party tonight? “Tm not? 9 “Whose/Who's dog is running round our/ours garden?” 2 GH) Listen to the sentences. 1f the word is Whose? shout 1! If the word is Who's? shout 2! Who's on the phone? E) Whose is it? Go What a mess! 3 GH Complete the conversation. Listen and check. A is this tennis racket? B Its a A What's it doing here? B I'm tennis this afternoon. The Present Continuous can also describe activities happening in the near future. Em playing tennis this afternoon. Were having pizza for dinner tonight. 4 Make more conversations with a partner. 1 these football boots? / John's / playing football later 2 these ballet shoes? / Mary's / going dancing tonight 3 this suitcase? / mine / going on holiday tomorrow 4 this coat? / Jane's / going for a walk soon 5 this plane ticket? / Jo's / flying to Rome this afternoon 6 all these glasses? / ours / having a party tonight LED Listen and check. Check it 5 Correct the sentences. Alice is tall and she's got long, black hairs. Who's boots are these? T'm wearing a jeans. Look at Roger. He stands next to Jeremy. He's work in a bank. He's the manager. What is drinking Suzie? Whose that man in the garden? Where you going tanight? What you do after school today? ND O O rd to tom Unit - Looking good! 85 LISTENING AND SPEARE Looking for that something 1 What makes you happy? Think ofir things that make you happy. Write tl down. Compare them with a partmei 2 What makes you happiest? Choose O thing only. Compare with the class; 3 Close your books and listem b the song. 4 Read the song by an Irish band called Westlife. Can you match these words from the song and their meanings? joy to love to cherish happiness | to deny when the sun comes up | solitary to say no to something the sunrise alone, lonely 5 GH Look at the words on the right, Choose the correct word to complete the lines. Listen again and check. What do you think? | * In the song, what does “flying without | wings mean? | * Did you find any of the things on your ] list in the song? 86 Unitll + Looking good! 1 verybody's for that something «4 One thing that makes it all complete p You find it ín the strangest Places you never knew it could be Some find it in the faces of their Some find it In their lover's Who can deny the joy it brings When you find that thing You're flying without wings Some find it sharing every Some in their solitary lives You find it in the words of others A simple line can make you orcry You find it in the deepest The kind you cherish all your life And when you know how that means You've found that special thing You're flying without wings So impossible as it may seem You've got to for every dream “Cause who's to which one you let go Would have made you complete Well, for me it's waking up beside To watch the sunrise on your face To know that | can say | you At any given time or place ft's little things that onty | know Those are the things that makeSot 4 And it's like flying without wings 'Cause you're my special Pim flying without wings You're the place my life And you'l] be where it ends Em flying without wings And that's the joy you Um flying without wings looking / finding places / houses parents / children hair / eyes special / interesting breakfast / morning dance / laugh friendship / water many / much fight / sleep say / know her/you like 7 love mine / theirs person / thing begins / stops take / bring Speaking 6 Read the questionnaire and answer the questions. Stand up. Ask students in the class the questions. Find people with the same answers as yours. 19 ) / (44 My favourite things A/ It A 0) ut W/ | f 89 4 What's your favourite food? 2 What's your favourite drink? 3 What's your favourite colour? 4 What are your favourite clothes? 5 What are your favourite shoes? 6 Who's your favourite k ? 7 What are your favourite things to do at weekends? 8 Who's your favourite person? 9 Where's your favourite place? 10 Who's your favourite film star or actor? 7 Tell the class which people like the same things as you. Johann and ! both like blue. both like trainers. b-D> WRITING Describing people p122 Unit 11 - Looking good! 87 Life's an adventure! dO ce te ETTA ATT STARTER 1 How many sentences can e ou make? soon. , y when | was a student. 2 Make similar true sentences Pm going to Brazil | next month. about you. Tell the class. | went to Brazil ina years time. two years ago. when I retire. FUTURE PLANS going to 1 Jack and his sports teacher, Danny Carrick, both ha plans for the future. Read their future plans. Which you think are Jack's? Which are Danny's? Write d oi | I'm going to be a footballer. I'm going to travel all over the world. Im going to train very hard. Em going to try new things. Ym going to play for Manchester United. I'm not going to marry until I'm very old. Um not going to stay at home and watch TV. I'm going to learn to scuba-dive. I'm going to write a book. I'm going to be famous. DAPED Listen and check. Were you correct? 2 Talk first about Jack, then about Danny. Use the ideas in exercise k. Jack's going to be a footballe: E. . He ien't going to ... Es: (testo ) agir. Jato Which two plans are the same for both of them? | They're both going to ... ) 3 EHFZB Listen and repeat the questions and answe Is he going to be a footbalter? ,- Yes ho at 's he going to do? eai ory MRE. 90 UnitI2 - Life's an adventure! BE PRACTICE Questions about Jack 1 With partner, make more questions about Jack. Then match them with an answer. Questions 1 Wihy/heftrain very hard? 2 How long/play football? 3 When/marry? 4 How many children/have? 5 Who/teach to play? Answers a Until he's 35. b Two. c His sons. d Not until he's very old — about 25! e Because he wants to be a footballer. 2 GHBB Listen and check. Practise the questions and answers with your partner. Questions about you 3 Are you going to do any of these things after the lesson? Ask and answer the questions with a partner. watch TV have a coffee catch a bus eatin a restaurant meet some friends cook a meal go shopping wash your hair do your homework Are you going to watch TV 4 Tell the class some of the things you and your partner are or are not going to do. We're both going to have coffee. I "m going to catch a bus, but Anna isn't. She's going to walk home. 2 00 10 ta a o do Unit 12 - Life's an adventure! 91 | WANT TO SEE THE WORLD! Vm going to sneeze! Infinitive of purpose | LM We also use going to when we can see now | 1 Match the places and activities. Can you find them in that something is sure to happen soon. i the photos? a À a Nepal fly over the Grand Canyon 5 What is going to happen? Use these verbs. E E A Mort Everest E have sneeze win jump belate kiss rain fall East Es Reef o oo Hawaii go scuba-diving Alaska visit the rainforest the USA watch whales Kenya go surfing 2 Danny Carrick is going to visit all the countries in exercise 1. He is telling his friend, Harold, about his plans. Read their conversation and complete the last sentence. Danny First I'm going to Nepal. Harold Why? Danny To climb Mount Everest! Harold Oh my goodness! Where are you going after that? Danny Well, then Pm going to Kenya to... RE INPAD Listen and check. Practise the conversation 4; with a partner. ou like to try any of these activities? Ea 6 Puta sentence from exercise 5 into each gap, Take an umbrella, . Look at the time! for the meeting. Anna's running very fast. the race. Look! Jack's on the wall! Look at that man! E . JPs due next month. There's my sister and her boyfriend! a, “Oh dear. . Aaattishooo! “Bless you! ERPED Listen and check. Cc O rd ato 92 Unit]l2 + Life's an adventure! Um EX David Belle grew up in the countryside, and he always loved the feeling of freedom there. He liked running, jumping, and climbing trees the woods when he was a child. At HR age of nine, he and his family went To] live in Lisses, a town outside Paris. Bi he continued to jump and climb there He loved doing gyranastics at schooll À As a teenager in 1989, David invented the sport of Le Parkour or 'free-running The idea of Le Parkour is to find new ant often dangerous ways to travel across the, town. The runners or 'traceurs' work in groups. They run and jump over walls, roofs and buildings — everything! They tz to move like cats. David and his friend Sebastian spent ten years in Lisses practising their moves and jumps and 4 teaching other people. Last year they on television for the first time, David sa; that Le Parkour is an art and a philosophy, not a sport. They are not trying to win | medals. They just want to learn new mov and do them well. They like to feel free David says: “We do it because we need to move. We are going to take our art the world and show people how to mo And we are going to go where no hun ever went before.” a AR RCE Ure CABULARY AND SPEAKING ] The weather ] 1 Match the words and symbols. sunny rainy windy snowy cloudy “ Ea. E “o (E Ma: (CrrdB Which symbols can the following adjectives go to hot warm cold cool wet dry 2 QHER3 Listen and complete the answers. What's the weather like today? tes and it's very What was it like yesterday? On, it was and What's it going to be like tomorrow? [think it's going to be rr» | k e querem erememreeeemem Practise the questions and answers. Ask and answer about the weather where you are today, yesterday, and tomorrow. 3 Work with a partner. Find out about the weather round the world yesterday. Student A Look at the information on this page. Student B Goto pl51. Ask and answer questions to complete the information. WORLD WEATHER What was the weather E like im Athens? Athens s | Hrwas sunny and Berlin R E warm. IE degrees. Bombay Edinburgh ER [ N Geneva Hang Kang s 29 E Lisbon London R 10 Los Angeles Luxor s ja|. Milan : Moscow. Sn |-1 Oslo ao 4 Which city was the hottest? Which was the coldest? Which month do you think it is? 96 Uniti2 + Life's an adventure! FO EVERYDAY ENGLISH Making suggestions 1 Make a list of things you can do in good weather and things you can do in bad weather. Compare your list with a partner. Good weather goto the beach 2 GHFRD Read and listen to the beginning of two conversations. Complete Bºs suggestions. 1 A ltsalovely day! What shall we do? B Lets ! PRA les raining again! What shall we do? B Lets and 1 We use shall to ask for and make suggestions. What shall we do? Shall we go swimming? = | suggest that we go swimming. 2 We use Let's to make a suggestion for everyone. Let's go! = | suggest that we all go. (Let's = Let us) Let's have a pizza! 3 Continue the two conversations in exercise 2 with these lines. Put them in the correct order a-c. [1 | well, lets go sviltâming. [1] OK. Which film do you want to See? Oh nal! it's too hot to play tennis. [ [| oh no! we watched a DVD last night. [1] OK. Ml get my Swimming costume. 1) Well, lets go to the cinema. Listen and check. RARA Practise the two conversations with your partner. Pay attention to stress and intonation. 4 Have more conversations suggesting what to do when the weather is good or bad. Use your lists of activities in exercise 1 to help you. | DD WRITING Writing a postcard pl23
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