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New headway student book 1 pdf, Notas de estudo de Engenharia Agronômica

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Baixe New headway student book 1 pdf e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Engenharia Agronômica, somente na Docsity! Fourth edition Headway Beginner Student's Book -< John and Liz Soars A CLÍTLL LD) DVD-ROM Revise» Review» Improvi IJa Listen. Say your name. WHAT'S YOUR NAME? am/are/is, my/your 1 DD Read and listen. Pablo Mika My name's Mika. Pablo Hello, Mika. DD Listen and repeat. GRAMMAR SPOT l'm =lam name's = name is What's = What is 2 Stand up and practise. /lenD. I'm ___ _ What's YDur name? ( My name's • ) '-...\ 6 Unit 1 • Hello! Hello! am/ are/ is, my/your · This is ... • How are you? • Good morning! What's this in English? • Numbers 1-10 • Plurals /lenD. I'm JDsef. EVERYDAY ENGLISH Good morning! Complete the conversations. I Goodbye! Good night! 1 A Good morning! B Good morning! What a lovely day! 2 A ______ _ B 3 A ___ __ _ B 4 A ______ _ Geed ffl","iAg' DD Listen and check. Practise the conversations. Good afternoon! 2 Put the words in the correct order. 1 A Good morning! Ell Im mm ImI! How areyou today ? B Fine, thanks. I 2 A Good afternoon! B Good afternoon! i; A Goodbye! •• mlD B Thank you. And you . • mmml 4 A Good night! III mm B Thank you . •• lID Listen and check. Practise the conversations. Unit 1 • Hello! 9 VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING What's this in English? 1 Write the words. 2 0!liI Listen and repeat the words. 3 DIll Listl'n and repeat. What'~ thi~ in fngli~h? ahook a crunera a car a photograph a computer a bag a hamburger a television a phone a sandwich a bus a house Work with a partner. Point to a picture. Ask and answer questions. 10 Unit 1 • Hello! ~%W,*f;i;'j4ei ~ It's = It IS 4 Go to things in the room. Ask your teacher. What'~ thi~ in fngli~h? ,.--'------, Numbers 1-10 and plurals II!!I Read and listen. Practise the numbers. 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 • SIX 7 seven 8 eight 9 • mne 10 ten 2 Say the numbers round the class. 3 Write the numbers. (DJ it 0 five books ~ ~ W cars 0-- houses ~ 11 '" a .0 6 [ill cameras f!J Am IilII I 0 photographs ~ 63 ITJ sandwiches [!] - - computers I·· I III I·· aiii IIiiiEilI •••••• • Ci!II I -- ,cm:I lliJ -- buses 0]-- students DIll Listen and check. 4 Ask and answer questions. What's iH this picture? S DEI Listen and repeat. Isl Izl books cars photographs computers students hamburgers cameras televisions bags phones iIzI sandwiches houses buses GRAMMAR SPOT Singular one book one bus Plural two books two buses ~~ Grammar Reference 1.4 p123 Unit 1 • Hello! 11 PRACTICE Cities and countries Where are the cities? Ask and answer. 11'. in gpain. Barcelona Sao Paulo Beijing Utf.JJ1t- Sydney Moscow Tokyo Cairo Budapest Los Angeles London DD Listen and check. 2 Work with a partner. Student A Look at the photos on this page. Student B Look at the photos on p 140. Ask questions and write the answers. Talking about you 3 Ask about the students in the class. lie'. from Italy. From Rome. 14 Unit 2 • Your world Questions and answers 4 DD Listen and complete the conversation. Practise it. RoseJy Hello, I'm Rosely. What's --'y"'o"'ur'-----_ name? Brnno _ _ __ name's Brnno. R Hello, Bruno. Where are you _ _ _ _ ? B from Brazil. Where are you from? R Oh, I'm from Brazil, too. from SaD Paulo. B Really? I'm from Sao Paulo, too! R Oh, nice to meet you, Bruno. 5 lID Listen and write the countries. 1 Claudio: _'",ta"'IYL-_ Akemi: 2 Charles: Bud: _ _ _ _ 3 Loretta and Jason: _ _ _ _ 6 Match the questions and answers. 1 [ill Where are you from? 2 D What's her name? 3 D What's his name? 4 D Where's he from) 5 D What's this in English? 6 D How are you) 7 D Where's Montreal? lID Listen and check. a His name's Bruno. b He's from Sao Paulo. c It's in Canada. d I'm from Brazil. e Fine, thanks. f Her name's Tatiana. g It's a computer. Work with a partner. Take turns to cover the questions or the answers. Practise them. Check it 7 Tick (./) the correct sentence. 1 D My name Mika. 4 D He's from Spain. III My name's Mika. D His from Spain. 2 D What's he's name? 5 D Where she from' D What's his name? D Where's she from? 3 D 'What's his name?' 'Kevin.' 6 D What's her name? D 'What's her name?' 'Kevin: D What's she name' Unit 2 • Your world 15 READING AND SPEAKING Where are they from? 1 mI!J Read and listen. 2 Complete the sentences. 1 Holly is from in Canada. 2 She's a ___ _ 3 Her is in the centre of Montreal. 4 Claude is from _ __ _ 5 He's a ___ _ 6 His hospital is in the of Montreal. 7 They in New York. 8 They are _ _ _ _ 3 Write questions with What ... ? and Where ... ? about Claude and Holly. Ask a partner. What . .. name? Wh ere . .. from ? Where . .. school? Where . . . hospita l? GRAMMAR SPOT Write is or ore. She a teacher. He a doctor. They from Canada. ~ Grammar Reference 2.4 p123 16 Unit 2 • Your world This is a photograph of Claude and Holly Duval from Montreal in Canada. They are on holiday in New York City. Holly is from Canada and Claude is from France. They are married. Holly is a teacher. Her school is in the centre of Montreal. Claude is a doctor. His hospital is in the centre of Montreal, too. 4 DIII Listen to Claude and Holly. Complete the conversations. 1 _ ® e,¥um C Oh, no! Look at the weather H Ugh! It's _ _ _ 2 © 'di"i.!ili:i H Wow! Look at my _ __ _ It's fantastic! C My hamburger is , too! 3 I@ffiitj © 'TIlCrrn C What's this buildiM9...-? H It's the Empire State Building! It's --- 4 C Wow! _ _ _ _ at Central Park! HIt's --- DIII Listen and check. Practise the conversations. PERSONAL INFORMATION Questions and answers 1 Look at the photos and read Ellie's profile. 2 Surname: Green First name: Ellie Country: England Address: 29, Victoria Road, Birmingham Phone number: 07700955031 Age: 20 Job: Student Married: No ElIie's Photos ~. . .•. ~ Complete the questions and answers. 1 What's her surname ? Green 2 What's her ? Ellie 3 Where's she ? England 4 What's her ? 29, Victoria Road, Birmingham 5 What's her ? 07700 955031 6 How old is she? She's 7 What's ? She's 8 Is she ? No, she isn't. DD Listen and check. Practise the questions and answers. 3 lID Read and listen. Then listen and repeat. Is Ellie from America? )( No, she isn't. Is she from Spain? )( No, she isn't. Is she from England? .I Yes, she is. 4 Ask and answer questions about Ellie. 1 Is she from London? Liverpool? Birmingham? 2 Is she 16' 18? 20? 3 Is she a teacher? a nurse? a student? 4 Is she married' 5 Complete the sentences. 1 Ellie isn't fro m the United States. She _'s_ from England. 2 Her phone number ~~ 07700995031. It 07700 955031. 3 She 4 She 18. She married. 20. Unit 3 • All about you 19 METRO 5 - THE AUDITION Negatives - I'm not, they aren't Look at the picture. Who are the people? 2 lID Listen to and read The Audition Interview. Listen again and complete the questions. 3 Answer the questions about the band. 1 What's the band's name? 2 Are Paul and Donny brothers? ; I L ,. ,," 3 Are they from Scotland? 4 Are the other boys from Ireland? 5 Are t/:ley all builders? 6 Are they all singers? og Listen and check. Practise the questions and answers. GRAMMAR SPOT Negative I'm not from Scotland. I'm not = I am not They aren't from Ireland. They aren't = They are not. 2 Short answers Are you f rom Scotland? Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Is th is your band? Yes, it is./No, it isn't. Are t hey f rom Ireland? Yes, they are./No, they aren't . ~ Grammar Reference 3.1 p124 4 Practise The Audition Interview in groups of three. Talking about you 5 Ask and answer the questions about you. Ar. you from Ar. you a stud.~t? ( Ye<, .. ;J Are yeu a Murse? ., . ( NO"':;J Ar. you marri.d? Ar. the other stude~ts from Ir.laMd? Ar. they married? 20 Unit 3 • All about you '"' I 1t....:S:::~ ___ NTERVI EW Hi! ..J1<>.s __ ..1tmhi.>..s __ your band, Metro s? P Yes, it is. P Great! And _ __ ___ Donny McNab) No, I'm not. I'm Paul McNab. This is Donny. He's my brother. Ah, yes, sorry. Hi, Donny. You're a builder from Scotland, right? Well , yes, I am a builder, but I'm not from Scotland. Oh, where ___ ___ from? PS.D We're from Ireland. D D P D Aah! the other boys from Ireland too? No, they aren't. They're all from different countries. Oh! Interesting! And all builders? No, they aren't. Paul 's a bus driver and ... Yeah, I'm a bus driver and Ronan's a nurse and Ba and Edson are students. Interesting! And Donny, _____ _ the singer in the band? Yes, I am, Well, we're all singers. Oh, right! Nice to meet you. Good luck to you all! Thank you very much. PRACTICE Is he a businessman? 1 Look at the pictures of Diego and Grace. Where are they? 2 IDI Listen to the conversations. Complete the chart. First name Diego Grace Surname HernaHdez Chou Country Mexico City/Town Phone number 2.12. 631?·q475 Age ' 42. Job Shop a~~i~taHt Married? IDI Listen again and check. 3 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Is Diego from Mexico City? Yes, he i~ . Is Grace from the United States? Is she a nurse? Is he a businessman? Is he 42? Is he married? Is she 33? Is she married? 4 Talk about Diego and Grace. Diego is from Mexico City, Hi~ ~urHame i~ ,., Talking about you 5 Complete the questions. 1 What's ~our first name' 2 surname? 3 you from? 4 phone number? 5 HO\" old ? 6 job? 7 married? In groups, ask and answer the questions. Writing 6 Write about another student. Read it aloud. Grace i~ from .. , Her Hame'~ . , . She'~ from Italy .. , Her phoHe Humber i~ . . , Check it 7 Tick (,f) the correct sentence. 1 D She's name's Anna. III Her name's Anna. 2 D Her job is teacher. D She's a teacher. 3 D He's phone number is 796542. D His phone number is 796542. 4 D I'm not a doctor. D I amilt a doctor. 5 D They aren't from Italy. D They're no from Italy. 6 D She is no married. D She isn't married. Unit 3 • All about you 21 Family and friends our/their • Possessive 's • The family • has/have • The alphabet JiI7 STARTER 1 Complete the chart. you he she we they my our their 2 Talk about things in th~e::icl:as:sr~o:;:o:m~. --'--===~~==---'---------'-----::======:--' MY FAMILY Possessive S 1 DD Read and listen. This is my book. This is our class. ANNIE TAYLOR This is Annie Taylor. She's married, and this is her family. Their house is in London. She's a doctor. Annie's hospital is in the centre of town. Jim is Annie's husband . He's a bank manager. Jim's office is in the centre of town, too. 'Our children are Emma and Vince. Emma is 15, she's at Camden High School. Vince is 19, he's at the University of Westminster. We're all happy in London.' l GRAMMAR SPOT She's married. She's a doctor. 's = is 2 This is her fam ily. This is Annie's family's = the family of Annie J his I ff' her I h I Jim's 0 Ice Emma's sc 00 ~~ Grammar Reference 4.1-4.J p 124 2 Answer the questions. 1 Is Annie m arri ed? Ye •. • he i. 2 Where's their house? 3 What's Annie's job? 4 Where's her hospital? 5 W hat's jim's job? 6 Are their children both at school? OD Listen, check, and practise. Who are they? 3 4 l1li Listen and repeat. 9 mother daughter sister a father son brother II parents children Look at the family tree. Jirn r Vince + 1 J FAMILY TREE Annie ~ Ernrna wife husband L DD Listen and complete the sentences. 1 Annie is jim's wife 2 jim is Annie's 3 Emma is Annie and jim's 4 Vince is their 5 Annie is Vince's 6 jim is Emma's 7 Emma is Vince's 8 Vince is Emma's 9 Annie and jim are Emma and Vince's 10 Emma and Vince are jim and Annie's DD Listen again and check. 5 Ask and answer questions with a partner. Who'. Vinoe? He'. Emma'. brother. He'. Jim ' • • on. 6 DD Listen to the five people. Who are they? I Annie 4 Come on, Emma! Time for «hoo/! ) 2 3 4 5 Unit 4 • Family and friends 25 PRACTICE An American family 1 OD Listen to Elena Diaz from Chicago. Complete the information about her fa mily. Name Age Job Elena's brother Oscar Elena's mother 2 Complete the sentences. 1 Oscar is Elena's brother. 2 Her name is Maria. 3 'What's job?' 'He's a businessman: 4 'Where's house?' 'It's in Chicago: 3 Write the names of people in your family. gtefan Danuta Ask and answer questions with a partner. He's/ ghe's my brother/ mother ... How old is he/ she? What's his/ her job? 26 Unit 4 • Family and friends my/our/your ... 4 Complete the sentences with my, our, your, ... 1 'What's your name?' ( My name's Annie: 2 'What are names?' 'Our nam es are Emma and Vince: 3 Jean-Paul and Andr" are students. _ _ _ _ school is in Paris. 4 'My sister's married: 'What's husband's name?' 5 'My brother's office is in New York: 'What's job?' 6 We're in English class. 7 'Mum and Dad are in Rome: 'What's the name of _ _ __ hotel?' om Listen and check. 3 Underline the correct information. 1 Toni is ... a student / a nurse / funny / beautiful / married. 2 Toni has. . . two sisters / a brother / a husband / a boyfriend / a lot of music. 3 Vince is . .. Toni's brother / Toni 's boyfriend / great / an accountant. 4 Mark is ... Toni's brother / Toni's boyfriend / a Manchester United fan / at school. 5 Toni's parents have. . . a house / an apartment / one daughter / three children. 6 Toni likes. .. Metro 5/ dancing / football / Vince. 4 D!II Listen to the people. Who are they? 1 Toni Listen to this band! It's Metro 5! They're fantastic! 2 3 _ _ _ 4 ___ __ _ 5 __ _ 6 __ _ 7 __ _ 8 ___ _ _ _ 5 Work with a partner. Talk about Toni. Writing 6 Write about a good friend - his/her family, job, favouri te music and sport, . . . My friend 's name is .. . Her/ His parents ... ~he 's/He's .. . Her/ His favourite ... ~he/He has .. . ~he/He likes ... Read it to a partner. Unit 4 • Family and friends 29 EVERYDAY ENGLISH The alphabet Bb G9 h Ii 1 Look at the letters of the alphabet. om Listen. Practise them. 2 IIDI Listen and practise the groups of letters. lell a hj k I;;JUI 0 li:1 bcdegptv lu:1 quw lel f lmn sxz 10:1 r lall iy How do you spell . . . ? 3 am Listen to people spell their first name (Annie) and their surname (Taylor). Write the names. 1 ANNIE TAYLOR 2 __ _ 3 _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ 4 Practise spelling your name with a partner. !jow do you spell your first "ame? A.N-T.O.N-I-A D-O·W-N·'-N·G 30 Unit 4 • Family and friends L ... 5 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer How do you spell ... ? with words from the text about Antonia on p28. ( F-R-I-E~ 6 Put the letters in the correct order. What's the country? NEFACR N APIS LARZIB N APA) LASARUTAI YLIAT GANELDN FRANCE . 7 Read the letters aloud. What are they? vw . " H" r .'(I..;, .• ~' . f BBC""" 1 ' ' 1<' ~ y,.,~. v'': '1 I . WWW UK US UAE onJ Listen and check. NYPD PC /', TV On the phone 1 IDI:I Listen to two phone conversations and look at the business cards. Conversation 1 A Good morning. Laxcon International. J Hello. The Manager, please. A Certainly. And your name is? J Jose Gonzalez. A How do you spell your surname? J G - O -N-Z-A-L-E-Z A Thank you. I'm connecting you. S Hello. Sam Benting speaking. J Good morning, Mr Benting. My name's ... Conversation 2 B Good afternoon . The King School of English. M Hello. Can you give me some information about your school, please? B Of course. Your name is? M Mayurni Morioka. B Mayumi ... Sorry, how do you spell your surname? M M - 0 - R - I - 0 - K - A. B Thank you. What's your email address? M It's B I'll email you some information today. M Thank you very much. Goodbye. 2 IDI:I Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What company is he/she phoning? 2 What does he/she want' 3 How do you spell his/her surname? 4 What's his/her email address? Practise the conversations. Export Manager Te193-306 785 04 Fax 93-412 234 95 Email • MAVUMlffiorlO Address 1-10 #204 Akasaka Building Sen.oag:aya Shibuya-ku Tokyo 510051 JAPAN rPhone +81-3-5414-6443 Fax +81-3 -5414-6444 Email Roleplay 5 Write your business card. Email addresses Have conversations with a partner. 3 Notice how we say email addresses. @ at . dot (om Ikoml (0 Ik~ol .it .au uk Iju: 'kell (United Kingdom) ca Isi: ell (Canada) .es .fr wanadoo 4 IDlI Listen and complete the email addresses. pam 2 harrylime 3 paul 4 glennamiles @btinternet wanadoo hotmail btinternet compuserve What's your email address? Tell a partner. yahoo .cz Phone the bank I a hotel I a sports centre ... name: address: lel: email: company name fax: PRACTICE Reading and speaking Look at the pictures. What's Colin's job? IB Read and listen to the text. COLlN BRODIE FROM DUNDEE 'Hello! My name's Colin Brodie. I come from Dundee in Scotland, but now I live and work in London. I have a very small flat near the centre. I live there with two friends. I'm a waiter and I'm also a drama student. I work part-time in an Italian restaurant. I eat Italian food and I drink Italian and French wine. I don't drink beer. I don't like it. I speak two languages - Spanish and French, but I don't speak Italian. And I don't play sports. I want to be an actor: 2 l1li Listen to the conversation with Colin. Complete his answers. Questions Colin's answers 1 Where do you come from' { I come from Scotland, from Dundee. 2 Do you live in Dundee? ~No,1 dOH't . 1 and in London . 3 Do you live with friends? ") Yes, I do .1 with two friends. 4 Where do you work? ~ I in an Italian restaurant. 5 Do you like Italian food? S Yes, I .1 it a lot. 6 Do you drink Italian wine? \., Yes, I .1 wine but I drink beer. I like it. 7 Do you like your job? "'-No, I .1 want to be 8 Do you speak Italian? 'bNo,1 .1 Spanish and French but I speak Italian. l1li Listen again and check. Practise the questions. 3 Ask and answer the questious with a partner. Vocabulary Give true answers about you. 4 Match a verb in A with a line in B. GRAMMAR SPOT A B o or on? a small flat an actor a waiter an Italian restaurant Write a or an. have~~ Italian food I,ve sports work In a flat come ~ two brothers ice~cream _ orange student American car _ computer ~ Grammar Reference 5.2 p125 eat in a bank drink from Japan play to be a millionaire speak beer want Spanish 34 Unit 5 • The way I live - Listening and speaking 5 IIIJ Listen to four conversations. Where is Colin' Who says these lines? 1 Bye, Colin. See you later. 2 I work late on Fridays. 3 Do you want to order? 4 Do you have a wine list? 5 Colin, come here! 6 I want you to read it again. 7 I like your food the best. 8 Do you want to speak to your brother? Look at IIIJ on p 114. Practise the conversations in groups of three. Talking about you 6 Work with a partner. Complete the questions, then ask and answer them about you. Where you come from? 2 Do you in a house or a flat? 3 Where you work? 4 you like your work? 5 How many languages you ? 6 Do you Chinese food? 7 What do you play? 8 you to be a millionaire? Check it 7 Tick (,f) the correct sentence. D Live you in Berlin' D Do you live in Berlin? 2 D Where do you come from? D Where you come from? 3 D Do you speak Portuguese? D Are you speak Portuguese? 4 D I don't speak Chinese. D I no speak Chinese. 5 D 'Do you like football? ' 'Yes, I like: D 'Do you like football?' 'Yes, I do: 6 D He's a actor. D He's an actor. Unit 5 • The way I live 35 VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Languages and nationalities 1 Match the countries and nationalities. England Germany Italy Mexico Brazil Japan Portugal China France the United States Spain iDIlJ Listen and repeat. Japanese French - English American Chinese Italian Brazilian Mexican German Portuguese Spanish 2 What nationality are the people in the pictures, do you think? I think they're Italian. 3 Match the countries and the languages to make true sentences. In Brazil they speak Portuguese. 1 f/ Brazil Canada France Germany Italy Japan Mexico Egypt Spain Switzerland IDII Listen and check. German Italian Japanese Portuguese Spanish English French Arabic 4 Ask and answer questions with a partner. What language do they speak in Brazil? 36 Unit 5 • The way I live Portuguese. .:: E YOAY ENGLISH uch is it? 1 Coont from \ - 30 round the class. mm listen and repeat. 10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred c~= a> 100 in tens round the class. a partner. S&.ImtA some nu mbers. Student B Write the numbers you hear. thirty-two __ _ forty-five __ _ to your partner. 32 45 __ _ Read and listen to the prices_ Practise them. 60 sixty dirty p /p i:/ SOp fifty P 75p seventy-five p £1 one pound £20 twenty pounds £75 seventy-five pounds £1.60 one pound sixty £3.45 three pounds forty-five £22.80 twenty-two pounds eighty ;:De prices. 60p 97p £17 £70 £25 £1.50 £16.80 £40.75 £26.99 €20 €50 $100 iI!!J listen and check. II!iI Listen and tick (,f) the prices you hear. 1 _ and answer questions about the pictu res with a partner. Unit 5 • The way I live 39 ~ STARTER Every day Thetime • Present Simple-he/she · always/sometimes/never Words that go together • Days of the week 1 IDI Listen and repeat. Write the times. D It's nine o'clock. D It's nine thirty. D D 2 IDI Listen to the conversation. A What time is it, please? B It's nine o'clock. A Thank you very much. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the time. Unit 6 • Every day D It's nine forty-five. I 0 It's ten o'clock. D It's ten fifteen. D _D~ ____ ~ · HAT TIM E DO YOU GET UP? ?resent Simple -I/you 1 IDI Listen to Kim talking about her schooldays. @r~19the times. IDI Listen again. Practise the sentences. 2 Work with a partner. Talk about your day. I g~t up at 7.30. I have breal<fa~t at . .. 3 IDI Listen and repeat the questions. What time do you get up? time do you have breakfast? I J J' -' 4 Work with another partner. Ask and answer questions about your day. What time do you go to work? Unit 6 • Every day 41 PRACTI CE Lois's day 1 Elliot Maddox has a sister, Lois. Her day is different. Look at the pictures. What does she do? 2 Read and complete the text with the verbs. cooks go.e.s (xl) Ii>Ies eats gets gets up has invites listens to phones plays works LoisMaddox The seaside artist fills her day with work, walks, music, and friends. Lois Maddox is 25 and she's an artist. She (1) lives in a small house by the sea in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. She always (2) late, at ten o'clock in the morning. She (3) a big breakfast - coffee, eggs and toast - and then she (4) to the beach with her dog. When she (5) _ __ home, she (6) ___ in her studio until seven o'clock in the evening. She never (7) lunch but she always (8) a big dinner, and she often (9) fr iends. After din ner;she usually (10) music .or (11) the piano. Sometimes she (12) her brother, Elliot, in New York. She (13) to bed very late, at one or two . o'clock in the morning. IDII Listen and check. 3 Are these sentences about Lois or Elliot? Write He or She. I ~ 's a millionaire. S doesn't eat lunch. 2 's an artist. 6 doesn't cook. - - 3 _ _ lives by the sea. 7 cooks for friends. 4 __ gets up very early. 8 _ _ loves computers. Practise the sentences. 4 mm Listen and complete the phone conversation between Lois and Elliot. Lois Hi Elliot, how are you? Elliot I'm --,f"-'.in",e _ _ , thanks. Busy as usual. L Oh, you're _ _ -<- busy. You and your computers! E I know, but I my work. L I love my work, _ ___ , but I relax ___ _ E Huh! I don't know about that. You paint all day! L Yes, but I stop in the ___ . You ___ stop! E That's not true. Hey Lois, how's your friend Nancy? L Nancyr She's OK. You know, Elliot, Nancy _ _ _ you. She often about you. E Mm, I like Nancy, too. L Well, come and _ _ __ me soon. I want to cook for you and Nancy. E Good idea! What about next _ __ ? Next Sunday? L Yes, great! I _ __ invite Nancy at the weekend. E Great. See you Sunday. Have a good week! mm Listen again and check. Practise the conversation with a partner. Negatives and pronunciation 5 Correct the sentences about Lois and Elliot. I She lives in a fl at. She doesn't live in a f lat! She lives in a house! 2 He gets up at ten o'clock. 3 She's a businesswoman. 4 He goes to work by bus. 5 She watches television in the evening. ImJ Listen and check. Notice the sentence stress. Practise with a partner. Talking about you 6 Work with a partner. Write the names of two people in your family. Ask and answer questions about them. lje 'S"'Y~ Who is 7 How old is ... ? • What's ... job? • Where does ... live? • Where does ... work 7 • Whattime does she/he .. . ? Does she/he have ... ? Check it 7 Complete the questions and answers with do, don't, does, or doesn't. . I you like ice-cream?' 'Yes,I _ _ _ 2 she work in London?' 'Yes, she _ _ _ 3 'Where ___ he work?' 'In a bank: 4 you go to work by bus?' 'No,I __ _ 5 she go to bed early?' 'No,she _ _ _ 6 they have a dog" 'Yes, they __ _ 7 he speak German?' 'No,he __ _ 8 they live in the US?' 'No, they __ _ Unit 6 • Every day 4S VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING Words that go together A B Match a verb in A with words in B. ma Listen and check. getup~ go dinner - early listen to TV watch in an office cook music work to bed late 2 IImJ Look at the questionnaire. Listen and repeat the questions. li est le . Do you ... ? always usually sometimes 1 get up early D D D 2 have a big breakfast D D D 3 walk to school/work D D D 4 go to school/work by bus D D D 5 watch TV in the evening D D D 6 go shopping at the weekend D D D 7 eat in restaurants D D D 8 drink wine D D D 9 go to bed late D D D 3 Ask a partner the questions and complete the questionnaire. T ick (.f) the correct boxes. r DCYou ... ? ) '--y Yes, usually. Yes, sometimes. 4 Tell the class about YO ll and your partner. JuaH usually gets up early. I Hever get up early. 46 Unit 6 • Every day A B ~;~ in restaurants drink the piano eat coffee have shopping play at home stay a shower never D D D D D D D D D Gina Macy, fashion model, answers your questions. 1 GERRY from TEXAS You're American, but you don't live in the US. So where do you live? r!ILl1.i,1 Hi Gerry! I live in France, in Paris. A lot of my work is here. Paris is my favourite city. I love it here. 2 DENG from SINGAPORE I know you are divorced. Who are you married to now? What does your husband do? r!ILl1.i,1 I'm married to a Frenchman now, Julien Caribe. He's a photographer. I love him very much and he loves me, so we're very happy. 3 MIRIAM from SYDNEY I watch all your fashion shows. I love your clothes. Do you choose them? Who is your favourite design er? When are you in Sydney again? r!ILl1.i,1 Thankyou Miriam. No, we don't choose our clothes, the fashion house chooses them for us. Chanel is my favourite designer. We're in Sydney next October. 4 SILVIO from ROME I love your website. Who are the kids in the photos? How old are they? r!ILl1.i,1 The girls are my daughters Freja, she's six, and Frida, she's four. The baby is our son, Pierre-Louis, he's ten months old. I adore them all. S INGRID from STOCKHOLM Why do your daughters have Swedish names? r!ILl1.i,1 Because their father is Swedish. He is Lars Lonnkvist the film director. It's sad, but he never visits us. He doesn't often see his beautiful daughters. 6 JULlE from OXFORD You do a lot of fashion shows. How many shows do you do every yea r? Why do you work so ha rd? What do you and Julien do in your free time? r!ILl1.i,1 Julie, I work hard because I love my work. I do about eight big shows a year. But I love my fami ly too. Friday is our favourite day, we all go to the best pizza restaurant in Paris. Pizza's my favourite food! 5 6 Complete the sentences with the words from Gina's website. 1 Paris is my favourite city . . I love it here. 2 I love very much and he loves 3 We don't choose clothes. The fashion house chooses for 4 The girls are daughters and the boy is son. I adore all. S father is Swedish. It's sad, but he never visits 6 Friday is favourite day. Correct the information about Gina. · gmamacycom > Profile modgl Gina is a fashion p~er. New York is her favourite city. She loves it there. Next October she's in Singapore for a fashion show. She's now married to an American. They have a baby daughter. Saturday is their favourite day. IDI Listen and check. Read it aloud. GRAMMAR SPOT 1 Match the question words with an answer. Where?~ Peter. When? Wh , In America. o. On Sunday. Why? . Because ... How many? Ten. 2 Complete the chart. Subject I you he she it we they Object me him , ; , us thgm Possessive my 1 his her its our thgir ~ Grammar Reference 7.1- 7.2 p126 --;:::;;:;:-";::0' ,'.;;;;'- :;.::.,,:...~~- - -~ . ...,-,'""-_.""'.- ~"'-,-,-.-. '.~ Unit 7 • My favourites 49 THIS IS MY FAVOURITE .. . this and that 1 Look at the pictures. Complete the conversations with this or that. A B How much is _ _ _ H £9.50. G I'll have it, lease. N M No, the red one! mI Listen and check. C Who's that ? D The guy in the hat? That's the boss! How much is _ _ _ J It's £500. I love it. It's fantastic! o wine. P Where's itfrom? o Chile. It's delicious. 2 Test the other students! Ask them questions about things in your classroom. What's that in English? SO Unit 7 • My favourites E What's _ _ _ F _ __ your phone? Yes, it is. Thanks. ___ is for you . R A present? For me? Why? Q Because I love you! ~ Grammar Reference 7.3 p126 PRACTICE I like them! 1 Complete the sentences with it, you, them ... 2 'Do you like dogs?' 3 'Do you like me?' 1 'Do you like ice-cream?' 'Yes, I love --"itL-__ 'No, I hate _ __ _ 'Of course I like _ ___ I' 4 'Does yo ur teacher teach you French?' 5 'Do you like your teacher?' 'No, she teaches English: 'We like very much: liD Listen and check. What do you like? 2 Ask and answer questions with a partner. Ask about ... football cats television ice-cream chips dogs mobile phones Google pop music your neighbours 00 you like football? Questions and answers 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questi ons. 1 Why/you live in London? Why do YOU live in LOMdoM? 2 Why/ Annie want to marry Peter? 3 Why/you eat so much chocolate? 4 Why/Dan always sit next to Maria? 5 Why/you/not watch football' 6 Why/you/not eat carrots' (, oo li ke . oo) Because /like it. (oo. love oo.) ( ... adoJ'!" . oo ) ___ ___ _ _ ( ... Iike ... ) ( ... hate ... ) ( ... hate ... ) 4 Match the questions and answers. How do you come to school? a They start at nine o'clock. 2 What do you have for breakfas~ ' b In an office in the centre of town. 3 Who'syourfavouriteband?" ~c By bus. 4 Where does your father work? d Not a lot. About O. S Why do you want to learn English? e I don't have a favourite. I like a lot. 6 How much money do you have on you? f Three. 7 What time do lessons start at your school? g Because it's an international language. 8 How many languages does your teacher speak? h Toast and coffee. ?: lID Listen and check. Practise the questions. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about you. Check it • 5 Tick (,f) the correct sentence. D What do you do at the weekend' 0 Where do you do at the weekend? 2 0 Who is your boyfriend? 0 When is your boyfriend? 3 0 How many money do you have? 0 How much money do you have? 4 D I don't drink beer. I don't like. D I don't drink beer. I don't like it. 5 D Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. D Our teacher gives we a lot of homework. 6 D She loves me and I love her. D She loves my and r love she. Oh yes! I adore thelll. Unit 7 • My favourites 51 EVERYDAY ENGLISH Can I. .. ? Write a number 1-5 (place) and a letter a- e (activity) fo r each picture. PLACES 1 a chemist + a railway station 3 a post office 4 a clothes shop 5 a cafe , - ..-.... 54 Unit 7 • My favourites ACTIVITIES a have a coffee b buy some aspirin c post letters .e. catch a train e try on a jumper ; -j eta in town 2 Ba Listen to Iveta. She is in different places in town. Where is she in the conversations' What does she want? Where is she? What does she want? at the railway statioM a returM ticket to Oxford 2 4 5 3 Complete the conversations with a partner. IN A RAILWAY STATION I Can I have a return _ _ _ to Oxford, please? A Sure. I How much ___ ___ ? A Twenty-two fifty, please. I Can I by card? A No problem. Put your card in the machine. And enter your PIN number, please. 2 IN A CLOTHES SHOP I Hello. Can I this jumper, please? B . The changing rooms are over there. 3 IN A POST OFFICE I post the~e letters to the Czech Republic, ? C Sure. Put them on· the scales. That's £1.68. I Thank you. is a stamp for a postcard to the United States? C -two p. I Can I have ___ , please? 4 IN A CAFE D Yes, please! I Can I have _ __ _ _ _ , please? A latte. D Large or small? I . To take away. D Sure. Anything to eat? I No, _ _ ____ . Just a coffee. D Thanks _____ _ 5 IN A CHEMIST'S E Next, please! I Hello. Can I have _ _ ___ _ , please? E Twelve or twenty-four? I ? E Do you want a packet of twelve aspirin or twenty- four? I Oh, twelve's ___ , thanks. mIll Listen and check. Practise the conversations. Roleplay 4 Work with a partner. Make more conversations with different in formation. a return/single ticket to Manchester/ Bristol this jacket/this T-Shirt this parcel to Italy/this letter to Russia a cheese and salad sandwich/ an ice-cream shampoo/ toothpaste Unit 7 • My favourites 55 Where I live Rooms and furniture • There is/ are • Prepositions • Directions JIIII'" STARTE Do you live in a house or a flat? Do you have a garden or a balcony? Tell the class. We don't have a garden but we have a big balcony. 2 IDI Look at the picture. Listen and repeat the rooms of a house. living room, dining room ... 3 Find the things in the house. Write the numbers. [1l a bed 0 a TV 0 a table o a cooker o a shower o afridge o a sofa o atoilet o an armchair lID Listen and repeat. 56 Unit 8 • Where I live o alamp o a picture o a magazine o a DVD player o alaptop o a desk PRACTICE Questions and answers 1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. live Do you house a or in flat a D Do YOU liv, i" a hou., or a flat ? many How are bedrooms there D--- - --- ? there kitchen Is a phone the in D--- ----? in living the a television Is room there D------? OVO player a under Is there the television D ? there in Are your bedroom books a lot of D ? Are the there on pictures any wall D ? IIlI Listen and check. " 'ork \\ith a partner. Ask and answer the questions about your home. Two different rooms 3 Work with a partner. Student A Look at the picture on this page. Student B Look at the picture on p141. Your pictures are different. Talk about them to find differences. 4 lID Listen to a description of one of the rooms. Which room is it? Check it 5 Tick (.f) the correct sentence. D Is a sofa in the living room? D Is there a sofa in the living room? 2 D There's DVD player on the floor. D There's a DVD player on the floor. 3 D Are there a poster on the wall? D Are there any posters on the wall? 4 D My keys are in the drawer. D My keys are on the drawer. S D The lamp is next to the bed. D The lamp is next the bed. Unit 8 • Where I live S9 READING AND VOCABULARY Vancouver - the best city in the world 1 Work with a partner. Look at the map and find Vancouver. Is it near the US? 2 Look at the pictures. Find these things. mountains a ferry • a park • the sea • a trolley bus • sailing a beach • a train • fishing 3 Read the text about Vancouver. Write the five paragraph headings in the correct place. Where to sta ' Whento 0 What to do How to travel Where to eat lID Listen and check. 4 Answer the questions. 1 Where is Vancouver? 2 When is a good time to visit? 3 Does it rain a lot? When? 4 What do people do ... ? • in the mountains • on the beach • in Stanley Park 5 What water sports are there? 6 Why are there so many kinds of restaurants? 7 Are all the hotels expensive? How much are they? 8 What is a good way to see the city? 5 Complete the chart with adjectives from the text. Adjectives Nouns busy, cosmopolitan city mountains beaches shops and restaurants the weather seafood hotels trolley buses Sky Train 60 Unit 8 • Where I live , n Francisco Where is it? Vancouver is in south-west Canada, next to the Pacific Ocean, 24 miles from the US border. It is always a good time to visit Vancouver. The weather is never too cold or too hot. It is warm and sunny in summer, but it rains a lot in autumn and winter. In spring, go skiing in the mountains in the morning and sunbathe on the beach in the afternoon. In summer, go swimming, sailing or fishing, or go walking in North America's biggest park, Stanley Park. There are excellent shops in Yaletown, and there is also theatre, opera, and music of every sort. Vancouver is the 'c of Festiva Is'. ~ Vancouver is a cosmopolitan city so there are French, Italian, Japanese, Indian, Thai, and Chinese restaurants. Vancouver's Chinatown is the second biggest in North America, after San Francisco. There is also a lot of delicious, fresh seafood. In the busy city centre there are some excellent, expensive hotels. The beautiful Fairmont Hotel is $400 a night, but next to the sea there are a lot of cheap, comfortable hotels from $59 a night. You don't need a car in Vancouver. There are slow, old trolley buses and there is the fast, modern Sky Train. Take the ferry - it is a great way to see the city. Times past Saying years • was/were born • Past Simple - irregular verbs • have/do/go • When's your birthday? ~ STARTER I IDI listen and underline the years you hear. Say them. 1 1996/ 1986 2 1916/1960 3 2010/2002 4 1699/1799 5 1840/1945 6 2005/2015 2 IDI listen and repeat. 1840 eighteen forty 1996 nineteen ninety-six 2005 two thousand and five 2010 two thousand and ten / twenty ten 3 What year is it now? What year was it last year? What year is it next year? WHEN WAS SHE BORN? was/were born I Look at the photos. Do you know the people? When were they born? Im Listen and write the years. Jane Austen, the English writer, was born _ _ _ in Hampshire in the south of England. 2 mI Listen and repeat. She was a writer. She was born in He was an opera singer. He was born in _ _ . 64 Unit 9 • Times past Luciano Pavarotti, the Italian opera singer, was born in in Modena in the north ofItaly . .. 3 Ask and answer questions with other students. GRAMMAR SPOT Complete the chart of the verb to be. Present Past am 4 lID Listen to the questions and answers. You are were Practise them. He/ She/ It -is When were you born? I was born in 1994. When was he born 7 He was born in 1978. We are were The are When was she born? She was born in 1991. ~ Grammar Reference 9.1 p127 When were they born? They were born in 1001. 5 ID:I This is Magalie Dromard. Listen to her talking about her family. Write when the people were born. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Magalie's family. 6 Who is your grandmother/grandfather/aunt/uncle ... ? Write the names of some people in your family. Ask and answer questions abont them. rne-st A Who's Ernest? B He's my uncle. A When was he born? B I'm not sure. I think about 1935. 7 Tell the class about your partner's family. Peter's uncle was born in lQ56. His ,"other was born in lQ62. r-------------~ Wko are Andri and fila? They'reker •.. , Wken were tkey ... ? Unit 9 • Times past 6S PRACTICE Who were they? 1 Who are the people in the photographs? Match the people 1- 8 and the jobs in the box. D singer D musician D actor D writer D politicg n D artist D racing driver D princess Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. 2 IB Listen and write when they were born. 3 l1li Listen to the questions and answers. Practise them. Who was Shakespeare? He was a writer. Where was he born? In England. When was he born? In 1564. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about the other people. H8wasa~ ... 66 Unit 9 • Times past in Salzburg, Austria, in 3 Diana Spencer was born in Sandringham, England, in 4 Andy Warhol was born In , in Pittsburgh, in the US. Pollock! 3 Read and complete the newspaper article with the irregular verbs from exercise 1. Helen Byers in Los Angeles reports WHO IS JACKSON POLLOCK? Teri Horton, a 60-year-old lady from Los Angeles, , (1) went shopping in San Bernardino, a town in California, USA. She (2) wag in a charity shop when she (3) c.·-ow a colourful, modern painting. Sh~ (4) fOlfh ht for $5. . An art teacher saw the painting and (5) 5cu 'cl it was by the American artist, Jackson Pollock. 'Who is Jackson Pollock>' said Teri. She (6) h.<J' no idea that he was a very famous modern painter. Many art experts (7) c,0c"1,1- to her house to see the painting. Some said that it wasn't a 'Pollock', but one expert, Peter Paul Bir6, (8) r w'd Pollock's fingerprint on the back. Bir6 said, 'This is a real Pollock painting: A rich businessman was happy to pay $9 million for it, but Teri said: 'No! I want $50 million: In 2007, a Canadian TV company (9) i0w,f[ a film about Teri and the painting. It is now for sale in an art gallery in Toronto. Price: $50 million! Teri Horton with Potlock painting Read the article aloud with a partner. I,A.I Listen and check. 4 Look at the pictures only and tell the story again. Unit 9 • Times past 69 VOCABULARY have, do, go Look at the words that go with have, do, and go. They have lunch at 1.00. f-----......-- I always do my homework in bed. My parents go shopping on Saturday afternoon. 2 Write the words in the box next to the correct verb, have, do, or go. 5R8~~iAg a shower for a walk a good time have do go ItmeI! the housework some exercise breakfast lunch my homework shopping 3 Write the past of have, do, and go. I went had did Present Past have do go 70 Unit 9 • Times past FflY ReFflewe,l, on holiday home to work ~ 4 Complete the sentences with went, had or did. Yesterday I met my mother at one 0 ' clock and we had lunch in a restaurant. 2 I hate doing housework but last Sunday I _ _ _ a lot because my house was a mess. 3 Yesterday was a lovely day so I _ _ _ for a walk in the park. 4 Usually I walk but yesterday I ___ to work by bus. 5 On Saturday night I went to a great party. I a really good time. 6 _ _ _ a lot of exercise yesterday. I went to the gym. 7 The party wasn't very good so we _ _ _ home early. 'I'i' Listen and check. Talking about you 5 Complete the sentences with what you did. 1 Yesterday I had a shower at 0 ' clock. 2 This morning I breakfast at 0 ' clock. I had coffee and 3 Last Saturday I shopping and I bought 4 Last weekend I my homework at 0 ' clock on 5 Last year I on holiday to 6 Tell a partner what you did. EVERYDAY ENGLISH When's your birthday? 1 These are the months of the year. W hat is the correct order? JaMua ry Dece",ber september JaFlwary- April March November August October February May July June aeee(l'teef- "U. Listen and check. Say the months round the class. 2 Which m onth is your birthday? Tell the class. So is lIlY birthday! How m any birthdays are in each month? Which month has the most? 3 'I'bl Listen and repeat the numbers. fi rst, (1st) second (2nd) third (3rd) fourth (4th) fifth (5th) sixth (6th) seve nth (7th) eighth (8th) ninth (9th) tenth (10th) eleventh (11th) twelfth (12th) thirteenth (13th) fourteenth (14th) fifteenth (15th) 4 Say these numbers. 16t h 17th 18t h 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24t h 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th · 30th 31st I,arl Listen and check. 5 Ilflfl Listen and write the numbers. Practise them. the ofJanuary We say: the of March the tenth of April the of April We write: the of May 10 April the ofJune April 10 the of August 10/4/ 09 the of November Americans write: the of December 4/ 10/ 09 6 When is your birthday? Do you know the time you were born? Ask and answer in groups. WheM's your birthday? ,-1------- - _______ It's 0" the third at March. Tell the class. I was bar" i" 1%'2 0" the tweMtieth of July at two o'clock i" the ",0'MiM9. 7 '1)1:' Sing Happy Birthday! to Sarah. Unit 9 • Times past 71 PRACTICE Grammar 1 Complete the sentences in the Past Simple. 1 I played (play) tennis on Sunday. 2 Yesterday we (have) lunch in the park. 3 She (do) her homework on the bus. 4 I ____ (not clean) my flat last weekend. S 'Where he (buy) his new computer? ' 'He (buy) it on the Internet: 6 'What ____ you ____ (do) last night?' 'I (not go) out. I (go) to bed early: Did you have a good weekend? 2 Look at the questionnaire. What activities are in the pictures? 3 Put a tick (,f) next to the things you did last weekend. 4 Ask your teacher the questions. Put a tick (,f) next to the things she/he did. 5 Ask a partner the questions. Put a tick (,f) next to the things she/he did. Tell the class about you and your partner. Maria weHt to the ciHema, but I didH't. I weHt shoppiHg. Last questionnaire weekend Did you ... ? You Teacher Partner go to the cinema D D D go shopping D D 0 have a meal in a restaurant D D 0 see your friends D D D play football D D D watch TV D D D go to a party D D 0 do a lot of homework D D 0 do a lot of housework D D D Making conversation 6 We ask questions to show we are interested. We went to the cinema last night. Oh, really? What did you see? ( Was it good? ) v Who was in it? Reply to these lines with a question. 1 'I went shopping yesterday: 'Really? What did you buY? 2 'We went to that new Italian restaurant last night: 'Mmm! (What/have?) " 3 'We saw a lot of our friends in the coffee bar: 'Oh! (Who/see?) ___ _ _ __ ?' 4 'I played tennis at the weekend: 'Oh, really? (Where/play?) _ _ _ ___ _ ?' 5 'The party on Saturday was great!' 'Oh, good! (What timelleave?) _ ______ ?' lillI. Listen and check. 7 Work \\~th a partner. Read the example conversation. A I went shopping yesterday. B Really? Where clid you go? A Oxford Street. B Oh! What did you buy? A Well, I wanted a new coat, and I went into SeJfridges. B Did you find one? A Yes, [ clid. I found a beautiful black one. It was only £50! Choose one of the conversations in exercise 6 and make it longer. 1'[1':' Listen and compare. Time expressions 8 Complete the time expressions using a word from the box. in on last I went there . .. _o_n _ Monday, __ '_ night 8 o'clock week 1007 _ _ year __ Sunday morning Check it 9 Tick (.f) the correct sentence. 1 0 She bought an expensive car. 0 She buyed an expensive car. 2 0 I played tennis on Sunday. 0 I play tennis on Sunday. 3 0 Did they went shopping yesterday? 0 Did they go shopping yesterday? 4 0 What did you do last weekend? 0 What did you last weekend? 5 0 'Did you like the film?' 'Yes, I liked: 0 'Did you like the film?' 'Yes, I did: 6 0 I saw John last night. 0 I saw John on last night. Who ? ...... Oh JOO,,! Unit 10 • We had a great time! 7S VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING Sport and leisure What are the activities in the photos? !Il tennis D football D skiing D golf D sailing D windsurfing D rugby D ice-skating D cards D walking D swimming D dancing D cycling D fishing D horse-riding 2 Write the activities in the correct colwnn. I play tMnis. I go skiing. play go + -ing tennis skiing 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the activities. 4 Ten the class about your partner. A.licia doesn't play tennis, but she goes skiing. She went skiing in Switzerland last year. 76 Unit 10 • We had a great time! · EVERYDAY ENGLISH Going sightseeing 1 Write the names of two cities and the dates when you were a tourist there. london, July 2005. Paris, April200Q. Show a partner. Talk about the cities. What did you do there? What did you see? What did you buy? ~ ( We visited:;J c::;0 ( I bOU9h:;J 2 •• ull' Listen and complete the conversations in a Tourist Office. 1 A Hello. Can I ? B Yes. have a map of the city, please? A Of course. Here you are. B Can you where we are on the ? A Yes. We're in Regent Street in the city 2 C We want to go on a tour of the A That's fine. The next bus at 10 o'clock. It about an hour and a half. C Where does the bus go from? A It Trafalgar Square, but you can get and when you want. 3 D I want to visit the British Museum. What time does it A It opens at 10 in the morning and at 5.30 in the evening. D is it to get in? A It's Work with a partner. Practise the conversations. ? 3 When people go sightseeing in your town, where do they go? What is there to do in your town? Roleplay There's a park and a zoo. Visitors 90 to the marketl the old town I the square ... 4 Roleplay a conversation in a Tourist Office with your partner. Student A You are a tourist at the Tourist Office. Ask for information. Student B You work in the Tourist Office in your home town. Give information. !-Iel/o. I want to 90 on a tour of the town .. . That's fine. You can ... see the exhibition ... visit the castle .. . I can do that! can/can't · Adverbs • Adjective + noun • Everyday problems Do you have a computer? Do you use it for ... ? • work • the Internet • computer games • shopping • em ails Talk to a partner. Tell the class. WHAT CAN THEY DO? can/can't 1 Match the words and photos. pilot farmer schoolboy athlete iA.e,~,e.e, grandmother architect 2 Complete the sentences with a or an and a word from exercise 1. 1 Marcus is an interpreter . He can speak French and German fluently. 2 Laura is _____ . She can draw well. 3 4 5 )ustin is _____ . He can fly 747 jumbo jets. _____ . He can drive a tractor. George is Lola is . She can run very fast. 6 Oliver is _ ____ . He can use a computer really well. 7 Margaret is Oliver's _____ . She can make fantastic cakes. •• 111 Listen and check. Practise the sentences. 3 Tell a partner what you can do from exercise 2. I can use a computer and I can draw. Questions and negatives 1 lill. Listen and repeat the questions and answers. Can Marcus speak French? Can you speak French? Can Laura draw well? Can you draw well? Yes, he can. Yes, I can. Yes, she can. No, I can't. I can't draw at all! 1 Ask and answer more questions with a partner. First ask about the people, then ask about your partner. Can La'a run fast? Yes, she can. Of course I can! GRAMMAR AND PRONUNCIATION Can/Can't have the same form for all persons. 1/ You / He / She / It / We /They ' draw. I can I cant 2 11111 Listen and repeat the different pronunciations of can and can't. /bn/ He can speak Spanish. /bn/ /ko :nt/ They can't draw. /kren/ Can you drive? Yes, I can. ~ Grammar Reference 11.1-11.2 p12B 3 lilt. Read and listen to Oliver and Dominique. Complete the conversation. Dominique Can you use a computer, Oliver? Oliver Yes, of course I ____ I All my friends can. I a computer at home in my bedroom and we use computers at all the time. D That's great. What other things can you _ ___ ? o Well, I can ____ fast, very fast, and I can draw a bit. I can really good cars but 1 _ _ drive them of course! I can draw good planes, too. When I'm big I want to be a pilot and 7475. D Excellent. Now, I know you can speak French. o Yes, I _ _ _ _ . I can speak French fluently because my dad's French. We sometimes _ _ _ _ French at home. D Can you speak any other languages? o No, I ____ . I can't speak German or Spanish, just French - and English of course! And I can cook! I can cakes. My grandma makes fantastic cakes and I sometimes help her. Yesterday we made a big chocolate cake! lilC' Listen again and check. Practise the conversation with a partner. 4 Answer the questions about Oliver. 1 What can Oliver do? What can't he do? 2 Does he use a computer at school' 3 What does he want to be when he's big? 4 Why can he speak French well? 5 What did he do yesterday? Unit 11 • I can do that! 81 READING AND LISTENING The Internet What are these websites for? What does 'www' mean? 2 Match the verbs and nouns. Verbs Nouns t;"'"",\ a newspaper watch a bill play an email pay friends read chess chat to 1\ a hotel send TV book the radio Which of these things can you do on the Internet? 3 What do you know about the Internet? Discuss these questions . • When did the Internet start? Why did it start? • What can people do on the Internet? 4 1111;1 Read and listen to the text about the Internet. Answer the questions in exercise 3. 5 Are the sentences true (,f) or false (.x')? Correct the false (.x') sentences. 1 The Internet started in the 1970s. 2 Telephone companies started it. 3 It started in America. 4 In the 1980s, scientists sent messages between computers. 5 There is an international computer language. 84 Unit 11 • I can do that! What do you do on the Internet? 6 'IIK" Listen to the people. When and why do they use the Internet? Complete the information. Chclrlotte.14 When? every day Why? help with homework Lauren,20 When? _ _______ _ Why? _ ______ _ Why? _______ _ Alan Krum 47 When? ________ _ Why? ________ __ Edna,71 When? Why? Illf' Listen again and check. 7 'The list is endless!' Work in groups. What different things do you use the Internet for' What are your favourite websites? Tell the class. Unit 11 • I can do that! 85 VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING Adjective + noun 1 Work with a partner. Match the groups of adjectives with the nouns. Adjectives old young tall fast expensive delicious fresh big busy cosmopolitan dangerous exciting funny interesting boring warm and sunny cold and wet Nouns food car people weather city sport films 2 Complete the sentences with words from exercise I. Compare answers with a partner. 1 A Ferrari is ____ _ ______ _ _ _ 2 'How _ ____ is your brother?' 'He's very ) 1.9 metres: 3 I think motor racing is a ________ _ _ 4 Can I have a orange juice, please? 5 New York is a very _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ 6 Charlie Chaplin made some very _ _____ _ 7 We can't go for a walk, it's too _____ __ _ •• lIltl Listen and compare. Look at the tapescript on p120 and practise the conversations. 86 Unit 11 • I can do that! 3 Work in groups. Think of examples of these things. • an expensive car and a cheap car • a dangerous sport and a safe sport • an old city and a modern city . ' an old film star and a young film star Compare your lists . GRAMMAR SPOT would like I'd like ... is more polite than I want .. . I'd like some ham, please. 2 We offer things with Would you like ... ? Would you like anything else? some and any We use some in positive sentences. I'd like some cheese. 2 We use any with questions and negatives. Do you have any Emmental? We don't have any Emmenta!' ~ Grammar Reference 12.1- 12.2 p128 2 "fI' Listen to two more conversations with Adaln. What are his words? I'd like ... 3 Adam has a visitor. Complete their conversations. 1 A What would you ___ to drink' V A juice. I' an apple juice, please. A Er ... I have __ orange juice, but I don't have __ apple juice. V Don't worry. Orange juice is fine. Thanks. A _ __ you _ __ something to eat? V Yeah, OK. A sandwich. A cheese sandwich? A Er .. . I don't have _ _ _ cheese. Sorry. I have ham. you _ _ _ a ham sandwich? V I don't like ham. .. A _ __ you _ _ _ some cake, then? V Yes, please. I'd love _ _ _ "f,' Listen and check. Practise the conversations. Roleplay 4 You have a friend at your house. Make him or her feel at home! Offer some of these things. • a drink • a coffee • something to eat a glass of wine some ice-cream Would you like a drink? • watch the football • listen to some music watch TV • see the garden play some computer games Unit 12 • Please and thank you 89 PRACTICE It's my birthday! Ilfl' Listen to the conversation. What does the woman want to do' Why is the man not happy? 2 Read and complete the conversation with words from the box. would you like I'd like I'd like to (x3) A Hey, isn't it your birthday soon? B Yeah, next week on the 15th. some A So, what for your birthday? B I don't know. I don't need anything. A But, buy you something. B That's kind but I think forget my birthday this year. A What? You don't want any presents! Why not? B Well, I'm 30 next week, and that feels old. A 30 isn't old. Come on! _ _____ _ ta~e y<?u Ol~t for ~ meal with friends. You can choose the restaurant. B OK, then. Thank you. that. Just don't tell anyone it's my birthday. A Oh, that's silly! 11.1. Listen again and check. Practise the conversation. Birthday wishes 3 Ilftl Listen to three people. 'It's their birthday soon. Complete the chart. like for a present? like to do in the evening? 4 It's your birthday soon! Ask and answer questions about what you'd like. What would you like for "\ your birthday? I'd like an iPod, and j/ some new clothes, .•. ~ .. 90 Unit 12 • Please and thank you What would you like to do on your birthday? I'd like to go out for a meal with some friends. \ / like and would like W hat's the difference between these sentences? I like Coke. I'd like a Coke. 2 IlfII Read and listen to the two conversations. Which conversation is about what you like day after day? Which is about what you want to do today? 1 A What do you like doing in your free time? B I like going to the cinema, and I like playing computer games. A Do you like playing ... ? 2 C What would you like to do tonight? D I'd like to go out. What about you? C Great! Would you like to go to the cinema? D I'd love to! What's on? Practise the conversations with a partner. GRAMMAR SPOT Like refers to always. I like tea. I like going to the cinema. 2 'd like refers to now or soon. I'd like a cup of tea, please. I'd like to go to the cinema tonight. ~ Grammar Reference 12.3 p 128 Talking about you 3 Work with a partner. Make conversations. What would you like to do this weekeHd? Well, I'd like to ... What about you? Listening and pronunciation 4 Ilfl:' Listen to the conversations. Tick (,/ ) the sentences you hear. 1 IZl Would you like a Coke? D Do you like Coke? 2 D I like watching films. D I'd like to watch a film. 3 D We like flats with big bedrooms. D We'd like a flat with two bedrooms. 4 D What would you like to do? D What do you like doing? S D I like new clothes. D I'd like some new clothes. Look at lifl:' on p121 and practise the conversations. Check it 5 Tick (,/) the correct sentence. 1 D I like leave early today. D I'd like to leave early today. 2 D Do you like your job? D Would you like your job? 3 D Would you like tea or coffee? D You like tea or coffee? 4 D I'd like any tea, please. D I'd like some tea, please. S D They like something to eat. D Theya like something to eat. 6 D I don't have any money. D I don't have some money. VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING In a restaurant Read the menu. What do you like on the menu? What don't you like> Tell a partner. ~e ... and ... I don't like ... or ... ) 2 lIED Listen to Liam and Maddy ordering a meal in the CAFE FRESCO. Who says these things? Write L (Liam), M (Maddy), or W (Waiter) . ..'!L Are you ready to order? Well, I am. Are you ready Maddy? Yes, I am. What's the soup of the day? French onion soup. Lovely. I'd like the French onion soup to start, please. And to follow? I'd like the salmon salad with some chips on the side. Thank you. And you sir? What would you like? Er - I'd like the tomato and mozzarella salad, followed by the hamburger and chips. Would you like any side orders? No, thank you. Just the hamburger. And to drink? Sparkling water for me please. What about you Liam? The same for me. We'd like a bottle of sparkling water, please. Fine. I'll bring the drinks immediately. 3 Practise the conversation in groups of three. Roleplay 4 Work in groups of three. Roleplay being customers and waiters in a restaurant. 94 Unit 12 • Please and thank you CAFE FRESCO ; STARTERS Soup of the day Tomato and Mozzarella salad MAINS Hamburger and chips Fish and chips Salmon salad Spaghetti Bolognese Pizza Margherita SANDWICHES Chicken and salad Cheese and tomato Egg mayonnaise SIDE ORDERS Chips Mixed salad Mixed green vegetables DESSERTS Chocolate cake Apple pie and ice-cream DRINKS Mineral water, still or sparkling Coke £2.85 Fruit juice Coffee £2.00 Tea £4.25 £5 .95 £7.25 £10.25 £10.95 £9.25 £7.95 £6.50 £5.95 £5.95 £2.50 £3.75 £2.00 £3.85 £3.85 £1.85 £2.25 £1.65 Cc .... EVERYDAY ENGLISH Signs all around 1 Look at the signs. Where can you see them? 1 Which sign means ... ? 1 ~f~ You can go in here. 2 _ You can go out here. 3 You can't sit here. PULL 6 _ Push this door to open it. 7 _ Pull this door to open it. 8 _ Men can go to the toilet here. 11 _ You can buy something cheap here. l2 Stand and wait here. 13 _ Not open. 4 You can't smoke here. 9 _ You can go up or down floors here. 14 _1_ You can't go in here. 5 This machine doesn't work. 10 _ Women can go to the toilet here. 3 Ilfl[,' Listen to the lines of conversation. Which sign do they go with' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 Work with a partner. Write a conversation that goes with a sign. Act it to the class. Can they identify the correct sign? Unit 12 • Please and thank you 95 ".. STARTE 1 What are the colours? Write the colours from the box. blue re<! black white green yellow brown grey - 1 red 2 __ _ 3 __ _ 8 __ What is your favourite colour? Tell the class. 96 Unit 13 • Here and now Here and now Colours and clothes • Present Continuous • Opposite verbs • What's the matter? 2 What are the clothes? Write words from the box. a jacket trousers trainers a suit a jumper shoes and socks a scarf a shirt and tie a skirt a i"lflper a dress ~""- ' " . . 1'" _ :;;, o D Ilill Listen and repeat. boots a T-shirt and shorts D m 3 What clothes can you see in the classroom? What colour are they? Lillian's skirt is black. Roberto's shirt is blue. 2 Nigel and his family are on holiday in Spain. Nigel is talking with his boss, Bill, on his mobile phone. I'~I.I Listen to and read the conversation. Nigel Hello. Bill Nigel, it's Bill, sorry to call you about work. N Oh, hi Bill! That's OK. B First things first, are you having a good time? N Yes, we are. We're having a great time. BAre YOll staying in a hotel? N No, we're not. We're staying in a house with a swimming pool near the beach. B Wonderful. And your family? Are they enjoying it? N Oh, yes. The kids are swimming in the pool right now. Can you hear them? B I can. And are you and your wife relaxing? N We are. We're sitting by the pool. Karen's sunbathing, and I'm reading a lot. And I'm not wearing a suit and tie, just shorts and a T-shirt. B You're lucky. It's raining again here. Now, I'm calling about work ... N OK Bill, what's the problem? B Well ... GRAMMAR SPOT Read the sentences. He wears a suit for work. He's wearing a T shirt. Which sentence is about now' Which is true day after day but not now? ~ Grammar Reference 13.2 p129 3 How many true sentences can you make about NigeJ's holiday? Compare with your partner. Nigel enjoying the holiday. Karen is talking to Bill. calling Nigel. Bill isn't staying in a hotel. The children are wearing a suit. It aren't raining in Spain. swimming in the pool. They relaxing. 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about Nigel's holiday. 1 Are they ... a good time? 2 Where ... staying? 3 What ... the children doing? 4 What ... Karen doing? S What ... Nigel doing? 6 Is he ... a suit? 7 Why ... Bill calling? "id Listen and check. S Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. Nigel lives (live) in a house in London, but now he 's staying (stay) in a house by the sea. 2 He usually (wear) a suit but today he (wear) shorts. 3 He never (relax) at work but now he (relax) by the pool. 4 Karen (work) in a shop, but today she (enjoy) her holiday. S The children (work) hard at school but today they (swim) in the pool. 6 It often (rain) in England and it (rain) there now. Unit 13 • Here and now 99 PRACTICE Questions and answers 1 Make the questions. 1 you/wear/a new jumper? Are you wearing a new jumper? 2 we/learn/Chinese? 3 we/sitlin a classroom? 4 you/listen / to the teacher? S the teacher/wear/ blue t rousers? 6 all the students/speak/English? 7 you/leam /a lot of English? 8 it/rain today? Stand up. Ask and answer the questions. Are you wearing a new jumper? No, I'm not. It's really old. A photo of you 2 Bring a photograph of you to class. Say . .. • where you are. o what you're doing. o who you're with. o what you're wearing. Check it 3 Tick (,f) the correct sentence. 1 0 I'm wear a blue shirt today. 0 I'm wearing a blue shirt today. 2 0 Where are you going? 0 Where you going? 3 0 Peter no working this week. 0 Peter isn't working this week. 4 0 That's Peter over there. He talks to the teacher. 0 That's Peter over there. He's talking to the teacher. S 0 Heidi is German. She comes from Berlin. 0 Heidi is German. She's coming from Berlin. 6 0 Why aren't you having a coffee? o Why you no having a coffee? 100 Unit 13 • Here and now READING AND LISTENING This week is different 1 How do very rich people spend their time and money? What don't they do? Compare ideas with the class. They often have very big, expensive cars. They don't travel by public transport. 2 Read the introduction to the TV programme Th e Secret Millionaire. What do the millionaires do in the programme? Why are they called secret millionaires' The Secret Millionaire is a'programme on TV's Channer 4. Every week a different millionaire leaves his or her comfortable, expensive home and lives and works for ten days with people who aren't rich and need help. The people don't know who he or she is. They ar~ecret millionaires'. 3 Read about Colin Cameron. Complete the questions. Listening When he start his business' 5 Ill':' Listen to four conversations with Colin . 2 Where he li ve' Complete the chart. 3 Does he any children? 4 Why he a lucky man ' Who's he talking to? What's he talking about? 1 S Who does he to help? 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 3 4 Read This week is different. Are the sentences true (,I) or false (X)? Correct the fa lse ones. 4 What do you think? 1 Colin went to Manchester by bus. 2 He's staying in a flat in the centre of the City. 3 He isn't sleeping in a bedroom. 4 The hostel is for homeless boys and girls. S He's helping the boys to read and write. 6 They don't think that he is a good teacher. 7 Colin isn't enjoying the work at all. Discuss the questions. • How is Colin a typical millionaire? How is he not? • Why would Colin like his sons to meet the boys' • Do you think the TV programme is a good idea' 8 He wants to give Roger and Margaret a lot of money. Colin Cameron is this week's millionaire. He started his business 25 years ago when he was 19. He's now worth £60 million and lives ;I with his wife a nd t wo teenage sons in a beautiful, big country house. He also has a house in Majorca, and apartments in London and New York. He drives a yellow Lamborghini and even has a private plane. He says: 11 I am a very lucky man. Now I want to help people who are not as lucky as I am, especially young people. " J/ This week is different JjifJ" Colin left his family last weeke nd and we nt by train to Manchester. He is now living in Moss Side, a poor a rea of the city. He is staying with a married couple, Roger and Margaret Watson. They think he is looking ~:;~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~~J~ for work in Manchester. Roger and Margaret live in a small flat on the 8th floor of an apartment block. They only have one bedroom so Colin is sleeping on the sofa in the living room. They run a hoste l for homeless teenage boys. This week Colin is working with the boys in the hostel, an old, grey building in a busy road. Some of the boys can 't read and write very well and he is helping them learn so that they can find jobs. Roger, Margaret and the boys like Colin. They think that he is a good teacher. They have no idea he is a millionaire. Colin says: 11 I'm missing my family a lot but Roger and Margaret are wonderful people. I'm enjoying my time with them very much. I'm learning a lot about life. At the end of the week I want to give them £700,000 to build a new hostel. I'd like to bring my " sons here to meet them all. Unit 13 • Here and now 101
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