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Intl. Trade: Enquiry to Sales Contract & Related Docs for Business Transactions, Sintesi del corso di Inglese

The sequence of events and related documents in a business transaction between an importer (buyer) and an exporter (seller) in international trade. The process begins with an enquiry and ends with the payment reminder. Discover the key steps, documents, and discussions involved in this transaction, including goods ordered, delivery of goods, and methods of payment. Also, learn about the role of incoterms in international trade.

Tipologia: Sintesi del corso


Caricato il 26/10/2021

daniele-daniele-9 🇮🇹



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Scarica Intl. Trade: Enquiry to Sales Contract & Related Docs for Business Transactions e più Sintesi del corso in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! BUSINESS TRANSACTION It's a raltionship between 2 parts who are the buyer and the seller, and in international trade this subjects are called importer (buyer) and exporter (seller); In any case the transaction consisting on following steps and documents. It begins with an ENQUIRY, which is the question of informations about what company can offer; then there is the REPLY TO ENQIRY, which is written by the company and it could be: - Positive (the seller sends an offer reguarding the product) - Negative (the transaction end) If the reply is positive, there will be the OFFER, and after that the buyer have to answer the seller and this is calledREPLY TO OFFER, which could be: - Positive (there will be the order) - Negative (it will end) If the reply is positive, therewill be the ORDER, and after that the seller has to verify the feasibility of it, and it is called REPLY TO ORDER, which could be: - Positive (it will be confirmed) - Negative (it will decline) If there is an order, the 2 parts signed a SALES CONTRACT, which is an agreement between them and before that they are free to negotiate with specific terms and they have to discuss about: 1. GOODS ORDERED, they have to discuss about the quality, quantity and price of goods (if the buyer is interested in item/good, he can asks for a sample; he can asks also for discounts) 2. DELIVERY OF GOODS ORDERED, the yhave to discuss about how and when the good shave to be sent/delivered 3. METHODS OF PAYMENT There will the DISPATCH OF ADVISE, the seller uses this document to inform the buyer about sending products and the date of the delivery. After that step there is the DELIVERY NOTE, which is a accompanying document and it contains the description of delivered goods. It is also signed by the buyer, but there will be a copy which has to return to the seller as a proof of delivery. INCOTERMS: are used to make International trade easier They take place in international trade, they're used to make this type of trade easier, they define the costs, risks and obligations of importer (buyer) and exporter (seller), in relation to delivery of goods, which includes loading and unloading, transport and insurance. After that there is the INVOICE, which is a document sent by the seller, which includes the details of goods. After invoice the buyer has to pay, maybe through transfer, draft or cheque. If the buyer don’t pay the goods, the seller have to do a PAYMENT REMINDER, which is a document with which the seller reminds the customer to pay the invoice with the expiry date passed, and the purpose of this document is to collect payment for the product or service sold.
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